#I still don't know if I'll go with that haurchefant headcanon
tsunael · 3 months
WoL Think Thonkers
8. What is one of their biggest regrets? Has it had an effect on how they act moving forward, for better or worse?
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Haurchefant is a big one, of course. Canonically he is the WoL's main regret, but in Tsuna's case I have been mulling over the idea inspired by this post that she tried so hard to bring him back that not only did she perform the taboo of using her own life energy for her white magic once she drained herself both of mana and ambient aether, but that the sheer strength of her wish caused his corpse never to rot-- similar to Niellefresne's condition. It ensures that he is tethered to the world for as long as she is.
Does it have an effect on how she acts moving forward? Yes. Despite her meetings with Fray telling her that she can't save everyone, and that to sacrifice is to renounce everything. She becomes distant for a time, and quicker to anger.
Aside from the obvious canon losses that she couldn't prevent, the other regret (coincidentally also around the same time) is having a drunken, one-night stand with a certain rogue. No, it doesn't go well. It affects their relationship negatively well into Shadowbringers.
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ffxiv 4.0 hitting the steppe
the writers were having a field day coming up with all the different xaela tribes.
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like a mama duck and two baby ducks
Magnai's speech patterns are stranger in english than in japanese. he's just normal in japanese
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haurchefant would have loved it here...
I don't think the devs thought through this whole horse Yol thing. What I think happened was that they wanted the aesthetics of central asian horse based nomadic people but they also wanted a cool flying mount and like the logistics of actual people living with both wasn't thought out.
what language is everyone speaking??? I'd assume its the xaela auri language expect you expect me to believe gosetsu, yugiri, and lyse who are all people who have never been to the steppe or had extensive contact with the xaela, understand what is being said. but the other option is equally ridiculous, the xaela are stated to be fairly isolated like foreign trade in reunion is still a new and rare thing, why the hell would they all know and speak hingan.
if the echo has an auto translate function does that mean the party doesn't understand what the wol is saying 90% of the time?
Hien complains of Magnai's arrogance but he's just as arrogant to think he deserves anything here.
wow Hien is condescending af what an asshole. i want to lock hien and magnai in a room together maybe they can tear down each other's overinflated egos.
i wonder if everyone is going to get a heart to heart, yugiri and now gostesu, npcs lining up. i was wondering how the game was or if they were at all going to deal with the parallels between ala mhigo and doma so the lyse hien convo was very important but oof hien needed what gosetsu got in his heart to heart, hien as a character is really suffering for being bereft of that.
still weird magnai is the only one not wearing yellow.
bruh player character was the one that one, hien why the hell are you giving orders you have no authority.
sui-no-sato myth speaks of a great disaster that drove the raen into the sea and as nomads the xaela don't seem big of giant stone constructions. so where did all the ruins and dawn throne come from? my pet headcanon is that there was a proto auri civilization that collapsed due to some disaster and the survivors left. the raen left the steppe entirely fleeing to the coast while the xaela left the immediate area but became nomadic. the sightseeing log also confirms that the xaela were once one tribe.
I can see why people have a problem with hien. he comes off as incredibly arrogant and condescending towards xaela culture. gosetsu just got here and he had a mini arc learning to be open of cultural differences, hien has been here much longer and yet he is still far behind gosetsu's development. Yeah sure xaela society is really violent and at times unjust but for the japanese king to come barging in about how savage the culture is, is a bad look. I'll give the devs the benefit of the doubt but just like how having all the plot important scion ala mhigans be blond haired, blue eyes, light skinned, and use midlander models while the rest of the ala mhigans are mostly dark haired, have medium skin colors, and have highlander models, the japanese prince coming in and talking about how these violent foreign asian savages need to be brought to heel is a bad look, it has unintentional parallels to real life acts of oppression and human rights violations that continue in the present day. at least the japanese invasions never got all that far into central asia. Who is hien to decide what the xaela do.
