#I'd be his broodmare tbh.
standfucker · 4 months
Marco with a nesting instinct. You get pregnant and he's just compulsively buying more and more pillows and blankets. An absurd amount and he can't stop hoarding them. Keeps gifting you stuffed animals. Bringing you food in bed. And he's not even really aware he's doing it until you wake up one day and realize your bed has turned into a literal nest.
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kingsmakers · 10 months
What's Celeste's relationship like with Emhyr? What about Fringilla?
Ooft I'm sorry this took ages to answer, I am a bit of a part-timer around here these days lmao.
Spoilers for Let It Burn and probably the show/books under the cut:
So Celeste finds out fairly early on, late Season 1 territory I'd say, that she was captured when Cintra fell because Emhyr intends to take her as his wife and for her to bear him a child.
For those who know the books, this is what he wants from Ciri, which is obviously problematic since Ciri is literally his daughter. I haven't read the books, but my understanding of the situation is that Emhyr is so hungry for power that he doesn't care that it's incest, because Vilgefortz made him believe that he was destined to have a son with Ciri due to her Elder blood.
So therefore in LIB, as Celeste also has Elder blood and is in her early 20s at the start of the story, it stands to reason that if he believed she was the one he was destined to have a child with, that sort of fixation would be the same. Still weird as Celeste is Pavetta's younger sister, but no blood relation. Of course Celeste doesn't realise who he is until she meets him in Season 3, and I would say their dynamic is civil but tense. Especially because at this point, Celeste has had a son with Cahir so she has literally proved to Emhyr that she is capable of exactly what he wants her for.
I love Fringilla and Celeste's friendship tbh. Like Cahir, Fringilla was aware of why they had captured Celeste, and like Cahir she didn't really care for Celeste's opinion on the matter. However, as she gets to know Celeste as a person, it's harder for Fringilla to be impartial. Especially as Celeste is so resistant to being seen as a broodmare and hates the fact that Cintra fell so that Emhyr could use Ciri's power and have Celeste pop out babies for him.
Things start to get murky with Fringilla's loyalties when Celeste falls pregnant by Cahir, because it's accidental and throws their whole plan to hand her over to Emhyr in the bin. Originally she wants Celeste to have the child, have him sent off to be raised somewhere else, and bring Celeste back so she can still marry Emhyr as planned. But once she realises Celeste's obvious distress about this plan, Fringilla sort of starts changing her mind and ultimately helps Celeste run away.
So because Fringilla manages to pin the whole escape on Cahir, she's still serving Emhyr when Celeste is brought to Cintra in Season 3, which again puts her in the position of "do I help this woman again and risk my neck for good, or do I stand idly by and let Emhyr's plan unfold?"
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