#I’m hoping if I have a cold shower after a calm down party my bod will let me eat more than a bowl of cornflakes
it was a hot day
it’s still hot at 10pm
I used my energy (which is extremely limited on a hot day. like extremely) to clean instead of eat
I am an idiot
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spine-buster · 5 years
Alone, Together | Chapter 29 | Morgan Rielly
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A/N: So we are entering into the summer break months with the next chunk of chapters.  I’ve painstakingly tried to write down every major event and signing this summer and I’ve basically got it all under control, but as you can imagine some liberties will be taken in terms of scheduling Toronto/Vancouver time.  In any case, I hope you guys enjoy! 
I feel like there might be a lot of canon questions about what happens in this chapter, so if you do want clarification, send me an ask!  You guys know I love answering them.
The two and a half weeks Morgan was back in Vancouver were long.  They spoke everyday, FaceTiming most days, but the important part was that he was relaxing.  She could see it in his eyes and the way the bags were getting less heavy, and she could hear it in his voice whenever he spoke to her, telling her about his day or how well he’d done on the last round of golf.  After the stress of the season, she was sure he was appreciating doing nothing.  He went to work out everyday (“I have to, Bumblebee, because if I don’t I’d get a dad bod real quick.”) but besides that, he didn’t have much going on with hockey.  It was good for him, Bee thought.  
They didn’t even talk about the playoffs.  She couldn’t bring herself to watch any Boston games to see how they were doing.  She hoped they lost every single one of them, if she was being honest.  On a particularly restless night, she was flipping through the channels and saw a game from the western conference on, but she couldn’t bring herself to watch even that, despite having no emotional attachment to any team whatsoever.  
Alannah’s bachelorette party had happened last weekend and Bee didn’t think she’d ever had such a good time.  Between Alannah’s friends and the girls from the team, there were about twenty girls in total, and the festivities began Saturday morning with a trip to the Four Seasons spa for some massages and pampering.  By the time they were done the daylong pampering session, the girls went back to their rooms at the Four Seasons and prettied themselves for a fancy dinner at STK.  Drinks followed, as they always did, and barhopping to some of the hottest places in the city where they danced until last call.  The next morning, everybody filed into Alannah’s executive suite and ordered room service for brunch.  After Aryne drove Bee home, she collapsed onto the bed, smiling from ear to ear.
Bee was keeping busy and having fun in the city despite missing Morgan.  Angie and Mason came over quite a bit, usually to have dinner or hang out, and she’d meet up for lunch with some of the girls who stayed in town even during the off-season, like Aryne and Ashley.  Work always kept her occupied during the day, and she was trying to make a habit of hanging out with her co-workers more, whether it was at lunch, running to get coffees, or for happy hour drinks.  It was at night, alone in their apartment, when Bee felt the weight of Morgan not being there.  When she had to make dinner for only herself.  When she crawled into the bed and didn’t feel his arms wrap around her.  When she saw something that reminded her of him during her morning commute and she’d text him, only to remember he was three hours behind and still sleeping.  
But that was no longer.  He was on his way home.  Well, his second home.
Bee was jittery after she got home from work, knowing that Morgan would text her any minute to tell her he had landed.  She was preparing a nice meal for him – the Cuban food they had learned to cook together at Dish – and she kept glancing over at her phone, looking to see if he’d sent anything.  His plane was supposed to be landing at 5:30.  He hadn’t texted yet.  
But then, without word or warning, the front door clicked to unlock.  In a heartbeat, she noticed Morgan make his way through the door, a grin plastered on his face.  She was going to kill him.  She was actually going to kill him.  Completely forgetting the food on the stove and in the oven, she ran over to him and jumped on him, making him stumble back slightly before he locked his arms around hers and began kissing her feverishly.  No ‘hello’, no ‘I miss you’, no ‘how was your flight’ – nothing.  There were no words.  Only the physical.  