On that note, to have the more east asian fusion yanxia be dominated by hingan names and culture is another bad idea. as noted in the namazu quests most of the customs in the area are not yanxian, but hingan specifically. And while yanxia is more a fusion of east asian cultures similarly to but to a lesser extent to how eorzea is a fusion of various european cultures, hingashi is specifically japanese. This sadly calls to mind the japanese invasion and occupation throughout east and southeast asia where japanese language and cultural aspects became mandatory under occupation.
the way ffxiv handles all this isn't terrible like i wouldn't say its overtly fascist and I've certainly seen worse, but its not good either it has unfortunate implications and could have been done better.
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galaxxiwrites · 3 years
Excited to hear more from this blog! I'm curious about non-romantic headcanons for how the Ishgard elezen (Estinien, Haurchefant, Aymeric) would react to a teenage WoL still figuring out the world.
gosh you're all so darn sweet (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)
warning: Estinien's hcs will contain spoilers for the ARR Dragoon quest line + post-ARR patches!!
Teenager WoL (ft. Estinien, Haurchefant & Aymeric)
Haurchefant Greystone
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Haurchefant is twice as encouraging as he normally is. He understands that you're going through a lot right now, what with adolescence, being framed for murder and whatnot.
As a big brother, he has this sixth sense that tells him whenever you're troubled, and you better bet he's the first one to go talk things out with you when your mind isn't in a good place.
He spoils you and Alphinaud a lot, probably a bit too much. Whenever you ask about it, he'll scoff it off and say it's only natural for the hosting family to treat their wards well.
What he'll never admit though is that you and Alphinaud gave him a second chance to a big brother, because his half siblings never really accepted him.
Calls himself your big brother by accident on occasion, and quickly apologizes whenever he does let it slip.
Wakes you up every morning and makes you and Alphinaud breakfast. He's always wanted to do it for his own younger siblings but never had the chance to.
If he happens to see you up by the time he's home in the dead of night, he immediately gets worried and tries to help you get some sleep.
"I understand you have a lot on your plate right now, (y/n), but you should get some well deserved sleep. You won't be able to think straight if you're deprived of it."
Is 200% worried whenever you're off on missions alone. He knows you're somewhat of a hardened warrior, but he also acknowledges that you're still young and lacking a lot of experience. It's easy to slip up on the battle field and get injured.
Always so so supportive of your dreams and ambitions, and reassures you that he'll always be there to support you, no matter what. He even tells you that it's alright if you don't want to become the Warrior of Light, and that he'll be beside you regardless.
"All you need to do is follow you heart, (y/n). I'll take care of everything else and willingly become your shield whenever the entire world decides to become your enemy over and over again."
I'm not crying you are
Aymeric de Borel
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Aymeric would be flabbergasted to find out Eorzea's greatest champion was but a youth, one barely old enough to be considered an adult but far from being a child.
This was one of the first things he said when he first met you. He reassures you that it wasn't meant to sound like an underhanded comment, he's just genuinely surprised that so many adults would place their faith in you.
This is the same reason why he is reluctant to ever rely on you in the beginning. To him, you're a citizen that must be protected, despite being only temporary.
That all goes out the window when he finally sees your deeds with his own eyes. When you take down Lady Iceheart and achieve what his own men could not, he can't help but feel ashamed.
He admits it was wrong of him to judge you even before you could prove anything, and it makes him realize that you two are quite similar.
Both of you had to face many trials and tribulations even at a young age, and were forced to mature quicker than everyone else because of such burdens.
Because of this, he wants to see you succeed as he once did.
Unlike Haurchefant who treats you like a younger sibling, Aymeric will treat you like a student. He teaches you all he knows, especially when it came to political disputes and conversations, and helps you develop into your own person without being too attached.
...Or so he believes, but everyone can see otherwise. Aymeric has actually grown very close to you as he guided you throughout your journey of self-discovery, and at some point he just became like a father figure to you.
If you accidentally call him dad he'd actually be very happy about it.
"I'm glad you trust me so much, (y/n). Though I'd like to have you know, I'm only 32." Aymeric jokes.
