#I try to post my photography to insta and it reaches maybe like 10 people who already have me on a close friends list
sesamestreep · 6 months
perhaps nothing better represents the feelings of isolation I’ve been experiencing lately while trying to stay connected or make new connections with people online than logging onto tumblr to find a notification for a new message, feeling approximately 3 seconds of joy and excitement before I open the message and it turns out to be from a pornbot
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How to Start a Bomb Fitness Instagram Account (With Examples)
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If you've been thinking about starting a fitness Instagram account, there are a lot of factors that can contribute to your success and failure.
Famous fitness influencers like Sjana Elise Earp and Simeon Panda have worked hard to perfect their brand, photography skills, and physiques, allowing them to gain millions of Instagram followers over the years.
But even if you're starting from zero, there’s no time like the present to start building your fitness Instagram account!
Today I'll be showing you step by step how to start a bomb fitness Instagram account (with examples).
1. What are Your Instagram Goals and Objectives?
Before you start creating content, you’ll need to decide what you want to accomplish with your Instagram account. Go beyond the follower count, and determine the type of impact or incentives you want in the long run.
Think of your Instagram goals like your fitness goals, once you know where you're going, you'll be able to find the activities to get you there over time.
Here are some goals you should consider for your fitness Instagram account:
Mission or Purpose: Sharing your fitness journey to inspire and help others can be your main goal. Maybe at one point, weight loss seemed impossible for you, but you started working out and planning your meals. Who knows how many people your story can inspire. Fitness Insta-Mom Christy Gomez’s main goal is to help moms like herself gain confidence back after childbirth through quick and healthy meal plans and workouts.
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Endorsement & Sponsorship If you're an athlete looking for endorsement, you can use your Instagram page to get noticed by top brands. Nike sponsors Ji So-Yun, a female footballer with only 13,000 followers. Imagine what you can do once you start growing your fitness Instagram following.
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Clients: As a personal trainer Instagram is a great platform to gain credibility and attract new clients. Fitness influencer Sara Vowell uses her Instagram profile to endorse her meal plans and online training program.
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Ecommerce:With Instagram shopping features you can sell fitness products like supplements and athleisure wear with your fitness account.
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2. Fill Out Your Instagram Account
Once you've created your Instagram profile, it's time to switch to a business account. This gives you access to features your personal account will lack, like analytics, Instagram ads, and insights to help you to reach your Instagram goals.
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Three Things Every Instagram Business Account Should Have
Profile picture: Use a professional logo or head shot for your profile. The ideal Instagram profile picture size is 180 x 180 pixels. But Instagram profile photos must be at least a minimum size of 110 x 110 pixels. Try to avoid making your photo look too filtered.
Bio: Your Instagram bio is like a mini trailer, showing people who you are and what kind of content they can expect from you. Choose your words wisely. For tips on how to create the perfect Instagram bio, check out 10 Tips to Create the Perfect Instagram Bio to Attract a Bigger Audience.
Link: If you have a website or blog, let your followers know by adding it to your profile. If you don't, you can share content, ebooks, or Youtube videos.
3.Define Your Ideal Followers & Fitness Niche
Think about the type of person you want following you. That’s who were creating content for on a daily basis.
Defining your ideal follower is also known as creating a buyer persona. Not to get too technical, but when you know exactly who you want to attract to your Instagram page, you'll be able to create specific content that they'll be sure to love.
For example, if you're a fitness influencer who wants to help people lose weight from dancing, then your ideal follower is someone who loves dancing and music. Create fitness videos using dance moves to the latest songs.
Once you know who your ideal follower is then you have to decide what your niche in fitness should zone in on Instagram.
Stick to your niche, whether it be yoga, kickboxing, weight training, or even martial arts.
A niche is what brands use to decide if an influencer is perfect for them. For example, Aria Crescendo is a yoga teacher, and mom and her content say it all. It's no surprise that most of her audience are mom's who love yoga and her brand sponsor is a yoga clothing line.
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4. Use High-Quality Images & Videos
Instagram is a highly visual social media platform. You'll need to post high-quality fitness images or videos on your page. This could be with a camera or your phone.
Be sure to have your face in the photo, photos with faces get 38% more likes according to Sprout Social, so smile for the camera and increase your engagement.
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The key to good photos is quality lighting. At times it can be hard to find good light in the gym but try and find a spot that does you justice. You can also invest in lightboxes, GoPros or a phone ring light, to help you capture images better single-handedly.
5. Master Your Instagram Caption
When it comes to captions, they can either be short and concise or long and detailed, and with Instagram's word limit of 2,200, you can have a lot to say.
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Some people keep captions short and snappy so that people can skim through and quickly enjoy the message. Other fitness influencers opt for longer, 'mini blog posts' with more detail broken up by space and a few emojis.
The choice is yours, but be sure to add a clear call to action (CTA), a call to action is a phrase that guides the reader to complete an action. Your CTA can be "click the link in the bio," or as simple as "comment below."
CTA's help to encourage engagement, and the more engagement your post gets, the more people will follow your account.
Here are 25 Proven Call-to-Action Words to Maximize Conversions.
6. Show Off Your Workout Routine on Instagram
One of the biggest mistakes some fitness accounts make: posting more about being fit rather than showing followers how to get fit.
Share your workout routines on Instagram for followers to try. People aren't just following because of your looks, they want to see the work that goes on behind your success.
Fitness Instagrammer Kayla Itsines has one million followers and she always makes time to post work out routines and videos. You should be able to find the time as well.
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7. Engage With Your Followers
Whether it's 100 or 10,000 followers, engagement means much more to you than it does for them.
When you engage with followers, it helps to show that you're active, and you care about what your followers have to say. Plus 44% of people think that a brand's conversations (including direct messaging or in response to a comment posted) is more persuasive than what the brand has to say in ads.
Guess, what? You never know when you might respond to the right person who will reach out for a partnership. Even if you can't respond to all the comments, you can like the comments so followers know that you see them.
