#Made In Pakistan Xiaomi
mobilepakistan · 1 year
Xiaomi Redmi 12C Global Edition Appears on Geekbench With Helio G85 SoC and 4GB RAM
The Xiaomi Redmi 12C made its debut in China alone a few weeks ago. We can affirm that it is being prepared for a worldwide release because we found evidence of it on international certification systems. The 12C has recently surfaced on Geekbench to expose specifications after entering the IMEI, NBTC, and FCC databases. Also Read: Xiaomi Redmi A2 Plus Price in Pakistan Since the Redmi 12C is…
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tamgdenettebya · 1 year
Китай Панда – символ Поднебесной. Страна подводит итоги 40-летия экономических и политических реформ, начатых в 1978 году по инициативе Дэн Сяопина. Благодаря им Китай стал второй экономикой мира и надеется вскоре стать первой. Недаром Трамп на обложке озабоченно смотрит на панду. И Владимира Путина. Ведь связи между Москвой и Пекином крепнут год от года. Эту озабоченность озвучил 13 декабря и его советник по национальной безопасности Болтон: «Китай и Россия получили преимущества за счет африканских государств, усилили свое влияние и власть, представляя значительную угрозу интересам национальной безопасности США.» Похоже, в новом году начнется борьба великих держав и за влияние на черном континенте.
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Panda is a symbol of the Celestial Empire. The country is summing up the results of the 40th anniversary of the economic and political reforms initiated in 1978 at the initiative of Deng Xiaoping. Thanks to them, China has become the second economy in the world and hopes to become the first soon. No wonder Trump on the cover looks at the panda with concern. And Vladimir Putin. After all, ties between Moscow and Beijing are growing stronger year by year. This concern was voiced on December 13 by his National Security Adviser Bolton: "China and Russia have benefited at the expense of African states, have increased their influence and power, posing a significant threat to US national security interests." It seems that in the new year the struggle of the great powers for influence on the black continent will begin.
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Слон – символ государства, которое становится одним из самых интригующих трендов ближайших лет. Мировые элиты ставят теперь на Индию вместо Китая. В 2018 году зарубежные инвесторы вложили в ее экономику 38 миллиардов долларов, в то время как на китайскую пришлось лишь 32. Уже в новом году страна обгонит свою метрополию (Великобританию) по ВВП. И ворвется в пятерку самых сильных экономик мира. Премьер Нарендра Моди активно создает десятки миллионов рабочих мест в рамках программы «Сделано в Индии». Благодаря дешевой рабочей силе здесь открылись уже 120 компаний — производителей смартфонов, подтягиваются даже такие крупные, как Samsung и китайский Xiaomi. К марту 2020 года Индия рассчитывает производить четверть мирового объема смартфонов. В ближайшие же несколько лет Индия обгонит по населению Китай. Все это играет на руку Нарендре Моди, который надеется выиграть достаточно непростую битву за премьерское кресло в 2019 году. 
Моди дружит с Путиным. Теперь и Трамп начинает переориентировать США с давнего партнера Пакистана на Индию в надежде сделать ее стратегическим партнером Америки. 
India The elephant is a symbol of the state, which is becoming one of the most intriguing trends in the coming years. The world elites are now betting on India instead of China. In 2018, foreign investors invested 38 billion dollars in its economy, while only 32 billion fell on the Chinese one. Already in the new year, the country will overtake its metropolis (Great Britain) in terms of GDP. And break into the top five most powerful economies in the world. Prime Minister Narendra Modi is actively creating tens of millions of jobs through the Made in India program.
Thanks to cheap labor, 120 smartphone companies have already opened here, even such large ones as Samsung and Chinese Xiaomi are pulling up. By March 2020, India expects to produce a quarter of the world's smartphones. In the next few years, India will overtake China in terms of population. All this plays into the hands of Narendra Modi, who hopes to win a rather difficult battle for the premiership in 2019. Modi is friends with Putin. Now Trump is also starting to reorient the US away from Pakistan's longtime partner towards India in the hope of making it a strategic partner of America.