Don't tell him that's a normal dad age
Estinien Wyrmblood
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If you think he was rude with an adult WoL, he'll be twice as hostile and rude with a teenager WoL.
He's a fully grown man, 32 years of age, and has been training as a dragoon for as long as you were alive and yet here you are, a snot-nosed brat, besting him in a battle of strength and his title of Azure Dragoon.
Ha, sore loser.
Will always remind that you're the Azure Dragoon whenever you're faced against a high wall.
"Is that all the new Azure Dragoon can do? Pathetic. Such a position doesn't fit you, much less being called Eorzea's savior."
He's always pushing you to achieve higher by becoming your own adversary and come out of the fight greater than ever.
It's rough, I won't lie. No matter your accomplishments, Estinien dismisses it. You start to wonder: will anything you do ever be accepted by this man?
When Haurchefant tries to talk to Estinien on his behavior and how it's been affecting you, he scoffs and says telling him is pointless, and that if you can't deal with a bit of pressure then you wouldn't make it far.
It's only until he sees you crying alone, far from the sights of anyone, that he realizes that he's been over the board with his scrutiny.
Seeing you by yourself in such a dark corner made him see himself and how he once was, and while he was used to leaving himself in the darkness, far from others, you weren't.
You were a teenager who was handed down a responsibility you didn't ask for, and because you were still naive and lacking experience, you were easily fooled and now you have the entire world as your enemy. You had to reach out to absolute strangers just for security.
Perhaps that it was because he saw himself in you all along that he wanted to push you to your uppermost limits and become a better person he will ever be, but if he continued you down this toxic path you'd fall even lower than him.
From then on, you notice a change in him. He started giving you compliments for your achievements- they weren't over the top, but finally being given validity for your hard work always lifted your spirits.
He even started calling you his partner, much to everyone's surprise.
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themadchemist · 4 years
So I finally got the courage to post about her. I tried to stay away from the actual game story since I don't remember much about ARR and Heavensward despite playing them and I only watched Stormblood and Shadowbringers. I might play the free trial soon so I can refresh my knowledge of the first 2 expansions but I don't think I can play the others so if I get anything wrong main story and lore wise just let me know.
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These are just general stuff and headcanons but it might contain SPOILERS FOR 5.x
Name: Arciela Ausbasch
Age: 27
Nameday: 22nd sun of the second umbral moon
Height: 170cm
Profession: Apothecary and healer
Canon class: WHM/BLM (it's the classic FF sage but there's no sage in FFXIV)
Sub classes: SCH/Alchemist/Botanist/Culinarian
Headcanons: again they're just general stuff and they contain SPOILERS FOR 5.x (I'm on my phone so idk how to put the under a cut)
She sat out on her adventure because she wanted to explore the world and learn more; to expand her horizontals horizons as a healer and apothecary and if becoming the Warrior of Light and saving the world was the way to do it then she would embrace her new role and duties in order to achieve her goals (she's also reckless and would never say no to an adventure even if there was a chance that she might die in the process)
Self proclaimed culinarian. After everything is over, she dreams of opening her own restaurant and bakery.
Relationship with her allies:
Thancred and Estinien are her closest friends and drinking buddies
Papalymo was like a big brother to her (he reminded her of her own brother) and helped her learn new black magic spells and perfect the ones she already knew.
Urianger and Y'shtola are her "nerd friends" as Thancred dubbed them. She still has trouble understanding certain things that Urianger says.
Ryne and the twins are like little siblings to her and she enjoys spending time with them and teaching them things. She taught Ryne how to make Thancred's favorite foods and desserts and she goes swimming with Alisaie (I can't think of anything she might do with Alphinaud except for being nerds together).
She's very close with Aymeric, especially after the dinner (and a certain culinary adventure that prompted Arciela to work on creating the best honey cake the lord commander will ever taste.)
She became good friends with Cirina after spending an entire day trying new recipehs recipes and making the mol taste test them for her (iirc Cirina liked food, right?)