8. Share Easy to Follow Meal Plans & Prep
Naturally, you should add a few meal plans, protein products, and meal prep to encourage your followers to keep a healthy diet along with your fitness tips.
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If you don't want to create the content yourself, you can repost from meal prep or health food pages like:
9. Share Fun Day-to-Day Activities
Give followers a peek of what you do when you're not working out or at the gym. It adds a human element to your brand and makes you look relatable.
Fitness Influencer Katerina Kountouris shares her day to day as a host a local tv show, going to her favorite food spots, and events she attends as an influencer. This type of content shows that you're marketable, and you can manage your life outside of fitness.
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Try to keep a healthy balance with fitness and personal content. You'll have to decide at your discretion, but I usually find that a 30:70 ratio (personal to fitness) works well.
10. Go Live on Instagram
Going live on Instagram will make your account stand out. Every time you go on Live, there's a notification that's sent to your followers that you're broadcasting, making them feel FOMO (the fear of missing out) to go check out your account.
Fitness Influencer Taylor Hill goes live during her workouts to show her fans how it's done.
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At the end of your Instagram live, save it to your story and add fitness hashtags, stickers so that Instagram users that follow these hashtags can discover your content.
11. Network With Other Fitness Influencers
Reach out to fitness influencers in your niche and collaborate on content. With your combined audience, you'll increase the chance of getting more followers for each other.
You can collaborate and post pictures or videos on:
Fun workout routines
A giveaway
Behind the scenes
Having fun and trying new things together
Check out calisthenics influencer Gina Marie is known to collaborate with other influencers every week, building a network of calisthenics Instagrammers like Hanna Presence
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Here are some things you should keep in mind before reaching out to collaborate:
You should look for someone who has great content or a massive following. Likewise, your account should be up to par with the influencer you want to collaborate with on Instagram.
Choose someone who compliments your niche, don't choose someone solely because of their follower count. Ask yourself, does this person’s message align with my own?
Don't put all your eggs in one basket, reach out to multiple fitness influencers, you can never have too many collaborations.
12. Host a Video Series on IGTV
Each Instagram account can create their own IGTV "channel," which is where all your IGTV videos will live (separate from your regular Instagram bio + Instagram story highlights).
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Treat your IGTV channel like a YouTube channel, because it is, Instagram made IGTV to compete against the video giant. The tips that can help to grow your Youtube channels can be used for your IGTV channel.
Fitness IGTV Example: Morgan Rose and Steve Cook
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Here are 18 Powerful Ways to Grow Your YouTube Channel.
13. Host a Contest or Giveaway
Hosting a giveaway is a quick way to grow your Instagram followers and brand awareness.
Anyone can host a giveaway, no experience, or 10k followers needed. Once you find a giveaway formula that suits your audience, you can host a giveaway as often as you'd like. Rinse + repeat = grow.
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Here are four things you need to host a successful Instagram giveaway:
Choose a prize that fits your niche. The prize you choose should be something your followers are interested in winning. For example, if you're a yoga fitness instructor, then your prize should reflect that; yoga mats, incense, or a yoga retreat!
Have a start and end date for your giveaway. This gives you time to monitor or promote your giveaway and lets your contestants know how much time they have to enter.
Follow Instagram Giveaway Rules when you're hosting your giveaway. This protects you from any legal complications down the road.
Write clear guidelines on how to enter. You want to make sure your instructions are foolproof to help increase your giveaway entries.
Need some inspiration for your Instagram Contest. Here are 10 Amazing Instagram Contest Examples (Critiqued)
14. Always Share Your Story
Your fitness journey and personal story speaks volumes about who you are and why your fitness Instagram account differs from the rest. Instagram was initially made to connect with people around the world, so connect.
If you take a look at the most popular fitness influencers on Instagram, there’s always a post dedicated to sharing their fitness story; who they are, and how far they've come. It allows you to connect with followers on a deeper level. That's apart of your brand.
Health Coach Shannon Eng shares her fitness journey in a blog form caption to motivate her followers and clients.
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15. Use the Best Fitness Hashtags In Your Post
Hashtags help to make your post more discoverable to people who don’t follow your Instagram account.
You can place hashtags in your Instagram post:
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You can place hashtags in your profile bio:
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You can place hashtags in your Instagram Story:
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You'll have to pick the most popular fitness hashtags to improve the visibility of your post, here's a list of the best fitness hashtags for your niche to use for your next post.
Motivation Hashtags: FitnessGoals, FitnessMotivation, Fitspo, YouCanDoIt GoalSetting, NoExcuses, BodyGoals, GymMotivation WeightLossMotivation, JustDoIt, FindYourStrong, GetFit
Workout and Gym Hashtags: GymLife, Workout, LegDay, ChestDay, TrainHard, Gains, Toning, Squats, AbWorkout, Cardio, GirlsWhoLift, WeightTraining
Healthy Eating and Weight Loss Hashtags: Health, EatClean, HealthyFood, HealthyEating, HealthyLifestyle, Nutrition, CleanEating, MealPrep, FitFood, Vegan, MuscleFood
Running Hashtags: Running, RunnersOfInstagram, RunningMotivation, MarathonTraining, SeenOnMyRun, TrailRunning, CrossCountry, InstaRunners, Cardio, RunnerLife, RunningTips
Bodybuilding Hashtags: bodybuilding, bodybuilder, gains, muscle, shredded, BodybuildingMotivation, BodyTransformation, FitFreak, BodybuilderLifestyle, PowerLifting, SwoleLife, CleanBulk
Yoga Hashtags: YogaLife, Yogi, Balance, BeginnerYoga, DailyPractice, Namaste, Flexibility, InstaYoga, YogaLifestyle, Asana, Vinyasa
Crossfit Hashtags: crossfit, crossfitter, CrossfitGames, CrossfitCommunity, CrossTrain, CrossFitFamily, CrossFitLife, HIIT
Sports Hashtags: Sports, Sportsmanship, Soccer, Basketball, Baseball, Lacrosse, Football, Volleyball, Softball, FieldHockey, Hockey, Team, TeamPlayer, GetInTheGame, JustDoIt
16. Reach Out Brands For Collaborations
There are thousands of influencers on Instagram who want to be noticed by fitness brands, so you'll have to take a more active approach.