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techboilers · 2 years
Redmi 9C Becomes First Xiaomi Smartphone Made In Pakistan
Redmi 9C Becomes First Xiaomi Smartphone Made In Pakistan #Redmi9C #XiaomiPakistan
Redmi 9C is the first Xiaomi phone made in Pakistan. The era of Xiaomi phones being made in Pakistan has officially started. Xiaomi has officially started the production of its smartphones in Lahore, Pakistan. Furthermore, Airlink and Xiaomi have collaborated in making this possible. This is huge news for Pakistani consumers. The Chinese brand will benefit a lot from this step. This means that…
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inick4u · 4 years
Tame the Dragon
It was on 9 November 1989, five days after half a million people gathered in East Berlin in a mass protest the Berlin Wall dividing communist East Germany from West Germany crumbled. It culminated in one of the most famous scenes in recent history - the fall of the Berlin Wall. An end to the Cold War was declared at the Malta Summit three weeks later, and the reunification of Germany took place in October the following year. It took US (and west) around 45 years after world war-2 to claim the triumph over mighty Soviet Union when it got dissolved in Dec 1991. The similarities between communist USSR and present day China in their hegemonic, expansionist, tyrannical, authoritarian, Orwellian regimes are not unfathomable.
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Rise of China, its Military and Economical Potency
Rise of china started in 1980, due to initiation of economic reforms and trade liberalization with real annual gross domestic product (GDP) growth averaging 9.5% through 2018, a pace described by the World Bank as “the fastest sustained expansion by a major economy in history.” Such growth has enabled China, on average, to double its GDP every eight years and helped raise an estimated 800 million people out of poverty and becoming second highest GDP around 13.41 trillion USD in 2018.
In terms of Military strength, Second only to the U.S. and Russia, the Chinese military continues to grow alongside a local burgeoning Military-Industrial Complex with around 21 lakhs active personnel and around 175 billion USD budget.
Threat of China to India and stability of world at large
Chinese leadership interpreted 2008 financial crisis as decline of US supremacy & inadequacy to maintain stability in economy. First manifestation of China asserting its belligerent policies started in March 2010 with its expansive claim over South China Sea. Chinese claim over South China Sea was projected as their core interest and non-negotiable like Tibet and Taiwan. In November 2012 at 18th Party Congress of CCP ,Hu Jintao who was loathe to be seen as weak in foreign policy, especially in the context of a rapidly growing concern about social stability and regime legitimacy was succeed by Xi Jinping. After that number of steps undertook by PRC to increase their stakes in world stability. In series of that, Launching of Belt and road initiative in 2013 widely seen as agenda  to threaten sovereignty, export sub-standard norms and practices, ensnaring developing countries with debt dependence and then translating that dependence into geopolitical influence. China’s actions in Sri Lanka, Pakistan, and Malaysia are central to the “debt trap diplomacy” debates. This was followed by numerous controversies over dubious cyber activities, maritime and land disputes with its neighbor (such as India, Vietnam, Japan, Taiwan, and Philippines), ethnic atrocities on Uighur Muslims in Xinxiang, curbing anti-china protest in Hong Kong and Trade war with US.
By any parameters, one can safely conclude that china has been overtly challenging US and west domination on world affairs in all facets over a decade now and pose severe threat to regional & world stability.
On domestic front, New Delhi has been very skeptical and apprehensive about Beijing and its hawkish polices after trauma of 1962 war. The event of Doklam, raising Kashmir issue in UN, blocking India’s entry into NSG (Nuclear Supplier Group), Supporting jihadi terrorist on international forums, pact with Pakistan for CPEC with an aim to undermine India’s sovereignty and now killing of 20 Indian soldiers in Ladakh by PLA has unsurprisingly conveyed the devious plot of evil Xi-Jinping regime to destabilize India.  China is also following the strategy of containing India in maritime region by establishing bases for the forward deployment of their naval assets and to gain relative advantage and leverage Indo-pacific region.
Now, outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic allegedly originated in wet markets of Chinese city of Wuhan and its information suppressed by China has really triggered the conflict between world and China wide open. The world is now badly suffering with devastating effect of Covid-19 at all fronts and wants to hold the Chinese government responsible for hiding the information unscrupulously.
