#I’ve already decided my honorary addams name would be Stoney Addams
bioswear · 1 year
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Anyway so I’m making an Addams family custom jacket/vest with detachable pinstripe sleeves
This is designed to be worn exclusively with a long sleeve button down and tie, black/white duo chrome with an accent of red (depending on occasion)
I have some mirrored rose appliqué patches coming for the back (bc weird but Sophisticated/dark academia vibes)
Patches and pins sourced from:
Gomez & Morticia Pins - amandabaldwinart (Etsy)
Hellish Crusade pin - HellishCrusade (Etsy)
Wednesday Buttons - AKProjectUnicorn
Nevermore patch - KristysKreationsUK
Addams Family Crest backpatch - Oakthorn Studios
Addams Family Patch (Custom) - HungryBearDesigns
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