X'rhun Tia is like a father/cool uncle to her and they're super close. He's also her favorite job/class teacher. She appreciats his patience when he was teaching her red magic. While she didn't struggle in the casting part, she did struggle with the fencing part, especially since it was completely different from the dark knight style that she learned from her father (I'm working on her father and I have this idea that he was once an Ishgardian dark knight but I'll wait until I either play or watch Heavensward to decide if I want to go with it or not)
Other good friends of hers are: Kan-E-Senna (who helped her with her white magic), Haurchefant (who was like a brother to her. His death still haunts her) and the Fortemps in general, G'raha Tia (he's adorable and she has a very hard time containing the urge to touch his ears and tail. She's doing a good job so far), Moren (she spent most of her time in the Crystarium in the library with him), Cid, Hilda and Unukalhai.
Triggers for remembering her past life in Amaurot:
The deaths of Lahabrea, Emet Selch and Elidibus and meeting Hythlodaeus.
Lahabrea's death caused her to vaguely remember her time in Akadaemia Anyder and her work as an alchemist but she dismissed the memories as dreams and didn't think much of it since it was similar to her work as an apothecary. She didn't remember him but she felt that they were connected somehow.
Meeting Hythlodaeus for first time triggered memories of Amaurot in general but she also dismissed them as an effect of being there and talking to him.
The death of Emet Selch caused the first bang of memories for she remembered her time and true relationship with him. The memories and the new knowledge brought about hesitation and uncertainty, doubts and immense guilt.
Meeting Hythlodaeus the second time in 5.3 and collecting "stars" triggered memories of her time as Azem and the final days. His presence somehow made it easier to handle the new memories.
She didn't remember Elidibus prior to fighting him in the Seat of Sacrifice, but she remembered enough to know that they were once connected and thus she found the resolve to kill him and end his suffering, for both his sake and the sake of the world.
It was only when he regained his memories that hers started to come back more clearly to her.
The hope that her friends are now resting in peace, free of Zodiark's tempering was the only thing that kept her from crumbling under the weight of her memories and guilt.
Amaurotian Arciela/Anais/Azem/The Alchemist:
Just general stuff to explain certain things from above:
Before becoming Azem she was a professor in Akadaemia Anyder and an accomplished scholar in the field of pharmacy (potions and herbal medicine; or this is what I think is their equivalent of pharmacy at least).
A friend of Emet Selch, Lahabrea, Hythlodaeus and Elidibus. (I ship her with both Lahabrea and Emet Selch so nothing's official until I decide on one of them or create multiple time lines).
Childhood friends with Lahabrea. They've known each other for so long, attended the academy and became professors together. They're probably the only ones who actually listen to and show interest in each other's rambles (just let them be nerds together)
She's also a self proclaimed culinarian, which made her delve into the field of botany and create certain herbs and trees including cocoa trees which lead to her creating chocolate.
During their days as students, Anais would wake Lahabrea up in the middle of the night or drag him away from whatever he was doing to accompany her to the kitchen so she would try to make the new recipe she came up with. He'd complain the entire time she's cooking but at least she could count on him to give her his honest opinion. After tasting the new recipe, he'd either complain some more, insult her ability to cook and just leave if he doesn't like it or he'd ask for seconds... And thirds...
Her favorite pass time is annoying and pranking Lahabrea and Emet Selch. Sometimes, she would team up with Hythlodaeus and they're an absolute menace together.
Lahabrea's reactions are the best because he never sees anything coming since he's always too engrossed in some book to pay attention to anything else and thus, he's always startled, surprised and falls for all of her pranks. And he's ALWAYS extremely pissed off afterwards and they'll be subjected to one of his famous rants and lectures. Hythlodaeus suffers. Anais has known him long enough to get used to them and thus they have no effect on her (and one would think that he's known her long enough to learn to not let his guard down around her when she's bored). It's always worth it though.
Emet Selch's reactions are the second best, because whether the prank works or not, he'll complain about it because he's dramatic. He gets his revenge by pranking them later.
Much like Arciela, Anais took the chance of becoming Azem and traveling the world to gain more knowledge on her field of studies.
Class: SCH
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