Infiltration of China in Indian Economy
We need to understand few basic facts about infiltration of China in Indian economy before going into the debate of boycott China campaign. India is running biggest single trade deficit with China comparing to any other country. The imbalance has continuously been widening year after year to reach USD 58.04 billion in 2018. Over time, our raw material-based export commodities of largely agricultural and pharmaceutical products have been overshadowed by Chinese exports of machinery, power-related equipment, telecom, organic chemicals, and fertilizers. Many Chinese electronic, IT and hardware manufacturing companies are also having operations in India. These include Huawei Technologies, ZTE, TCL, Haier etc. Chinese mobile handset companies Xiaomi, Vivo and Oppo, Realme occupy nearly 75% of Indian mobile handset market.
Apart from the bilateral trade, Chinese investments in a country come through direct, routed and through corporate penetration in technology and infrastructure sectors. Officially, China's FDI in India stands at over $2.34 billion. Some observers and think tanks report a higher investment including rerouted ones. They put the Chinese investments in India at over $4 billion. Some of our shining brands having massive Chinese investment are Ola, Flipkart, Swiggy, Paytm, Snapdeal, Zomato etc.
 Can Boycotting Chinese Product help?
Any people movement of boycotting Chinese Product is not only going to be very futile engagement with very less dividend but shows our approach of banalisation of very complex international matter with united  jingoism. Almost every experts are opining to the contrary and also we don’t have any history of such successful attempt or study of consumer boycotting in attaining self-reliance or penalizing the “enemy” nation.
The range of goods that we import from China is immense: consumer durables such as electronic goods, smartphones, industrial goods, vehicles, solar cells, and essential pharmaceutical products including tuberculosis and leprosy drugs and antibiotics, among many others. It needs to be acknowledged that China has increased its export to Africa, Europe, US and its dependence on export to India is not great (2% of its total exports). So even if Indians boycott all the goods imported from China, it will not make as big an impact on China. On the other hand sudden throwing out Chinese firms may impact Indian industries and tech startups due to lack of investment, raw material and low cost capital investment. Another impact could be further worsen of unemployment rate which currently stands at alarming 24% rate.
USP of Chinese goods has been its affordability and availability. With a careful study of global society’s multi-cultural needs – some of the cheapest saris, toys, Diwali firecrackers and god idols in India come from China.  In our country where 75% of population only managed to earn Rs. 33 per day, consumer eventually prefer to go for the cheapest available option in the market. So call for boycotting anyways going to diminish sooner or later without achieving its goal.
 Ways to counter the bully
To quote great ancient Chinese General and Military Strategist Sun Tzu “The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.”
Conventional warfare cannot be a viable option to counter a nation which is 5 times bigger in GDP and 3 times bigger in terms of military spending. Hence opening remarks of this article about history explains why India needs a long term, stable, prudent multilateral strategy to counter china and can be classified as follows.
a) Economic Reforms, bilateral and multilateral Trade agreement – It’s not intricate to understand that reason China is able to challenge US is because of their sustained economic growth. And this is an undisputed opinion in the world that India has failed to reach its potential after forced Liberalization of 1991 (explanation needs another article).  
An efficient government is one that draws down its intervention where it is distortionary and goes big where it needs to—is a better goal. The Indian state has made the wrong call too often. We have already lost a decade for structural economic reforms and cannot be further delayed. The Clarion call of Atmanirbar Bharat should not be misconstrued to the policy of protectionism and disruption. Though it’s impossible to suggest any magic wand to overturn India’s economic woes (going on now from long time) in few paragraphs but let’s discuss some basic concepts.
India is inadequately formalized, financialised, urbanized, industrialized and skilled. There are fundamentally two different part of economy i.e. Rural and Urban economy. Rural economy is mostly based on agriculture and constitute 65% of population. Agricultural reforms should ensure easier access to inputs like seeds, technology, power, finance and insurance. They should effect greater connectivity, both virtual and through logistic networks, of the farmer to warehouses, rural industry and final consumers.
