#I know this is a subject I COULD talk abt w/my artist he's a HELLA chill guy idk I don't think he'd be upset?
imwritesometimes · 1 year
every day I want to cover the last tattoo I got more & more cause God forbid someone think I got it cause of a certain fandom..................
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audreils · 7 years
three tag games under, i’m tagging: @sirien​ @ronanlynhh​ @katiebells​ @kevcnday​ @bilourry​ @roseputa​ @esnysingle​ @noahsweetwne​ @jeanmoreos​ @fcyre​ @gansaey​ @sxofcrows​ @gayneil​ @mathiashevlr​ @andreil69​ @patrioclus @alekzandermorozova (u can any/all u want, or not do them lmao)
tagged by the loml @axdreil​
rules: answer the questions & ask 11 of your own
1. favourite piece of fiction all for the game or harry potter, hands down. theyre both so so imoprtant to me holy hell 
2. if u could live in any fictional world which would it be? why? definitely harry potter. i wanna be able to do magic bc im a lazy fucker and also i’d love to fuck w purebloods with muggle stuff
3. what was ur childhood anthem (or just ur fave song/band growing up) okay no one’s gonna know this bc i lived in pakistan but it was this song 
4. favourite moment from aftg all of them djkgag there’s so many how do i pick one?? but one of the more underrated ones has gotta be when neil calls matt from columbia and matt is ready to fucking kill andrew 
5. favourite ice cream chocolate chip bc im borin and love chocolate sm 
6. favourite pun im not punny can u believ im just accidentally funny
7. where would u like to travel to see u :~) @axdreil​
8. whats ur go-to feel good film/show/book/song/anything one direction lmao i watch their interviews and video diaries or just listen to their entire discography 
9. favourite season autumn!!!!!!!!!!1 9. on a scale of 1-10 how much do u love neil josten its way past a 10 im literally matt boyd 9. talk about something u love harry styles. i love him sooo much he’s gotten thru some tough times and he just makes me wanna be a better person. he’s been dragged thru the mud by the media so many times and at the beginning he let it get to him but i’ve seen him grow and mature into a beautiful person who is unapologetically and authentically himself and tbh thats who i wanna be when i grow up i wanna stay true to myself and to others and stay as kind as he is
my quesions
favorite part of ur day 
best thing about ur best friend 
advice you’d give to your 10 yrs old self
tell me a joke
favortie subject in school and why 
what’s the closest thing on ur left rn 
where did u last go on vacation
talk abt the best teacher you had 
favourite song/artist
would u go to the moon if u could
u can meet one person living/dead. who is it and why 
i was tagged by @glitterghxst terrible lmao anyway,,,
Are you named after someone? yes i am and im v happy with it 
When was the last time you cried? last night lmao 
Do you like your handwriting? depends on how it looks thers 67538975 variations
What is your favourite lunch meat? i?? dnt assign times to food i’ll eat whatever th fuck i want whenver i want 
Do you have kids? i am almost 19 yrs im a kid myslef 
If you were another person, would you be friends with you? no im annoying as fuc
Do you use sarcasm? sarcasm? who is she never heard of her
Do you still have your tonsils? i havent had them taken out so i guess yes 
Would you bungee jump? fuck yea if my mom let me 
What is your favourite kind of cereal? cookie crisp
Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? i am Lazy
Do you think you’re a strong person? lol
What is your favourite ice cream? chocolate chip
What is the first thing you notice about people? i dont fuckin know ,, maybe their choice or the way they hold themselves 
What is the least favourite physical thing you like about yourself? my whole entire face and my hands? ugli 
What colour pants and shoes are you wearing now? burnt orangey pants and no shoes
What are you listening to right now? castle by halsey at this second, i’ve got my spotify on shuffle 
If you were a crayon, what colour would you be? idk???? maybe beige idk man crayons have weird names 
Favourite smell? this is hella specific but the perfume my elementary school principal wore 
Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? my lil bro 
Favourite sport to watch? whats a sport 
Hair colour? black
Eye colour? brown
Do you wear contacts? no i would die beore i wear contacts again
Favourite food to eat? what else do u do with food? idk which tho 
Scary movies or comedy? either is fine tbh 
Last movie you watched? i,,,,,, cnat remmebr 
What color of shirt are you wearing? purple
Summer or winter? neitehr 
Hugs or kisses? hugs or forehead kisses IF im in the mood plss dont touch me otherwise 
What book are you currently reading? NOTHING bc im fucking depressd and cant focus on a single damn thing for longer than 5 seconds 
Who do you miss right now? my friedns and my aunt
What is on your mouse pad? its 2017 i have a laptop 
What is the last TV program you watched? the vampre diaries bc im trash
What is the best sound? the sound of peace and quiet 
Rolling stones or The Beatles? idc for either tbh oops but rolling stones i guess 
What is the furthest you have ever travelled? america i guess? bc i came frm pakistan
Do you have a special talent? surviving everyday i guess and negletcing every single responsibility. also being able to recognize a 1d song anywhere anytime as soon as it starts playing no matter how faint
Where were you born? rawalpindi, pakistan.., i miss it
tagged by @neljostns​. ty bbe!!
what fictional character do you relate to most? honestly, probably either sana bakkoush or andrew minyard, and they’re both vastly diferent i realize that but they capture both of my extremes and i’d die for them 
favorite song atm: sign of the time by harry styles listen to it here 
3 favorite films: kill your darlings, all the hp movies, titanic
3 favorite tv shows: b99, and the get down, skam
favorite school subject: english & psychology 
what book(s) impacted you most: aftg, soc, vampire academy 
what was your blog originally about and what is it about now? my main was originally 100% 1d; over the years it had 1d, 5sos, little mix, marvel, literally everything. now its back to 99% 1d. this one was a saved url for a while i only started really using it in like,,, august? of 2*16 i think
what is something you’re looking forward to? may 12!!!!!!!!!! harry styles releases his debut self-titled album get it here
favorite food? idk tbh,, maybe biryani 
3 things you like about yourself: my sense of humor, my ability to give zero fucks, my taste in music
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