#MUGRAM -- Theories
mugram · 3 months
mini analysis: censored voicelines
010: "**... **’s g***."
"Ah... It's gone."
not too sure. didnt really have much to work with here.
009: "* c**'t ** a**t*in* ***e *o* **em."
"I can't do anything else for them."
took me a long time to get those middle ones but when i noticed the "t*in*" i figured it was "thing".
008: "*’* s****."
"I'm sorry."
easiest one so far ngl. voting forgiven just for that.
007: "**– N*, **, t**s ***n’t s**p*s*d t* h***en–"
"[???]– No, no(?), this wasn't supposed to happen–"
that first one could be another no or an "ah" idk but it doesnt really matter either way.
006: "* n*** t* *** h** b**k, **** it!"
"I need to [???](win?) [???](him/her?) back, damn it!"
yeah this one is mostly speculation. i could be totally off with the him/her thing.
005: "Y**, i*’* b*** d**e. ***d ** *ve* n*w."
"[???](yes?), it's been done. [???] is over now."
deadass this one had me googling words with 4 letters starting with b. couldnt figure out the most important word??? cries.
004: "H**. H** un***e**ed."
"[???](huh? hah?). How [???](unaffected?)."
:( its hard
003: "Y*u sh**ld h***e kn*** t*** ***n’t g**d f*r th*m. **u s****d h*v* ***w* **i* ***n’t *oo* **r t**m. Th**’*e d**d b**au*e o* y*u."
"You should have known this wasn't good for them. You should have known this wasn't good for them. They're dead because of you."
oh my god. thank you. this was easy. thank you for being simple.
002: "S***!! F***! Th*s wa**’t s*****ed ** h***en! W* sh**ld h***e l**t w**n ** *a* th**– D*** i*!"
"Shit!! Fuck! This wasn't supposed to happen! We should [???] [???](left? lost?) when we had [???](that? this? them?)– Damn it!"
bro thinks hes fuuta lmaoo but yeah im a bit stumped.
001: "Y*u c**’* ** s****us… The* c*n’t **..."
"You can't be serious... They can't be..."
why so serious? -the lawyer
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vaniliens · 1 month
Trying to think very hard about mugram because i need to go cfzay about it but i havent slepy
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vaniliens · 28 days
me personally i think you should totally look deep into the mugram interrogation questions because it's silly and i love silly. but also it would be cool!! don't let yourself stop yourself from analyzing anything ^^!!
HEHHE TY FOR THE PERIMSSION BOSS 🫡🫡 I *Have* been looking kinda deep into these but not deep enough to actually make a serious theory or analysis post because my brain is a mush 😭 Ty for the mugram!! I love you and these silly little guys 😁😁
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