I love your writing! And I have an idea, Mori's love language is murdering anything or anyone that makes master even slightly upset or unhappy But I image it could also lead to misunderstandings. Say master gets hurt and Mori rushes off to kill the attacker That could come off as him caring more about bloodshed than master's wellbeing I imagine she would feel upset and abandoned. Can you do some Mori x female master headcanons based on this please?
Hello anon, thank you for the kind compliment ^^ Alright, that should be fine. Today's asks are at the perfect time, so I can definitely write these feels!!!
A Conflict of Love Languages (Mori Nagayoshi x Female Master)
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- Blood, gore, screams. The violence of the battlefield is what Mori adores; fully submerging himself into the act of obliterating his foes- especially when you were there as well to support and assist him in battle, making the rush of combat way more invigorating! - He adores it all, both the fighting and you. For him, this was the epitome of pleasure!!! Looking good in front of his dear Master, making you proud with his skills...to Mori, for his violent prowess to be of use to you is like indulging within a slice of heaven. - But then, when he hears a scream; a startled, strangled yell in a tone much like your own- blood leaking from a body that was not from his foes, but rather belonging to his ally instead- Mori's once sparkling realm of violence freezes to pure ice. - 'Blood. The wrong blood. Master's blood. Her blood...' Thoughts rush in his head like a flurry of swords; dying his vision within a world of red. His master. His precious, special lord. His beloved master, that he vowed to protect with all his heart was now injured?!!! Right before him?! How dare they, how dare his opponents have the audacity to touch you! - Rage pulsates within his body like a river, his ears unable to make out your pleads for him to calm down. Checking to see if you're alive, he shields your body like a bear defending its cubs; eyes blazing with wildfire, as his breaths heave with anger. - "Let's retreat, Mori..." You cry. "We don't need to fight anymore. Let's go, Mori!!!! Please!" But he cannot perceive your words, for the heat burns too strongly inside of his soul. "C'mon...Mori!! I'm okay! Everything is okay!" You try to touch his face, to stare into those liquid amber eyes of his to calm him down, but his sight is unfocused; almost as if he's somewhere else. - 'Nobody hurts her and lives.' You were his lord, his partner; that nobody had the right to hurt. And by hell or high water, he was going to destroy the one who dared to tempt fate by laying their weapons upon your celestial being!!! - Anyone who dared hurt you would DIE.
- In a flash, the rushing and broiling thoughts within his mind quiet at once, concentrating themselves into a pure will for murder, and murder alone. - Mistaking his sudden change in temperament as him calming down, you reach out to him- only for him to speed towards your foes at such a terrifying speed that a gust of wind almost knocks you off your feet!! - As he slices into the ones that dared to hurt you as if they were mere slices of paper; showering within a deluge of blood; as he releases piercing yells, you remain sitting there; feeling utterly helpless and alone. - What did this mean? Why did he ignore you? All you wanted was for Mori to hold you within his arms, to reassure you that you were safe and sound; yet he had held that off to go blood-crazy in battle instead. Holding back tears, you get to tending to your own wounds instead, casting a heal spell onto your injuries to subside the pain for now. - Finally routing your opponents, Mori eventually turns his back on the now blood-soaked field, grinning from ear to ear. Now he had defeated the ones who hurt you, would you be proud? Would you praise him for it? Just the thought of you thanking him for killing them sets his heart aflutter. - "Oy, Master! I finally killed those fucking bastards. Next time they try that, I'll bite their damned heads off!" However, his boasting stops short as soon as he catches sight of the hurt dancing across your face. "...Master? Something wrong?"
- Sadness weighing upon your chest from the past events, you can barely get out a word edgewise, but manage to tell him about how sad you felt about him leaving you behind. - 'Shit...I've messed up, haven't I?' Guilt punches him in the chest as soon as he registers your response. Not only had he let you get hurt, but now he had upset you too. Reproaching himself for his actions, he feels as if he's dishonored you. - As he scoops you into his arms, the two of you making your way back to Chaldea in silence; dread reigns upon his mind.
- What was meant to be just another battle had eclipsed into a major misunderstanding between the two of you.
"How the hell am I gonna make things up to them...fuck it, how the hell could I let myself hurt them in the first place?!" The Apology
- After Chaldea and its hospital staff- Nightingale- heal torture you into being okay, you return to your room. Glad that it's just a flesh wound, you take a deep breath as you reach your door- - Only to find Mori Nagayoshi waiting patiently for your arrival, resting on his knees. As soon as you arrive, his eyes light up with joy; relieved that you're okay. - Though your heart twists with melancholy at the sight of him, you still open the door to let him in; which leaves him feeling even more elated. Thank god you weren't abandoning him. He wouldn't know what to do with himself if you did. - 'I thought I really fucked up...she's still letting me in though. Fuck, what a relief.' For you to bestow him with such kindness despite being so upset with him steeled his resolve to sort out the matter, once and for all! - "Hey, Master. Tell me what's wrong. I'm sorry for dishonoring you, I really am. Hey, if you want; I'll cut my stomach open to prove my devotion to you...if that'll make things better. Heck, I'll do whatever you want, just please...please talk to me." Apologising right out of the gate, Mori already missed you like hell. He didn't want the two of you to keep acting like this. He needed to know what hurt you.
- As you tell him how you feel, about how painful it was when you were left behind; how heart-breaking it felt for him to value bloodshed above your own needs...everything finally clicks into place for Mori. - Violence did not equate to love for everyone, and you were such a case. Your form of love was different to his, and his actions communicated a different message to you than he intended it to. - "I see...sorry Master. I just thought...that by killing those who hurt you, it'd show you how much you mean to me. But you felt lonely without me, huh?" Though pummeling those who hurt you to a pulp made him feel like he was worthy of your affection, like he was of use to you- he understands how his way of expressing love may differ to your own preferences. "I get it now. So you wanted me to keep you safe first, eh. We gotta communicate about this kind of stuff more often." - Despite the bright smile on his face as you discuss things together, a heavy feeling weighs upon his chest. Was he really worthy of you? What if he couldn't love you the way you wanted him to? Doubts that he had shoved down from long ago revive within his mind, assaulting him at once. - "Master. Are you sure you wanna be with me? With a guy as rough as me? I just don't get this romance stuff. Ain't got a fucking clue what to do...I don't wanna make you sad again." In this moment, he feels inadequate, berating himself for hurting your feelings. - However, when you reassure him that it's okay as you know the two of you will be able to grow and learn from your misunderstandings and mistakes together, and that you love him as is; Mori's face swells with an unexpected emotion. - Not abandoning him despite his shortcomings, and even believing in both of your capacity to grow better together...Mori's heart swells so much at this that he struggles to remain calm, overwhelmed with affection. "Seriously, you're one hell of a loyal master. Shit, I'm so lucky. I'll do better by your side from now on, so keep on believing in me!!"
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