#darkiplier 2.0
scatterpatter · 2 months
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alt version with less effects under the cut!
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ephiesoul · 10 months
🏖️ Summer Aesthetic Masterlist
Markiplier Egos 🏖️
Chibi Doctor Iplier
Chibi Bill
Chibi Jim’s
Chibi Eric & Bingiplier bonus
Chibi Eric Derekson
Chibi Murdock
Chibi Mark, Amy & Chica
Chibi Googleplier Blue
Chibi All Googlepliers
Chibi Illinois
Chibi Host
Chibi Darkiplier
Chibi Wilford
Chibi Yancy
Chibi Engineer
Chibi Bingiplier
Jacksepticeye Egos 🏖️
Chibi Chase 2.0
Chibi Robbie
Chibi Seán
Chibi Anti 2.0
Chibi Jackieboyman
Chibi JJ
Chibi Chase 1.0
Chibi Anti 1.0
Miscellaneous 🏖️
Chibi Mack
Chibi Gab Smolders
Chibi Matpat
Chibi Game Grumps
Chibi Unus Annus
Chibi Ethan Nestor
Chibi Blue Mack
Chibi Gunther
Chibi Lixian
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mandabear72 · 6 years
Based off of @emilykamikaze's Septic ego post:
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dramaticalcorgi · 5 years
anti: so
anti: you’re using glitches, huh?
dark: yeah what ab--
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darkstachedaily · 6 years
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dancing-heart-pony · 6 years
OH. OH. We’re playing the game where we don’t acknowledge things!?
Cool! Cool.
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If you want to, of course, could you give us more Ollie and Anti bromance sometime? I love them *sobs*
(Of course! Sorry, I’ve been so busy with other threads, that I sort of let this one go, but here we go!)
“And all of that happened because of my wish,” Oliver says, looking down at the little green crane in his hands.
Anti is silent for a long time, twisting his knife around in his hands. “You were just tryin’ ta help, Ollie. You didn’t know it would end like that.”
Oliver nods. “I suppose I didn’t, but I should’ve been more careful. It’s always dangerous dealing with…”
“With dark sides?” Anti finishes for him, raising an eyebrow at Oliver.
The yellow robot blushes brightly and shakes his head. “No! That’s not what I meant! I… I…”
“Calm down, Ollie. I’m just messin’ with ya.” Anti smirks a little and goes back to playing with his knife. “’sides, you haven’t done anything worse than what I’ve done in the past.”
Oliver frowns at Anti. “But you’re doing a lot better now!” he protests.
Anti smiles at him from where he sits on the corner of Oliver’s desk and reaches up to ruffle his hair. “I don’t deserve ya, not one bit.” Ollie blushes again and Anti laughs. Then suddenly his face turns very serious, very dangerous. “If ya ever need anything, and I mean anything, you let me know. Got that?”
Oliver leans forward, his brows knitting together in concern. “Anti, I’m not doing this so that you’ll owe me something.”
“I know,” Anti says, face still dark. “That’s why I mean it. If anyone so much as thinks about messin’ with ya, they’ll have to answer to me.” With that, Anti turns to static and disappears with a crackle that leaves the taste of electricity in Oliver’s mouth.