A rookie mistake is waiting for a brand to reach out to you when expert influencers do quite the opposite. They reach out to brands!
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Make a list of your favorite fitness brands (clothing line, equipment, health supplements, locations, or events) and buy their products and create content around them (don't forget to tag the brand). The more engagement and content you post, the more likely you'll get recognized by the social media manager of that brand or another.
Check out Hubspot's guide on How to Get Sponsored on Instagram (Even if You Currently Have 0 Followers).
17. Offer a Discount or Sale
Everyone loves discounts, especially when it's for a brand that their favorite fitness influencer swears by. Create a buzz with an exclusive discount from your eCommerce store or a brand you're collaborating with as a fitness influencer.
In your post talk a bit about why you love the brand and slip your discount code at the end, take a look at fitness influencer Ryan Tremaine Klarenbach's post with his collab with Feel OKI beverages.
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18. Network at a Fitness or Challenge Event
Get out of the house or the gym and attend local fitness events or challenges. This will help you to do three things:
You can network with your local fitness community, and with find influencers you can work with in the future.
Get fresh new content to post on Instagram from the event
Connect with gym or brand owners at events for possible sponsorships or to become a brand ambassador.
Abhish Desai posted about himself as well as the group he met at a bear crawl challenge.
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Follow the Best Instagram Fitness Accounts
1.Dylan Werner
Handle: @dylanwerneryoga
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2.Janis Blums
Handle: @janis_blums
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Handle: @pilateswithlottie
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4.Anna Victoria
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5.Jeff Cavaliere
Handle: @athleanx
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6. Don Saladino
Handle: @donsaladino
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7. Emily Skye
Handle: @emilyskyefit
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8.Sarah Day
Handle: @sarahs_day
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9. Massy Arias
Handle: @massy.arias
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Here are 18 ways to start a bomb fitness Instagram account:
What are Your Instagram Goals and Objectives
Fill Out Your Instagram Account
Define Your Ideal Followers & Fitness Niche
Use High-Quality Images & Videos
Master Your Caption
Show Off Your Workout Routine
Engage With Your Followers
Share Easy to Follow Meal Plans & Prep
Share Fun Day-to-Day Activities
Go Live on IG
Network With Other Fitness Influencers
Host a Video Series on IGTV
Host a Contest or Giveaway
Always Share Your Story
Use the Best Fitness Hashtags In Your Post
Reach Out Brands For Collaborations
Offer a Discount or Sale
Network at a Fitness or Challenge Event Bonus: Follow the Best Instagram Fitness Accounts
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mlmcompanies · 4 years
Calling all insta-queens and kings. Likes and follows are cheap. You came here because you want to learn how to turn all those hearts and “yassss queen”s into cash money.
It’s actually easier than you think to profit off a good, active following on Instagram. Big influencers make well into six figures off the app alone, but it’s not just the IG celebs that make money now. Businesses are starting to realize the benefit of using leveraging of “micro-influencers” (at least 3-5k followers) to spread the word of their product, and they’re paying decent money.
In fact, studies are starting to show that brands that use smaller influencers build more trust with their customers since everyone knows the big dogs are getting paid. Engagement with accounts that have under 1 million followers is at 8%, while engagement with 1m+ accounts is only 4%. (1)
You can get started at a few thousand followers making side money, but once you get up to 100k+, you can actually make a full-time living. Here are some of the best ways to squeeze a profit out of your VSCO filters and witty emoji captions.
39. Social net worth
The first step to making money on Instagram is knowing how much your social media accounts are worth to brands. You might think $20 for a quick post sounds like good money when you could actually be charging $200.
The great thing about making money with social media marketing is that it’s not about how many hours you spend, it’s about how much influence you have.
Social Bluebook is a tool that helps you calculate how much to charge based on your reach and engagement. (2)
38. Instagram business account
If you’re trying to turn your Instagram into an online business, it’s only natural you should turn your Instagram account into a business account.
Instagram business accounts let you run ads, add contact buttons to your profile, add Instagram story links (the “swipe up” feature) when you reach 10,000 followers, and view analytics for your Instagram account (among other features), each important to growing your following and raking in Insta-profits. (3)
37. Post consistently
Post the same amount of times every day, and post on the same days each week. When your followers know when to expect your next post, they’ll constantly be looking forward to it popping up on your feed.
36. Engage with your followers
This one should be obvious, but so many influencers are missing out on building their fan base because they don’t engage their audience well.
Create content that gets your followers engaging with you, whether it’s through your own hashtag, Instagram live videos, or you responding to their comments on your posts. Fans go wild when their favorite influencer responds to them.
35. Travel blogging
The market’s a little saturated, but the rewards are endless. Think luxury vacations, resort stays in Bali, free tours.
If you can snap stunning landscapes while you travel (bonus points if you pose a girl in a sundress and a sunhat in front of them), you can rake in all kinds of press trips from tourism boards that will treat you like royalty.
34. Health and fitness
Personal trainers and aspiring fitness influencers ought to be using Instagram to show off that bod because, after all, that’s kinda their product.
Take videos/montages of you doing workouts with long captions describing the movements you’re performing. Post pictures of your meal prepping routine. Sprinkle in a dash of motivational content. Nab some sponsorships from fitness equipment brands, gyms, supplement companies, etc.
When you build a following, you can create workout programs and nutrition plans for your audience to buy. Maybe even launch your own supplement line. If you’re a personal trainer, you can also land clients this way.
33. Mobile app
Instagram is primarily used on smartphones, and since it’s very visual-focused, it’s the perfect social media app on which to advertise your own mobile app.