Morgan eventually pushed Bee up against the back of the door as she tugged at the hem of his pants desperately, undoing the button and pushing down the zipper.  He did the same to her, only he just had to shove her leggings down so they pooled at her calves.  She stepped out of them and as soon as she did, he picked her up, her legs wrapping around his waist, and pinned her against the door.  After shoving her panties to the side and grabbing his member from his own boxers, he entered her in one quick thrust.  No patience.  No waiting.
“Oh shit,” Bee huffed out, the first words said in an otherwise quick, primal, raw tryst that she wasn’t expecting two minutes ago.  Two minutes ago she was looking at her phone to see if he had texted her; two minutes later he was in her, fucking her against the door of their apartment.
“Missed you so fuckin’ much,” he grunted, pumping in and out of her as he looked her in the eye.
“Missed you too baby,” she mewled out, tugging at his hair.  
“God, you feel so fuckin good,” he said.  He knew this wasn’t going to last long.  It wasn’t meant to.  They were both so desperate and had waited so long there was no way it could.  “You okay?”
Bee nodded her head, closing her eyes.  She dug her nails into his shoulders through the fabric of his shirt.  “Always feels so good, baby.”
Morgan continued to pound into her, and soon enough he felt her walls clench around him as she clutched at him and dug her nails into his shoulders even harder.  With a few more thrusts he exploded into her, gasping into the crook of her neck.  He held her in his arms against the door, her legs still wrapped around him, as they calmed down from their highs, and he eventually set her down slowly, carefully, her legs threatening to give way at any given moment.  
“Holy fuck Morgan,” she breathed out, a slight giggle in her voice.  She looked down at her leggings pooled on the floor.  “That was quite a way to make an entrance.”
“I missed you,” he said simply, as if that explained everything, giving her another kiss.  “What smells so good?”
“I’m making Cuban food for you.”
“Mmm…” he said.  Another kiss.  “Can I take a quick shower?  It’s been a long day.”
“Of course,” she said.  “Don’t be long though!  It’s almost ready and I don’t want us eating a cold dinner.”
When Morgan came back from his shower, he was wearing only an old t-shirt and boxers, apparently not caring about his appearance.  Not that he needed to – they were going to be alone all night.  It was probably a surprise to him that she hadn’t put her leggings back on.  “Oh?” he said, watching her as she plated the meal.  He went up behind her and slapped her ass, garnering a yelp from her.  “No pants, Briony McTavish?”
“You want me to put them on?” she asked rhetorically, wiggling her butt slightly.
“No,” he deadpanned.  “Just surprised me is all.”
“Well, seems like we’re both full of surprises,” Bee giggled, putting the pan down back on the stove.  
“I’ve got one more,” he said, wrapping his arms around her waist.  He placed a kiss on her shoulder before moving up to her ear.  “Pack your bags.”
Bee hesitated.  “Pack my bags?”
“Mhm.  I’m taking you somewhere.”
“That’s for me to know and you to find out.”
She spun around to face him.  “Morgan Rielly.”
“Briony McTavish, it’s a surprise,” he stressed, a grin on his face.  “What good is a surprise if I tell you?”
“Morgan, I work tomorrow,” she said.  “I can’t just take the day off.”
Morgan leaned in to kiss the tip of her nose.  “I know, silly.  I’m gonna pick you up from work and we’re gonna go for the long weekend.”
“Go where?”
“Stop asking or else I’m gonna throw you over my shoulder and body slam you onto the bed,” he warned.  
“You say that like it’s a threat,” she wiggled her eyebrows.  Morgan snorted, shaking his head at her before kissing her quickly.  “Okay, fine.  What do I need?”
“Thank you captain obvious,” she rolled her eyes.
“And bathing suits.”
“Bathing suits?” she asked.  He nodded his head before kissing her again.  “I…I only have the one I got for Vancouver.”
“So go out during your lunch tomorrow and buy some more.  I’ll give you my card,” he said like it was the easiest thing in the world.
“Get whatever you want.  Anything that shows off these curves,” he said, grabbing handfuls of her ass and squeezing them in his hands.  “Don’t care about colour.  Just wanna see these curves,” he bit down on the skin of her neck again, dragging his lips up to her ear.  He let his hands run down the curve of her ass, taking her panties down along with them.  Then, in one swift movement, he picked her up again, placing her on the counter.