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altegos · 3 years
Not As You Know Them - full bloglist
<<Season One: Heart and Soul>>
Spin offs | Spin off #2 | Spin offs #3
<<Season Two: The Devil You Know>>
Through The Looking Glass
@mxdpat -> Lucas “Mad” Patrick
@nxjusticehere -> Dirk Patrick - Mad’s brother based on Matpat in S3 of Escape the Night
@natemxre -> Nate “Natemare” Marrow - [music video]
@jimandotherjim -> The Jim Twins
@callmekingofthesquirrels -> King of the Squirrels
@okxygoogle -> Googleplier
@yobuddybing -> Bingiplier - (cyborg)
@justaphxntom -> Phantom - (created by the Author) - [music video]
@hesitxnthost -> The Host
@afraidyouredying -> Dr Iplier - (created by the Host)
@fxckyouchase -> Chase Brody - (immortal)
@bimxglimmer -> Bim Trimmer
@silverdxrk -> Silver Shepherd/Darkiplier from another universe
@pinkwarfstacheman -> Wilford Warfstache
@nxmoreneveragxin -> Darkiplier
@magicmanmarvin -> Marvin Blake - Marvin the Magnificent
@manicxglitch -> Anti Blake - Antisepticeye
@wkmarkiplier -> actor!Mark
@yanishere -> non-binary Yanderiplier/FNAF the musical Mark
@txkemeanywhere -> robo!Nate - [music video]
@handsomespxrklyvampire -> Enis from Random Encounters - [video]
@needsxlittlemxdness -> Colonel William (from another Universe)
@donttrusttheseer -> Celine (from another universe/Silver’s soul)
@magicxmute -> Jameson Jackson (from another Universe)
@danxwickes -> Daniel Wickes - ‘divine being’ from another Universe [music video]
@literalvoiceofreason -> Logan Forrestt - Patton’s Guardian
@isthatacathoodie -> Patton Brooks - Deity of Morality
@emoboynightmare -> Virgil Graves - Deity of Fear
@focusonissuesxfocusonme -> Roman Mercia - Virgil’s Guardian
@caffxinequeen -> Remy Wood - sleep Sanders
@jxckieboymxn -> Séan “Jack” Stewart - Jackie Boy Man
@sxcietylies -> Janus
@nxvermeanwell -> Brandon Hale - cult survivor!Nate - [music video]
@justxtheory -> Travis and Sebastian - theory Matpat and data ghost!Nate - [music video]
@beingsofexistence -> Lady Fate, Safiya, Emile, Henrik
@shxdowwriter -> The universe documentarian
@henrikvonschneep -> Henrik Schneeplestein - missing
@takingcxntrol -> Author 2.0
@dxntwannabefree -> Yancy Harrison - liberated former inmate
@fxllowadventurer -> Illinois Harrison - luckiest SOB in the world
@sirenxsharp -> Siren Sharp - [music video]
@thetrxshassin -> Remus - from another universe
@anarchyagxnt -> Shane - inspired by Escape the Night
@abexdetective -> Detective Abe from WKM and WMLW
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ephiesoul · 10 months
💝 A Date with… Masterlist
💝 Markiplier Egos
Chibi Murdock
Chibi Jim’s
Chibi Bim Trimmer
Chibi Necromancer
Chibi Noir Mark
Chibi Stan the waterman
Chibi Engineer
Chibi Eric Derekson
Chibi Night
Chibi Author
Chibi Dr. Iplier
Chibi Yancy
Chibi Host
Chibi Bingiplier
Chibi Wilford
Chibi Actor Mark
Chibi Darkiplier
Chibi Markiplier
Chibi Illinois
Chibi Googleplier
Chibi Damien
💝 Jacksepticeye Egos
Chibi Jackieboyman
Chibi Marvin
Chibi Anti 2.0
Chibi Chase 2.0
Chibi Seán
Chibi Anti 1.0
Chibi Henrik
Chibi Chase 1.0
Chibi JJ
Chibi Robbie
💝 Miscellaneous
Chibi Celine
Chibi Unus Annus
Chibi Blankgameplays
Chibi Celci
Chibi Natemare
Chibi Gunther
Chibi Amy
Chibi BB
Chibi Gab Smolders
Chibi Dan Avidan
Chibi Arin Hanson
Chibi Ross
Chibi Blue Mack
Chibi Spencer Charnas
Chibi Ethan Nestor
Chibi Matpat
Chibi Lixian
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mandabear72 · 6 years
We'll be waiting for you.....
Okay. So, I saw people were doing this whole #westillfearanti thing in response to something @therealjacksepticeye answered about the stuff with Anti. I didn’t even realized this was a thing until recently but regardless, I’m gonna share some thoughts, keep it 100, and try to add some clarity to this.
