#I know I basically just copied the DBZA script but I wasn't in the mood today
Future Gohan Survives AU Part 4! The Return
It's been two weeks since Trunks left for the past. Two weeks. He should've been back by now. Bulma begins to get nervous. Gohan over there spends most of his time meditating. It's driving Bulma up the wall. She figured that being unconscious for years would make somebody want to be more active.
Bulma sits beside Gohan, who is currently meditating
"Do you think Trunks is okay?"
Gohan keeps his eyes shut, still trying to meditate
"Yes, Bulma. Trunks is completely fine"
Bulma looks at Gohan with confusion
"How do you know that?"
Gohan still keeps his eyes shut, still trying to meditate
"I don't. I have faith"
Bulma leans on Gohan's shoulder
"Do you think there's some way we could check on him?"
Gohan shakes off Bulma's head
Bulma punches Gohan in the stub
"Why aren't you more nervous?!?!"
Gohan opens his eyes and winces in pain
"Because Trunks is still stronger than I am you dick!"
Suddenly, Bulma and Gohan hear the alarm that Trunks is back. They both run over to the time machine to see how Trunks is doing. Hopefully he hasn't lost an arm. Gohan would be really bummed if Trunks had lost an arm.
When they got to the room holding the time machine, Trunks flew out to be hugged by Bulma. Trunks looked mildly annoyed. Gohan had a pretty decent guess why
"Hey mom! Ever meet dad?"
Bulma let out a sigh as Gohan is cackling in the background
"Okay, look, love is complicated."
Trunks looks over at Gohan
"And Gohan, when were you going to tell me you were a major nerd!"
Gohan puts his hand on his hip
"Sue me, I'm allowed to have my own childhood"
The three hugged each other. They were together again. At that moment, everything was okay again. These three felt like they could take on the world. All three of them finally had hope again. But Trunks still had one more question
"But seriously, mom, what did you see in him?!?!"
"A short, powerful person, desperate for attention! As a female scientist in her early 30's I could identify with that!"
Gohan gathers them in for a huddle
"Okay, Trunks. I want to see how strong you've gotten. So how about we go and finally kill those Androids?"
Trunks steps back
"Gohan, I'll take them on. I've gotten exponentially stronger"
Gohan gives Trunks a smirk and a fighting stance
"Spar for it?"
Trunks swept Gohan's legs
Trunks flew away to finally kill the Androids. And Gohan had a face of pure, concentrated pride. But Gohan's definitely going to have to ask Trunks to train him. Gohan figures that he's going to have to train with Trunks in order to catch up to him. He doesn't want Trunks to be leading the future. He's only sixteen. He wants Trunks to have the childhood he never had. But, Trunks has worked hard in the past. He's going to let Trunks have his win. Maybe he'll even bake a cake for him. He reminds himself to ask Bulma for cooking lessons. Bulma sends out camera drones to watch the battle.
Android 18 begins to throw out a heavy barrage of ki blasts at a building. She's letting out all of her rage on the building. It's borderline theraputic for her.
Android 17 lets out a chuckle to himself
"You know, sis, they say catharsis is actually bad for your health..."
Android 18 begins to let out her barage even more intensely
Android 17 chuckles again under his breath
"I would've gone for 'ro-thot''
Android 18 finishes tearing down the building, the building only being a pile of rubble
"I'm not even an android! I'm a cyborg!"
"Duh, since you're a girl, you'd obviously be a guynoid, which is funny considering 'guy' isn't a-"
An old man shoots Android 17 directly in the face. The bullets obviously bounces off. Android 17 swears under his breath
Android 17 begins to walk towards the old man, trapped under a car with only his upper torso free
"Not a bad shot, pops! You must be real popular at the shooting range!"
Android 17 gets face to face with his assualter
"I, on the other hand, have terrible aim. I gotta get real up close, see?"
Android 17 takes his assualter's gun and puts it directly in his mouth
"So do me a favor. Sit still."