“Morgan,” she breathed out, watching as he kneeled and pulled her panties off, throwing them across the kitchen.
“Ready for round two?  We gotta make up for lost time.”
Maybe they would be eating a cold dinner.
“Oooooh, Morgan,” Bee cooed as she walked in the door, leaving her suitcase behind her as she took in the sight before her.  
True to his word, Morgan had picked her up at 5pm sharp that day.  He’d driven them two hours north to surprise her with a weekend at a cottage on Lake Muskoka.  It was small and cozy – nothing grand like the multi-million dollar compounds that populated the lake nowadays – and it was perfect.  It was what a cottage should be, Bee thought.  And as she walked further inside, she gasped.  In the windows of the giant A-frame, she saw the lake.  The sun was just setting, making the sky a very light pink.  “Oooooh, Morgan,” she repeated, her eyes wide at the sight.
“Looks great, eh?” Morgan asked, hauling in his bags.  
“Look how beautiful it is outside!” Bee exclaimed, a giant smile on her face.  “I can’t believe we made it for the sunset!  God, you must have been speeding up that highway, Morgan.”
He giggled, giving her a kiss on her temple.  “Go put on your sweats.  I’ll go light some citronella torches and we’ll go out on the dock to watch the sunset.”
Bee scurried into the bedroom, grabbing the small carry-on luggage she was using for the weekend and throwing it on the bed before opening it.  Morgan watched her for a few seconds, letting out another giggle before making his way outside and towards the dock.  As he lit the torches and moved around the dock furniture so that only one muskoka chair was facing the lake and the sunset, he heard the screen door from the house bang shut.  He looked up to see Bee making her way to the dock, a wine bottle and two glasses in her hands.  
“Morgan, this is stunning,” she said as she approached the dock, not bothering to look at him but looking out onto Lake Muskoka instead.  “What gave you the idea to come here?”
“We just needed to get away from the city for a bit.  You needed to get away from the city a bit,” he said.  “You trying to get me drunk?” he asked, nodding his head towards the wine bottle in her hand.  
She smirked.  “Maybe I just want to enjoy a nice glass of wine on a dock overlooking Lake Muskoka with my boyfriend,” she said.  “It’s not like I’ve ever been here before.”
“Well get over here then,” he said, sitting in the seat and patting his lap.  
Bee did as she was told, snuggling into him in the large muskoka chair as she opened the bottle of wine and poured them each a glass.  Morgan held his in one hand and wrapped his other arm around Bee’s waist.  She snuggled into his chest, looking out onto the lake.  Much like the boat ride to watch the sunrise over the Sunshine Coast, Morgan and Bee talked about anything and everything as they sat with their glasses of wine, sipping on them and kissing each other intermittently as the sky turned more vibrant shades of pink, orange, and red.  
“Thank you for bringing me here,” Bee whispered, kissing Morgan lightly just as the sun was about to disappear behind the trees.  “You know I appreciate everything that you do for me, right?”
“I know baby,” he cooed, kissing her again.  “Can I ask you a question?”
“Of course.”
He tried to make it seem like he wasn’t taking a deep breath.  “These trips…Vancouver, and here, and wherever we go in the future…and your clothes and bags.  Can I still buy you nice things without making you feel uncomfortable?”
Bee hesitated.  It wasn’t that she was uncomfortable with the question.  She was more uncomfortable with what she was willing to answer with.  By now, she knew the subtleties of Morgan’s speech.  She set her wine glass down on the dock before facing him again.  “Do you remember what you said to me the night you came home from Boston?”
“What did I say?”
“You said you wanted to take care of me.  Give me so much that I can quit my job,” Bee reiterated his words.  
Morgan paused for a moment.  It was clear to Bee he was recollecting the memory, however vague – or however clear – it was.  “I remember,” he finally admitted.
“You know…” she hesitated.  “You know I can’t do that right?”