The whole thing with Antisepticeye is cool, it’s fuckin’ rad. It’s okay if people aren’t into it. Personally, I don’t like to theorize because it makes me feel like I have nothing solid to base my theories on and that I’m grasping for straws when I want concrete evidence and something factual or “canon”...but I can understand why people do it and it’s alright. It’s also okay if the person wasn’t into the Dark Youtuber persona thing, but they didn’t need to be a bit of an asshole by going to Jack and asking him “Is Anti gonna be in ALL your horror vids now?? Is he gonna be a regular on your channel???” (I’m paraphrasing here). If they bothered to do some research instead of bitching about it, they would’ve saw that Jack doesn’t have Anti in every horror video. He even specifically said before Anti would only appear when we least expect it; that way it’d still be fresh and not go stale on us. But, if I’m gonna give ‘em the benefit of doubt and not assume they were kind of an asshole, they might be someone relatively new to Jack’s channel (even though they still could’ve done their research).
I know Jack mentioned that Anti was already becoming somewhat of a meme  and that he wasn’t being taken as seriously before. I can see that it wasn’t something intentional on his part and in one aspect, I can agree with him that he might’ve been partially to blame on that. However, I don’t think reblogging stuff with him was the problem. Doing stuff like “Darkiplier vs Antisepticeye” certainly didn’t exactly help people take Anti serious though because let’s face it: If at one point Mark took the concept of Darkiplier as seriously as he does the dirt under his nails, why would Anti be taken seriously alongside that? That skit wasn’t meant to be taken seriously since it was pretty much just one big shitpost of dark personas and fuckin’ JAKE PAUL. You’re not gettin’ taken seriously with all that jazz in one video, though one could argue that it was also fanservice ‘cause lord knows there were people on here that wanted a Dark/Anti collab for some reason when neither Jack or Mark were enthusiastic about the concept.
And don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying Mark doesn’t take Darkiplier 2.0 seriously either, no disrespect to him because there was a good amount of work that went into creating him (and fucking up Wilford even more than he already was). He just did the opposite of Jack and created this version of Dark in his own image instead of it being open to interpretation and fan-based like Anti is. Though IMPO, it kinda feels like he was too little, too late when he finally decided to show interest so, his endeavors with Dark 2.0 this year almost feel a little disingenuous and almost spiteful. I admit, in the past, I’ve said Darkiplier 2.0 was scarier, but when I think about it more, I realize maybe it’s more of the concept of his personality that’s scarier than Dark 2.0′s actual visage or physical features. A social manipulator is more tangible in the real world because there are so many men and women out there around us with smiles on their faces and a lull in their voices; ready to fuck us over for their own personal gain and we’d never be any wiser to it unless we’re more discerning or until it’s too late. Whereas demons....much like curses and dark magic from the occult, are a thing of myth and fiction.....but I digress.
Also, as much as Jack wants Anti to be taken seriously, I think there will always be people that’ll find some sort of humor in him. It’s THE INTERNET. People will always find humor in something, even if there’s nothing there. But as such with real life, I suppose. In a way, maybe I also didn’t help. I know I’ve gone and referred to Anti as “Glitch Bitch” plenty of times, but it never came from a place of mockery. It was just an occasional nickname I used for him. However, I don’t know if that was considered to be memey either, so, still leaves me further confused.
But what makes Anti scary is how quick and unpredictable he is, especially using technology to his advantage. Showing up during a game playthrough, in the coding of video descriptions, at fucking conventions. He has the fans self-imploding at the single sight of zalgo text and a lot of them left in fear that he killed Dr. Schneeplestein or manipulated other Septicegos. Aside from being scary, he’s also fun to have around (though boy, it’s gonna take a while to get used to the brown hair again). You know how people like scary shit because they wanna be scared? Well, it’s like that. I wanna be scared, I wanna be excited. And Anti showing up has never failed to make that happen. Both Jack and Robin (’cause that guy needs more fucking credit with those editing skills of his) give Anti these little inflections, that certain “Je ne sais quoi” that makes him so unique. 
