#I personally have not had AI issues because of how I structure my assignments
keep seeing undergrads on social media saying “oh if a prof has a strict no-AI academic integrity policy that’s a red flag for me because that means they don’t know how to design assignments” like sorry girl but that just sounds like you’ve got a case of sour grapes about not being allowed to cheat with the plagiarism machine that doesn’t know how to evaluate sources and kills the environment! I have a strict no-AI policy because if you use AI to write your essays for a writing course it’s literally plagiarism because you didn’t write it and you’re not learning any of the things the course teaches if you just plug a prompt into the plagiarism generator that kills the environment, hope this helps!
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ai4cf23 · 7 months
mixed feelings (assignment 1)
When people think of writing, it doesn’t always occur to them that it can be a collaborative process. Why would it be? It’s an incredibly intimate art form that has no visual imagery beyond words on a page. The job of a writer is to evoke emotions through these words, to take ideas and somehow formulate them into a unique amalgamation that both encapsulates and explores the human psyche. So how, exactly, would someone (or something) fit into that?
In my own experience, I have found that sharing my writing is deeply terrifying. Coincidentally (and perhaps unfortunately), it is also very, very helpful—given the right group of people. A proper workshop can be extremely productive; having other writers read and give feedback on your work is probably one of the best things you can do for yourself. There are a few objective errors they might be able to catch: plot holes, grammatical mistakes, formatting issues. But the value in workshop lies mostly in the subjective interpretation of your work. Does it flow properly? Does the conclusion feel satisfying? Do you relate to the characters? Is the dialogue natural? What does natural dialogue even mean? Given that there’s no solid answer to any of these questions, I have doubts as to whether or not AI could be helpful in this way. If we take, for example, the concept of dialogue: it’s an active struggle for many to capture the “humanness” and verisimilitude of what good dialogue should be. If a real, living, breathing person cannot translate the very experience of conversation, then what hope does an AI have? I don’t say this merely out of skepticism either, because I’ve tried. Below is an example of a scene produced by ChatGPT after I provided it with the prompt: “can you write a scene between two characters arguing about where they should go for spring break?”
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Despite its ability to produce…something, the dialogue itself is very cluttered. People don’t talk like this. For attempt no. 2, I ask it to make the dialogue more natural.
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Still a no go. It interprets "natural" as more "colloquial", which, while true, doesn't work if it doesn't have an understanding of what colloquial speech entails.
“Sarah, Miami is so mainstream. I was thinking something more off the beaten path, like the Grand Canyon,” is giving sit-com. If ChatGPT were writing for a Disney channel show, then maybe this would be acceptable. But in a work of prose? No dice.
Okay. Let’s try something new. This time I ask if it can produce a work about adjusting to life in the city in the style of Lorie Moore’s How to Be a Writer, a notable and more importantly, distinct example of prose written in second person. Her writing is wonderfully whimsical and is not entirely linear. The first attachment below is an excerpt from Moore, followed by ChatGPT's output.
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Here, it’s nailed the style…sort of. The basic structure is there. But the diction is slightly off and the prose is awkward in a way I can’t quite articulate. It doesn’t “flow.” It is also obsessively literal in a way that feels strangely shallow. No one thinks of the subway in a way that is nearly as romantic as "underground chariot." Some other parts have potential: the phrase "tetris-like living" is interesting, but it's still wordy and unrefined. What is most glaringly obvious, however, is that it lacks imagination. Could ChatGPT have come up with something as randomly clever as "a short story about an elderly man and woman who accidentally shot each other in the head, the result of an inexplicable malfunction of a shotgun which appears mysteriously in their living room one night"? Would it occur to an AI to call Mr. Killian pore-face?
Evidently ChatGPT is capable of mimicking specific works, but it doesn’t really know how to produce content of a certain caliber. While I don’t ever intend to use AI to actually write in my stead, this severely undercuts any hopes I had for it being helpful in a collaborative/workshop capacity. I admittedly have not plugged any of my own work into ChatGPT just because it feels…sacrilegious? In a way? It’s a little unsettling knowing that my writing could be used to train it.
However! Back to the point. Where does this lead us now?
For me, the question of AI in its current iteration (or, at least, the version of ChatGPT that I have access to) is whether or not it can learn how to think abstractly in the way that is required of objectively “good” writers. Although it can try to mimic specific writing styles, that doesn’t mean it can achieve the same quality of work or produce something that is artistically sound. I think AI has a long, long way to go before it can begin to replicate the humanity that is required of prose fiction. That being said, it also makes me deeply uncomfortable that AI could ever potentially reach that level of sophistication. Writing is ultimately a form meant to capture the human experience. If a machine can somehow learn to accomplish something similar, then what does that mean for us?
For reference, I’ve also attached an excerpt of my own writing about living life in the city, loosely inspired by How to Be a Writer (this is also why I plugged that specific prompt into ChatGPT). This was written half a year before its release.
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titlepagemla776 · 4 years
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Buy Argumentative Essay
Buy Argumentative Essay Depending on the context, rebuttals as a rhetorical device can be effective in the identical paragraph as the protection claim, or as their own separate paragraph. Don’t be surprised if you end up revising your outline at this level. Often, the sort or quantity factual proof will dictate how and the place a good argumentative essay writer will introduce their rebuttals. A typical 5-paragraph argumentative essay will usually include three supporting arguments or “claims.” The evidence supporting these claims have to be factual and stem from dependable sources. Your supporting arguments mustn’t be private or hypothetical and there could be no illogical ranting or raving, grandstanding or soapboxing. I gotta admit that making a thesis statement isn’t so simple as it appears — you are able to do it only after preliminary literature analysis. The thing is, you have to know the subject rather well to form the principle concept of the paper. However, when you're expected to write down a particular analysis, then you're topic ought to be fairly particular. My Personal Nerd said that conclusion is strictly for summarizing the ideas and discovering you speak about in the entire essay — not introducing new concepts. Following the construction of an argumentative essay, the body could be wherever from a couple of paragraphs to a number of hundred pages in size. Let’s see some difficulties from your perspective and from the angle of our essay writers. The greatest argumentative essay writers at Ultius are by no means extreme and can defend their argument with as much supporting evidence that is essential to reasonably support their thesis. Remember, the effectiveness of your argument is simply as robust as the viewers’s comprehension of the topic, so it’s imperative that an argumentative essay be easily understood by the readers. Objectively reviewing and proofreading your essay can be difficult after immersing your self in the topic, so contemplate consulting classmates or pals to read your argument from an outdoor viewpoint. At Ultius, we’ve adopted an environment friendly 2-step course of to make sure high quality that involves an extensive editorial evaluation followed by a Copyscape authenticity verification. Just as there are three common methods for structuring an argumentative essay, there are three recognizable approaches to totally persuading your viewers. A solid plan in your argumentative essay will allow you to see the weaknesses and strengths in your argument earlier than you start writing your essay. You can follow this identical organization if you write an extended argumentative paper. The difference is that you simply add more supporting and rebuttal paragraphs to a longer paper. An argumentative thesis assertion begins with a debatable subject/issue. Call upon the strongest out there proof and use this to back up your claims one by one. Choose a wide range of proof, similar to anecdotal tales, analysis research or statistics. I also discovered from my Nerd that writing conclusion could be very simple — you simply need to say whether or not all of the arguments assist your thesis statement. That was exactly what I did for my argumentative essay and it was the only conclusion I’ve ever written. One of the first advice that my Personal Nerd gave me was to create a stable thesis assertion, as a result of it displays the primary idea and is the core of the entire paper, nevertheless long the paper is. Writing an argumentative essay in music could be enjoyable and very satisfying. You have extra flexibility to look at music not just from the entertainment viewpoint, however from how it relates to different disciplines. Here are some great topics to argue about in music. To discover argumentative essay matters straightforward on totally different platforms, you have to understand concerning the argumentative essay. The rebuttal of an argumentative essay refers to the occasion at which the writer addresses the opposition’s viewpoints and refutes them with supporting evidence. Thesis assertion helped me a lot through the process of writing the essay, because I may check if each argument and fact aligns with it. That’s how I ensured I didn’t digress from the primary level. Hi, I am an AI-powered Personal Nerd at NerdifyIf there’s one factor I had no clue about before turning to a Personal Nerd, it was thesis statement. Don’t get me wrong — I surely knew what it was, however never paid enough consideration to creating a thesis assertion or understood its true value in an argumentative essay. The thesis assertion is your point of view about that problem and how you'll prove it. When you first start writing essays in class, it isn't uncommon to have a topic assigned to you. However, as you progress in grade degree, you'll more and more be given the opportunity to choose the topic of your essays. When choosing a topic in your essay, you'll need to make certain your subject helps the kind of paper you are expected to put in writing. If you are anticipated to provide a paper that is a common overview, then a basic topic will suffice.