“I know you can’t.  Because you want to want to feel like you’re always contributing too,” Morgan said automatically.  
Bee nodded her head.  “Because I’m not giving up everything I’ve ever worked for.”
“I know baby.  I know,” Morgan nodded his head.  “That was just my subconscious talking because I let you down.  And I don’t ever want to let you down.”
“But you didn’t let me down,” Bee said.
“We didn’t win,” he said, so quiet she almost couldn’t hear him.  
“I don’t care that you didn’t win,” Bee stressed, pain in her voice.  “Morgan, you have to know that by now.”
Morgan let out a deep breath.  “I guess I let myself down and by extension I thought I let you down.  I just… I’m not asking you to quit your job or whatever.  I’d never ask that of you, ever.  I know I sound like a broken record by now but you deserve nice things and I don’t want you to keep thinking that you don’t deserve it or shouldn’t have it.  I just want to be the one able to give you the things you want and need in life without you being uncomfortable about it.”
Bee couldn’t help but smile, cupping Morgan’s face in her hand.  She kissed him gently.  “You already do.  You give me everything I’ve ever wanted and needed in life.”
“I do?”
She couldn’t help but giggle at the ridiculousness of him questioning what he had given her since they met, since even before the beginning of their relationship.  “Of course you do.  You give me the most love I’ve ever known,” she said, kissing him gently, “you give me affection,” another kiss, “you give me the feeling that I can do anything and be anyone,” another kiss.  “I know it’s hard to see because they’re not material things but that stuff matters more to me than anything else.  And all the material stuff is nice, don’t get me wrong.  But I came from nothing and I can go back to nothing, Morgan.  So long as you’re with me.”
He gave her a long, lingering kiss, his fingertips grazing the skin at the small of her back.  “I don’t want you to worry about anything ever again in your life.  Will you please let me at least do that for you?” he asked.  
She could tell how much this meant to him.  How important it was for him.  “Okay,” she said gently.  “Okay.”
Morgan leaned up to kiss her again, except this time, he didn’t stop.  Neither stopped.  They continued kissing, Morgan feeling up Bee and Bee tugging on Morgan’s hair, until she kissed along his jawline, making her way towards his ear, and said, “Make love to me Morgan.”
In one swift movement, Morgan picked her up and began carrying her back to the cottage, ready to do just that.  
“C’mon baby, give me a pose!” Morgan yelled in the worst Austin Powers impression Bee had ever heard.  She couldn’t help but snort at his antics as they were out on Lake Muskoka on the boat that had come with the cottage for the weekend.  They had traveled a bit throughout the lake to see all the different cottages that lined the water, and she had wanted to stop to take some pictures in her new bathing suit.
“Morgan!” she giggled, sitting on the edge of the boat while he posed dramatically with her phone in his hand, pretending to be a professional photographer.  She had taken off her life jacket and didn’t want it to be off for too long.  
“Yes!  Beautiful!  Feeling it!  It’s all in the smiles, baby!” he continued in the ridiculous accent.  “Okay, you’re an animal!  Yes!  You’re a toooiiiiiigaarrr!  You’re Tony the Tiger!”
“Morgan, please!” she cackled.
“Smashing, baby!  You got your mojo working overtime darling.”
“And I’m spent,” he threw his hands up dramatically.  
“Can you stop being Austin Powers and take a nice picture of your girlfriend?” she asked.  
“I am taking beautiful pictures of my girlfriend,” he countered, holding up the phone again.  “You smiling and laughing is the most beautiful thing in the world.”
“Stop being corny,” she joked.  “I’m trying to build my Instagram model career and these pictures are going to make or break it!”
“Instagram model, huh?” Morgan smirked.  “You’re hotter than all those girls put together.”
“Sure, Morgan.”
“I’m being serious!  Especially in that bathing suit,” he said, licking his lips.
“Well, I do listen to what you say when you put in special requests,” Bee winked.  