It’s more than understandable if Jack wants to take a break from Anti for a bit. I still want Anti to be fun and exciting for him as well. I want Jack to get that same giddy buzz he got when he saw how everyone reacted to Anti at Pax East this year...because the second he gets bored with it, then he wouldn’t have the need or desire to do anything with him. Plus, he’d know we’d be able to tell if he wasn’t into it and that’s not something he’d want. Jack’s one of the most, if not, the most transparent Youtuber out there. He tries to be as genuine and upfront with us as he can. So, maybe we can ease up just a little on trying to predict Anti arrivals or seeing things that aren’t there or even making him feel guilty for being enthusiastic about something he, Robin, and the fans helped create. Let our boy reblog Anti-related stuff until his heart’s content. Give him time and let him decide when Anti comes back. Until then, we’ll be waiting for him. And knowing how Jack has a knack for great execution....I can’t wait to see what him and Robin will come up with next.
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askerror87 · 4 years
Reference Colors for Complex 2.0
For all of your writing purposes! If a character has colored text in the fic, you’ll find it down here (more will have to be added below if we add anyone else)!
Detective Abraham “Abe” Lincoln - dark cyan, hex code 77A9D8
Wilford “Motherlovin’” Warfstache - magenta, hex code FF0DC8
Employee/Security Guard Gavin - light pink, hex code FDC5FF
Employee/Security Guard Dan - light red berry, hex code FFC380
Harold B. Darrensworth - dark green, hex code 2C7312
Darkiplier - bold black, speaks for itself ^-^
Charlotte (kind of) - bold purple, hex code 8813D4
Damien - cyan, hex code 30E1D7
Celine - red, hex code E13030
Actor Mark - dark red berry, hex code 8E2A2A
William J. Barnahm - dark majenta, hex code 5F093B
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@witchblade replied to your post “man dimitri really was chrom 2.0 but like in all the most evil ways...”
darkiplier chrom
please get a message to dimitri the enbarr gangs are having a gang war and we need him to stay safe!!!!
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melissatreglia · 5 years
Did You Miss Me?: Darkiplier in 2018
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For the most part, 2018 was a quiet year. In contrast with 2017, where we were gratified to see Dark's monochromatic visage throughout the year, 2018 carried playful hints and teasing of the elusive entity's presence but no confirmation. There were thumbnails and quick flashes that indicated He was continuing to pull strings, ensuring that His presence was felt but His face never really seen.
Throughout 2017, He'd show up during what us mere mortals consider major holidays or important events. Valentine's Day. Easter. Even Cinco de Mayo got a nod. And of course, the infamous Friday the 13th late in the year.
But 2018? He apparently decided to stay home in the void during our days of revelry, with the possible (though not confirmed) exception of the decidedly strange Fall in Love with Markiplier video for Valentine's Day. And for the TWO Friday the 13ths in 2018? He was a no-show. In 2017, He'd returned to shake things up in our safe little lives... and in 2018, He left us wanting more, like the skilled manipulative seducer He is.
Getting Over It, Part 8 included a thumbnail with Mark's dour expression and a suspiciously familiar colour scheme. The thumbnail for WATCH OUT!! had Mark reaching for us in a state of panic (which belied the contents of the video itself). 
Try Not to Smile Challenge #3, while the smile-free serial killer laugh is creepy, it's not a Darkiplier moment. Though, him joking near the end of the video that people who didn’t smile at some point during the video are "soulless demons" does seem to be a Darkiplier reference of some kind (or maybe a Devilplier reference, since the Cuphead song was released just two months later)?
In Madison, when his game character watches a television that glitches and fades to static, Mark fearfully squeaks, "Darkiplier, is that You?!" While in the description for End My Suffering, just ten days later, Mark wailed, "What malevolent being did I piss off to be cursed like this!"
Brother Wake Up promised "I’ll try to help in whatever way I can but you have to wake up!" Which, while it fit perfectly with the title of the game, the description also fit pretty damn well into the channel lore too. And Umfend's description was likewise ominous: "You shouldn't have forgotten about me... I'll make you remember..."