In fact, when you use mobile app ads on Instagram, you get a call to action button in the ad that takes users right to their respective app stores. Make a visually appealing photo or video ad to entice your audience to click that call to action and download your app.
32. Fashionista
If you’re that person who’s always posting #ootd pics and strutting into casual events in a leopard print fur coat, take it to the ‘gram. User @nycxclothes makes $1,600 in side money per month posting her outfits on Instagram, and she’s barely over 5k followers. (4) (5)
Stylinity gives you discount codes for clothes and shoes – you feature the clothes, give your followers the discount code, and every time one of them uses it, you get a commission. (6)
31. Music
Selena Gomez reportedly makes over half a mil per post to advertise various brands and their products. You might not have her musical fame, but there’s money to be made on Instagram if you’re a musician. (7)
Your content could include live sneak peeks of new tracks, sharing some gig/tour photos, free giveaways of your band merch, you get the picture. Link your new tracks/links to your music streaming platform of choice in your bio.
Get big enough, and you’ll be able to land influencer deals for both music and non-music products and companies. You might even land a record deal.
30. Freelance business
If you’re a #freelancer, you can add Instagram to your repertoire of lead generation sources. Clean out any old party pics to make your account look professional, then start uploading relevant content, such as sneak peeks of projects you’re working on or “behind-the-scenes” pictures. Use hashtags like #freelancer and #solopreneur in your posts to boost your visibility, and network with other freelancers and small businesses with niche-specific hashtags. (8)
You could also use Instagram Live. For example, if you’re a freelance writer, you could teach some SEO tips or content marketing tactics to your Live viewers. (9)
29. Network marketing
It’s far from my first choice, but it is true that you can make good money through MLM if you manage to push your way to the top 10 (and lose your shame along the way). Instagram is used heavily in most network marketing circles, but usually just as a means of annoying friends until they block you.
My advice? Start a niche Instagram accounts, such as a fitness account, and grow it. Once you have 50k+ followers (and good engagement), THEN join a fitness MLM and start hawking the product. Not the other way around.
28. Used clothes
If you’ve got style, the #ShopMyCloset trend is becoming a side money stream for fashionistas everywhere. Basically start your own virtual high-end thrift store out of your closet.
Get a good camera, some models, and some photoshop skills. Snap photos of clothes you don’t want anymore and post them with a price and the right hashtags. BloomDesignerFinds, Instagram thrift store gone high-end consignment shop, makes 30-40 sales per day on Instagram. (10)
27. Foodie photos
If the only thing you can make for dinner is reservations but you still love to eat, consider starting a foodie account. Instead of going through the work of making all your own food and writing up recipe books, you basically just get to be one of the basics in the corner of that SoHo cafe snapping photos of her mochaccino until it gets cold.
Except, if your photos are good and your following is big, restaurants and cafes will pay $$$ for you to make an appearance. The 20-something girls from @New_Fork_City make a full-time living instagramming their avocado toast. Nothing basic about that. (11)
26. YouTube
Double down with an Instagram account that funnels people to your YouTube channel. You don’t have to be a famous vlogger with all kinds of video equipment. If you’re into fashion, post “haul” or videos where you show people your recent purchases. Post “satisfying” videos where you do crap like frost cakes and play with homemade slime.
Once you get enough viewers, you can join YouTube’s Partner Program and start raking in profits off their ads and other Partner money-making methods. (12)
25. Beauty blogger
The beauty industry is now worth $445 billion, and it #cantstopwontstop. Forbes called it a “gold mine for self-made women.” (13)
If you’re good at makeup, start an Instagram showcasing your skills (pair it with a YouTube channel for added influence). At first, you’ll just get free product from brands, but once you grow a following, they’ll start paying you big money to use their stuff in your videos.
24. Photography
Sell your photos! It’s the most obvious route, but if you’re good, start selling prints of your Instagram photos and taking bookings for photo shoots.
Believe it or not, print photography is not dead… if you have a following. Controversial Brooklyn photographer @arnold_daniel decided to put his Instagram photos up for sale and made $15k in one night. (14) (15)
In addition, you could slap your photos on products like mugs, shirts, and other items and sell them for profit. See the next tip.
23. e-Commerce
Worldwide e-commerce sales hit $1.9 trillion last year. (16) Get in on that. Start an e-Commerce store, post captivating photos of your product, and profit. If you have the budget, run some Instagram ads while you’re at it.
A teenager got rich on Instagram selling homemade slime, just because her photos were so good. She’s got 1 million followers now and makes $3,000/month while in high school. Baller. (17)
22. Online courses
If your account is doing well (and I don’t even mean a six-figure following, anything over 10k is good), consider starting up some courses or webinars on how to grow your Instagram. This will automate some of your income so you can passively rake it in every time someone buys one of your courses.
Get started by offering a free webinar on Instagram live (promote it heavily beforehand so people show up). Save the video and post it up for people to see. At the end of the video, offer access to more tips and tricks through a paid e-course that people can purchase through the link in your bio.
21. License photos
If you’ve got some photography skills and you want to go 100% remote (recommended) instead of dragging your equipment to photoshoots of your friends’ babies, you can make some passive income licensing your photos. The best part, you can license out photos you’ve already posted on the gram, so you don’t even have to do any more work.
Websites and apps like twenty20 and Foap are a great place to start. (18) (19) Brands post “Missions” on Foap that you can snag if you’ve got relevant photos, and pay starts at $100. Also, check out Shutterstock and Getty Images. (20) (21)
20. Cooking
How many Food Network and Travel Channel hosts nowadays started out on social media? Just make sure you take food photos with good lighting and baller set-up. No one’s gonna follow a food account with gross looking photos.
Instagram hit @joythebaker started posting photos of donuts and pies she baked, and now she’s selling out book signings for her most recent cookbook and opening her own bake shop/cooking school in New Orleans. (22)
19. Post memes
This has got to be as easy as it gets. Literally just post funny memes and get famous. They don’t even have to be your original memes, either.