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dinomightofficial · 7 years
Analyzing Agre’s Text and connecting Ideas.
07/06/2017 - 18/06/2017
This is the research phase and analysis of the given text in which our assignment depends on. The following details is the building blocks and ideas that will become my visual essay, another blog entry will be made with the actual assessment contents.
After much proof reading and re analyzing of the content in the text with not only myself but also with other people in my table I have found out that or realized the inner context within these paragraphs from Agre’s text. These understandings are not merely from my own perception of the text but also through the boot camp exercise on day one of the debriefing and also through conversing with other classmates within the studio space. In a way, the construction of these paragraphs that highlight my and others ideas and understanding of the text can act as my note taking process as well as my research phase for the visual essay. To critically think is to be critical which I find is more often than not is despised which is ironic for the practice of this assignment.
On the day of the debriefing the boot-camp took place and the *kinda-ish* triad group began discussing about our given assignment and the text in general. One thing I had noticed during the lengthy discussion was the fact that there were no focused and specific topic regarding what we were supposed to be talking about. Instead the group went off in a tangent and began talking about domestic violence and if anything to do with Agre’s text was mentioned it was always (In my opinion) out of context with the authors intention. I guess it makes sense to discuss and be confused about how violence in tech and the process of critical thinking practice has got to do with one another but never was AI and the texts context talked about which I though was quite interesting.
The topic of domestic violence and just violence in general was the core topic of the tables talk and I began to think that this exercise was redundant in that not just our group but alike many others in the studio discussions went off in a tangent to the topic the paper intended us to discuss. The term “Critical thinking practice” was barely ever mentioned. Not the most useful session for this assignment.
Taking notes
As for taking notes and logging down ideas that I gain from analyzing Agre’s text and also by discussing with many other people in the studio I have gotten a wider understanding of what the assessor expects to see in my visual essay. These paragraphs below are in a way how I have interpreted the text by discussing them with others and are the notes that are ought to be connected and portrayed in the visual essay.
Paragraph 1 - analysis
Computer technology is with no doubt revolutionary in our daily lives and its impact in the way society operates and the changes that it brings about it still ripples through to this day (1). However, I feel like it is kind of an overstatement to treat this technological revolution with specialty and exception because as a trend every generation has a new type of technology. From the jet age to the atomic age to the space age every sort of age declares itself to revolutionize the future and change every aspect of our lives. In the context of AI however I feel as though it is not quite there yet to be even considered a large impact in today’s society although its peak is to be expected incredibly soon at this rate (2).
Paragraph 2 - analysis
Innovation and technological advancements in almost every field now a days is so advanced that major breakthroughs are in the sub sub categories (3). Perhaps it is the psychological construct to believe that I for one will never make a ground breaking discovery or innovation that will change the world or it is merely pity to think so (4). I know that optimists will say I’m delusional to think like this. Communities and researchers do their daily jobs to advance human civilization on a daily basis as their day-job and here I am pondering not if I will ever make a ground breaking innovation but merely if I will even get by the next five years just fine or not. The author notes in this paragraph that he finds it utmost difficult to maintain “constructive engagement with researchers whose substantive commitments [were in his] perspective wildly mistaken” which initially sounded arrogant and and almost rude at first but later made better sense to me in the context of this assignment. To critically think do we ever progress through superstition and myths and to be skeptical is to make changes in society that would have otherwise remained misconceptions had people like this author did not remain skeptical.
Paragraph 3 - analysis
‘Be skeptical’ remains the continuing ethics for this segment of the text when being a researcher or technical innovator. Skepticism may be interpreted incorrectly in this context but for the purposes of Agre’s text it will continue to mean ‘critical’ or ‘to critique’. However, I would have to disagree with the author in this segment of the text: “Technical research can only develop from within the designer’s own practical work” especially for the context of development in AI. Artificial intelligence is a programming structure that can be taught to some extent, although to get a the best understanding self induced learning is optimal but AI development is so advanced these days that even the creators themselves do not fully understand how they work (5). However, I do agree that more often not the greatest and most effective insight of ones profession can only come from self induced learning and realizations through trial and error.
Paragraph 4 - analysis
Paragraph four mentions that critical technical practice is a combination of design and “reflexive work” in which “computer work brings uncomfortably together” in which I must repudiate. Computer work is incredibly dependent on logical thinking, electronics, mathematics and possibly in the near future; quantum physics and neuroscience (6). However, in the applications of critical thinking practice I feel like it kind of makes sense to reflexively build on your own work but perhaps it applies to so many other practices and professions and not only design.
Paragraph 5 - analysis
Build up on practice. Daily and continues work will build up your own skills and ideas that will eventually and inevitably become a critical thinker through its practice. 
