hi-intrepid-heros · 1 month
If there's one thing Brennan Lee Mulligan loves doing above anything else it is ripping hot dads away from me. It is making me fall head over heels for a dilf and turning him into the most slime covered pathetic backstabbing loser you've ever seen in your life. I'm gonna crash my car into a telephone pole.
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skyphile · 7 years
i always forget that shape of you is actually so physical/sexual centered and might even come across as a little shallow because the emotional attachment is a requirement for me to feel flustered over someone. and when it comes to daven, both things are always hand in hand and pure ways to display affection so really?? shape of you is an across the whole board love song to me because the shape and the attractiveness of him comes from. everything. at his core he's so?? dazzling that whatever shape he'd have, that would come through. (but the shape he Does have sure is 😩😩😘😘😘😍😍😍🔥😍💙💙💙💙💓💓)
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scatterstep-blog · 8 years
i just sneezed like 3 times.
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