#I know jobstones don't actually consume your soul when you die so I hadn't thought he was IN there in there
elizabethrobertajones · 2 months
So, who are our previous incarnations? We got Tenzen as all but confirmed ... by 4 auspices and us wielding his legendary blade said to incinerate everyone else.
We have the theory of Haldrath, maybe that Padjal guy whose soulstone we have?
And my personal theory of Bardam of course.
Trying to think back through all the various history lessons we've had... We get so much random history from Eorzea but we meet so many of the characters from said history in actual form because of Shenanigans... XD
I don't think we have anyone from the War of the Magi who stands out, I think because a ton of lore was lost, and our interactions with things like Dun Scaith didn't give us much lore that was easy to jump on, or else whole civilisations were turned into immortal tonberries so we can't have been a Nymian who was present at the time. So I like to think that like Bardam, for lack of any actual lore except that she was There and has a statue, Kiribu of PotD buff fame, was one :D Thanks, past!me, for getting me through Floor 100 o7
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