Thefatjewish is one of the most popular accounts on Instagram, and he rarely posts original work, just reposts other people’s funny crap. He’s got over 10 million followers and a movie deal. (23)
FuckJerry, another huge meme account, reportedly makes a whopping $30,000 per sponsored post, just for tagging a brand in a meme they make. (24)
18. Capture leads
Lots of Instagrammers make a commission off affiliate links (the “see link in bio”), but with Peerfly, you don’t even have to get people to buy stuff. They pay on your click-through rate, so as long as people click the link you give them, you get paid. (25)
Pick a niche (make it something you like), learn about analytics and hashtags, and build up a following.
17. Sell your account
If you’re good at getting likes and follows, you don’t even have to come up with a monetization strategy. Just build up a following and then sell your account on websites like Fameswap and ViralAccounts. (26) (27)
You can actually make good money doing this, especially if you know how to grow fast. Accounts with 500k to 1 million followers can sell for 6 figures. (28)
In a similar vein, you could also flip Instagram accounts and profit if you know how to spot promising accounts.
16. Start a blog
This is one of the most popular ways to monetize your Instagram account. It is a lot of work, but you can build anything from a blog with good traffic.
Start your account based on a specific, unsaturated niche and build a blog to go with it. Focus on capturing subscriptions to your blog, because having a mailing list is where the real money is at.
15. Content tasks
If you don’t have the time to build full-on sponsors or build out affiliate links, Crowdtap offers all kinds of “content missions” that you can pick up and complete for some side money. (29)
You don’t have to have a massive following, either. Often times, 10k, or even 5k, is enough.
14. Join a hashtag campaign
Another solid way to make quick side money is with Indahash. (30) This app gives you payouts for posting content with certain hashtags and brand tags in the caption.
Say you’re eating out at McDonald’s and McD’s is doing a hashtag campaign at that moment. Snap a pic of you with a McNugget stuffed smile, include the proper tags, and collect your reward.
13. Sell shoutouts
Leverage your Instagram popularity and help smaller influencers out by selling shoutouts. Shoutcart is a marketplace where you can buy and sell simple shoutouts. (31)
Make a profile and name your price for shouting out another account in one of your posts. The going rates usually aren’t huge ($10-$50), but they provide the photo and the caption, so it’s basically passive income.
12. Sponsored posts
If you’re looking for the big bucks, sponsored posts are it. A survey of over 5,000 major influencers said that 42% of them charge between $200-$400 per post. Yep, $400 just to post a photo on Instagram. Accounts with followers in the millions make several grand per post. (32)
Of course, you’ve got to build a big and loyal following before brands will come to you offering that kind of money. In the meantime, sites like TapInfluence and Influez are great for finding sponsors, even if you’re a “micro-influencer.” (33) (34)
11. Run Instagram ads for others
If you’ve got the ads skills and you know how to identify good influencers in a specific niche, you could start an Instagram ads business and make help make other businesses money with Instagram ads and sponsored posts.
Companies will pay you handsomely, provided you bring them results.
10. Affiliate marketing
Affiliate marketing is another big money-making on Instagram. ShareASale and ClickBank are good places to start. They give you links to products, and if someone clicks and buys, you make a commission. (35) (36)
If you’re trying to make a living off this though, Instagram has notoriously poor clickthrough rates as the only spot you can permanently place a link is in your bio. While you the feature allowing users to swipe up on stories to get to a link has improved this, you’ll really want to start up a blog or affiliate e-commerce site and perhaps funnel Instagram followers there to make the most of this stream of income.
9. Sell fan merch
Instead of selling generic products, try coming up with your own unique products that revolve around your Instagram account. You can use a dropshipper so you still don’t have to worry about holding inventory.
Doug the Pug, this one guy’s pug, went viral on Instagram. So the owner started a Doug the Pug store that sells Doug the Pug coffee mugs, tee shirts, and all kinds of other things that are probably printed for pennies on the dollar off in China. (37) (38)
8. Share discounts
People love saving money more than they loved Jennifer Hudson in 2009.
Start an account that shares links to coupons and discount codes via Rakuten/eBates. Every time someone clicks your Rakuten/eBates link, you’ll get a profit. (39)
7. Lifestyle ‘grammer
They’re a dime a dozen nowadays, but if you can manage to make it in the lifestyle niche, it’s the best way to get that royal lifestyle. The niche is broad and can cover everything from designer clothing and furniture to luxury trips to Dubai. Lifestyle is exclusive – RewardStyle is a good influencer network for up and comings, but it’s invitation only. (40)
All you need to do is make your life look perfect. Being attractive helps a lot, too. This is definitely a shallow niche.
6. Amazon affiliate
If you don’t want to go through the work of combing through potential affiliate partners to find the ones who offer good rates, Amazon’s affiliate program is still one of the most solid out there. They offer up to 10% commission, which is not bad. And you get that commission on their entire Amazon purchase, not just the item you linked to. (41)
5. Dropshipping
Dropshipping is an e-commerce method where you sell a product on your site but never actually have to deal with inventory. Instead, you place the same order with a third party who manufactures and ships the product for you.
It’s popular because it’s so hands-off, but it’s also very saturated. However, if you can come up with some great products that are easily marketed on Instagram, maybe you could make it. Hint: posting nothing but cheesy stock product photos will get you nowhere.
In fact, a good way to make sales is to order a few samples of your dropshipping products and pay influencers in your niche to take pictures with them.
4. Etsy
Calling all grandmas at heart – if you’re good at crafting and don’t want to invest in your own e-commerce site, sell stuff on Etsy. Bump your Instagram following up and use it as a funnel to your Etsy store.
Usually, this is just side money, but Etsy shop owner Three Birds Nest nets a million in sales every year, and she doesn’t even make her own stuff. (42)
3. Self-publish a book
Self-publishing on Amazon has great profit margins, but you have to know how to market your book to make any sales.