“Do you feel comfortable?” Morgan asked, looking over at Bee in the driver’s seat of the Porsche as they were pulled off on the side of an empty road.  She nodded her head.  “Is your foot touching the pedals comfortably?” he asked again.  Another nod.  “Okay, so you’re gonna push down the brake and then put the gear into drive,” he said gently.  Bee did as she was told.  “Now, you have to signal that you’re going to re-join the traffic, so put your turn signal on and approach the road slowly.”
Bee put the turn signal on, and her foot released the brake.  She put a bit too much pressure on the gas pedal and they jerked forward.  “Sloooowly.  Slowly baby,” Morgan cautioned, trying to mimic what she was supposed to do with her foot with his hand.  “Gentle.  If you put too much pressure we’re gonna go through the window.”
“Sorry,” she said in a worried tone.  
“It’s okay.  It’s okay,” he assured her.  “Just go gentle.  I made the same mistakes too.”
“You did?”
“Of course,” he nodded his head.  “I was a fucking disaster.  But I practiced and I learned.  And so will you.  Try again.”
She put her foot on the gas pedal, much gentler this time, and the car began moving forward.  Her eyes were wide as they moved down the road.  “Theeeeere we go,” Morgan smiled beside her.  “You’re driving, Briony!”
“Should I go faster?” she asked.
“Go whatever pace you want,” he said, checking the side mirror to make sure there weren’t any cars.  “We’re the only ones on this road.  You can go faster when you feel comfortable.”
Bee looked in her rear-view mirror.  She gulped a bit before increasing her speed slightly.  “I’m going thirty kilometres right now,” she said, glancing at the speedometer.  
“That’s good!  That’s the speed you’ll go if you’re ever on the 401,” Morgan joked.  He saw she still had a death grip on the steering wheel, so much so that her knuckles were white.  “You can loosen your grip baby.”
“I’m comfortable like this,” she said, not taking her eyes off the road.  
“Okay,” he said, smiling slightly.  “You’re doing great.”
“I am?”
“Mhm,” he nodded his head.  “Pretty soon you’ll be parallel parking.”
“Look over your shoulder, Bee,” Morgan called out as he stayed a few steps behind her, appreciating the new romper she was wearing and how it made her butt look so good as they walked through the streets of Port Carling.  They decided to take a stop in the quintessential Muskoka town and grab some ice cream cones before heading back home.
“Huh?” she asked, looking back at him.  She saw him with his phone in his hand, snapping pictures, even going so far as to crouch down to get a better angle.  “Oh my God, are you being serious right now?”
“C’mon baby,” he smiled, continuing to snap shots of her.  She had admitted to him the series of pictures he took on the boat acting like Austin Powers were actually good, mostly because she was laughing and not posing in at least half of them, and he’d taken it to heart.  He wouldn’t stop taking pictures of her all weekend.  
“Morgan…” she giggled, shaking her head.  “Is this just a ploy so you can take pictures of my ass?”
“You got me,” he said.  “Just pose, beautiful.  Instagram modelling requires pictures at every moment of the day, doesn’t it?”
She couldn’t help but giggle as she tried to pose naturally, though soon enough, she couldn’t help but break out into dumb poses, sticking her butt out and dramatically licking her ice cream cone.  Morgan took as many as he could before bursting out into a fit of giggles himself, getting up from his crouched position and walking over to her.  
“I think you’ll knock Instagram modelling out of the park,” he said as he approached her.  “Especially in this one.”
She looked down at his phone to see a picture of her with an ice cream moustache as she stuck her tongue out and kicked up her foot behind her.  She let out a scream over how ridiculous she looked.  “Delete that!” she screamed, trying to grab the phone from him.  
Morgan should have known better.  When Bee said “Why don’t you let me choose where you get to take me,” he should have insisted it be Gucci.
“It’s the cats’ playtime, so we have some potential new parents and some volunteers in the room right now,” Mrs. Sommers, a very lovely and friendly employee of the Toronto Humane Society said, leading him and Bee down the hallway towards what he could only assume was a room full of cats waiting to be adopted.  “Our volunteers and caretakers know all about the cats, so you can just ask one of them any information.”