Some bold steps for Land and labor reforms need to be undertaken. Though some states like MP and UP made some labor reforms but union government’s formulation with wider consultation of industry and trade unions required.
India, with its massive domestic consumption, can hunker down and resolve to boost domestic demand in the coming months. Government must put more money in people’s hands by creating more jobs through huge public investment projects that bring about new national assets. The government also needs to go further in reforming the banking sector & financial institute, including stricter regulations over lending and enhanced supervision from regulators. Government must work on issue like Simplification of GST, elimination of red tapism, avoiding crony capitalism, low tariffs to attract foreign investment, encouragement to startups etc.
India’s Spending on R&D is very low. In the process of self-reliance, it becomes paramount that along with improvement in our education systems we must spend on R&D of technological development. Eg. India has quadrupled its imports of lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries. 175 million such batteries were imported in 2016, 313 million in 2017, 712 million in 2018 and 450 million in 2019. About ¾ of this import comes from China causing surge in our import bill. With Robust R&D Infrastructure, increasing import tariffs and assisting our indigenous industry, this can be easily overturned in a span of 3-4 years. Same can be applied to electronics industry, mobile handset industry and some low cost equipment’s which now heavily depending on China.
Trade agreements with like-minded countries in non-sensitive sector will also help in much needed infusion of funds and making our products competitive globally and exportable.
This is long haul process and needs stable, strong vision and may not get us the headlines but surely will help to transform our economy.
(In April, the United Nations’ World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) reported that for the first time in 40 years, China had applied for more patent applications than the U.S. including artificial intelligence, brain science, dark matter, genetic engineering and quantum computing and communications. These are areas at the cutting edge of science. No wonder why China’s firm Huawei is pioneer of 5G technology.)
 Most of things mentioned here are very conceptual, subjective and aspirational. The downturn of Business friendly Chief Minister to the Prime Minister governing with heavy centralization, rhetoric, popular slogans, Communal division is tragic and still anew in our mind. But hope some sanity prevails because history won’t be as forgiving as present day electorate.
 b) Military & strategic Co-operation with World Powers & Alliance with geo-political Anti-China Forces – Well the good news is that in the post COVID era, threats of rise of hegemonic China are acknowledged by all. Many countries including US like Australia, UK, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan have started aggressive opposition of Chinese polices. Hence analogy of Cold war -2 is not mere catchphrase. And threats posed by Beijing demand a ‘more global approach’.
India should realize that higgledy-piggledy strategy against China and non-alignment wouldn’t give the desired result. Strategic military co-operation without compromising the autonomy would play the most vital part in foreign relations. The expansion of G7 is being deliberated and UK is keen to have India join the D10 alliance. India already participates in the Quad (with Australia, Japan, and the U.S.) and in the Indo-Pacific Strategy, both U.S.-led anti-China platforms. Alliances would help to promote a coordinated response between friendly states to challenges posed by the present conduct and future ambitions of the People’s Republic of China. By developing a common set of principles and frameworks (diplomatically and militarily) that transcend conservatism will be able achieve the goals.
Regional players like Taiwan, Japan and South Korea are challenging Beijing draconian approach in the region. India should join their voices and the first step would be recognizing Taiwan and setting up diplomatic relation with them. India should also raise the concerns of Chinese policy towards Uighurs , Hong Kong and Tibet on international forums more often than not.
 c) Peace on Domestic front – In pursuit of competing with a giant china and its proxies like Pakistan, the importance of peace and law & order on domestic front cannot be over emphasized. The prospects of being a democratic country is our biggest strength vis-a-vis China. However our insidious political class across the country has been indulged in sabotaging the democracy and interested in only grabbing the power.  Without really going into the narrative of our Indian ethos and ancient culture of accommodating people of all beliefs, I want to underlay that the basic principle of wealth and prosperity is peace. Dangerous religious and Caste trends could destroy the social fabric of the nation in the long run. Alienation of Minorities should be reversed. Instances of communal riots across states, violent agitation of Jats in Haryana, perpetual violence in Bengal demonstrate very grim portrait of our society. The soft power of demography, importance of communal-social harmony and the need of unity against foreign enemy cannot be overlooked. Though it seems very trivial but in my opinion this is very crucial and hardest step of all.