Create an Instagram account that’s relevant to your genre, or a book account (accounts like @bookwrms net hundreds for sponsored posts), and market your self-published book to this built-in audience. If you price it at $2.99 you get to keep 70% of the profits.
2. Consulting
Good consultants make 6-figures a year, easily. (43)
If you can grow an Instagram account and a brand for yourself, based in any niche, to 100k+ followers, it’s proof to companies that you know your way around social media marketing. They’ll shell out thousands for you to share your secrets.
1. SEO for local businesses
Honestly, having an Instagram hustle sounds like the life, but building up actual followers who are loyal to you (not just bots) takes a lot of time (think years), a lot of work, knowledge of things like analytics and marketing, and a lot of luck. Going viral isn’t something you can plan. Being hot and independently wealthy also helps too.
In the end, there’s a much easier and more consistent way to make good money online, and it’s by focusing on capturing leads. You don’t have to make sales, you just have to get people to enter their info. And you don’t have to have to cross your fingers and hope for a viral post, because there’s a proven formula to SEO.
Leads are the life blood of small business. They’re worth good money…and businesses will pay good money if you can hand them over. Think 4-figure checks.
Plus, you’re honing in on a specific niche in a specific town. So instead of competing with 800 million Instagram users, you’re competing with a couple people in Columbus, Ohio who are selling garage door services. Easy.
0 notes
antionetterparker · 4 years
Ranking the 39 best ways to make money on Instagram in 2019
Calling all insta-queens and kings. Likes and follows are cheap. You came here because you want to learn how to turn all those hearts and “yassss queen”s into cash money.
It’s actually easier than you think to profit off a good, active following on Instagram. Big influencers make well into six figures off the app alone, but it’s not just the IG celebs that make money now. Businesses are starting to realize the benefit of using leveraging of “micro-influencers” (at least 3-5k followers) to spread the word of their product, and they’re paying decent money.
In fact, studies are starting to show that brands that use smaller influencers build more trust with their customers since everyone knows the big dogs are getting paid. Engagement with accounts that have under 1 million followers is at 8%, while engagement with 1m+ accounts is only 4%. (1)
You can get started at a few thousand followers making side money, but once you get up to 100k+, you can actually make a full-time living. Here are some of the best ways to squeeze a profit out of your VSCO filters and witty emoji captions.
39. Social net worth
The first step to making money on Instagram is knowing how much your social media accounts are worth to brands. You might think $20 for a quick post sounds like good money when you could actually be charging $200.
The great thing about making money with social media marketing is that it’s not about how many hours you spend, it’s about how much influence you have.
Social Bluebook is a tool that helps you calculate how much to charge based on your reach and engagement. (2)
38. Instagram business account
If you’re trying to turn your Instagram into an online business, it’s only natural you should turn your Instagram account into a business account.
Instagram business accounts let you run ads, add contact buttons to your profile, add Instagram story links (the “swipe up” feature) when you reach 10,000 followers, and view analytics for your Instagram account (among other features), each important to growing your following and raking in Insta-profits. (3)
37. Post consistently
Post the same amount of times every day, and post on the same days each week. When your followers know when to expect your next post, they’ll constantly be looking forward to it popping up on your feed.
36. Engage with your followers
This one should be obvious, but so many influencers are missing out on building their fan base because they don’t engage their audience well.
Create content that gets your followers engaging with you, whether it’s through your own hashtag, Instagram live videos, or you responding to their comments on your posts. Fans go wild when their favorite influencer responds to them.
35. Travel blogging
The market’s a little saturated, but the rewards are endless. Think luxury vacations, resort stays in Bali, free tours.
If you can snap stunning landscapes while you travel (bonus points if you pose a girl in a sundress and a sunhat in front of them), you can rake in all kinds of press trips from tourism boards that will treat you like royalty.
34. Health and fitness
Personal trainers and aspiring fitness influencers ought to be using Instagram to show off that bod because, after all, that’s kinda their product.
Take videos/montages of you doing workouts with long captions describing the movements you’re performing. Post pictures of your meal prepping routine. Sprinkle in a dash of motivational content. Nab some sponsorships from fitness equipment brands, gyms, supplement companies, etc.
When you build a following, you can create workout programs and nutrition plans for your audience to buy. Maybe even launch your own supplement line. If you’re a personal trainer, you can also land clients this way.
33. Mobile app
Instagram is primarily used on smartphones, and since it’s very visual-focused, it’s the perfect social media app on which to advertise your own mobile app.
In fact, when you use mobile app ads on Instagram, you get a call to action button in the ad that takes users right to their respective app stores. Make a visually appealing photo or video ad to entice your audience to click that call to action and download your app.
32. Fashionista
If you’re that person who’s always posting #ootd pics and strutting into casual events in a leopard print fur coat, take it to the ‘gram. User @nycxclothes makes $1,600 in side money per month posting her outfits on Instagram, and she’s barely over 5k followers. (4) (5)
Stylinity gives you discount codes for clothes and shoes – you feature the clothes, give your followers the discount code, and every time one of them uses it, you get a commission. (6)
31. Music
Selena Gomez reportedly makes over half a mil per post to advertise various brands and their products. You might not have her musical fame, but there’s money to be made on Instagram if you’re a musician. (7)
Your content could include live sneak peeks of new tracks, sharing some gig/tour photos, free giveaways of your band merch, you get the picture. Link your new tracks/links to your music streaming platform of choice in your bio.
Get big enough, and you’ll be able to land influencer deals for both music and non-music products and companies. You might even land a record deal.