Connecting analysis with violence and boot-camp
Agre’s text and my analysis of it derives from my new and influenced understanding of ‘critical thinking practice’. I initially found it difficult, cumbersome and almost pointless to connect these practices and ideas with ‘violence in Auckland’ which is tied to our exercises in boot-camp. From my newer understanding of the text I think that the intention of this text is for us to reflexively reflect on what we think ‘critical thinking practice’ is and be skeptical about everything but not so much as to deny all previous logic but to strive to improve on ideas and practices when I may think that is impossible to do so. Violence in Auckland is I feel an esoteric term that most people don’t even think about it. Perhaps to rein-vision our previous understandings of how to tackle this issue is to be the purpose of this process and to reflect on what could be improved on. To critically think about this topic in a creative technologists standpoint is to solve these issues through new and almost risky ways that combat and change the way people view these topics.
Addressing challenging issues as a creative technologist
To address, tackle and solve challenging issues around the world is to be an innovator, an inventor, an intellect. Barely would anyone ever say that ‘that person’ would be a creative technologist. Creative technologists are merely just artists with a techno vibe, maybe, but perhaps that ought to change. To think critically and tackle old and traditional ideas with a twist and a fresh perspective is a creative technologists job and perhaps this is the sort of mindset that could create innovation in fields people previously deemed fulfilled or exhausted. Agre’s text connotes the process of being a critical thinker with insightful personal experiences, these examples and ideas conveyed throughout the text inadvertently promotes critical thinking through all professions and lifestyles but as a creative technologists I personally feel that it best describes my work efficacy goal. The topic of violence in Auckland will be tackled by creating a visual essay that brings attention to the situation and label it with negativity to give people a perspective and mindset of violence and negativity. People who are violent don’t really think about it necessarily as a bad thing and in some cases can be brought in such a manner and just perceive it as a normal behavior.
The holy grail - The big reference in influence
(7) -  http://www.iep.utm.edu/skepanci/ (C.ii)
Below are four segments of this particular article that was in most humble ways an eye opening text for thinking critically and what it truly means to be skeptical.
“According to Sextus, one does not start out as a skeptic, but rather stumbles on to it. Initially, one becomes troubled by the kinds of disagreements focused on in Aenesidemus' modes and seeks to determine which appearances accurately represent the world and which explanations accurately reveal the causal histories of events.”
“One cannot intentionally acquire a peaceful, tranquil state but must let it happen as a result of giving up the struggle. But again, giving up the struggle for the skeptic does not mean giving up the pursuit of truth. The skeptic continues to investigate in order to protect himself against the deceptions and seductions of reason that lead to our holding definite views.”
“So it is more appropriate to look past the disturbance that may be produced by individual, isolated beliefs, and consider instead the effect of accepting a system of interrelated, mutually supporting dogmatic claims.”
“Arriving at definite views is not merely a matter of intellectual dishonesty, Sextus thinks; more importantly, it is the main source of all psychological disturbance. For those who believe that things are good or bad by nature, are perpetually troubled. When they lack what they believe to be good their lives must seem seriously deficient if not outright miserable, and they struggle as much as possible to acquire those things. But when they finally have what they believe to be good, they spend untold effort in maintaining and preserving those things and live in fear of losing them.”
References (Secondary sources)
(1)  http://www.historyworld.net/wrldhis/PlainTextHistories.asp?historyid=ab11
(1)  https://www.britannica.com/technology/history-of-technology
(2)  https://www.technologyreview.com/s/603216/5-big-predictions-for-artificial-intelligence-in-2017/
(2)  https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg22930661-800-vision-of-singularity-questions-ai-intellect/
(3)  https://www.technologyreview.com/s/601441/moores-law-is-dead-now-what/
(3)  http://www.economist.com/news/leaders/21569393-fears-innovation-slowing-are-exaggerated-governments-need-help-it-along-great
(4)  https://www.fastcompany.com/3044316/the-myths-we-all-believe-about-breakthrough-thinking
(5)  https://qz.com/865357/we-dont-understand-how-ai-make-most-decisions-so-now-algorithms-are-explaining-themselves/
(5)  https://www.wired.com/2016/05/the-end-of-code/
(6)  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JhHMJCUmq28
(7) http://www.iep.utm.edu/skepanci/ (C.ii)
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unixcommerce · 5 years
How to Change Customer Service Through Natural Language Processing
Usage of the Amazon Alexa, Google Home, and Apple Siri are all on the rise. But the 66.4 million people who own smart speakers aren’t just using them to learn about the weather.
More people are using the same machine learning technology to improve their customer service interactions.
As a result, Gartner predicts that 30% of interactions with technology would be through “conversations” with smart machines — many of them by voice. Plus, research has found that chat can handle 80% of customer communications.
Changing Customer Service
This is happening through the development of Natural Language Processing (NLP). It humanizes customer language and solves their queries without human input.
(Think of it as an intelligent virtual agent. Your customers can use NLP chatbots to obtain quick answers without actually speaking to a person on the other end.)
9 Ways to use NLP in Customer Service
What is NLP?
Natural Language Processing is a type of machine learning. It understands the words, sentences, and context of your customer support queries. As a subset of artificial intelligence (AI), NLP interprets and analyzes customer’s verbal statements. Once it does, it provides them with an answer—all without human intervention.
NLP can come in chatbot form. This is another type of machine learning software that handles customer conversations.  More than 67% of consumers used a chatbot for customer support in the past year.
Examples of NLP in Customer Service
Uber, the on-demand ridesharing leader, employs NLP in between drivers and passengers to improve their communication. As illustrated below, NLP can reduce uncertainty and mental labor in replying. One tap of a quick reply is much faster than typing a response.
It’s an understatement to say that Uber has an extensive dataset and a huge engineering team. However, you can visualize how NLP and Machine Learning helps facilitate a better customer experience.
Mastercard had made it easy for their banking partners to serve consumers over Facebook Messenger. In the example pictured below, you can see how consumers achieve an immediate benefit without talking to a live representative. The NLP component here analyzes the conversation as a whole versus only the verbatim input from a customer.
Regardless of which conversational AI you’re using for customer service, both need NLP to understand what the customer is asking for in the first place.
NLP Process Flow
Natural Language Processing helps machines understand human language. But the English language alone is one that has undergone millions of changes over the years. How can a machine keep up?
Languages have several layers that help people communicate, such as:
NLP begins by collecting tons of data around the language you use. This data isn’t structured. But the AI system starts to categorize it based on the layers before giving it a numerical value.  (This happens because computer language is numerical).
A deeper example of this is found in certain content analysis tools. TF-IDF, or “Term Frequency?—?Inverse Document Frequency” is used by certain content analysis tools to identify the key information in a document. It works by assigning a numerical value to show the importance of words and phrases.
By this point, the machine learning system now understands data within the numerical language. A classifier is then used to convert the data back to plain English. Then, the AI  flits back and forth to understand the qualitative data it is given.
NLP in Customer Service: Top 9 Use Cases
1)  Accurate call routing with IVR systems
Have you ever called a customer support line and needed to say “Billing” to reach the finance department? You’re talking to an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system. IVRs are the foundational technology that converts phrases (“update my credit card” or “make a payment”) into transferring you to the billing department.