 Lastly it’s not a question of belling the cat, its how well world take snipe shots to kill this beast.
(Views expressed here are mine while source of most figures is google search)
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we-alexadam-66-blog · 4 years
The Best Xiaomi Devices
Xiaomi products have created quite a stir in the market. The convenience it offers, the sleek design, and affordability make the brand ideal for users. The Chinese multinational corporation has grown leaps and bounds ever since its launch in 2010. Although the brand is renowned for its smartphones, the other consumer electronics products it offers have also created a name for themselves.
While there are many aspects of the brand that are worth admiring, we will pay special attention to some of its unique consumer electronics devices. The Xiaomi world is not limited to smartphones only and there is a lot left for the users to explore them. We have compiled a list of products that you should consider to get the ultimate Xiaomi experience.
Xiaomi Mi Action Camera 4kRecord the most important moments of the day using the Xiaomi Mi Action Camera 4K. The 4K Action Camera captures the beauty of everyday life ensuring the best for the user. The variety of shooting modes means that you can record the hustle and bustle of the city life and the serenity of the beach with the same conviction and ease. The Time-lapse mode and the high-speed burst mode are great for the user. The delay mode on the other hand makes it easier for you to take selfies and capture beautiful moments.
Xiaomi Mi Box S 4K Ultra HD Streaming Media Player
Mi Box S is powered by Android 8.1 which is both easy to use and supports voice search. Equipped with Chromecast, the product delivers a plethora of content for the whole family to enjoy. The powerful performance is backed by the infinite content displayed. The media player is also backed by a Google Assistant that helps you in controlling the smart home devices, now you can control the lighting of the living room and the indoor temperatures by controlling the smart home devices.
Xiaomi Mi In-Ear Headphones Pro
Get a rich music experience and a dynamic blend of balanced armature and hybrid details using the Xiaomi Mi In-Ear Headphones Pro. Layers of sound are often lost in translation when using ordinary headphones, the Mi In-Ear Headphones Pro mellows down the dynamic driver for reducing the bass and the mild tones. This helps you in rediscovering the nuances present in your favorite song and explore new angles to all your favorite tunes.
Xiaomi Mi Robot Builder
Robot Builder is a coding toy that you can use for assembling different structures using more than 978 toy blocks like hears, wheels, and chains. The product is safe for both children and adults alike as all the blocks and constituents are made of eco-friendly materials. Powered by a strong CPU processor and an operating system, the robot performs perfectly coordinated actions. The four USB type-C ports provide power to the robot and interfaces alongside other components. Now teaching your kids the art of coding is not challenging anymore.
Tejar is proud to announce the best of Xiaomi in Pakistan. With a range of products on the website, you can get your hands on the best at an affordable rate, not to forget the exciting deals and discounts offered by Tejar.  
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credible-markets · 2 years
Feature Phone Market it is Estimated to Grow at During the Forecast Period 2022 To 2028.
While the smartphone industry has totally obscured the once predominant aspect telephone market, these gadgets actually exist and are as yet utilized generally across creating or immature countries. Presently, another report has uncovered that one of the world’s biggest cell phone brand, Samsung, is likewise the third biggest element telephone producer too.
The savvy include telephone fills an extremely huge and significant hole in the advanced environment. Its objective shoppers can’t bear a cell phone or don’t have any desire to utilize a cell phone. A savvy highlight telephone tackles both these issues by offering fundamental network highlights like 3G, 4G and Wi-Fi bundled in a simple to-utilize structure factor and at a cost marginally higher than an element telephone. The pandemic has made computerized correspondence more significant and has sped up patterns, for example, telecommute and advanced schooling. In such a situation, the job of the brilliant component telephone turns out to be vital, particularly for the people who can’t bear a cell phone. For the administrators, it helps in moving clients from 2G to 3G/4G and expanding their ARPUs.
