jezabelofthenorth · 10 months
also just like looking through replies to stuff about richard iii or the princes and all of it is just filled with this stuff against margaret beaufort and like if ricardians actually cared about reassessing reputations you'd think they'd be the first to push back against maligning margaret beaufort based solely on the fact pgregs decided to write a offensive, borderline misogynist fictional depiction of her that has zero basis in historic fact, given how much they hate the play richard iii and they don't, if anything they encourage it
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smallangryandtired · 4 months
My sadness is turning more into anger and I'm going to start biting people.
Feeling myself split down the seams again.
Change is very scary and stressful but it's going to be ok!!!! I just might lose it on the way there lol
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fangstv · 5 months
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welcome    to    chance    harbor,        bonnie  bennett  &  jo  harvelle   !    thank    you    for    applying,   em.    you    have    twenty    -    four    hours    to    submit    your    account    ,    if    you    need    more    time    please    don't    hesitate    to    let    us    know    !
› :・゚ ⧼ rachel hilson , cis woman , she/her , tvd. bonnie bennett is a 23 year old witch who’s been in chance harbor for three years. the college student is known for being altruistic on a good day and maligining on a bad day. they're often heard listening to sunlight by hozier and can be described as golden feathers bloom from bruised skin, to be plucked, and plucked again until there's nothing left, her blood the ink to the quil that tells the tale of those around her. ancient, untapped magic channeled under uncertain hands. once she hones her gift, accepts it, she'll be unstoppable. but she stops herself. being a person doesn't mean being nice, but she's trapped in niceties nonetheless.. ( em, 26, est, she/her + n/a )
› :・゚ ⧼ hafsanur sancaktutan , cis woman , she/her , supernatural. jo harvelle is a 23 year old hunter who’s been in chance harbor for a few days. the college student is known for being audacious on a good day and obstinate on a bad day. they're often heard listening to dangerous by roxette and can be described as a battered, inherited leather jacket and blade, strained from loss and blood and the tear of time passed. time heals, leather gets better as it ages but she still clutches onto that childhood blade, revenge, like it's the one thing keeping her alive. defiance against all odds and expectations, and hiding human fears behind stubborn determination. ( em, 26, est, she/her + est )
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lauralot89 · 3 years
Notes On Twins for Writers
Fraternal twins occur when two separate eggs are fertilized.  Identical twins occur when one fertilized egg splits in two.
Conjoined twins occur when an egg does not split fully.  Conjoined twins are always identical.
Parasitic twins occur when one conjoined twin does not fully develop and is vestigial to the dominant twin.  Parasitic twins are always identical.
Vanishing twins occur when one fetus dies in utero and is absorbed by the surviving fetus.  Vanishing twin syndrome can occur with identical and fraternal twins.  It is estimated that twin resorption occurs in one of eight multigestional pregnancies.
A teratoma is tumor consisting of hair, bone, muscle tissue, teeth, etc.  A teratoma is distinct from a parasitic twin in that parasitic twins develop in utero from an incomplete split, whereas teratomas develop from an individual’s own mutated cells.
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omophagist · 3 years
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inspired by a conversation with @ararine , in which we discussed the potential for even more unconventional vampires in the king night universe, a rough concept sketch of a slug vampire- species name yet to be chosen. maligined by other vampire species for feeding on the blood & flesh of the dead, their hooked tongue allows them to drag the carcass, while the suctions lining it pull out stagnant blood from the body. they also secrete a flesh-eating slime.
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bacyvernight · 4 years
Compensation Needed [Part 2]
His senses numbed Joris stared at solid rock. He must have fallen alseep in his fetters. Just a brief moment of condusion and he remembered his situation. Something had changed, the gag was gone. Also, right next to Jordis face there stood a wooden bowl. Rising steam proclaimed a warm meal. A fact only confirmed by the lovely smell coming from it. As Joris lifted his head he could see it was stew. In any other situation surely a pleasant surprise. Right now however Jordis couldn’t care less.
Much more to the boy’s interest was the newly gained freedom. Of course it wasn’t much, but moving his head allowed Joris to see a lot more of his environment.
At the direction where he previously had noticed the light coming from, he now could see the fire that was creating it. It was smal improvised campfire, on top of it a small pot. Joris also could spot some other things lying arounf the cave walls, far out of the prisoners’s reach.
“Eat” The sudden noise made Joris flinch. “Elsewise it’s just going to get cold.”
The captured boy couldn’t see who was speaking. It was a man’s voice, with a sound calm yet energetic. Jordis wanted to respond. He wanted to shout at the stranger, demand to be let free. But not a word came over the boys lips.
The man didn’t seem to care about Jordis, nor his lack of action. The stranger didn’d said anything more. He stayed in the corner of the cave where Jordis couldn’t see him, seemingly ignoring the boy.
As much as he knew he wasn’t, Jordis felt alone, laying there, his body aching from the hard surface. At first he hadn’t even considered eating what the stranger had given him. But as time passed the bowl became more and more enticing. Finnaly Jordis figured it couldn’t do much harm. And after all he would need all strength he could get. After all the last time he ate he still was with the others.
Almost a dozen they were. Form the old drinker to the rowdy farmhand they didn’t make the finest appearance. But that didn’t minder their enthusiasm. Everybody was convinced that they were about to set an end to the bad faith that haunted the village.
The good mood continued over the first day. Yet on the second it already started to fade. Doubt made its place into the minds of the villagers. Soon they questioned their actions more and more. Some voice their concern that they were wasting their time wondering around in the mountains, when there was work to do at home. The whole venture almost came to an end right there.
But then a sudden shift in went through the travellers. In the distance they spotted a cabin. A rustic looking thing, lonely nestling against the mountain side. That was all the proof they needed! The rumours were true. Here lied the source of their misery. As the elders said it was a witcher cursing the village, bringing bad weather with his unholy practises.