Customers are likely using this system to contact your team. But when conversational AI underlies the system, you can accurately divert their call to the most relevant line. Why? Because NLP understands their request.
You don’t need to ask your customers to “listen to the following options” to send them in the right direction.
Conversational AI within IVR systems can simply ask your customers to explain what they need help with. They can do this in their own words before NLP sends them on their way.
American Airlines saw significant results from this NLP use case for their customer service team. After revamping their IVR system, they increased their call containment by as much as 5%—saving the airline millions of dollars.
2) Routing support tickets
You’re giving people a support ticket when they try to contact your team. This interaction then filters its way through to your support team’s queue.
NLP can help streamline this process. Why? Because conversational AI can understand the topic of the ticket. It can divert support tickets to the most relevant person, helping to resolve issues faster.
Let’s say that your customer sends a support ticket. Their message has the words “I need help changing my payment details.” A management platform without NLP passes it through to your general support desk.
A person would then need to divert the customer towards your finance department. This needs to be done manually. (You could miss the hour-long deadline that customers expect a response to their email within.)
A platform using NLP will spot that the customer needs financial-related help. It will automatically send the support ticket to your finance team.
3) Understanding customer feedback
Customer feedback is valuable data for businesses. It can help you fix flaws with your product and identify which aspects people are loving. Both of which are excellent foundations for your marketing and advertising campaigns.
(Not only that, but it could improve your reputation. 77% of consumers view brands more favorably if they invite and accept customer feedback.)
You don’t need to spend hours manually combing through this type of qualitative data.
NLP helps identify words or phrases commonly used. For example, words like “modern,” “intuitive,” and “expensive,” which could indicate your customers see you as a luxury, high-end brand.
NLP can also find topics spoken about in feedback forms. This might be words like “easy onboarding” or “affordable plans.”
You can combine NLP with sentiment analysis and get a top-level overview of customer opinions, making it a time-effective way to analyze customer feedback.
4)  NLP and customer service chatbots
Research has found that 42% of consumers would rather connect with a company through live chat, versus 23% for email or 16% for social media:
That’s because 70% of millennials prefer chatbot interactions for its self-service approach.
Chatbots should have a cozy spot in your tech stack for that reason. They let you communicate with customers in the way they prefer, and also provide real-time support, without having to hang around for a response.
But what happens if your customer support team is jam-packed and can’t answer a support query in real-time through the live chat on your website?
With NLP, you can create a chatbot that not only understands a customers’ query, but answers it for them, too. Here’s an example from Cheapflights:
It doesn’t matter whether your support inquiry has grammatical errors or incomplete sentences. NLP is smart enough to understand the concept of the message and respond without human intervention.
It’s no wonder that by 2020, 80% of businesses are expected to have some form of chatbot integration available to their customers.
5) NLP for agent support
Did you know that the average customer support agent can only handle 21 support tickets per day? It’s easy to see how agents struggle to keep on top of customer inquiries!
(You can calculate your average interactions/ticket to see how much time these interactions costs.)
An increasing number of agents are turning to machine learning software to cope with that high demand.  Salesforce discovered 69% of high-performing service agents are actively looking for situations to use artificial intelligence (AI).
Conversational AI can handle queries that don’t need much attention. This leaves agents with more time to handle complex queries that need a human touch.
Your conversational AI could handle questions like:
“Where is the HDMI input on my Samsung TV?”
“What is the status of my order?”
“How do I connect my Google Analytics account?”Those support tickets will make up a considerable chunk of tickets. But with them already handled, your agents can answer emotional questions like “my account got shut down and I need help ASAP.”
6) Business data analysis
Earlier, we mentioned how NLP allows businesses to analyze qualitative data from customer feedback. It can also mine information from elsewhere, and layout common trends for your team to follow.
This works especially well with customer complaints. Whether they’re coming directly via email or through the “why did you leave us?” box on your cancellation form, NLP can pick out the trends within this data, and notify your team before they become a problem.
Let’s put that into practice and say you’ve got 150 complaints to file through. Your cancellation form asks people to check one of the following boxes:
Confusing onboarding process
It’s too expensive
I don’t have timePeople might tick the wrong box. This means you think the problem is in one area. But in reality, complaints have been filed incorrectly.As a result, you might increase your price because people tick the box saying it’s too high. But there’s actually a problem with their billing process.
7)  Sentiment analysis and customer satisfaction
You’ve got customer feedback filtering its way through to your support team. How do you know whether, on the whole, people are happy with your product or service? You don’t have time to comb through it yourself.
Sentiment analysis uses NLP to determine the underlying emotion in a message. For example: If you get these responses from feedback forms:
“The agent I spoke to was awesome.”
“My order arrived quicker than I expected.”
“It’s easy to sync my data. Thanks for putting together your onboarding docs!”Sentiment analysis will take over and interpret those words as emotions. In the case above, those words might be “awesome,” “quicker,” or “easy.”The machine learning system will then tell you that the vast majority of feedback is positive. This gives you a rough understanding of how well you’re performing.The best part? You can use the AI system to scan for mentions of your brand. Then, you can use sentiment analysis to determine whether the coverage you’re getting is as good as you’d hope.
8) Speech-to-text applications
You’ve probably heard the statistics that say voice search is on the rise. Some researchers predict that 30% of all searches will be done without a screen by 2020.
Applications helping bring that statistic to life is speech-to-text devices. Devices like Google Home, Amazon Alexa, and Siri are our personal assistants. We ask them to plan every minute of our day—from planning the best route to your friend’s house, to ordering more cereal that you’ve just run out of.
…But what does that mean for your customer service?
You can open the floor to voice recognition systems by:
Allowing customers to access their account with their voice
Translating a customer’s query in their native language to yours
Integrating your software with a voice assistantNeither of these situations would work without NLP, which interprets the spoken word. That gives you the chance to introduce speech-to-text applications and offer better customer service.
9)  Built-in search bars in knowledge bases
The search bar on your site is SEO’s younger sibling. They act similarly to search giants like Google. A user types what they’re looking for, and the search bar retrieves a list of links relevant to their query.
Some 50% of users go directly to the search bar as soon as they arrive on a website. Chances are, their search queries aren’t complete sentences. They’ll be short, snappy words and phrases related to the thing they’re looking for, like “blogging advice” or “Fujifilm Instax.”
The results for your users’ query must display relevant information. If not, they’ll leave your website. This impacts key metrics like bounce rate, conversions, and time on site.
But your site’s search bar won’t show relevant information for those queries without some form of NLP.
The machine learning software interprets the meaning of those queries. It understands what the user is looking for—even if that isn’t in plain English, contains grammatical errors, or is misspelled.
NLP = Better User Experience & Personalization
NLP is a core piece of machine learning you should use in your customer service departments.