Get Sample Report: https://www.crediblemarkets.com/sample-request/feature-phone-market-533987
Major Players in Feature Phone market are:
Lenovo Apple Samsung LG Tecno HMD Xiaomi vivo iTe Oppo Huawei Alcatel
Most important types of Feature Phone products covered in this report are:
Android iOS Windows
Most widely used downstream fields of Feature Phone market covered in this report are:
Backup Use Common Use
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The savvy include telephone market is presently seeing second-age items. We are additionally seeing a whirlwind of new send-offs, item advancements, and new go-to-advertise approaches, all of which can prompt an increment in shrewd element telephone shipments. New send-offs in Africa and Latin America, the send off of the world’s first IR thermometer-prepared telephone in Bangladesh, and gadget financing in Pakistan are largely pointers to where the brilliant component telephone industry is going. We expect the savvy include telephone market to increment by 10% YoY in 2021, putting money on developments in the business and a bounce back from the pandemic-hit year.
Top Countries Data Covered in this Report: • North America (United States, Canada and Mexico) • Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia, Spain and Benelux) • Asia Pacific (China, Japan, India, Southeast Asia and Australia) • Latin America (Brazil, Argentina and Colombia) • Middle East and Africa
Points Covered in the Report
Market share assessments for the regional and country level segments.
Market share analysis of the top industry players.
Strategic recommendations for the new entrants.
Market forecasts for a minimum of 9 years of all the mentioned segments, sub segments and the regional markets.
Market Trends (Drivers, Constraints, Opportunities, Threats, Challenges, Investment Opportunities, and recommendations).
Strategic recommendations in key business segments based on the market estimations. Competitive landscaping mapping the key common trends.
Company profiling with detailed strategies, financials, and recent developments.
Supply chain trends mapping the latest technological advancements.
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Credible Markets has emerged as a dependable source for the market research needs of businesses within a quick time span. We have collaborated with leading publishers of market intelligence and the coverage of our reports reserve spans all the key industry verticals and thousands of micro markets. The massive repository allows our clients to pick from recently published reports from a range of publishers that also provide extensive regional and country-wise analysis. Moreover, pre-booked research reports are among our top offerings.
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allresult · 2 years
Redmi 10 2022 is Coming to Pakistan Soon
Redmi 10 2022 is Coming to Pakistan Soon
The Xiaomi Redmi 10 is one of the few phones made in Pakistan. As a result, it is able to avoid rising import duties while maintaining a competitive price in the local market. It costs Rs. 32,000 (4GB/128GB) right now. Redmi has announced that the phone will be re-released with minor improvements. The Redmi 10 2022 is believed to be the name, and some of its specifications have already been…
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orientav · 3 years
4k projector in Pakistan
Xiaomi, as a company, is intended to change our lives. Xiaomi is dedicated to providing the most trustworthy content for smart life. Xiaomi customers all across the world adore how Xiaomi has made their lives more productive and luxurious. Apart from smartphones, Xiaomi is recognized for its environmentally friendly goods. Xiaomi is a company that never sacrifices on quality. Xiaomi is the finest technology brand because of this, as well as its price. Xiaomi devices are made with cutting-edge technology of the highest quality to ensure that you get nothing but the best. Xiaomi will always be at your side, whether it's to help you with your household duties or to ease your job load. Allow us to present to you the finest Xiaomi projectors available today.
The world we today live in demands visual aid for everything. Whether it be teaching your children or giving a presentation at office, without some visual experience everything seems to be dull and boring. Understanding the mode of learning and communication today Xiaomi has introduced a wide range of projectors to match your needs. Below are the best Xiaomi projectors for you to purchase.
Mi 4K Laser Projector 150”
Starting off with the Mi 4K Projector as it is the best 4K projector available in the prevailing market. The Mi 4K laser projector 150 is the exact opposite to your idea of a projector. It is compact, handy, weighs only 7.0 kgs and has the latest technology installed. This 4K laser projector ensures premium video quality of 4K which gives resolutions of 3840 X 2160 UHD. This supports 80 inches to 150 inches’ screen which is just like bringing cinema home! This 4K projector has an Android TV 9.0 operating system and dual-band 2.4/5 GHz built-in Wifi. With that it is also equipped built-in Dual full range and dual tweeter 2 x 15W speakers giving you the best theatrical experience. The ultra-short throw ration of 0.233: 1 makes its fitting super easy. Know more about this beauty at OrientAV here and get astonished with the affordable price it has been made available at!