30. Freelance business
If you’re a #freelancer, you can add Instagram to your repertoire of lead generation sources. Clean out any old party pics to make your account look professional, then start uploading relevant content, such as sneak peeks of projects you’re working on or “behind-the-scenes” pictures. Use hashtags like #freelancer and #solopreneur in your posts to boost your visibility, and network with other freelancers and small businesses with niche-specific hashtags. (8)
You could also use Instagram Live. For example, if you’re a freelance writer, you could teach some SEO tips or content marketing tactics to your Live viewers. (9)
29. Network marketing
It’s far from my first choice, but it is true that you can make good money through MLM if you manage to push your way to the top 10 (and lose your shame along the way). Instagram is used heavily in most network marketing circles, but usually just as a means of annoying friends until they block you.
My advice? Start a niche Instagram accounts, such as a fitness account, and grow it. Once you have 50k+ followers (and good engagement), THEN join a fitness MLM and start hawking the product. Not the other way around.
28. Used clothes
If you’ve got style, the #ShopMyCloset trend is becoming a side money stream for fashionistas everywhere. Basically start your own virtual high-end thrift store out of your closet.
Get a good camera, some models, and some photoshop skills. Snap photos of clothes you don’t want anymore and post them with a price and the right hashtags. BloomDesignerFinds, Instagram thrift store gone high-end consignment shop, makes 30-40 sales per day on Instagram. (10)
27. Foodie photos
If the only thing you can make for dinner is reservations but you still love to eat, consider starting a foodie account. Instead of going through the work of making all your own food and writing up recipe books, you basically just get to be one of the basics in the corner of that SoHo cafe snapping photos of her mochaccino until it gets cold.
Except, if your photos are good and your following is big, restaurants and cafes will pay $$$ for you to make an appearance. The 20-something girls from @New_Fork_City make a full-time living instagramming their avocado toast. Nothing basic about that. (11)
26. YouTube
Double down with an Instagram account that funnels people to your YouTube channel. You don’t have to be a famous vlogger with all kinds of video equipment. If you’re into fashion, post “haul” or videos where you show people your recent purchases. Post “satisfying” videos where you do crap like frost cakes and play with homemade slime.
Once you get enough viewers, you can join YouTube’s Partner Program and start raking in profits off their ads and other Partner money-making methods. (12)
25. Beauty blogger
The beauty industry is now worth $445 billion, and it #cantstopwontstop. Forbes called it a “gold mine for self-made women.” (13)
If you’re good at makeup, start an Instagram showcasing your skills (pair it with a YouTube channel for added influence). At first, you’ll just get free product from brands, but once you grow a following, they’ll start paying you big money to use their stuff in your videos.
24. Photography
Sell your photos! It’s the most obvious route, but if you’re good, start selling prints of your Instagram photos and taking bookings for photo shoots.
Believe it or not, print photography is not dead… if you have a following. Controversial Brooklyn photographer @arnold_daniel decided to put his Instagram photos up for sale and made $15k in one night. (14) (15)
In addition, you could slap your photos on products like mugs, shirts, and other items and sell them for profit. See the next tip.
23. e-Commerce
Worldwide e-commerce sales hit $1.9 trillion last year. (16) Get in on that. Start an e-Commerce store, post captivating photos of your product, and profit. If you have the budget, run some Instagram ads while you’re at it.
A teenager got rich on Instagram selling homemade slime, just because her photos were so good. She’s got 1 million followers now and makes $3,000/month while in high school. Baller. (17)
22. Online courses
If your account is doing well (and I don’t even mean a six-figure following, anything over 10k is good), consider starting up some courses or webinars on how to grow your Instagram. This will automate some of your income so you can passively rake it in every time someone buys one of your courses.
Get started by offering a free webinar on Instagram live (promote it heavily beforehand so people show up). Save the video and post it up for people to see. At the end of the video, offer access to more tips and tricks through a paid e-course that people can purchase through the link in your bio.
21. License photos
If you’ve got some photography skills and you want to go 100% remote (recommended) instead of dragging your equipment to photoshoots of your friends’ babies, you can make some passive income licensing your photos. The best part, you can license out photos you’ve already posted on the gram, so you don’t even have to do any more work.
Websites and apps like twenty20 and Foap are a great place to start. (18) (19) Brands post “Missions” on Foap that you can snag if you’ve got relevant photos, and pay starts at $100. Also, check out Shutterstock and Getty Images. (20) (21)
20. Cooking
How many Food Network and Travel Channel hosts nowadays started out on social media? Just make sure you take food photos with good lighting and baller set-up. No one’s gonna follow a food account with gross looking photos.
Instagram hit @joythebaker started posting photos of donuts and pies she baked, and now she’s selling out book signings for her most recent cookbook and opening her own bake shop/cooking school in New Orleans. (22)
19. Post memes
This has got to be as easy as it gets. Literally just post funny memes and get famous. They don’t even have to be your original memes, either.
Thefatjewish is one of the most popular accounts on Instagram, and he rarely posts original work, just reposts other people’s funny crap. He’s got over 10 million followers and a movie deal. (23)
FuckJerry, another huge meme account, reportedly makes a whopping $30,000 per sponsored post, just for tagging a brand in a meme they make. (24)
18. Capture leads
Lots of Instagrammers make a commission off affiliate links (the “see link in bio”), but with Peerfly, you don’t even have to get people to buy stuff. They pay on your click-through rate, so as long as people click the link you give them, you get paid. (25)
Pick a niche (make it something you like), learn about analytics and hashtags, and build up a following.
17. Sell your account
If you’re good at getting likes and follows, you don’t even have to come up with a monetization strategy. Just build up a following and then sell your account on websites like Fameswap and ViralAccounts. (26) (27)
You can actually make good money doing this, especially if you know how to grow fast. Accounts with 500k to 1 million followers can sell for 6 figures. (28)
In a similar vein, you could also flip Instagram accounts and profit if you know how to spot promising accounts.
16. Start a blog
This is one of the most popular ways to monetize your Instagram account. It is a lot of work, but you can build anything from a blog with good traffic.
Start your account based on a specific, unsaturated niche and build a blog to go with it. Focus on capturing subscriptions to your blog, because having a mailing list is where the real money is at.