Your support agents get a machine that can save hours of their time, but your customers will benefit, too. Why? Because they’re able to communicate in a way that suits them, catering to the personal assistants they would no longer be without.
Republished by permission. Original here.
Image: Depositphotos.com
This article, “How to Change Customer Service Through Natural Language Processing” was first published on Small Business Trends
The post How to Change Customer Service Through Natural Language Processing appeared first on Unix Commerce.
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olayinkaimo-blog · 6 years
Week 6 blog
1. What is the one thing that I learned about leadership this week and how might I use this as part of my personal leadership development?
This last week was eventful. My team and I went over the winter survival exercise with my classmates and it was interesting to hear the thought processes of each team and how they ranked the survival items list. We revisited our Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and discussed grey areas.  One thing I am taking away was changing our common working approach. We resolved and agreed on the having a specific plan as outlined in the MOU. We agreed to have a schedule and structure for our meetings, our preferred communication methods and expected response times, how we will make decisions and behaviour norms. This will ensure the team is more effective and efficient in working on assigned tasks. It will also reduce conflict and tension.
Furthermore, I learnt about body language and how people interpret sitting positions, composure, and manner of speech and how to articulate thoughts into words to ensure effective communication.  
2. After working with my team, what are the three things I have learned about leadership? The three things I have learned about leadership after working with my team include: a) Communication: This was a major issue at the formation of the team and even though we have come a long way we are not yet at our desired end. We have constantly had to review our manner of speaking to and with each other, and cautioning erring team members.  Effective communication like I have learnt involves not just speaking in a respectful manner but also listening intentionally, jotting down points I may wish to contribute to the discussion at hand.
The team has grown from everyone wanting to share their opinions at the same time while not listening to other team members making us have to repeat ourselves to jotting down comments and taking turns to speak. This has strengthened teamwork and reduced conflicts.
b) Conflict management: we are learning to trust each other sufficiently to openly communicate, share information, perceptions and feedback. Able to talk things through and clarifying issues in order to work in harmony. Conflict arises as a result of many factors including differences in personality, values, conflicting goals, ego etc. In becoming a high performing team, conflict management styles have to change depending on the situation. Sometimes, as a leader, you have to be assertive to get a task sorted if there is an urgency. Some other times, you have to compromise especially if the other party has a superior argument. In all, I have learnt to adjust to being a collaborative member of the team.
c. Authentic leadership: Being aware of self, my strengths and skills and how I can use them in accomplishing the goals of the team's success. Working with my team and the activities in the leadership classes have made me more aware of myself. Developing myself and partnering with team mates who have other strengths I either lack (my weaknesses) or working at developing; and setting realistic and measurable targets as I work on them. Leading as I am, not feeling inadequate as I have strengths required in making the team excel, understanding that the team requires all of our collective strengths to succeed.
3. The next time I am in a team what are the top three things that I would bring to the team to make it a high performing team: The first thing I would do is to clarify the vision and the strategy of the team. Ensure all members of the team understand and share the same vision. Paint a picture of where we want to be to ensure there are no ambiguities. This makes it easier to lead as we all are working towards the same goal. Then establishing a strategy of how to get there breaking it down into smaller steps that are achievable and measurable. Also bearing in mind that this strategy may evolve over time as the team expands or has a different challenge which may affect the way we usually do things. I understand that as a leader, the team needs to work daily and gradually to shift attitudes, assumptions and behaviour towards a desired future.  
Another thing I would bring is to be a creative leader, inspiring creativity and innovation through the culture. Being creative involves brainstorming with team members, to generate new ideas. Encouraging covert ideas to enable people to express themselves freely without fear of criticism. In addition, ensuring team members have paper and pen to note down their ideas while others are sharing their avoiding the possibility of a good idea slipping away. Take note of all the new ideas, reviewing them to extract valuable ones that we can adapt to the success of the team.
Employing the use of the stages of Appreciative Inquiry (AI) if I find myself leading a change as a leader. AI engages individuals, teams in creating change by reinforcing positive messages and focusing on learning from success. Appropriately framing a topic- to investigate what is right rather than what is wrong is critical to the success of AI because it gets people away from blame, defensiveness and denial and sets a positive framework for change. This will increase the capacity for positive transformation. The four stages of the AI process (discovery, dream, design and destiny) will be followed and applied to our team’s situation. The AI approach also brings to mind what I learnt from Gallup’s Strengths finder of laying emphasis on the strengths of team members and people to further develop them and encouraging them to apply their strengths to solving tasks.
Daft R, 2015, The Leadership Experience. Cengage Learning.7th Edition.
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XB3001 Prototype Summary (Summative)
For the group project we have been assigned to create 3 individual game prototypes that we will then chose 1 of and make it into a full game. The group I have been placed in consists of me as level designer and programmer with Ryan DaSilva and Konnor French as 3D modellers. We have finally finished all three prototypes our group has discussed on each prototype and have made a decision on which prototype we will be developing into the final project. The we made our decision based on which prototype would be best suited towards each team members chosen role.
Prototype 1 : Research Facility
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For the first game prototype we decided on making a game based in an underwater research facility that is in the midst of flooding. We chose vulnerability as the base theme for this prototype. The player must fix the submarine and escape from the facility before the place floods. The game play revolves around individual puzzles for each part of the submarine. For this prototype we chose the fuel as the main part for the demonstration. The aim for the player is to find chemical vials around the level that are stored and hidden for them to find. The player must then insert the correct vial into the corresponding slot in an extractor to combine the chemicals together to create the fuel.
Overall this prototype worked out well however a roadblock programming wise made it so the prototype wasn’t completely true to my original intentions however it did play well. Due to this I also didn’t get to show off a lot of my level design skills as I was focused on fixing the programming issues. The investigation aspect of this prototype would be the core part of the gameplay. If we were to take this prototype into the final project the game would have multiple rooms and more puzzles.
Prototype 2 : Action Priest II
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For the second game prototype we chose the theme fate, originally we decided on making a survival type game similar to Call of Duty : Zombies however after further development we took a turn from the ‘arena’ based survival and more aimed towards level design and a more linear design. Our main inspiration for this prototype were games such as Warhammer Vermintide, Left 4 Dead, and Killing Floor. The game itself is a ‘parody’ game where the theme is a mix between an 80’s action film and the Victorian era. The player has been sent back into the past to “finish what Jesus started” and must eradicate demons and collect relics to wipe out the demonic threat and be sent back to the future. The actual prototype worked well as it was able to demonstrate the sort of core gameplay we would want in the final product if we were to take it further. I had a better chance to focus on level design this time around as I was able to finish the blueprinting earlier on. The level I designed took a lot of inspiration from Warhammer Vermintide following a linear path along with a lot of elevators, leavers and switches the player needs to activate to progress further.
Because of the theme of action priest I looked towards early Victorian Liverpool, as during this period a majority of priests were a big part of the social structure. Being a Roman Catholic priest would in part cause conflict between themselves and non-Anglican Protestants along with Irish immigrants at the time.