“There must be a lot of them,” Bee commented.  “I’ve been researching on your website.  There seemed to be so many cats this season.”
“Well, yes.  There always is,” she said.  “We had our annual kitten drive last weekend and this past weekend.  The kittens always go fast.  It’s the more mature cats that we always have trouble with adopting out.”
“That’s so sad,” Morgan said.  He didn’t want to ask what happened to them if they couldn’t be adopted.  
“Well, here we are,” Mrs. Sommers smiled, opening a door and ushering them in quickly to a room where, Morgan guessed, at least twenty-five cats were roaming about.  He’d never been in a room with so many cats before.  He looked towards Bee and she had an excited look on her face as she tried to take in everything before her.  There were at least five or six other couples in the room as well, playing with the cats or petting them as they relaxed on their jungle gyms.  
Bee looked up at Morgan.  “I’m gonna look around, okay?”
Morgan nodded his head.  “You do you.”
Bee wandered throughout the room, Mrs. Sommers by her side as she crouched down to pet the cats she saw.  Mrs. Sommers was ready with names (most of them made Bee laugh – Garth, Queen, Snicklefritz) and information at any given moment, and seemed to know everything about every cat in the room.  Bee listened attentively at some of the more unfortunate cases, about this cat having diabetes (it was wholly and easily treatable, apparently) or that cat coming in with an infection.  The more Mrs. Sommers spoke, the more Bee’s heart broke, wishing she could adopt every cat in the room.
Then Bee noticed a cat curled in the corner, alone and away from all the other cats, looking like he was just about to fall asleep.  He had a beautiful coat, brown and white and slightly beige, with white paws making it look like he was wearing socks.  “Who’s this little guy?”
“Oh, this is our little baby Chub,” Mrs. Sommers smiled.  “He’s a Snowshoe.  We were very, very surprised to see he was a Snowshoe when we brought him back.  He’s about seven months old.  Just neutered which is why he’s a bit sleepy.”
“Where did he come from?”
“We found him and his brothers and sisters in a house downtown.  There were many cats living there.  Too many.  There were multiple people living there and nobody, nobody was taking care of the cats,” Mrs. Sommers explained, the anger evident in her voice.  It was clear she wasn’t saying exactly what she wanted to say.  “All his brothers and sisters have already been adopted out.  Same with the twelve or so other cats we found at the property.”
“Why hasn’t Chub?” Bee asked worriedly.
“Well, if you’ll look…” Mrs. Sommers guided her to approach him slowly.  As Bee did, Chub turned his face towards her, and she could see.  One big beautiful blue eye looking at her, the other missing, his socket sewn completely shut with nothing left but a very faint line.  “Chub lost his left eye.  It was infected when we found him and it was too late for saving.  Poor boy was in a lot of pain.  Our vet had to perform surgery when he was well enough, and now…well, he’s a one eyed-cat.  And people don’t seem to want one-eyed cats.”
Bee was heartbroken.  As she stretched out her hand, Chub rubbed against it, and Bee began to scratch behind his ears.  When she did that, he got up and made his way over to her, meowing contently.  “He’s such a sweet boy,” she cooed.
“Oh yes, yes he is,” Mrs. Sommers smiled.  “He has no residual damage from the loss either.  Some depth perception problems, as to be expected, but other than that he’s a very healthy boy.  Even the scar healed perfectly.  He’s good with other animals, too.  Whoever adopts him will need to keep him indoors, but there is no reason why he shouldn’t live the standard age for an indoor cat…you know, thirteen to seventeen years.”
“Mrs. Sommers!  Apologies but can we steal you for a second?” another employee called from the door, interrupting their conversation.  Bee didn’t take her eyes off of Chub as he kept meowing and began rubbing his face and body onto her knees.
“I’ll be right back Ms. McTavish, you feel free to hold and snuggle any cat here,” she said, leaving the room.  