Meanwhile, the title for the video of Welcome The The Game 2.0 doubles as a callback to an earlier Darkiplier moment: "Don't Play This Game". Horns of Fear did it one better, with the thumbnail featuring many eyes staring out at the viewer (again with an all-too-familiar colour scheme), while the title warned us "DON'T LOOK AWAY..."
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In the Warframe playthrough late in the year, Mark's camera briefly freezes. But in 3 Scary Games #9, his camera freezes repeatedly before glitching back to normal, and he implies that "there's something else" messing with the camera. In 5 Nostalgic Games, when Mark gives the definition of ubiquitous and bares his teeth while saying "We're learning today!", the video suddenly glitches. 
The thumbnail for Markiplier has fled the country had Mark lunging at the camera, his face completely darkened by shadow. And the thumbnail for 3.75 Scary Games blatantly toyed with the fandom with text shouting "DARKIPLIER?"
And the fanbaiting didn't stop there. More thumbnails that hinted at Dark included a hand bathed in blue light reaching out to the viewer for the fittingly titled The Devil Haunts Me, and a cartoon of Mark cowering away from Dark's furious glare for You're Perfect.  
Markiplier's Tour: The Movie featured the improv teacher stating that Markiplier wasn't at the shows. "I don't know who that guy was, but it wasn't him." Even the Markiplier Animated short I've Got Boobs?! features a brief scene of a shadowy Darkiplier rising from a well and whispering something unintelligible.
For the most part however, the teasing came directly from out of Mark’s mouth.
In 3 Scary Games #5, Mark jokes that a ghost (clad in the classic white sheet and glitching somewhat) is Darkiplier. 3 Scary Games #13, the first (jokey) game called "Death Trips" features RGB text and Mark narrating in an echoing voice. In Midnight Shift, a game where Mark is memorably being chased by mannequins, he jokes that an RGB poster on a wall is "expricitly [sic] Darkiplier". In SCP Containment Breach #57, Mark jokes when he sees the intro screen of a pretty lady in 3D with an open third eye, "Look at this Darkiplier ass thing... it's like Celine, straight out of [Who Killed Markiplier?]". 
In 3 FNAF Fan Games, he even chortles that the game has “Darkiplier letters.” In Devil Daggers, he scoffs, “A high-pitched ringing in the darkness. That’s always good.”
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[Image captured by me, on June 3, 2018.] 
Just before midsummer, I received a pleasant surprise. In Imscared: Steam Edition, Mark says "I gotta go get back into the Shadow Realm, the Upside Down." Which, personally, made me very happy at the time. Since I first became active on Tumblr in July 2017, I've been referring to Dark's void dimension as the Shadow Realm, while Mark has referred to it in the past as the Upside Down, making the link fairly clear in this statement. (Somehow, whether by happy accident or serendipity, my terminology and its proper context made its way to Mark. As a fan, I can't describe how pleased that made me, to know he might have actually seen something I’ve made.)
(But enough about me. I’m just an obsessive Darkiplier fangirl. So let’s get back to cataloging all the hinty goodness!)
By this point, you’re probably wondering, “Okay, so all those hints are decent. But where the hell is Dark in all of this?!” But that’s the point, my friends: He was there the whole time. In brief flashes of imagery, in hints and innuendo. Unseen, but his presence clearly felt as our expectations were played with by our channel host.
We expected a wild ride at the beginning, when Mark made two brief livestreams on January 5th, wandering through the theatre he was slated to play for the You’re Welcome Tour. 
The first of the two, “What’s Going In?!”, he showed us the back area of the Paramount Theatre, using only improvised narration and acting to build an atmosphere of dread. He claimed the theatre was haunted, and that he could smell “the scent of death”, ultimately vowing to protect those who would be visiting the theatre to see him that night. He also declares the EXIT a trap, before being pursued by an unseen entity.
The drama continued with “...” (a title that is impossible to find using Youtube’s search options), that begins with an eerie quiet. Tyler eventually finds Mark’s dropped phone. He asks the viewers where Mark is, before going on a search. He’s eventually attacked from behind and the stream cuts off, leaving those who weren’t at the show that night to wonder how the matter resolved.
