#Luz and Flapjack are literally the first to seemingly reach out to him as a person
tailsimp · 2 years
While we're on the topic of how much anyone reaching out would have benefitted Hunter, can we talk about how Belos isolated him? Because it's never confirmed in canon but based on what Lilith and Kikimora say, I've always assumed that Belos would boast and brag about Hunter to all other people, of course making sure it never got back to him.
So Hunter gets told he's a failure and can do better, and if/when he tried to get other adults opinion on the matter they think he's bragging or digging for complements, or talking down to them and they lash out. Hunter thinks they agree with his uncle, and are a lot more cruel about it. So he stays away them, and they stay away from him.
The really said part about it is how easily it could have been broken. All it would have taken was Hunter snapping that he knows he failed for someone to start to piece together that what Belos is telling Hunter isn't what he's telling anyone else.
Oh yeah I can def see that as part of Belos's manipulation. We def see from the way Lilth mocks "the genius teen prodigy" that there's a lot of animosity there for the way Hunter worked his way up to the top so young. Add that to the fact that he's the youngest GG ever then yeah, you can see why the adults around him would see any attempt from Hunter for feedback as fishing for praise- because what does the golden child have to worry about?
My only thought is that, even if Hunter ever snapped about failing, I'm not sure that the ppl around Hunter would piece it together just because... they all seem to be ignoring him prior to ASiaS. In the audio we got from the VA where Hunter discusses investigating the Palismen, we learn that at least Darius and Eberwolf have always just. Ignored Hunter. Raine seems to be "quiet lately" but that doesn't confirm that they were all that close before. And Adrian & Terra don't seem like the type to take an interest in Hunter's wellbeing so even if he were to have any sort of breakdown... that leaves no one to really notice, or even care if they did notice.
Tho it all really showcases how good Belos's manipulation is. Takes some time to build Hunter up to others, building their resentment while also putting pressure on Hunter to be perfect at all times. Him being perfect at all times further pushes others away from "the genius teen prodigy" which leaves him with only Belos close to him. And then Belos can put more pressure and- well. It never really stops from there...
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