#I'd love to have a specimen of my own someday
phoenix-arts7 · 3 months
What kind of rock makes you think of Time? I ask because whenever I look at certain kinds of rocks, certain characters come to mind.
Funny you ask that when one of my hyperfixations is geology xD I even studied it in uni.
If you would group minerals into this as well, my answer would be emerald of the beryl family. Not just because of the Kokiri's Emerald, but because natural emerald is commonly cloudy from inclusions. Beautiful, very rare, but imperfect.
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eorzeashan · 1 year
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“We've been watching you. Learning your techniques. In Mos Ila, at the wind farm, in Exchange territory... syncing our motions with yours.” 
The Old Man paced amidst the gravel sand of his tent, all confidence and experienced swagger. His lackeys hovered in a loose circle around their Cipher mark. Antsy with anticipation– hyenas around the carcass, waiting for their partaking of the meat. He’d trained them well, but they were overeager, drunk on stims, closed to possibility. Vector hovered behind him, nervous. 
“You're fantastically talented. You'll show us everything... and then we'll replace you inside your own organization.”
Eight’s dark eyes watched them dispassionately. He was no such prey. 
He felt the group hesitate. A visible thrum, a shuttering, the tightened reflexive amateur grip of vibroknives. He’d thrown them off their game. It would not last long; if they were as good as they claimed to be, he’d need to change his moves faster than they could adapt.
He felt the group hesitate. A visible thrum, a shuttering, the tightened reflexive amateur grip of vibroknives. He’d thrown them off their game. It would not last long; if they were as good as they claimed to be, he’d need to change his moves faster than they could adapt.
Fortunately for him, he was all but the compiled memory of a thousand and one deaths. This body was made for violence. It held naught else within.
“Cleverness won’t save you now, Cipher.” The Old Man shrugged off his initial hesitation, displaying his trump card in the open as his form took on that of the Cipher’s: leonine, graceful, not a step out of place. Two could play the copycat game. The young blood came with unpredictability, but his years of experience gave him the edge. He would enjoy taking the specimen before him apart. “You’ve been led into my trap.” The spy tracked his motions with those voidpool eyes of his, almost as empty as his companion’s. 
He was unsettling in a beautiful way, and the Old Man could see how it appealed to the base nature of the Sith. “Of course, we'd rather have captured you before you killed so many, but all in all, I'd call the plan a success.”
“Counting your gizka eggs before they hatch? Arrogant.”
His gaze was hypnotic with the hunger of the fight, yet soft with a terrible fondness that spoke of love where there was none to be found. When he spoke next, his voice was smooth and cutting like the tip of a cold knife trailing up a bare spine- and with the same effect. 
Eight beckoned with one free hand to him. 
They unsheathed their weapons simultaneously. 23 and counting blades glinted beneath the harsh spearing rays of the desert sun. Two exact faces, locked on one another. Orradiz inhaled the dust-choked air as if it were sweeter than perfume. He’d always wanted to give himself a second burial.
“Come, Old Man.” He pointed the knife at his own throat. “Let us see who replaces who.”
Eight straddled the Old Man’s bucking body as he pinned all four of his limbs. He hummed a lullaby in Cheunh, one that mothers sang to their sons as they dreamt on her warm bosom. 
“Orradiz. Did you know I have a son around your age?” Nosta asked him, a flush on the blue of her skin as they camped out in the sniper’s nest together. He stared at her, not comprehending, then shook his head. 
“I do. His name is Veldekk. He looks so much like his father…I wonder if he’ll complain about that when he gets older. You know how boys are.” She laughed merrily, more cheery than Orradiz had ever seen her. She blew on her calloused knuckles and rubbed her hands; the chill of Hoth was difficult to bear even for a Chiss hailing from Csilla. 
They sat in silence for a moment, listening to the sounds of their heartbeats and the frigid howling of the arctic wind overhead.
Nosta broke the ice, again. 