Android 17 shoots his assualter directly in his face
"Ohhhh. Right. 'Gynoid', like 'gynecology'. It makes sense when you think about it-"
Trunks comes flying in without his jacket or sword. Just his utter bare hands. He's ready to throw down. And he's ready to wreck shit.
"I hope you got everything out of your wretched lives you wanted, because they end today! Starting today, nobody will die by your hands!"
Android 17 laughs out loud to himself
"Hey there, Lilac! It's been a few weeks since we wrecked your absolute shit"
Android 18 looks Trunks up and down
"See, 17? This is what you get when you don't double-tap. Also, does he look different to you?"
Android 17 joins 18 in the metaphorical eye fucking of Trunks
"Now that you mention it, yeah! He does! He ditched the sword, lost the jacket, plus he got *jacked*. You must be crushing that 5-by-5. Also, did you get a little taller?"
Android 18 rolls her eyes
"Jesus Christ just swipe right already!"
Android 17 elbows his sister
"Pretty sure he's your type, sis"
Android 18 stops paying attention to Trunks and turns her front to her brother
"No thanks. I'm into shorter men"
Trunks begins to fly as fast as he can to Android 18. Android 17 realiazes that his sister's shit is about to get rocked
Trunks lands his blow perfectly, he lands the perfect uppercut and he hits 18 so hard she flies through multiple buildings while yelling so many explicitives it would make a sailor blush
Android gets out of her pile of rubble, she's bloody, and she's livid
"Now, it's too bad you left that sword at home...'cause now I'm going to have to do what comes next with my bare hands!"
Android 17 faces his sister and yells at her
"Is this a bad time to point out his specific choice in shirt?"
Trunks assumes a fighting stance and monologues to the Androids
"You know, it's funny and a little bit sad. You two Androids didn't have to turn out like this. The ones I met in the--"
Android 17 gives out an offended gasp, Android 18 rolls her eyes at her brother's offense
"Hold up, did you call us "Androids"? That's offensive."
"Again with this shit?"
Trunks scratches the back of his head out of slight embarassment
"Oh, right. They called you "Androids" in the past."
Android 17 gives out a face of confusion
"'The past'? What, did you time-travel?"
Trunks looks dumbfounded
"Uhhhhh yeah"
Android 18 joins in her brother's confusion
 Wait, when was that? Shouldn't we remember you?
Trunks turns on his Super Saiyan as high as he can reasonably reach to. He even goes SSJ Grade 3. He figures even with the fatigue, he can still outspeed the Androids
How about this...If I don't kill you in the next minute, I'll give you an explanation.
Android 17 looks slightly intimidated by his opponent's sudden gain in muscle mass. But nevertheless, assumes a fighting stance
"Trust me, wife-beater...By the time we're done with you, we won't need one."
Android 18 suddenly gives a face of disgust at her brother
"Wait a second! That's what you meant by his choice in shirt? Jesus, dude!
Android 17 gets snippy at his sister
"Dude, are you kidding? I put a bullet in some dude's gray matter not two minutes ago and that's what's got you offended?"
Trunks gets sick of letting the comedy troupe continues, so, he rushes towards Android 18 and gives out just an average blast attack. But, the blast completely annihilated Android 18. He didn't expect to be that strong. Trunks was about to do a dorky dance, but wanted to look like a credible badass. Besides, he still had a job to finish.
Android 17 puts his hands up
Any chance that I could talk you out of this?
Trunks begins to charge an attack directly in front of him
"What was my Master's name?"
Android 17 begins to sweat bullets
Trunks begins to concentrate all of his ki into his arm
"The man who taught me. The man whose arm you took. The man you almost killed. Tell me. What was his name?"
Android 17 basically signs his death warrant
"Gooooooo....kuuu Junior....?"
Trunks lets out a half strength attack, which completely obliterates the Android. Trunks is finally done with it all. The Android's reign of terror is finally over. And he couldn't be happier. Trunks begins to do a little dorky dance, not realizing that Bulma sent a observation robot
Bulma speaks through her robot
Gohan takes the mic and speak through the robot
Trunks smiled to himself.
It's good to be happy again
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