“Come here, pretty boy,” Bee cooed, picking up Chub and cradling him against her chest.  He meowed contently again and began smelling her face, his wet nose tickling her.  “You’re a sweet little boy, aren’t you?” she spoke to him, and he began purring.  She felt the vibrations against her hand.  “You’re such a sweet little boy, Chub.  Do you want to come home with me?  I have a nice big place where we can play and you can sleep all day and it will be so comfy for you.”  Chub rested his head on her chest, purring loudly as his eye drooped down to fall asleep again.  She could have cried right there.  
As she turned around, she saw Morgan staring at her with a smile on his face, his hands stuffed into his pockets.  “We’re taking the one-eyed cat, aren’t we,” he said as more of a statement than a question.  
“Morgan, we have to,” Bee begged as Chub stayed cradled in her arms.  “Look at him.  He’s already sleeping in my arms, Mo.  He’s home.”
“Are we going to have to do anything about the eye?”
Bee shook her head.  “She said he’s healthy.  It healed perfectly.  He’s going to have depth perception problems but that’s it.  He can live as long as any other indoor cat.”
“When Mrs. Sommers comes back we’ll let her know,” Morgan nodded his head.  “He’s a cutie pie, Bee.  Seems like this was destined right from the start.”
“Morgan, can we adopt them all?”
Morgan snorted, looking down at his girlfriend.  “Briony McTavish, don’t give me that face.  You know I can’t say no to you.”
“Oh!  Would you look at that!” Mrs. Sommers exclaimed, smiling from ear to ear as she noticed Chub sleeping in Bee’s arms.  “How cute is that?”
“We’re taking Chub,” Bee smiled, petting his paw gently with her thumb.  
Mrs. Sommers nodded her head.  “Follow me, dears.  We’ll go into the office to finalize the adoption and fill out some paperwork.”
Morgan didn’t grasp how much Bee had wanted this until he saw and heard how prepared she was.  She had an answer for literally every question they asked her, down to who their veterinarian would be (Alannah’s sister Rachael, naturally, because why would Bee adopt a cat without a vet?).  She told them their schedules, how much she’d play with the cat, where the litter box would be in the apartment, what kind of food she’d feed the cat and how much.  Everything was researched and well thought out.  Morgan just sat there nodding his head.  And by the end of it, they’d received their first box of litter, a small bag of food to start them off, a string toy Chub apparently really liked, and Chub inside a basic pet taxi, meowing loudly at his less-than-ideal new surroundings.
Morgan loaded everything into the car and Bee made herself comfortable with the pet taxi on her lap in the passenger’s seat.  When he started the car, he heard Bee, still cooing and trying to calm down a frightened Chub.  “What’s his name gonna be?  We can’t keep it as Chub.”
Without even looking at him, she revealed, “It’s gonna be Bruce.”
Morgan looked at her.  “Are you really going to name the cat after Bruce Springsteen?”
“Did you expect anything less from me?” she asked rhetorically, giving him a smirk.
He couldn’t help but chuckle, reversing the car out of the spot.  “No, I guess I didn’t.”
@brionymctavish: Welcome to the family, Bruce 💙 #adoptdontshop
@jazzykadri: OMG! My new BFF! ❤️❤️❤️ can’t wait to meet you Brucey!
@lucygardiner_: BRUCE!  What a cutie pie!  Welcome to the family Bruce!
@enzosauce: I’m coming over
@masonbennett: when are you guys adopting the e street band?!
@angiefavs: sarah jessica barker is gonna get a run for her money
@frederikandersen31: oh boy
@marner_93: can I come over to visit the kitty? @morganrielly                        @morganrielly: no.
@stephlachancee: OMG he is soooooo cute!  @morganrielly can I come over to visit the kitty?                        @morganrielly: yes.
@kasperikapanen1: missed the opportunity to call him captain jack sparrow but bruce is cool I guess
@williamnylander: wow.  so soft.                        @brionymctavish: soft boy.
@auston_matthews: you named your cat after the fat kid who ate the chocolate cake in Matilda?!                        @brionymctavish: IT’S AFTER BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN YOU UNCULTURED SWINE
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