“Someday I’ll introduce you. To both of them. Saganu would love you; I know he’s always been fascinated by outsiders, but you’re as Chiss as any of us. You’ve been with me long enough.” She fidgeted with the scope of the planted sniper rifle, readjusting, peering through it to the white expanse and no signs of life. She sat back with a sigh. “I almost wish you were older, so you could have seen Veldekk when he was born. He was so small, Orre. I’ve never seen anything so fragile.”
Orradiz peered at her owlishly above his scarf. He had no idea what she was rambling about, but he could tell the importance it held for the Chiss woman was far more than she could put into his words. Every fiber of her being that she kept locked down for espionage, carefully controlled by years of training was now beaming with affection, and not for him.
She looked at him, not understanding, and smiled. “There’s a song I used to sing him to sleep with. Every night, he’d tug on my hair and look at me with his big eyes and wait for me to sing, or he refused to settle down. Shall I sing it for you?”
Quiet as he was, he could only nod.
“Alright then. Don’t fall asleep, or I’ll make you run laps in your underclothes…”
Eight wrapped his hands around the neck of his carbon-copy, and squeezed. He was reaching the end of the song. The Old Man- or his eyes bulged out of their sockets. Hands clawing, slapping at air. He watched himself die. 
The body went limp, and he let go. 
Funny. He thought he’d feel something, but it was just another corpse in the end.
Guess there really is no killing yourself after the first time, he mused dryly, kicking the dead body with his boot. He cut out the disguise implant from the base of the neck, shook off the fresh blood and bits of flesh. He held up the hunk of metal to the sun. The Old Man had an impressive display of face-changing. 
He could do better.
Mia Hawkins watched him finish his work with dual-parts resignation and wariness; she was always one to accept her own fate, and it drew Eight to her like the stink of lingering rot. But when she forced herself to look at him, there was naught but mercy in his bloodstained hand, and she took it. 
They embraced for a little while. She marveled at how someone so cold could feel so warm.
He put his lips to her ear and whispered, his tongue laden with someone else’s words. “Run. It’ll be hard. Your feet will bleed for all the miles you’ll need to walk. Make it a worthwhile chase, and you might just live to see the end of this war.”
He let her go. She swallowed thickly, then turned and ran. When she had put enough distance between them, she looked over her shoulder. He was still there: an immovable figure standing amidst a ghost village full of nameless bodies. A bead of sweat rolled into her eyes. She blinked.
When she looked again, he was gone– the desert wind rolled over where he had been in a closing curtain of sand, and with its passing, the haunting was over.
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rollzerox · 4 years
Can you do a JaeYona fanfiction prompt for me? I want a story where Yona's problem with not eating for long periods of time when she gets really stressed resurfaces? I noticed that Yona had that problem mentioned a couple times in the series, but it never really gets brought up again, and I could see Jae Ha and some of the others getting really concerned over it. I hope this isn't too sudden, but I'm surprised that there aren't more fanfictions that bring it up and I'd like if somebody wrote one
Thanks so much for the prompt anon! I’m sorry this took me so long I’m working on my backlog of prompt immediately during current events hope you like this take for my Castle AU series where Yona is queen of Kouka
“Daddy! Daddy!” tiny voices could be heard running across the hallways of the palace as King Jae-ha turned to see his twin children rushing towards him. He was currently sitting with his cane watching Hak, Ura, Hawke and Shiro practice, Lina bouncing her 6-year-old Krystal in her lap and giggling at her silly siblings. The child squealed when she’d feel her unborn sibling kick at her, considering Lina was 6 months pregnant with her next child. Sitting next to her was her second daughter, Jin-ae, who was named after the first Queen of Kouka, Hiryuu’s wife.
 “Here comes Aki and Mido, Uncle Jae-ha.” Hinto, Shin-ah’s 10-year-old son chuckled as he at saw them coming with his dragon’s eye.
 “Aka-dori? Mido-ka? What is it?” Jae-ha asked once the two children arrived. They were 5 years old, the girl with long raven hair and the boy with short ginger hair.  The girl had clear blue eyes and the boy had green.