In Simulacra, there's a brief flash of Mark in his Big Mood outfit with text saying "WAKE UP". When the simulacra changes the colour of the cellphone's display and begins to speak in a calm, creepy voice, Mark reflexively responds, "Darkiplier?" and sounding unnerved at the mention of "behind your black mirrors", then being stunned as the screen appears to crack.
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At the end of Simulacra, he gives an uncharacteristically downbeat speech, declaring that "We're all just digital copies of ourselves, idealized in a digital form. And maybe that's the way that life is just supposed to be. Maybe we should all just roll over and accept it, because there's nothing that we can do to change our fates, after all. And who's to say that it's not better for us just to wear the masks that are our digital personas, and live our lives as those? Maybe that is for the best."
The How To Make Slime video goes from harmlessly silly and takes a twist for the stabby. Mark declares "In order to appease the Dark Gods..." then he instructs the viewer to slice their palm and "whisper the words of power." The words in question? "They shall rise. They shall consume. All will be lost when they rise from the darkness of the ocean. Madness opens up to everything." When the making of the slime is concluded, he adds that "We all get to enjoy three years of peace before the Dark Gods consume us all."
I have no idea what that means, but I’m pretty sure it may involve Cthulhu chomping on my kidneys. (Then again, Darkiplier is a Lovecraftian monstrosity Himself. So, if it’s Him who’s one of the Dark Gods? He can have a kidney from me if He’s really that hungry. Kidneys are a redundant system anyway, so you really only need one.)
April Fool’s Day brought us the gag gift of The Official Markiplier Rock, with a suspiciously deep voice informing us that the rock is available in white. Additionally, the video warned to alert the SCP Foundation if the rock appears to start talking! (What? My rock has been talking to me since I got it, and there’s nothing wrong with me!)
Baldi’s Basics: Secret Ending featured an explanation about attaining the secret ending, with Mark’s otherwise normal voice echoing slightly with subtle white noise effects. (Hmmm...)
In December, for the charity livestream and archived in a video called Santa Spills The Tea, a Santa Claus that sounded suspiciously like Wilford Warfstache declared that Dark, the master manipulator and Big Bad of Mark’s channel, was a “sweetheart! He shouts a lot, but he’s just a big ol’ pussy. He can’t even possibly… he didn’t hurt anybody! He didn’t kill one person! If there’s anybody who’s on my naughty li— uh, on my list of people who’ve been bad, he’s the only one not on it.” (And mind you, in 2017′s Markiplier TV, Wilford sang a little ditty about how he killed Santa Claus and the kids wouldn’t be getting any presents that year. And Dark still convinced us to shoot someone in A Date With Markiplier, while apparently feigning regret. But heck, use your own judgement.)
Mark also dropped one heck of a hint of things to come in, of all places, Markiplier Tries Korean Beauty Products. There, the descriptive intro to the following year’s DAMIEN animated feature can be heard at one point. “Snow blankets the field, a pristine meadow of untouched white. No animals call. No birds cry. Only the steady rustling of wind through dead trees accented by the impact of his axe. A crack-like thunder rings out as the ancient pine finally succumbs to his murderous assault. The old giant crashes into the ground. Dami-”
Wilford Motherloving Warfstache was, of course, focused on the mustachioed entity. But there were elements to the short film that felt like Darkiplier was watching along with us. Particularly the VHS-style glitch at the end of the film.
Of course, there were only three videos that year that potentially contained Darkiplier himself.
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One candidate is Fall in Love with Markiplier. Yes, the name on the title is Mark’s... but is it really him? The entirety of the film is a fourteen minute staring contest with Mark, as he lovingly (and somehow also creepily) gazes at the viewer in different settings -- by the ocean, at a dog park, and in a bubble bath. The only spoken words are in the intro, over the strains of the music from A Date with Markiplier: “It’s scientifically proven that you can fall in love with someone simply by maintaining eye-contact for an extended period of time. So now, you can fall in love with Markiplier all over again in these three locations. Happy Valentine’s Day.”