Looking towards Victorian Liverpool as inspiration for the level design, the city had large building/structures, wide open areas, alleyways along with tight streets. Most of liverpools population lived in the slum areas of Liverpool. In which designing the level would make it so that I would have more demons spawn in the slum themed area.
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Overall this prototype went well, there has been a lot of ideas generated around this theme and we have decided that this one will be the prototype that we take into the final project and fully flesh out.
Prototype 3 : Manor
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The final prototype was based on the vulnerability theme however we flipped it around and came up with a prototype that was focused on making others vulnerable. The prototype we developed is based in an abandoned manor where a research team are investigating for some reason. The player is a ghost and their main goal is to scare the researchers out of the manor. By default the player is not able it interact with the AI directly however they are able to possess many objects within the manor and while they are possessing these objects they are able to interact with the environment and the AI. While possessing the player can lock doors, blow out lights and make noise doing this in the right order can lure AI over to the player. Once the AI is within a certain distance if the player shows themselves to the AI and they run, depending on the distance the player is to the AI 2 things can occur either the AI runs and finds another AI or they escape the manor.
Overall I enjoyed the theme for this prototype however the programming didn’t work how I wanted it too as I forgot to select the right target point for the AI to escape to so in the demonstration the AI wasn’t running to the exit.
Going Forward :
After choosing the prototype we will be taking into the final project we will need to prepare for the next major milestone that is the end of semester presentation. By this time we will be aiming to have the core gameplay completed, for me personally this will include having the AI done, multiple weapons and a demo level layout made. The main focus is to have a fun and playable demonstration for this presentation.
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Cheats For Payday 2
Fittingly, Payday 2 Cheats Xbox One is like a lender heist. Going on a holiday the maps may well be a jarring experience, though, because of some graphical inconsistencies. |In addition to a variety of very well computer animated whack tendencies, the look problems give Payday 2 Cheats Xbox One s gunplay a punchiness that asked me to pull the set off over and over. Disabling sensors, gently possessing patches, and successfully preventing civilian crowds of people all take a substantial influence on how rapidly and exactly how significant police force intervention might be. It ought to be apparent that this could be a co op code that is intended to be appreciated with three human being members, however, if you simply held any aspirations of creating lender just like a lone wolf, perhaps you may as well shelve them. Aspects of its business presentation are missing, plus the ailment of the specific competitor is unlawful, but all around, it can be a profound, addicting co op shooter that tickled my inside crook. Collectively, Payday 2 Cheats Xbox One merely has develop to be a lot greater and much more playable, eventhough it hasn’t develop to be significantly better looking around, plus the crawlers which actually better help you to when heading single continue being worthless. Payday 2 crimewave model evolves these talents in numerous serious ways. The sad thing is, it s. code, the ai is bodily not great for performing acknowledged objectives. |It’s mildly Then why not we evaluations reference the actual structural matchmaking? I purchasedorbefore paid for the sport for x1 i have tried 20 celebrations to sign up a matchmade code, and merely after has it labored. Theoretically, the responsibility was stress-free. The situation was an extra safeguard, patrolling the carpark and going up on top every few a few minutes. The subsequent secs of panicked improvisation, the moment the remarkably pounding dance your favourite music uses finished, ideas get reformulated and assignments reassigned almost instantly, deliver just about the most rigorous supportive thrills i have got at any time before proficient outside of a guarantee on quit 4 gone 2. improve mechanism helps you more affordable. |Payday 2 likes you most certainly fail because it is not really a heist code but yet a heist styled siege shooter. an assaulting swat lineup, then proceeding to prepare your private set of meth is actually a first rate illustration of the level of audacious gadgets the sport can, ahem, set up up, or else limited by quests that require botched sneaky entrances adopted on your lineup safe guarding a drill bland its yardage to your revenue vault. your allies to get over their edge within the fight, that makes experiences while using the large numbers of really difficult surf of police force force believe alot more nuanced and strategic than perhaps these are generally quite. Unfortunately , you ll almost certainly just lose time waiting for a intention you should shop, and also, simply because it sooner or later will your entire location road map strategy just becomes a tiresome layer on top within the intention shopping process. I have essential to retroactively forgive higher level hosts for booting me quickly after i has got to be lowly quality one single individuality, seeing that the truth is a newbie lender crook sincerely can t fulfil a dedicated task inside of a lineup. Plus it ll. The tension of preparing for and holding methods private, the excitement of asserting master when all hell pauses shed, plus the 100 % satisfaction of a practical credit score outshine any lifeless attractions, establishing Payday 2 Cheats Xbox One an greatly fulfilling way to get all together for all the presence of criminal activity. Quest objectives are commonly apparent, though there are a variety of subtleties to get over on top of that. They usually end up with trivial problems within your unlawful process, yet they do make a sour message towards usually welcome unpredictability. may not miles away when you find yourself not anticipating it. |Polite ai statistics take cops and bring back downed members fine, yet they put on t endeavor anything more. Whenever you earn concentrations and create some money and xp, you uncover new purchasable weapons for a collection and so are rewarded with skill set specifics that one can get regarding a number of ability that also have a fee. You uncover weapons continuously, but tool attachments like scopes, suppressors, shares, barrel But the personal computer is plainly the very best system for Payday 2 Cheats Xbox One, you ll take a rollicking great time it doesn t case what mechanism you will be choosing. With an legendary criminal activity rampage. Don t misunderstand me, farmville is beautiful but actually amongst my top notch chooses, however when the organization lays in this way, then talks more affordable towards industry to become irritated, i have got to prevent performing. The “point break” of code titles has delivered for all the 2nd I appreciated this portion of the code. Your lineup buddies can be the buddies, stay by them establish a aim to deal with the amount of money. |Just attain the hobby and settle down your variations your self it is 50 % of the enjoyment. that your skill set plants just mixed all together also it was obscure the real difference regarding the categories. Amounts and While it might have benefitted creating a extremely good tale arc for all the specific competitor approach the sport comes with a terrific getaway with 3 other buddies to have experience which will keep possessing you yield to get more. That have an earlier ordinary range of heists to pick from, a lot of which re use maps, but yet with various objectives, there s a reputable quantity of code in at this site. perhaps you may take part in the intention in another way than you may performed previously. Make no error, this could be a co op code and in order to have fun with playing by themselves perhaps you may as well not trouble. Mouse click for even larger edition and representation art gallery. |By having a first rate team of more leveled members, most quests don’t create an issue anymore. When Payday 2 Cheats Xbox One moves completely completely wrong takes place when it entails off master. Or even it is tailored to prevent you from crushing precisely the same intention over and over as the builders don’t would like you overlook the other quests. Particularly, they re not capable to utilize the equipment important to quite take part in the code. Quit 4 gone is undoubtedly an apparent inspiration, but the all around knowledge of payday is opportunity finished an exceptional appreciation for mobility envision