#I’ve also never really posted any of my screenprinting stuff I should do that sometime
dammarchy211 · 18 days
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Hey I turn tweny today!!!!
I’ve never made one of these meet the artist things before hi
I actually mostly use my sona for school work so that’s why you’ve never seen it before lol
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farrresidency · 5 years
Artist Interview #3 - Joliz Dela Peña
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Wanda: When did you start making art? Or considering yourself an Artist?
Joliz: I think everybody started when they’re young but for me I took it seriously when I was around 15 years old. Because in my school they really encouraged doing art because there’s murals in the plazas in my country [Philippines] and they ask students to come in and draw on those big walls.
William: With paint?
Joliz: Yeah yeah with paint, making anything they wanted. It’s not like Graffiti or vandalism. So I was inspired by that but I wasn’t really into the mural thing because of the artstyle I guess. I was more into trying to improve in drawing and painting portraits at the time. But it spiraled down to doing landscapes in the end because in the Philippines I wasn’t allowed to paint inside the house so they made me a table in our garden and I painted there most of the time. I was really influenced by all this organic stuff that surrounded me and also I was really into landscapes and not into the trend at the time in the Philippines with murals and Hyperrealistic portraits.
Wanda: When was this?
Joliz: Around 2013. So that’s how I started, I wanted to make something different that’s not the same as my friends and other students work at the time. So I focused on landscapes and seascapes since that’s what I would mostly see around me.
William: Do you sometimes miss having an outdoor studio versus an indoor studio?
Joliz: Actually yes! That’s why I kinda hate Winter because around this time I won’t be able to go out and just paint in plein air. But a lot of things have changed since I moved to Canada, like I wasn’t able to paint landscapes like I used to back in the Philippines so moving here changed and evolved my artstyle. From being an impressionism Artist to what I do now which is all over the place.
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Wanda: Do you think that has something to do with the move and adapting? Because you were used to always making art outside and painting things around you, now you’re in a country where you have to be indoors so the things around you don’t change as much unless you manipulate them. So do you think your artwork is reflective of the place where you make your work currently?
Joliz: Yeah I think so. My previous apartment I was sharing my bedroom with my sister and it was really cramped. I didn’t have a proper desk. Like that dresser was my desk at the time. So I was sitting in an uncomfortable position trying to paint. I was enjoying the work I’d make at the time but I was making art for people to see and not for me to feel better. So I stopped and took a really long break. I didn’t do any art, I just shut myself out from the world. Forced myself to find a new artstyle that will make me happy but I realised that’s not the point and to just release art that you feel good about. So I started painting random stuff, it’s not really my kind of artstyle but I enjoy doing it. All the stuff I’ve been doing I really like, I know it’s not consistent and I really liked that [impressionistic] art style for two years because I felt that I could build it and improve it and people would soon like it. But that didn’t happen. I was creating to make social media like me but not making myself feel better. Art for me is almost therapeutic and an escape so I wanted to force myself out since I’m restricting myself from happiness I guess. Just making it worse. So I stopped doing it.
Wanda: What year was this?
Joliz: Well between 2015 and 2017 I did that impressionism style.
Wanda: And during that time you were sharing your space with your sister?
Joliz: Yeah in a small room. Really cramped.
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Wanda: So you clearly arranged your room to work around art. When you were arranging it, what were your considerations?
Joliz: I was considering more space for me to explore. Because back then I wasn’t really able to make bigger art and paint bigger spaces. I wasn’t allowed to use chemicals or oil paints because I was sharing a bedroom with my sister and she doesn’t like that. Having a small space really restricted me to explore other mediums, and now I’m able to do all of that because I have this bigger space. I have a window that I can open up. It’s really nice to have your own room to do more things. But again it’s not really ideal for me to use a lot chemicals because I’m trying to get into screenprinting and sometimes I want to develop my own films. I’d need a bigger space to do that, right now I’m content with how the space looks like and the mediums I can do in here. But if I could have an opportunity to get a studio I’d be happy to take that. I miss the fact that in the Philippines I’m out in the open and I used to paint in oils, ventilation was really nice and you don’t have to worry about inhaling the fumes.