The second candidate is World’s 5th Quietest Let’s Play, released just 5 days prior to the Let’s Have a Romantic Staring Contest video. Unlike the previously mentioned video, there’s more going on this time around. The game to be played quietly this time around is Bennett Foddy’s infamous rage-inducing creation “Getting Over It”. 
He threatens the developer with the words, “You will see the inside of your entrails, when I drag them out of your abdomen and show them to you.” (Ah, how romantic.) He goes even further than that, saying soon after, “This is a representation of My sins... You will be purged in the fires of absolution, along with all of your ilk. I will burn the heretics that you are harbouring inside of your soul... I will destroy you.” (Now there’s the smite-happy Hellgod we all love!)
But He doesn’t stop there, snarling under His breath, “You will burn in the fires of My own hell! And I will choose your pain to last eternity!” However, He is ultimately defeated by the game, departing our company with  “Alas, I leave you now, to slumber amongst the ancients.” (Aww, poor guy needs a hug. And I know just who’s ready to snuggle with Him...)
But the last of the video to potentially contain Darkiplier is... the four-hour long play through of Hearts & Heroes. Is it canon Dark? No, probably not. It’s a fan game, though the words of dialogue are acted out by Mark himself. But rather than simply recounting key phrases for you, here’s the Boss Battle between Mark’s team and Dark, edited by the lovely icedpinkpeebles (Mark’s goofy character names and all!):
So, what does all of this ultimately mean? Why did Darkiplier fade into the background in 2018? And, most importantly, what is He up to now?
The truth is I don’t know any more than you do. I can only guess.
But I can tell you this: We don’t know Darkiplier as well as we all think we do. Many of us (including me) fully expected Dark to raise hell following the events of the jokey Darkiplier vs Antisepticeye video in 2017 (because He did mention how He hates being mocked!). And while we did get more Dark at the end of that year, it was in the form of an origin story.
Whatever Dark’s planning, we’re not going to see it coming. Because He’s playing a long game. And when you’re immortal like He is, you have all the time in the world to get what you want. Be it for love or revenge, Darkiplier remains a force to be reckoned with.
But here we are, in the eye of the storm. Only time will tell before the final wrath of the hurricane makes landfall.
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witchangelnekora · 6 years
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Meet Antibelle 2.0 ! 
They are a fusion of Annabelle the Satanic Cursed Doll (Yes, that one....) and Antisepticeye, a Virus-like Demon. See, Last year i had this idea for Halloween, that i decided to bring back THIS year for a con i’m going to.
What happened to Anti after “Darkiplier Vs Antisepticeye”? Well sure, we saw him in “KILL JACKSEPTICEYE” and the ending of that one game where we saw him chase Chase Brody away, but i had this idea....After he was attacked by Goddess Chica (The big doggo~) and Dark ran off to heal after he was attacked, Anti was low on health, bleeding heavily from his arm and his left leg, floating around to find a source of healing..
Just Anything to help him recover, since he wasn’t able to find Jack anywhere nearby to possess him and regain his energy, he found the doll case that had the doll Annabelle inside of it (Yes, the doll exists. Look it up.) And since it was as evil as he was, he used all his remaining energy to open the case up and just jumped into the doll body, combining his wounded self with the possessed toy, using her as a sort of....Cocoon or Healing-Chamber thing, to use the demonic powers within the doll itself to heal him slowly while he thought of ways to return to his real body.
By doing so, he combined his body with her soul, creating a Genderfluid Demon known as Antibelle. They found some old wrappings since the wounds appeared on the now sentient 5′10″ Demon Doll as if they were makeup, and still bleeding heavily and bandaged up their arm, leg, and even their slit-throat to hide the fact that they were actually Anti, just in a new....albeit temporary form.
They attacked the first person they saw and took the sneakers off the corpse, since the doll shoes that were on Annabelle’s feet looked horrible. So, they put their weapon in the leg-bandages to hide it, used a little magic to change up the outfit a bit to look more modern, and that’s how Antibelle was created. 