15. Content tasks
If you don’t have the time to build full-on sponsors or build out affiliate links, Crowdtap offers all kinds of “content missions” that you can pick up and complete for some side money. (29)
You don’t have to have a massive following, either. Often times, 10k, or even 5k, is enough.
14. Join a hashtag campaign
Another solid way to make quick side money is with Indahash. (30) This app gives you payouts for posting content with certain hashtags and brand tags in the caption.
Say you’re eating out at McDonald’s and McD’s is doing a hashtag campaign at that moment. Snap a pic of you with a McNugget stuffed smile, include the proper tags, and collect your reward.
13. Sell shoutouts
Leverage your Instagram popularity and help smaller influencers out by selling shoutouts. Shoutcart is a marketplace where you can buy and sell simple shoutouts. (31)
Make a profile and name your price for shouting out another account in one of your posts. The going rates usually aren’t huge ($10-$50), but they provide the photo and the caption, so it’s basically passive income.
12. Sponsored posts
If you’re looking for the big bucks, sponsored posts are it. A survey of over 5,000 major influencers said that 42% of them charge between $200-$400 per post. Yep, $400 just to post a photo on Instagram. Accounts with followers in the millions make several grand per post. (32)
Of course, you’ve got to build a big and loyal following before brands will come to you offering that kind of money. In the meantime, sites like TapInfluence and Influez are great for finding sponsors, even if you’re a “micro-influencer.” (33) (34)
11. Run Instagram ads for others
If you’ve got the ads skills and you know how to identify good influencers in a specific niche, you could start an Instagram ads business and make help make other businesses money with Instagram ads and sponsored posts.
Companies will pay you handsomely, provided you bring them results.
10. Affiliate marketing
Affiliate marketing is another big money-making on Instagram. ShareASale and ClickBank are good places to start. They give you links to products, and if someone clicks and buys, you make a commission. (35) (36)
If you’re trying to make a living off this though, Instagram has notoriously poor clickthrough rates as the only spot you can permanently place a link is in your bio. While you the feature allowing users to swipe up on stories to get to a link has improved this, you’ll really want to start up a blog or affiliate e-commerce site and perhaps funnel Instagram followers there to make the most of this stream of income.
9. Sell fan merch
Instead of selling generic products, try coming up with your own unique products that revolve around your Instagram account. You can use a dropshipper so you still don’t have to worry about holding inventory.
Doug the Pug, this one guy’s pug, went viral on Instagram. So the owner started a Doug the Pug store that sells Doug the Pug coffee mugs, tee shirts, and all kinds of other things that are probably printed for pennies on the dollar off in China. (37) (38)
8. Share discounts
People love saving money more than they loved Jennifer Hudson in 2009.
Start an account that shares links to coupons and discount codes via Rakuten/eBates. Every time someone clicks your Rakuten/eBates link, you’ll get a profit. (39)
7. Lifestyle ‘grammer
They’re a dime a dozen nowadays, but if you can manage to make it in the lifestyle niche, it’s the best way to get that royal lifestyle. The niche is broad and can cover everything from designer clothing and furniture to luxury trips to Dubai. Lifestyle is exclusive – RewardStyle is a good influencer network for up and comings, but it’s invitation only. (40)
All you need to do is make your life look perfect. Being attractive helps a lot, too. This is definitely a shallow niche.
6. Amazon affiliate
If you don’t want to go through the work of combing through potential affiliate partners to find the ones who offer good rates, Amazon’s affiliate program is still one of the most solid out there. They offer up to 10% commission, which is not bad. And you get that commission on their entire Amazon purchase, not just the item you linked to. (41)
5. Dropshipping
Dropshipping is an e-commerce method where you sell a product on your site but never actually have to deal with inventory. Instead, you place the same order with a third party who manufactures and ships the product for you.
It’s popular because it’s so hands-off, but it’s also very saturated. However, if you can come up with some great products that are easily marketed on Instagram, maybe you could make it. Hint: posting nothing but cheesy stock product photos will get you nowhere.
In fact, a good way to make sales is to order a few samples of your dropshipping products and pay influencers in your niche to take pictures with them.
4. Etsy
Calling all grandmas at heart – if you’re good at crafting and don’t want to invest in your own e-commerce site, sell stuff on Etsy. Bump your Instagram following up and use it as a funnel to your Etsy store.
Usually, this is just side money, but Etsy shop owner Three Birds Nest nets a million in sales every year, and she doesn’t even make her own stuff. (42)
3. Self-publish a book
Self-publishing on Amazon has great profit margins, but you have to know how to market your book to make any sales.
Create an Instagram account that’s relevant to your genre, or a book account (accounts like @bookwrms net hundreds for sponsored posts), and market your self-published book to this built-in audience. If you price it at $2.99 you get to keep 70% of the profits.
2. Consulting
Good consultants make 6-figures a year, easily. (43)
If you can grow an Instagram account and a brand for yourself, based in any niche, to 100k+ followers, it’s proof to companies that you know your way around social media marketing. They’ll shell out thousands for you to share your secrets.
1. SEO for local businesses
Honestly, having an Instagram hustle sounds like the life, but building up actual followers who are loyal to you (not just bots) takes a lot of time (think years), a lot of work, knowledge of things like analytics and marketing, and a lot of luck. Going viral isn’t something you can plan. Being hot and independently wealthy also helps too.
In the end, there’s a much easier and more consistent way to make good money online, and it’s by focusing on capturing leads. You don’t have to make sales, you just have to get people to enter their info. And you don’t have to have to cross your fingers and hope for a viral post, because there’s a proven formula to SEO.
Leads are the life blood of small business. They’re worth good money…and businesses will pay good money if you can hand them over. Think 4-figure checks.
Plus, you’re honing in on a specific niche in a specific town. So instead of competing with 800 million Instagram users, you’re competing with a couple people in Columbus, Ohio who are selling garage door services. Easy.
via https://mlmcompanies.org/make-money-on-instagram/
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