Wanda: So how do you organise your studio space to match the mediums you practice?
Joliz: I’m not sure. I mean everything is all over the place. I said I have a second personality. I don’t touch her stuff because sometimes she would go over into my things. It’s really hard to explain because when I’m not active this other personality is active and she doesn’t her thing. I don’t really get to see how she does it. But whenever I wake up things are all over the place. I’m a really organized person, right now it isn’t because I was working with stuff. But now if I’m not doing anything or not doing a project at the moment this would all be really tidy I would organize it in a way in which every medium is in their own storage space.
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Wanda: Which part of the room belongs to your other personality?
Joliz: This part of the right. My things are in the cabinets [and desk]. So all this stuff on the right is hers though the paintings in the box are mine. But I don’t really let paint of paper pads, I just gave her this wall to paint on. One time I woke up and the papers were blank and there was this note saying this is my space now. I’ve never really told anyone about my DID, my mental illness. Because I’m really scared about how people would perceive it. Like even my sister knows little about it. She only knows this part of my room.
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William: Would you want us to omit that?
Joliz: No it’s ok. At some point I feel that I should tell people about it. It’s just recent that my depression crumbled into this and at first it’s just scary. Like this painting right here really scared the shit out of me. I never really do anything like this and there’s something engraved in here saying “do not touch”. It’s just different from my own art style and that if I post this anywhere on my social media or tell this to any of my friends they wouldn’t think that it’s me. I mean it’s not really me it’s the other personality in me.
William: Have you ever thought then about making a separate social media presence for the other personality?
Joliz: I would love to, I think she has one but I don’t really know. Because whenever I wake up I just see some stuff and I’m just like oh this is something new here. Like I just painted a picture of me so I put paint over it and the next day she did this green thing on here. I would love it if she had a different social media but again that would be really confusing with people because we have the same face but we have different art styles.
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Wanda: Well people don’t need to know everything. Like you can always do… If you allow me to say it but you should always do what you feel comfortable with. Like this work is beautiful and you should do with it what you want to do with it and fuck everyone else. Like who’s the ultimate judge out there? Random kid with 5 billion likes but at the end of the day this is very real, it’s very human, and it’s very you. It’s a part of you in one way. But yeah it’s beautiful I love it.
William: I agree...  even though it scares you.
Wanda: So how long did it take for your space to get to where you wanted it to be?
Joliz: It took me from day one of moving here… I mean it’s not like what I wanted. Before I wanted to have a really long table so it’s definitely not yet what I wanted it to be. Still a work in progress but right now I’m pretty happy with what I have. But I would love to expand my space more but ever since she came up… I mean I still like it, I don’t want to be selfish and make her do art on the floor so I’m making her have this space.
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Wanda: So it’s like if you’re sharing a studio essentially
Joliz: Yeah that’s true.
Wanda: Do you feel that there was a difference in your art before you started sharing your studio?
Joliz: Oh yeah definitely. This [pointing to right of the room] is very abstract. Now I’m starting to incorporate it into my own work like. I started doing the transfer with the acetone. It’s so boring and I needed to do something to do with it. So I try to incorporate what I’m seeing here and use the same colour palette and the gesture and brushstrokes onto my type of artstyle. I’m still trying to stay in my lane because she does acrylic and I do watercolour. Sharing with this type of art it influences me and whatever I make and it really translates to whatever I’m doing currently.
Wanda: If you could change anything about your space right now what would it be?
William: Like you have full omniscient power, you can literally change anything.
Joliz: Oh damn, I would break this wall and just expand it. I really want a bigger space. I’m now sharing with another person or personality and I think that it’s not big enough for the two of us. I kind of like her stuff and I want to see her do it on a proper surface like a canvas, not just on drawing paper and stuff on the wall.