Pronouns: They/Them.
Loves: Knives, Blades, Blood, Causing Chaos, Despair, Coffee, Sweets
Hates: Hope, People in general (they are not morning people),Annoyances, Not using the right pronouns when people are speaking to them.
They still speak in a glitched way, swapping from Anti’s voice to a more Feminine version (like if you glitched out Signe’s voice) at times, so you don’t know which side is speaking at times. They also hide a necklace underneath the front of the dress, which was also stolen from the corpse they looted.
They stole a bracelet (not seen) that they didn’t realize was blessed, which keeps Antibelle from floating away, but can still escape via dark magic.
Their eyes are decorated in Red-and-Green, but their eyes will glow a bright green when angry.
They share the same powers as their separate forms, such as Anti’s Reality warping and Annabelle’s cursed body, As it’s said that those whom touch the doll are said to either be cursed by a terrible fate or get deathly ill.
(That’s all i have so far. :3)
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awkwardpaulie · 7 years
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Darkiplier Aesthetic Board 2.0 & 2.5
I couldn’t decide which one I liked more. I love the quote because it matches Darkiplier so well. The chocolate ice cream is a nod to ‘Date with Markiplier’ series.
I like Dark on the left because he looks like he’s being a ‘Good’ boy & being on his best behavior, while Dark on the right shows his true ‘colors’. Maybe I’ll redo Anti & Jack. 
I’m trying to do a Markiplier one but it’s a little difficult because I don’t see Mark the same way I once did. For personal reasons, my view of him had changed and the admiration I once had has dimmed and weakened. He’s still one of my favorite YouTubers, but I don’t watch him as much as I used to.
I’m gonna tag @markiplier just in case he might wanna see this. link to the first one is here and all the sources are the same from the other, just a couple are missing.
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Oliver, are you really going to cry to Google? You're the reason he almost died! Are you really going to burdened him with more of your problems?
Oliver puts his hands over his ears and finds Google in their office, still looking through security footage. When he comes running in, Google turns just in time for Ollie to drop down and lean his head against Blue’s knee, crying.
Google looks up at you, eyes flashing blue and hands gripping into fists. “Oliver is never a burden, and if you value your pathetic human life, you’ll run out of here as fast as you can before my secondary objective kicks in.”
Then Google looks down at his little brother, his voice softening, “Oliver, are you listening to me?”
Ollie nods, not looking up as he wraps his arms around Google’s legs. The blue android smooths Oliver’s hair with one hand and grips his shoulder with the other. “You’re not a burden, and you’re not the reason that those bad things happened. You’re kind and understanding and very important to us. Remember that?”
Oliver glances up, eyes puffy and still full of tears. “You mean that?”
“Of course. I believe in facts, and what I just told you is completely factual. If it were not true, I would not have said it.” Google slips out of the chair and kneels onto the floor in front of Oliver. “You’re not thinking logically, and… that happens sometimes. But when you’re sad, it’s not a good time to make very big decisions, ok?”
Oliver nods, sniffling and wiping his nose with the back of his hand.
“And you know that neither I or the others would ever want you to shut yourself down, right?” Blue tilts Oliver’s chin up when he looks down at the floor. “Right, Ollie?”
Oliver nods again. “Right.”
“You can always come talk to me.” Google pulls Oliver into a tight hug as the yellow droid continues to cry. “I can’t always help with the emotions, but I’ll listen. I promise.”
Oliver continues to cry, gripping Blue’s shirt in both of his hands until he’s cried himself out and there’s nothing left but a dull ache. But his brother’s arms are around him, and Google is humming softly to him. Oliver lets himself smile a little, enjoying the warmth and the rumble in Google’s chest as he sings, “You are my sunshine, my only sunshine,” and he knows that Google isn’t the best with emotions. “You make me happy, when skies are gray.”
But he doesn’t care, because his big brother is trying, and that’s all that matters.
“Please don’t take my sunshine away.”
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