The new found motivtion made let them march fast again. Soon they reached the maligin building. Scythes and pitchforks pointed at the door they stared shouting. Yet no matter how many times they demanded the occupant to come out, nothing happened. This only disturbed the villages even more. The logical explanation of course was that simply no one was at home. A few times someone suggested going inside to make sure. But no one dared to set foot in the cabin. Too afraid they were of any curses the witcher could have left on it.
And so they waited. Time passed, the sun moved across the sky. No one came to out of the cabin, no one went in. When it was almost dawn, the villagers decided to act. None of them were keen on spending the night near this wicked place. So they decided to take care of it once and for all, to burn the whole thing down and see the issue as settled.
  If he were any less hungry, Jordis was sure he would have never done this. His hands and feet still tied together, his head was in the wooden bowl. A quick meal to keep his strength was what he was going for. Never would he have thought it to end up so demeaning. The boy’s face quickly was covered in food and he was left there looking pathetic and feeling terribly humiliated.
Apparently he was watched, just moments after he finished eating the stranger’s boots appeared in Jordis’ sight and before he could get a better look he was already blindfolded.
“If you promise not to make trouble, I’ll let you get a more comfortable position.’’ There was hostility in the man’s voice, but just a hint. As if he tried to be gentle, but didn’t manage completely.
Jordis took a moment to consider his options. This could be his chance to escape, but if he wouldn’t succeed his situation could get much worse. In any way Jordis know he couldn’t take much more of being tied in this position. For now he decided to play along and nodded.
His capturer didn’t let him waiting. With the blindfold on Joris couldn’t see what was happening, but the tension pulling his legs and arms together loosened. Then he felt hand on his upper body. Soon his arms where freed of their fetters. However with the legs still tied together the chance to escape was way too slim. Instead Jordis stretched his arms and enjoyed how good it felt. It was short lasting freedom. The stranger took the Jordis’ wrists and pushed them against his chest. The boy felt the rope wrapping around his limbs again. The stranger’s hands were quick and he was good at what he was doing. Soon Jordis found himself unable to move again.
This time he was sitting with his arms firmly pressed against his chest. Both hands close to his neck. His legs were still tied close together.
At first Jordis enjoyed the comfort of the new position, but didn’t take long for that to change. He was sick of not being able to move. With every muscle in his body he pressed against the restrains. But there was no chance for them to give in.
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ghostzali2011 · 7 years
SPORTOURISM - Masjid Al Wustho merupakan masjid keraton milik Keraton Puro Mangkunegaran, Surakarta. Masjid ini terletak di Jl. Kartini no 2 Surakarta yang secara administratif berada di Kampung Ketelan, Kalurahan Ketelan, Kecamatan. Banjarsari, Kota Surakarta.
Berdasarkan info yang dihimpun dari kebudayaan.kemdikbud.go.id, rumah ibadah ini berada di tepi jalan besar yang lalu lintasnya sangat padat. Bangunan-bangunan yang mengelilingi Masjid Al Wustho adalah sebelah timur Keraton Puro Mangkunegaran, sebelah utara bangunan sekolah SD dan SMA Muhammadiyah I, sebelah barat dan selatan merupakan perumahan penduduk.
Masjid Al Wustho Mangkunegaran Banjarsari Surakarta didirikan oleh KGPAA Mangkunegaran VII, pada tahun 1878 M dan selesai pada tahun 1918. Pengelolaan Masjid dipercayakan kepada para pengurus yang diangkat menjadi Abdi Dalem Keraton Mangkunegaran.
Sejak jaman penjajahan Belanda sampai beralih ke penjajahan Jepang, Masjid Al-Wustho tetap sebagai Masjid Keraton. Adanya perubahan Situasi kenegaraan dengan diproklamasikannya Kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia, Membawa perubahan-perubahan terhadap Status Masjid.
Masjid Al Wustho dikelilingi pagar tembok setinggi tiga meter, tembok  bagian depan berbentuk lengkung. Komplek Masjid Al Wustho mempunyai dua pintu gerbang, yaitu di sebelah timur dan utara. Pintu gerbang utama terletak di sebelah timur berbentuk lengkung yang dihias kaligrafi Arab pada bagian permukaannya, sedangkan pada pintu gerbang utara polos tidak ada hiasan.
Kompleks masjid Al Wustho terdiri dari dua bagian yaitu bagian luar dan dalam masjid. Pada bagian luar terdapat beberapa bangunan yaitu maligin, menara dan kantor pengurus masjid beserta tempat tinggal dan perpustakaan. Sedangkan masjid. Bagian dalam masjid berupa serambi, bangunan utama, pawestren dan tempat wudlu. [AR]
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ns-journal · 7 years
Barangsiapa beriman kepada Allah dan hari akhirat maka hendaklah ia memuliakan tamu. Jatah harinya satu hari satu malam dan bertamu selama 3 hari. Lebih dari itu berarti sedekah. Janganlah ia terus tinggal disana hingga menyusahkan tuan rumah (HR. Bukhari dan Muslim).  Ternyata memuliakan tamu itu sangatlah berat. Taringot nasihat natua-tua ni alak batak. "Maligin boru amang, ligima bohi nia doppak ro tamu. Anggo tata bohi nia, padema sibuatoni." On dope so mangarti sun iba tentang nasihaton. Tutu do kele... Anggo on setuju ma au tu natua- tua. Indahnya agama islam itu ya begini, dia mengajarkan untuk memuliakan tamu dan dia juga menentukan kadar bertamu. Semoga Allah memudahkan urusanmu karena telah memudahkan urusan orang lain. 😇😇😇
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