#I usually headcanon icelands physical age to be somewhere between 16-19 depending on the au
fireandspiceland · 2 years
Okay Iceland is trying to leave the house in a super slutty outfit.
Think like a completely mesh t-shirt, a choker, and booty shorts. And throw in some amazingly edgy makeup.
How do you headcannon each of the Nordics react?
Do they let him leave like that?
Do they love that he’s expressing himself?
Does Norway try to give him the “I’m not letting you leave the house dressed like that” talk?
 Does he try to fight back?
The mental image I have for this is hilarious I wish I could draw good enough to show you! but since I can't plase imagine Ice in a slutty e girl emo techwear kind of outfit, trying to seak out of the Nordics’ house (where he stays for some unrelated reason):
Finland spots him from the living room and they stare at each other for a moment, before Fin does that locking his mouth and throwing the key away gesture followed by a thumbs up to the outfit and make up and a wink at Ice who exhales with relief and motions a quick "thank you" at Fin before he continues his way to the front door. He’s the caring kind of parental figure, but at the same time he knows that Ice is capable of taking care of himself (which Iceland is forever grateful for even if he doesn’t show it all the time). So, why not let that boy have some fun?
If he was alone, Sweden would maybe stop Ice or AT LEAST ask him about the outfit or where he’s headed too. If he approves of the outfit or not - I don’t know and I don’t think he would mention it. He just wants to know where any of his kids (if you can Ice even call that) are going to and how and when they’re coming back home. It’s not about being controlling or mistrusting for him, he just takes the father role he plays for Ice (and sometimes all the Nordics rip) serious and it gives him security to know about their whereabouts. But he already saw Finland giving Iceland the sign of approval, and doesn’t interfere with that.
Norway is the one who catches Iceland right at the door and basically pulls him back inside at the collar of his very fragile shirt. He’s also the one Ice had to be wary of, cause he knows the others usually don’t take that much of an interest in his private life. Well, Denmark sometimes does.. but back to Norway. The problem with Norway is that he WANTS to give Iceland the talk you mentioned above and he HATES the very little choice of clothes, BUT he’s nothing better. Probably worse. And Iceland knows. Therefore he ends up giving him the glare of disapproval and forces at least a jacket onto Iceland (that will be off again in no time but still) while doing Sweden’s job of telling him not to come home to late, to call if anything happens and to please use protection when he [*insert Iceland blushing and gesturing wildly to make Norway shut up*].
That is until Denmark shows up in the hallway to check out what Iceland is grumbling about. Ice should be used to the embarrassement of Denmark complimenting his outfit in completely outdated terms ("You look so hip! Totally rad, Icey!") but he still wishes Norway would just ground him on the spot to save him from Denmark now offering, no insisting, on joining Ice and taking him to wherever he is headed. It's not that he doesn't appreciate the interest or a free ride, but UGH which kid teen immortal being with the body of a teenager wants their EMBARRASSING uncle to join them when they tried to sneak out of the house unnoticed??
In conclusion: rip Iceland. They support him as good as they can, even if it's not what Ice wants most of the time, but he's grateful for his family and even if he complains sometimes, he wouldn't have it any other way cause it only shows they care about him. Also none of the others dares to mention it, but they all know he got that slutty streak from Norway. 😘
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