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Wanda: Do you think it’s important to have a specific recurring space in which you produce your work or do you personally feel capable of working in a multitude of locations?
Joliz: In my preference I would love to work in different places and I think I’ve already experienced it before, moving from the Philippines to this small apartment to having this space now. I realize that I don’t like settling down in one art style. Seeing all the evolution in my art… the journey is really nice for me. Seeing that I could improve in some ways is…
William: Gratifying?
Joliz: Yeah exactly.
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Wanda: Do you feel that you work better in a situation of controlled chaos or neat tidiness in your space?
Joliz: I like a neat and tidy space. I find things when I leave them where they’re supposed to be so I really like organizing my stuff. But I think it’s inevitable to be chaotic in some sense. I feel that it will give you raw emotions when you let it go and be loose.
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Wanda: Do you find yourself stressed out when working in here or do you feel that the space is relaxing?
Joliz: I feel that the space is really relaxing. As I said it’s an escape for me. I don’t do art in school that much, I’m only taking a complimentary. So outside this apartment I’m not doing art. So whenever I come back home I get to sit down and do whatever I want, paint and draw. It’s really relaxing for me and it’s like a stress-reliever.
Wanda: And what are you studying right now?
Joliz: I’m just in general sciences right now. I don’t really like the idea of going to an art school. I feel that you get restricted in some ways. I have friends that are taking studio arts at Concordia and they’re saying things like it’s not making them find their art style. My true essence. They’re making rules to be in the norm and fit in the system of art nowadays. I don’t really want to be a part of that. I just want to do my own thing in my own space. So I’m pursuing animal health tech. I don’t feel like I need validation, I don’t need to graduate in Fine Arts to be called an Artist.
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William: I feel targeted, I’m the only Fine Arts student in here!
Wanda: We had a conversation about this before
William: Oh I know I know, I don’t take it personally
Joliz: I mean art school is fine it teaches you different techniques and stuff but I feel you can research about it on your own before.
William: I just like the aspect of seeing all of my classmates’s work. Like I like being in the space that everyday when I go to school it’s all people doing their work.
Joliz: Because everybody has their different perspective and how they approach art yeah.
William: Like most people in my classes do portraiture which is not at all what I do well. So some of them are doing like fashion photography, I have no… like I don’t do that. That’s not my style. So it’s cool to see. And a lot of my professors, I mean I can only touch on photography but like my prof Jérôme, he’s an artist resident. He’s not like a tenured teacher. So like when you’re doing an artist residence they pay you but you also have to teach some classes.
Wanda: And he’s badass.
William: So yeah I think that’s one of the advantage of art school, you kind of have to push back when people tell you to do a certain kind of work but I feel that the advantage is just being around people that are doing cool shit. But I don’t know if, like I can only really talk about photography.
Wanda: Yeah it’s as long as what you’re doing makes you feel good.
William: Yeah like I don’t think… like Art school is definitely not for everyone
Wanda: I would one hundred percent suck in art school. I love art but I like just spitting it out when I’m feeling something
William: I think like some people strive, like I know I strive when I have a deadline. People tell me ok do this by then. Or else I just do a series forever and I never finish it. It’s kind of hard to end my series with the type of photography that I do. Because I do a lot of documentary and historical stuff. It can go forever, so having someone tell me “no you have to hand it in now.” is really beneficial for me.
Wanda: Yeah I don’t really strive doing that
William: I think it just depends. Sorry for the tangent though!
Wanda: No no it’s ok
William: Just had to defend myself!
Wanda: But it’s really cool. Like you have to know yourself as a person. Will feels really comfortable doing that.
William: Like I know it’s for me and you also know that it’s not for you and it’s just as good and valid.
Wanda: And being an artist it’s equally hard being in any subject you take, like going business school I start to realize that everyday more and more because you’re an outcast to the artists and then you’re also an outcast to the business students.
William: Especially in business!