shootouts. assembled with two to three members who do all of it for everyone, but that is the character of a three competitor co op code wherever you’ll normally switch to get organizations as the crawlers are not almost certainly going to operate. the ultra-modern skill set tree. Handy |I d hurry downstairs and initiate delivering your bank s patrons to mr cable television fasten. Even so the builders put on t deliver in regards to this build up. When my lineup understanding that i lastly carried out an ingenious, wonderful heist we fulfilled it simply using a absolutely nothing tolerance insurance policy regarding these unpredictable harmless bystanders we wiped out everyone within the periphery who could not tied more affordable. not really a decision in anyway except if you are ready to restart before you decide to comprehend it effectively. The scrabble to mend whatever s went completely wrong and never have to be overloaded is actually a chaotic excitement. Although you may take a happy band of accomplices, you simply must manage the intention opt for monitor. The versatility at this site s ample, fuelling creativeness (i finished up constructing a audience master specialist with aspects plucked within a stealth tree) and you may respec without notice. Plus it ll. Prefer fulfillment and masculine strength fantasies absolutely are a monstrous a member of well-liked code titles, and who wouldn t want to be robert de niro inside the michael mann common? The game was the sad thing is not considered by most, but yet with increased advantage blog posts from device and dlc maps, the sport marketed plenty of to warrant a follow-up. |Specific key transition is the introduction of stealth, by which heists may perhaps be carried out and finished in top-secret for all the more payment. Payday 2 s situations take a key relax and take a phase back in the main. creative imagination. Lots of the gadgets you criticize Payday 2 Cheats Xbox One about are actually inside the to start with code on top of that. It is the singular cause of the newest code option mechanism. Really the only time it may be an easy task to betray someone is adopting the heist during the entire escape. You acknowledged it had been so hard to find men and women to have fun with (while you can find usually men and women to have fun with quickly after i carried out) why do you wish to allow it to be harder? I give this study a from 5. The sad thing is, although this gigantic prepare products a brimming dufflebag value of blog posts, it will not mailing address the problems who have plagued the bottom code from start-up. Whenever you are possessing in the down the road quests and make use of capable teammates who re there, you will definitely get into some vertical thomas crown event small business. |Minimal quality statistics is usually fitted like the authorities in heating, but make no error, they show alot more that is comparable to the moist bandits than individuals. In case you realize quality 100, you may normally reputation into a more infamy quality to uncover outstanding skin care products and titles at the cost of money. Weapons could be purchased with revenue, but normally maintain quality specifications so the beginner can t just hurry just about the most practical weapons within the entrance. together with revenue. There s also loads of concentrations and heists to protect myself against, for instance goofy concentrations that have been previously in relation to short time celebrations, like the halloween season “lab rats” intention that decreases the team more affordable to how big small systems scurrying round the kitchen counter of a meth home. A lot of the quests are functionally very unlikely with no some cooperating, so these lobotomized crawlers plus the decision to have fun with playing single will likely as well not really be dangling all around. Overkill put in 3 years bolting on fancier spoilers, lighting fixtures, and hubcaps when just what it was in need of has been a vary from the crammed up transmitting. We d use in the to come back, it s not hard to lockpick that doorway. |You might be alert the way s these days, individuals are stuck with regards to their cell phones. These quests may additionally vary from uncomplicated lender robberies to hauling meds, nevertheless, it doesn t case what the arrange is, most appear to must have you submit a situation, also to approach higher merit gadgets to get your escape auto. At the moment, at quality 20, i have got unlocked the opportunity to provide mediterranean features, ammunition features, increased xp earn, between alternative activities. denoting who what so whenever, together with speaking about loadouts.
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unixcommerce · 5 years
How to Change Customer Service Through Natural Language Processing
Usage of the Amazon Alexa, Google Home, and Apple Siri are all on the rise. But the 66.4 million people who own smart speakers aren’t just using them to learn about the weather.
More people are using the same machine learning technology to improve their customer service interactions.
As a result, Gartner predicts that 30% of interactions with technology would be through “conversations” with smart machines — many of them by voice. Plus, research has found that chat can handle 80% of customer communications.
Changing Customer Service
This is happening through the development of Natural Language Processing (NLP). It humanizes customer language and solves their queries without human input.
(Think of it as an intelligent virtual agent. Your customers can use NLP chatbots to obtain quick answers without actually speaking to a person on the other end.)
9 Ways to use NLP in Customer Service
What is NLP?
Natural Language Processing is a type of machine learning. It understands the words, sentences, and context of your customer support queries. As a subset of artificial intelligence (AI), NLP interprets and analyzes customer’s verbal statements. Once it does, it provides them with an answer—all without human intervention.
NLP can come in chatbot form. This is another type of machine learning software that handles customer conversations.  More than 67% of consumers used a chatbot for customer support in the past year.
Examples of NLP in Customer Service
Uber, the on-demand ridesharing leader, employs NLP in between drivers and passengers to improve their communication. As illustrated below, NLP can reduce uncertainty and mental labor in replying. One tap of a quick reply is much faster than typing a response.
It’s an understatement to say that Uber has an extensive dataset and a huge engineering team. However, you can visualize how NLP and Machine Learning helps facilitate a better customer experience.
Mastercard had made it easy for their banking partners to serve consumers over Facebook Messenger. In the example pictured below, you can see how consumers achieve an immediate benefit without talking to a live representative. The NLP component here analyzes the conversation as a whole versus only the verbatim input from a customer.
Regardless of which conversational AI you’re using for customer service, both need NLP to understand what the customer is asking for in the first place.
NLP Process Flow
Natural Language Processing helps machines understand human language. But the English language alone is one that has undergone millions of changes over the years. How can a machine keep up?
Languages have several layers that help people communicate, such as:
NLP begins by collecting tons of data around the language you use. This data isn’t structured. But the AI system starts to categorize it based on the layers before giving it a numerical value.  (This happens because computer language is numerical).
A deeper example of this is found in certain content analysis tools. TF-IDF, or “Term Frequency?—?Inverse Document Frequency” is used by certain content analysis tools to identify the key information in a document. It works by assigning a numerical value to show the importance of words and phrases.
By this point, the machine learning system now understands data within the numerical language. A classifier is then used to convert the data back to plain English. Then, the AI  flits back and forth to understand the qualitative data it is given.
NLP in Customer Service: Top 9 Use Cases
1)  Accurate call routing with IVR systems
Have you ever called a customer support line and needed to say “Billing” to reach the finance department? You’re talking to an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system. IVRs are the foundational technology that converts phrases (“update my credit card” or “make a payment”) into transferring you to the billing department.
Customers are likely using this system to contact your team. But when conversational AI underlies the system, you can accurately divert their call to the most relevant line. Why? Because NLP understands their request.
You don’t need to ask your customers to “listen to the following options” to send them in the right direction.