 “Mommy won’t eat!” Aki cried, whimpering. “The cooks don’t know what to do she didn’t eat breakfast and now she says she doesn’t want lunch.”
 Hak stopped his practice run and sighed, shaking his head. “… She’s still upset over…” he glanced to Zeno who nodded.
 “We all miss former Seiryuu and Hakuryuu.” The Yellow Dragon answered. “It didn’t help they passed only a year apart. Not to mention former Ryokuryuu lately has…”
 “Oh please, I’m just fine.” Jae-ha waved him off. “I mean seriously Lina’s 22 now, I honestly thought I would have long kicked the bucket by now.”
 “Yeah and you fell down the stairs the other day again, Droopy Eyes.” Hak growled. “You gave her a heart attack.”
 “Hak come on, you have enough on your plate.” Jae-ha looked at him sadly, after all Valerie had just passed away in childbirth a year ago. “No point in me bothering you all the time to get around.”
 “But I can help you uncle!” Shiro, the current 12-year-old Hakuryuu said while extending his arm.
 “Precious child.” Jae-ha hummed, petting the boy on the head. He sure had his father’s enthusiasm.
 Tetora smiled as she hugged her son from behind. “You’re always so eager to help.”
 “Really guys I’ll tend to my wife, lead the way treasures.” Jae-ha hummed, Aki and Mido eagerly rushed back in. “But don’t run or you’ll…”
 “GAH!” Gigan, Jae-ha’s middle daughter growled as the twins nearly plowed her over when they ran past her, the 16-year-old looking rather annoyed. “Aki! Mido! Watch where you’re going!” she growled as she almost dropped the books she was holding.
 “Done with your lesson already Gigi?” Hawke called out to his older sister.
 “Yes which you skipped!” Gigan snapped at him, her eyebrow twitching at the nickname. “What kind of prince are you when all you want to do is run off and learn fighting with our Uncle Hak? Seriously you can’t solve everything with your muscles idiot.”
 “Not everyone enjoys lessons like you do Gigan.” Lina giggled.
 Jae-ha laughed, petting Gigan on the head. “My smart little treasure. You’re going to make a fine queen someday you know.”
 That made the raven-haired girl blush. “F-father really I mean I would be honored if mother were to choose me but I’m not the oldest…”
 “You really think Lina wants the throne?” Jae-ha snorted.
 “Hell no, I’m traveling with Ura after the kids are grown.” Lina rolled her eyes and took her husband’s hand. “I’m a Ryokuryuu my job is to protect our mother and eventually I’ll protect the future king and queen. Which could be you and Shiro when you get married.” She teased.
 Shiro practically choked as he turned red at that. “I-I-I… T-that’s n-not funny Lina!”
 “LINA!” Gigan’s face turned into a fireball. “I’m not you I don’t go around marrying our cousins!”
 “Please, Kija and I weren’t exactly blood brothers just dragon brothers.” Jae-ha hummed. “Otherwise Shiro & Hinto would be Lina’s brothers with their dragon connection. Besides look how happy Ura and Lina are you know I sure won’t complain…”
 “FATHER THAT’S NOT FUNNY!” Gigan shouted, looking ready to explode. “GAH! Why am I the only normal one in this crazy family?!”
 Jae-ha laughed how his daughter would always have a meltdown over things like this. The rest of his children got his carefree attitude and Gigan was more like her namesake it made me smile. “Anyway where’s your mother? I hear she’s being stubborn again.”
 “In the library.” Gigan answered after she settled down. “One of the scholars just dropped off a new scroll with her and she said she was putting it away…. She was forcing a smile so I was going to bring her a new specimen from Kai that my instructor brought.” She held up an orange colored orchid. “Give it to her father, you know new flowers for her garden always cheers her up.”
 Jae-ha nodded, smiling as he took the flower. “I will my dear. Try to not let your siblings drive you insane.”
 Gigan looked at him deadpan. “Don’t ask for the impossible, father.”