Wanda: Especially! I feel that when you’re an artist and you do things that you love you’re going to be an outcast, like the world is not a competition. Everyone has their own essence and brings little things to the table and do things a certain way. Whether it’s art school or the middle of the street, outside, in your room. It’s all dope. Like look at you [Joliz], like your book! You haven’t been living here for that long, you’re in science, you’re a woman, you’re an immigrant… there’s so many things that unfortunately could work in your disadvantage but you make beautiful work so more power to you
Joliz: Thank you, hell yeah
William: I mirror that
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Wanda: On that note! What do you use the most in your studio?
Joliz: Oh that’s a tough question…
Wanda: Your chair!
Joliz: Well yeah! I guess… It would be super obvious if I say like a brush… but I would say masking tape. I love sticking shit on my wall as you guys can see. Masking tape is everywhere. Before you guys came here I cleaned up my room and I had a big ball of masking tape on my table. It’s an essential for me. I can’t properly make my art without it. I make clean borders, even with my watercolour paper.
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Wanda: So universally, what do you think it a must for any studio?
Joliz: I’d say…
William: Masking tape?
Joliz: Yes! But no! Good lighting. And good ventilation! Because I love painting with natural light. I’m so happy I have this room with big windows. But working with an artificial light like this it really changes the way I paint and my mood. And yeah also good ventilation, I’m doing acetone and I don’t want to die here.
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Wanda: So what is the prevailing emotion when you’re in your studio space?
Joliz: A lot of emotions. Basically whenever I walk in here now, I’d see this [Other personality’ work on the wall] and get sad but at the same time, also happy that she exists. I’m sharing a space with her now and not just looking at my own art every damn day whenever I wake up, whenever I go home. So yeah mixed emotions. I can’t really pinpoint what it is because it changes every time. Every time she adds or changes something in this space it would really give me a different emotion.
William: So do you think it inspires you in some way to have someone else’s work to be able to draw from?
Joliz: Yeah. Because my sister [and family] she doesn’t really do art so I wasn’t surrounded by artists. Having this now in my room, I get excited everyday, she probably did something different on her wall and I’m excited to see that and examine it.
William: Having been through building a studio for yourself, is there anything you could warn other artists? Like oh I messed up here don’t do this or just advice
Wanda: Like what would you recommend to other students that might be in a similar situation. Putting a studio space within their room or even having a studio space in your room while living with parents.
Joliz: I guess just build your space and don’t give a fuck because they don’t sleep in that room. They don’t sleep in that room. It’s your own heaven I suppose. If you want to put stuff on your wall, if you want to paint on your wall it’s up to you. Do whatever makes you comfortable and happy because it’s a space that you’re going to be making a lot of art in. Might as well drown your room with art.
Wanda: Did you have any inspirations for arranging your studio space?
Joliz: I actually don’t have any… I’ve never been to another studio or artist’s room. I kind of just build this based on how I feel. Back in my old apartment I didn’t even put up some of my artworks because I think it would look more cramped. Not really spacious. Now I have my own room and I’m free to do whatever I want basically.
Wanda: I’m just wondering, you do different styles and you’ve shown us different pieces that change through time. Has changing your painting style and techniques, has it made you change your room to properly accommodate exploring those different techniques and mediums?
Joliz: Yeah, yeah.
Wanda: Ok hit us!
Joliz: Most of the time I would take all the stuff away from that table and put my easel there, start painting bigger pieces. Sometimes I’d paint on the floor if the painting surface is too big. And also with the acetone, there’s just so many fumes in here that… like I’m still conscious that I’m going to sleep in here and I don’t want all the fumes to be stuck in here. So I kind of cheat and go outside on the patio to do that. Basically I’d love to have a separate room to do art because I feel that I’m really limited in here.
William: And a strong ventilation system! Maybe that’s something you could change about your room; put like a big kitchen hood just suck everything.
Joliz: That’d be nice, I’m going to write that down.
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