#I’ve literally written Buck and Eddie’s first kiss but I haven’t written them meeting 😅
daffi-990 · 3 months
Tease Tidbit Tuesday
Tagged by @diazsdimples (who finished their buddie zoo trip fic!) and @tizniz 💕
Had an itch to work on my buddie Fantasy AU, but when I opened up the doc I got overwhelmed and just … didn’t know where to dive in. Really hoping that once I’ve finished Rival Firefighters 🚒 the inspiration for this beloved wip will return.
I did manage to write something though for Fantasy AU so .. here ya go
(Synopsis for this wip here)
“Bobby! I’m home!”
Buck discards his keys into the bowl on the kitchen counter, shrugging off his backpack as he walks through the apartment to his room where he dumps it unceremoniously onto his bed before going to the bathroom for a quick shower. He’s just finished and gotten back to his room, towel wrapped around his waist, when Bobby appears in his doorway.
“Hey kid, how was the hike?”
“Good. Feel like it helped clear all the noise up here.” Buck points to his head as Bobby nods in understanding.
When Buck had mentioned years ago when he was still just a kid that being out at the national park helped with his adhd, Bobby had simply smiled, ruffled his hair and said “I’m glad it helps, kid”. Buck doesn’t know why being out among nature helps, he’s done his own research deep dive into it, but he still hasn’t found any papers or articles on the positive effects nature has on adhd. Maybe it only works on him.
Or maybe he doesn’t actually have adhd.
It’s a thought that’s crossed his mind before, but adhd is the closest thing he’s found that fits.
For all his life Buck has felt this restless energy under his skin, like the tingling of electricity that’s been bottled up for too long. Some days he swears he can even feel heat that feels like fire in his palms, but there’s always nothing there. The fire feeling never burns, it’s just the warmth of a flame Buck feels.
The first time he’d told Bobby about the fire feeling he was probably seven years old. Bobby had packed them up and taken them straight out to the park. It was in the middle of the week and Buck missed three days of school.
He remembers getting out of the car and following after Bobby as they made their way along one of the trails, the thrum of energy inside him slowly going from an electrical storm to a spark from an outlet. It was like the excess energy had been drained from him. He felt calm and could think clearer, his head no longer a buzz of activity.
They started going to the park every weekend after that.
No pressure tagging: @hippolotamus @spotsandsocks @thewolvesof1998 @puppyboybuckley @exhuastedpigeon @wikiangela @wildlife4life @watchyourbuck @elvensorceress @eddiebabygirldiaz @evanbegins @rainbow-nerdss @rewritetheending @theotherbuckley @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @athenagranted @steadfastsaturnsrings @spagheddiediaz @sunshinediaz @devirnis @disasterbuckdiaz @fortheloveofbuddie @fiona-fififi @giddyupbuck @honestlydarkprincess @homerforsure @hoodie-buck @jeeyuns @jesuisici33 @ladydorian05 @lover-of-mine @loserdiaz @captain-hen @bekkachaos @nmcggg @missmagooglie @mellaithwen @monsterrae1 and anyone else who wants to share something 😘
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