#I’m specifically referring to unsolicited comments btw
no-mere-mortals · 2 years
My rule on “helpful” AO3 comments is the same as my rule on commenting on someone’s appearance - if they can’t fix it in five seconds or less, just don’t say anything. (Shirt button undone - let them know. Hair looks bad - shut.)
Did the author misspell a word or leave a quotation mark unclosed? Sure, leave a “I loved this chapter! Btw, I think there’s a quotation mark missing in this sentence [copy/paste from the chapter]. Didn’t distract me from getting hit by the Feels tho u monster ;-;”
Have issues with the pacing or the way it diverges from how you personally would have written it? I guarantee leaving a comment will not be seen as helpful in the slightest and you may be the reason someone stops sharing their art.
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