 Jae-ha snorted, then kissed her forehead and headed on for the library. His twins ran so far ahead of him he shook his head as they found their mother first, her back to them and not even noticing they entered as she was looking over a scroll.
 Tears floated down Yona’s cheeks as it was a new illustration of her and her Four Dragons surrounding her, along with many of the tales the scholars sat her down and made her recall because they wanted to make a full record of the second incarnation of King Hiryuu. Shin-ah’s funeral was only a few weeks ago and she still wasn’t over the loss of both Kija and Valerie. She sobbed to herself as she clutched the parchment close, hating the fact her family was slowly being torn apart but at the same time blessed she had so many happy years with them…
 “Mommy!” Aki and Mido were suddenly hugging her ankles, snapping her out of her trance. “Mommy! We brought you something!” the twins bounced on their toes as they pulled back.
 “Oh what is it you two? Don’t tell me you’re trying to butter me up because you set the garden on fire again.” Yona sighed, bending down to her kids to pet them on the head.
 “No mommy that was an accident we swear!” Aki whimpered.
 “Even though it happened three times.” Mido squirmed.
 Jae-ha chuckled as he walked in. “They’re just worried about you my lovely, here. A gift from Gigan.” He handed her the flower, bringing a small smile the queen’s face.
 “It’s lovely.” Yona said, joining him in standing. “But you should be resting.” She scolded her husband.
 “I’m behaving.” Jae-ha hummed, leaning on his cane for support. He tried to hide the fact he was trying to catch his breath from the walk over, lately just getting out of bed was a chore for the aging dragon.
 Yona brushed her fingers over his bangs, noting the sweat on his forehead as she chided him. “You can’t hide from me, husband. Sit down.” She pushed him into a nearby chair that the twins helped bring closer. “Or else I’ll let our terror twins tie you down again.”
 “Can we mommy?!” Aki cried, excitement dancing in her eyes.
 Jae-ha snorted. “Now you’re using the kids against me, that’s not fair love.”
 “You use them against me so it’s only fair.” Yona giggled, kissing him playfully as she pulled away. “Aki, Mido, go get something from the chefs for daddy along with his medicine from Grandma Yoon ok?”
 “Ok mommy!” Mido darted off, Aki rushing after him.
 “I’ll only eat if you do.” Jae-ha said in a sing-song voice.
 Yona made a face. “I’m not hungry.”
 The Ryokuryuu sighed, grabbing her hands. “… Love… Come on it’s not your fault. You know Shin-ah and Kija wouldn’t want you to feel guilty.”
 “But…” Yona choked, tears in her eyes as her hands trembled. “If only I wasn’t… And one day the same will happen to our own daughter and then… I was so absorbed in worrying about you I never thought that they would…”
 Jae-ha pulled her into his lap, giving her a long kiss full of love while caressing her back. “Shhhh, it’s ok love. It’s only natural, my successor was born first after all everyone even Zeno expected me to die by now. It’s a strange miracle I’ve lasted this long. Guess Ik-su wasn’t kidding when he said our child is twice blessed and I wouldn’t die as soon as I thought.” He kissed away her tears as he brushed her crimson hair. “But that doesn’t change the fact that they both loved you and wouldn’t want you upset. They lived wonderful lives here by your side and found their beautiful wives. Their children are safe here and we’ve basically broken the curse of Ryokuryuu and Seiryuu villages as their lines will continue here where they are celebrated not hated. We might even mix dragon blood with the way Gigan and Shiro are crushing on each other.”
 Yona rolled her eyes. “Stop playing match maker with our children.”
 “It worked with Lina didn’t it?” Jae-ha hummed, kissing her cheek. “… Please love, you’ve barely ate anything all week or do I have to pop another treasure inside you to make you take care of yourself?” he offered, fluttering his eyelashes at her.
 Yona turned bright red at that, squirming in his lap. “… I-I… I can’t do that, they might never meet their…” she sadly brushed his cheek.