Conversational AI within IVR systems can simply ask your customers to explain what they need help with. They can do this in their own words before NLP sends them on their way.
American Airlines saw significant results from this NLP use case for their customer service team. After revamping their IVR system, they increased their call containment by as much as 5%—saving the airline millions of dollars.
2) Routing support tickets
You’re giving people a support ticket when they try to contact your team. This interaction then filters its way through to your support team’s queue.
NLP can help streamline this process. Why? Because conversational AI can understand the topic of the ticket. It can divert support tickets to the most relevant person, helping to resolve issues faster.
Let’s say that your customer sends a support ticket. Their message has the words “I need help changing my payment details.” A management platform without NLP passes it through to your general support desk.
A person would then need to divert the customer towards your finance department. This needs to be done manually. (You could miss the hour-long deadline that customers expect a response to their email within.)
A platform using NLP will spot that the customer needs financial-related help. It will automatically send the support ticket to your finance team.
3) Understanding customer feedback
Customer feedback is valuable data for businesses. It can help you fix flaws with your product and identify which aspects people are loving. Both of which are excellent foundations for your marketing and advertising campaigns.
(Not only that, but it could improve your reputation. 77% of consumers view brands more favorably if they invite and accept customer feedback.)
You don’t need to spend hours manually combing through this type of qualitative data.
NLP helps identify words or phrases commonly used. For example, words like “modern,” “intuitive,” and “expensive,” which could indicate your customers see you as a luxury, high-end brand.
NLP can also find topics spoken about in feedback forms. This might be words like “easy onboarding” or “affordable plans.”
You can combine NLP with sentiment analysis and get a top-level overview of customer opinions, making it a time-effective way to analyze customer feedback.
4)  NLP and customer service chatbots
Research has found that 42% of consumers would rather connect with a company through live chat, versus 23% for email or 16% for social media:
That’s because 70% of millennials prefer chatbot interactions for its self-service approach.
Chatbots should have a cozy spot in your tech stack for that reason. They let you communicate with customers in the way they prefer, and also provide real-time support, without having to hang around for a response.
But what happens if your customer support team is jam-packed and can’t answer a support query in real-time through the live chat on your website?
With NLP, you can create a chatbot that not only understands a customers’ query, but answers it for them, too. Here’s an example from Cheapflights:
It doesn’t matter whether your support inquiry has grammatical errors or incomplete sentences. NLP is smart enough to understand the concept of the message and respond without human intervention.
It’s no wonder that by 2020, 80% of businesses are expected to have some form of chatbot integration available to their customers.
5) NLP for agent support
Did you know that the average customer support agent can only handle 21 support tickets per day? It’s easy to see how agents struggle to keep on top of customer inquiries!
(You can calculate your average interactions/ticket to see how much time these interactions costs.)
An increasing number of agents are turning to machine learning software to cope with that high demand.  Salesforce discovered 69% of high-performing service agents are actively looking for situations to use artificial intelligence (AI).
Conversational AI can handle queries that don’t need much attention. This leaves agents with more time to handle complex queries that need a human touch.
Your conversational AI could handle questions like:
“Where is the HDMI input on my Samsung TV?”
“What is the status of my order?”
“How do I connect my Google Analytics account?”Those support tickets will make up a considerable chunk of tickets. But with them already handled, your agents can answer emotional questions like “my account got shut down and I need help ASAP.”
6) Business data analysis
Earlier, we mentioned how NLP allows businesses to analyze qualitative data from customer feedback. It can also mine information from elsewhere, and layout common trends for your team to follow.
This works especially well with customer complaints. Whether they’re coming directly via email or through the “why did you leave us?” box on your cancellation form, NLP can pick out the trends within this data, and notify your team before they become a problem.
Let’s put that into practice and say you’ve got 150 complaints to file through. Your cancellation form asks people to check one of the following boxes:
Confusing onboarding process
It’s too expensive
I don’t have timePeople might tick the wrong box. This means you think the problem is in one area. But in reality, complaints have been filed incorrectly.As a result, you might increase your price because people tick the box saying it’s too high. But there’s actually a problem with their billing process.
7)  Sentiment analysis and customer satisfaction
You’ve got customer feedback filtering its way through to your support team. How do you know whether, on the whole, people are happy with your product or service? You don’t have time to comb through it yourself.
Sentiment analysis uses NLP to determine the underlying emotion in a message. For example: If you get these responses from feedback forms:
“The agent I spoke to was awesome.”
“My order arrived quicker than I expected.”
“It’s easy to sync my data. Thanks for putting together your onboarding docs!”Sentiment analysis will take over and interpret those words as emotions. In the case above, those words might be “awesome,” “quicker,” or “easy.”The machine learning system will then tell you that the vast majority of feedback is positive. This gives you a rough understanding of how well you’re performing.The best part? You can use the AI system to scan for mentions of your brand. Then, you can use sentiment analysis to determine whether the coverage you’re getting is as good as you’d hope.
8) Speech-to-text applications
You’ve probably heard the statistics that say voice search is on the rise. Some researchers predict that 30% of all searches will be done without a screen by 2020.
Applications helping bring that statistic to life is speech-to-text devices. Devices like Google Home, Amazon Alexa, and Siri are our personal assistants. We ask them to plan every minute of our day—from planning the best route to your friend’s house, to ordering more cereal that you’ve just run out of.
…But what does that mean for your customer service?
You can open the floor to voice recognition systems by:
Allowing customers to access their account with their voice
Translating a customer’s query in their native language to yours
Integrating your software with a voice assistantNeither of these situations would work without NLP, which interprets the spoken word. That gives you the chance to introduce speech-to-text applications and offer better customer service.
9)  Built-in search bars in knowledge bases
The search bar on your site is SEO’s younger sibling. They act similarly to search giants like Google. A user types what they’re looking for, and the search bar retrieves a list of links relevant to their query.
Some 50% of users go directly to the search bar as soon as they arrive on a website. Chances are, their search queries aren’t complete sentences. They’ll be short, snappy words and phrases related to the thing they’re looking for, like “blogging advice” or “Fujifilm Instax.”
The results for your users’ query must display relevant information. If not, they’ll leave your website. This impacts key metrics like bounce rate, conversions, and time on site.
But your site’s search bar won’t show relevant information for those queries without some form of NLP.
The machine learning software interprets the meaning of those queries. It understands what the user is looking for—even if that isn’t in plain English, contains grammatical errors, or is misspelled.
NLP = Better User Experience & Personalization
NLP is a core piece of machine learning you should use in your customer service departments.
Your support agents get a machine that can save hours of their time, but your customers will benefit, too. Why? Because they’re able to communicate in a way that suits them, catering to the personal assistants they would no longer be without.
Republished by permission. Original here.
Image: Depositphotos.com
This article, “How to Change Customer Service Through Natural Language Processing” was first published on Small Business Trends
The post How to Change Customer Service Through Natural Language Processing appeared first on Unix Commerce.
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