#I used to go spelunking in the abandoned Geocities of old
misscammiedawn · 5 months
Tumblr works for me. It does. I enjoy it here. But I feel like I made compromises a decade ago and we have been slowly declining ever since.
We achieved perfection in blogging spaces when Livejournal allowed you to select which avatar you wished to use for every post and include little formats like "mood" and "currently listening" after the body of the post.
We had something beautiful in animated forum signatures good enough to make Patrick Bateman sweat.
We had Vine, a platform with shortform media content so good that my vocabulary hasn't recovered seven years after it closed down.
I have seen things you people wouldn't believe... and all these moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.
Perhaps I am being an old lady. I just... I really want to be able to switch my avatar when I post. Something so simple. So small. Something I had and just assumed would always be there.
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