Mi Smart Compact Projector
The Mi projectors are made to function at their best in the most appropriate situations. As a result, the Xiaomi projectors are precisely what you want, nothing more and nothing less. This Mi smart mini projector has a deceptively modest form yet delivers amazing results. This small mi projector can work with screens ranging from 40 to 200 inches in size. It runs on the MIUI TV operating system and supports HDR 10 dynamic images. LED light source technology can provide brilliant visuals with 1920 x 1080 resolutions. Because of its small size, you can put it almost anyplace you wish. And its 1.2:1 feasible projection ratio backs up this claim.
Mi Smart Projector 2 Pro
Coming on to this smart projector which is indeed our hot-selling projector at the OrientAV. The Mi Smart Projector 2 Pro is Xiaomi at its best. It is all that you can expect from a high-end projector but won’t cost you a kidney. This 3.7 kg handy device is your key to the ultimate visual experience. It is also referred to as the mi smart projector mini due to its compact size. But with no compromise on the quality of deliverance.
This Mi smart projector uses a 0.47-inch DMD display technology to provide you with standard resolutions of 9120 x 1080. The 4-channel LED light source technology allows for bright and colourful pictures to be shown. This smart projector can display images on screens ranging from 40 inches to 200 inches without distortion. It also comes with a twin 10 W full-frequency speaker audio system, allowing you to bring theatre into your own house. With a projection ratio of 1.1: 1, it's simple to blend in. It also includes a built-in Chromecast, which allows you to effortlessly switch between displays.
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addonspk · 3 years
Honor Wireless Handsfree
Xiaomi being the best smartphone company is destined to nail customer satisfaction by producing the best affordable smartphones. Xiaomi is reputed for providing high-end technology and making it available in the best affordable range to the Mi fans. Like always, Xiaomi Pakistan is determined to introduce the best smartphones of 2021 and thus making it a technological revolution and addons.pk is just the right medium to serve this purpose off well!
Starting off its journey with the Mi Note 10 and Note 10 Pro Xiaomi has recently added a very subtle member to the Addons.pk family which has successfully turned all tables round! The creators have named this beauty Honor Wireless Handsfree Pro and addons.pk is proud to present and serve you well with it. As today is all about the all-new Honor Wireless Handsfree.
Before jumping into the specifications and features of it allow me to talk about the Honor Wireless Handsfree as it has been the most embraced one in 2020 and yet again has broken records of the mobile market just short after its release. The Honor Wireless Handsfree has been designed for a broader range of audience. They encompass luxury and affordability both without compromising the quality and performance of the products.
Honor Wireless Handsfree, in particular, were a market hit for 2020 due to their extremely affordable price ranges and top-quality features, giving a very tough target to Honor Wireless Handsfree Pro. However, to our surprise, Xiaomi’s Honor Wireless Handsfree Pro completely accomplished it and even more without any special efforts being made. The new Mi Honor Wireless Handsfree Pro has all that you loved about the Honor Wireless Handsfree just with a ton load of better features, performance, storage and more. Without wasting a minute more lets jump straight into the details of this tech beast.
Keeping up with the Xiaomi Honor Wireless Handsfree, the Xiaomi Honor Wireless Handsfree Pro has the same sleek design, with silky smooth touch screen having a 6.67 inches FHD+ Dot Display and a refresh rate of 120Hz which makes it the best gaming phone of 2021. Honor Wireless Handsfree is the best handfree you must try it. Moreover, The high 240Hz touch sampling rate decreases the touch latency and the responsive screen giving better in-game sensitivity control thus taking your gaming experience to the next level.