 “Think of it as me leaving you a treasure behind my love.” Jae-ha hummed, pressing his forehead against hers. “Besides we know they won’t be lonely with as many siblings as they’ll have. Just think about it love.” He gave her another kiss. “After all I don’t seem to have the stamina I used to in my prime.”
 “What a crime.” Yona giggled slightly, smiling warmly at her husband. “… Thank you Jae-ha… You and all the dragons helped me find the greatest happiness in my life. I just…. Hate the thought of waking up without you by my side.” She choked.
 Jae-ha looked at her sadly. “… I know, I feel the same. But the kingdom and our family need you love. Besides… You know I’ll be waiting for you on the other side.”
 “Jae-ha….” Yona sobbed, her eyes threatening to let out another waterfall of tears until she heard the sounds of her twins rushing back into the room.
 “We got food mommy! You gotta eat too!” Mido said, holding up a tray that was bigger than he was of food as Aki was holding Jae-ha’s medicine.
 Yoon stood in the doorway as he came behind them, holding a second tray. “Yona how many times have I told you that you can’t skip meals like this?”
 Yona pursed her lips as she crawled out of her husband’s lap. “… I told you kids just to get your father’s medicine not tell on me.”
 Aki giggled. “But Grandma Yoon is your advisor and he can advise you to eat!”
 “Not like she ever takes my advice when it’s about her health lately she’s as bad as her husband.” Yoon rolled his eyes, looking over Jae-ha and handing him a powder. “Now take that or else you’re on bedrest the rest of the week.”
 “Thank you mother.” Jae-ha teased, though the boy genius was so used to it that didn’t even faze him anymore.
 “We just don’t want you to get sick mommy please?” Aki bat her eyes at Yona, looking ready to cry. “Daddy gets sick enough and you take care of him so who’s going to take care of you if you feel bad?”
 “Me probably.” Yoon mumbled under his breath.
 Yona groaned as she took a seat, her twins at her legs immediately trying to force her something to eat as she sighed and grabbed a bread roll. “Fine, I’m eating are you guys happy now?” she then had the kids put the tray down on the table full of books as she lifted them into her arms, kissing their cheeks. “You two are too precious, so worried about me and your silly daddy.”
 “Because daddy makes you cry when he gets hurt!” Mido whimpered. “You’ll make daddy cry if you get sick.”
 Jae-ha hummed. “That’s right dear, don’t you know it’s a crime to make the king cry?” he tried to tease.
 “Don’t you start.” Yona snapped. “It’s not my fault I was tired last week and you insisted on trying to carrying me to my room like a stubborn fool.”
 Yoon groaned. “Don’t remind me. I’m the one the kids got when they found you two at the bottom of the stairs.”
 “So I can’t land as gracefully as I used to…” Jae-ha rubbed his cheek in embarrassment as he chuckled, then grabbed something off the tray for himself to get the bitter taste of the medicine out of his mouth.
 Yona sighed at that. “Sorry. I guess I have been worrying you guys just…”
 “Well all miss them.” Yoon gave her a hug. “… Just know that you aren’t alone, ok? And we can’t lose you too. This idiot will probably jump off a cliff to join you if you die on him.” He jabbed a thumb at Jae-ha.
 “Yoon not in front of the little ears.” Jae-ha groaned, not exactly denying it.
 “No die mommy!” Aki and Mido clung to their mother tightly. “You can’t leave us!”
 Yona wilted at that, hugging her twins tightly. “… You’re right. I’m not leaving you kids anytime soon I swear.” She kissed each of their foreheads. “And now go tell daddy he can’t leave you either so he has to stay stubborn for at least a few more years.” She smirked, letting them go as they rushed to their father.
 “Daddy! Daddy! You too!” Aki cried, clinging to his legs as Mido tugged on his robes.
 “Oh you little darlings I wouldn’t dare leave you just yet, I have to keep seeing all the trouble you get into come here!” Jae-ha smirked, lifting the kids into his lap and smothering them with kisses. “My precious little treasures.”
 Yona smiled at the sight, hoping that her precious family could stay together just a bit while longer…
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