#I really hope this doesn't deter Jack from wanting to do anything with Anti later on
mandabear72 · 6 years
We'll be waiting for you.....
Okay. So, I saw people were doing this whole #westillfearanti thing in response to something @therealjacksepticeye answered about the stuff with Anti. I didn’t even realized this was a thing until recently but regardless, I’m gonna share some thoughts, keep it 100, and try to add some clarity to this.
The whole thing with Antisepticeye is cool, it’s fuckin’ rad. It’s okay if people aren’t into it. Personally, I don’t like to theorize because it makes me feel like I have nothing solid to base my theories on and that I’m grasping for straws when I want concrete evidence and something factual or “canon”...but I can understand why people do it and it’s alright. It’s also okay if the person wasn’t into the Dark Youtuber persona thing, but they didn’t need to be a bit of an asshole by going to Jack and asking him “Is Anti gonna be in ALL your horror vids now?? Is he gonna be a regular on your channel???” (I’m paraphrasing here). If they bothered to do some research instead of bitching about it, they would’ve saw that Jack doesn’t have Anti in every horror video. He even specifically said before Anti would only appear when we least expect it; that way it’d still be fresh and not go stale on us. But, if I’m gonna give ‘em the benefit of doubt and not assume they were kind of an asshole, they might be someone relatively new to Jack’s channel (even though they still could’ve done their research).
I know Jack mentioned that Anti was already becoming somewhat of a meme  and that he wasn’t being taken as seriously before. I can see that it wasn’t something intentional on his part and in one aspect, I can agree with him that he might’ve been partially to blame on that. However, I don’t think reblogging stuff with him was the problem. Doing stuff like “Darkiplier vs Antisepticeye” certainly didn’t exactly help people take Anti serious though because let’s face it: If at one point Mark took the concept of Darkiplier as seriously as he does the dirt under his nails, why would Anti be taken seriously alongside that? That skit wasn’t meant to be taken seriously since it was pretty much just one big shitpost of dark personas and fuckin’ JAKE PAUL. You’re not gettin’ taken seriously with all that jazz in one video, though one could argue that it was also fanservice ‘cause lord knows there were people on here that wanted a Dark/Anti collab for some reason when neither Jack or Mark were enthusiastic about the concept.
And don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying Mark doesn’t take Darkiplier 2.0 seriously either, no disrespect to him because there was a good amount of work that went into creating him (and fucking up Wilford even more than he already was). He just did the opposite of Jack and created this version of Dark in his own image instead of it being open to interpretation and fan-based like Anti is. Though IMPO, it kinda feels like he was too little, too late when he finally decided to show interest so, his endeavors with Dark 2.0 this year almost feel a little disingenuous and almost spiteful. I admit, in the past, I’ve said Darkiplier 2.0 was scarier, but when I think about it more, I realize maybe it’s more of the concept of his personality that’s scarier than Dark 2.0′s actual visage or physical features. A social manipulator is more tangible in the real world because there are so many men and women out there around us with smiles on their faces and a lull in their voices; ready to fuck us over for their own personal gain and we’d never be any wiser to it unless we’re more discerning or until it’s too late. Whereas demons....much like curses and dark magic from the occult, are a thing of myth and fiction.....but I digress.
Also, as much as Jack wants Anti to be taken seriously, I think there will always be people that’ll find some sort of humor in him. It’s THE INTERNET. People will always find humor in something, even if there’s nothing there. But as such with real life, I suppose. In a way, maybe I also didn’t help. I know I’ve gone and referred to Anti as “Glitch Bitch” plenty of times, but it never came from a place of mockery. It was just an occasional nickname I used for him. However, I don’t know if that was considered to be memey either, so, still leaves me further confused.
But what makes Anti scary is how quick and unpredictable he is, especially using technology to his advantage. Showing up during a game playthrough, in the coding of video descriptions, at fucking conventions. He has the fans self-imploding at the single sight of zalgo text and a lot of them left in fear that he killed Dr. Schneeplestein or manipulated other Septicegos. Aside from being scary, he’s also fun to have around (though boy, it’s gonna take a while to get used to the brown hair again). You know how people like scary shit because they wanna be scared? Well, it’s like that. I wanna be scared, I wanna be excited. And Anti showing up has never failed to make that happen. Both Jack and Robin (’cause that guy needs more fucking credit with those editing skills of his) give Anti these little inflections, that certain “Je ne sais quoi” that makes him so unique. 
It’s more than understandable if Jack wants to take a break from Anti for a bit. I still want Anti to be fun and exciting for him as well. I want Jack to get that same giddy buzz he got when he saw how everyone reacted to Anti at Pax East this year...because the second he gets bored with it, then he wouldn’t have the need or desire to do anything with him. Plus, he’d know we’d be able to tell if he wasn’t into it and that’s not something he’d want. Jack’s one of the most, if not, the most transparent Youtuber out there. He tries to be as genuine and upfront with us as he can. So, maybe we can ease up just a little on trying to predict Anti arrivals or seeing things that aren’t there or even making him feel guilty for being enthusiastic about something he, Robin, and the fans helped create. Let our boy reblog Anti-related stuff until his heart’s content. Give him time and let him decide when Anti comes back. Until then, we’ll be waiting for him. And knowing how Jack has a knack for great execution....I can’t wait to see what him and Robin will come up with next.
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