#John O'Callaghan x yn
your-averagewriter · 1 year
"The Maine are f*cking here!"
Summary: (y/n)'s band are going to a festival, but most importantly - The Maine are going to the same festival and (y/n) can't wait to meet them but she's not exactly prepared (John O'Callaghan x fem!reader).
Word count: 1.5K
Warnings: swearing, sexual jokes
There's a one-day festival held in Britain each year, an alternative music one, obviously, called Slam Dunk and it's on in a few days and I can't wait. There are some really awesome bands there and it's so cool that it's so close to where I come from. The Offspring, Enter Shikari, Bowling For Soup, The Academy Is… who we're friends with and have toured with before and then a personal favourite: The Maine. In the lists of bands we ranked pretty high, we're on stage just after Yellowcard which is pretty cool because I've liked their music since I was a teenager.
I'm most excited though to see The Maine's performance and I'm hoping that they're going to the signing tent - fingers crossed.
I spend the next few days practising with my band (I'm the singer and I sometimes play the guitar as well), preparing for the show then the last day is spent travelling to the grounds as we were playing some concerts up North. So here I am sitting in our tour bus with my headphones on trying to ignore the bickering between Zack and Ben about the littering of clothes scattered around the bus. Rolling my eyes I swipe through Instagram looking at all the posts about the festival and the excited people, fans and bands alike. 
Finally, we get there, much to my relief. I push open the bus door and breathe in the fresh air after four hours of non-stop driving and bickering from the others. I drop down, feeling my boots hit the floor and I'm met with the view of a massive field filled with various different stages and stalls. We've parked somewhere more private like the other bands and I can see stagehands and managers rushing around along with some unfussed band members that I recognise. Rou Reynolds (Enter Shikari), the Yellowcard group and a couple of guys from Hawthorne Heights and then William Beckett whom I am good friends with so I decide to go meet him.
I jog over to him and sling my arm around his shoulders with a grin. This is what I love about this festival - the people you meet!
"Bilvy! Long time no see!" I say using my nickname for him. 
"(y/n)!" He says turning to look at me then he hugs me. "How are you?" He asks pulling back.
"I'm good, tired though after spending hours with that lot cooped up in the bus." I sigh remembering the torturous time.
"Same, I left the rest of the guys to grab some food so I could get a bit of a break."
"Smart," I say and take a mental note. "Have you had lunch yet?" He shakes his head.
"I only got here 20 minutes or so ago."
"Do you wanna grab something to eat? I'm sure there are some good food stalls here."
"Yeah, sounds good, I saw an intriguing food stall on the way here, wanna check it out?" I nod and we walk around the park until we make it to the stall. We grab some food and head to the benches with our drinks. We chat and catch up, you don't tend to have much free time when you're in a band to meet up with band friends 'cause every one is always touring. 
I watch as more bands turn up and everyone finds their own place to get lunch. Whilst we're having lunch Spencer from Underoath (who I'm also friends with) comes up to us and chats for a bit before reuniting with some others. 
But whilst I'm sitting on the bench with Bilvy I see John from The Maine grab some food from the same place we did with a couple of his bandmates. I hit Bill on the shoulder gently and lean in to whisper to him.
"The Maine are fucking here!" I say both extremely excited and terrified. "John is right over there!" I say and he looks over to see them.
"The guy you're literally in love with?"
"I'm not in love with him!"
"You should talk to him." He suggests biting a chip.
"I'm gonna watch their set tomorrow, I might try and say hi," I say excitedly. "You should come with?"
"I would but we’re on a bit after they are so I don't have time. Sorry to leave you hanging." He says and I assure him that it's okay before we finish off our meals and walk off to look around the park.
After a while, we all head in as it gets late and we have a big day tomorrow. I wake up quite early, not wanting to miss anything. I get changed and put on a basic black crop top and some denim shorts because it's really hot, especially for May! I sort out my hair and head out on my way to nowhere in particular. I wander around and meet up with various people, I even met some of the guys from Enter Shikari which is cool because they’re actually all really nice guys.
Lots of bands are out early setting up their merch stands before doors open and fans start flooding in. I see John again, setting up the merch stall for The Maine and I breathe deeply before gathering the confidence to go over to him and the stand.
"Hey." I clear my throat. "Can I buy a couple of things?" I ask slightly timidly and he turns around, a look of shock on his face.
"Y-yeah, of course." He says with a small smile. "Umm, what do you want?" He asks going behind the counter.
"Could I buy the butterfly hoodie and blue tie-dye top please?" I ask and he passed them over the counter. "Sorry, how much is that?" I ask him rattling through my wallet.
"Oh, you don't have to pay, it's fine."
"No, I want to pay, I like supporting my favourite bands." I say with a smile and pass him about £100.
"Oh okay." He says and takes the money, he tries to protest when he realises how much I gave him but I walk away, smiling all the way back to my bus.
Later on in the day, it's The Maine's set and obviously, I go. It's amazing, they play my favourites and their stage presence is great. The energy in the crowd is crazy for a band of their size.
I have to quickly scurry away though because my set isn't that long after theirs, about half an hour so I hurry to the right stage
Sneaking backstage, I pull on my new Maine tie-dye t-shirt for the show and prepare for the show. It was a good show, the crowd were entertained.
"Thank you, Slam Dunk, you've been great! For those of you who don't know us we're Midmorning Apocalypse and we can't wait to see you again next time!" I finish the show running off stage along with the rest of my band.
After a few minutes of pure cooling down I descend from the stage and start to walk around the site again on the hunt for some good food. I don't find any as I'm distracted by the signing tent I was so excited for. I check who's in the tent and John's name is on the list, I guess they had a few minutes to spare for the fans so I get in the queue. It's not too long because some big bands are on right now but it is by no means a short queue.
After like half an hour's wait I get to the front and I observe as a light pink haze falls on the tall man's cheeks.
"Hey," I say nervously as I walk forward towards the table.
"Hey again." He chuckles quietly.
"You guys put on a really good show," I say with a smile. "It was a great set."
"I was just about to say the same to you." He replies and we both laugh. "I'm honoured that you're a fan of ours."
"I should be saying that. Umm… I'm (y/n)." I say holding out my hand to him.
"I know, I'm John." He shakes my hand.
"I know," I mimic his response and then smile at him before removing my Maine t-shirt that I bought earlier the tie-dye one. "Sorry, I'm not stripping," I assure and laugh nervously. "I was, umm, wondering whether you could sign it for me?" I ask, timidly holding out the shirt. He takes it graciously.
"I wouldn't mind if you were but of course." He says with a smile before turning to the shirt and signing it in a permanent marker.
"Thank you so much!" I say grabbing the shirt back afterwards. 
"You're welcome." He says slightly dazed. "Hey, after the festival do you wanna come to get some drinks with me and the band, that's what we usually do after festivals to celebrate?" He asks, standing up.
"Yeah, is this an offer for me or for the band?"
"Both, you're all welcome." He says smiling.
"Well, then I'll see you after then." I leave with a small wave and my shirt in hand. After I’m a little while away from the stand I let out a sigh of relief and a massive smile stays sewn to my face. Fuck yeah.
AN: I literally have no idea whether any of these singers are in demand but I like writing them anyways. If you have any musician requests then even if they're not on my master list just check if I will write for them (I probably will) then you can send them in.
I fucking love The Maine.
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