He Corning Gorilla Glass 6 and a dual textured body is all that takes for you to crave for it! Not only is it sleek and trendy but also has the strength to bear a drop of about 1.6 meters on hard surfaces. To further enhance your smartphone, experience the Honor Wireless Handsfree Pro comes with a Z-axis linear motor which provides the most vivid vibration feedback. Each interaction between your fingertip and the screen will be rewarded by a delicate and smart vibration response. Visit us at the addons.pk.
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mobilepakistan · 1 year
Xiaomi 13 Series Release Date Announced; Slated for Global Launch By the End of this Month
The business previously said that the global release of its most recent flagship pair, the Xiaomi 13 and 13 Pro, was imminent but made no mention of a specific launch date. Online rumors said that MWC 2023 would serve as the lineup’s launch basis. It turned out that the rumors were accurate. Also Read: Xiaomi 13 Lite Price in Pakistan The Xiaomi 13 series is now exclusively sold retail in…
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techboilers · 2 years
The Era Of Xiaomi Phones Made In Pakistan Officially Underway!
The Era Of Xiaomi Phones Made In Pakistan Officially Underway! #Xiaomi #XiaomiMadeInPakistan
The era of Xiaomi phones being made in Pakistan has officially started. Xiaomi has officially started the production of its smartphones in Lahore, Pakistan. This is huge news for Pakistani consumers. The Chinese brand will benefit a lot from this step. They will escape the import duties and taxes. Consequently, they will be able to keep their prices down. Moreover, the end consumer will enjoy the…
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thisisanamyfriend · 6 years
OPPO F5 on haya Review
OPPO's next selfie master, OPPO F5 with FullView show has been propelled concentrating on the selfie necessities. The OPPO F5 is a selfie-driven telephone with 20 MP front camera focused to the selfie sweethearts. We began taking selfies from the primary day to perceive how is the new OPPO F5. We additionally kept an eye on alternate things to check whether the OPPO F5 is extremely worth burning through ₹20,000. Here's out OPPO F5 audit.
READ full Detail :Oppo f5 Price in Pakistan
Configuration, Build, and Ergonomics
OPPO has extended the show on the F5, the screen has increased more space, the bezels are limited evacuating the touch keys at the base. OPPO F5 gives another look which isolates from the others, the telephone looks marginally taller. It utilizes a 6-inch Full HD+ show (2160 x 1080 pixels determination) with 18:9 perspective proportion and secured with a 2.5D bended Corning Gorilla Glass 5.
The telephone is quickly observable because of its extensive bezel-less screen. The presence of the OPPO F5 isn't something like the Xiaomi Mi MIX 2, Samsung Galaxy S8, or the iPhone X. Opponents Vivo V7+ and Honor 9i likewise accompany bigger 18:9 show.
Delving more into the outline, its external body is a little frustration, made of plastic and not metal. Despite the fact that it gloats a unibody outline and looks metallic from a separation, the general feel is simply plastic not engaging like those metallic telephones. The telephone is however great at plan and feels light in weight.
The front side prepares a 20 MP camera while the rear accompanies 16 MP camera. The touch catches are expelled, the scanner is currently on the back side. It underpins 4G SIM cards with a different microSD space, so you will have the capacity to utilize double SIM alternative and appreciate the microSD stockpiling extension.
It utilizes a small scale USB port at the base, not the sort C. The base additionally holds a 3.5 mm earphones jack, an amplifier and amplifiers. The best has another commotion scratch-off receiver. The correct side has a power catch, and left side holds two separate volume keys.
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bbcbreakingnews · 4 years
Chinese cos mfg in India need fresh security OK
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NEW DELHI: Chinese manufacturers that have invested in India to set up manufacturing facilities via the foreign direct investment route will need a fresh security check to be eligible for government contracts, a move that will impact phone and computer-makers as well drug and other equipment manufacturers. This is a fallout of the revised guidelines issued by the finance ministry late Thursday evening, requiring bidders from any country sharing a land border with India to register with a “competent authority” to be eligible for government contracts. With an exception made for bidders from countries where India has extended a line of credit or is engaged in development projects, Nepal, Bhutan and Bangladesh would be exempted, officials told TOI. As a result, the order is largely targeting firms from China since those based in Pakistan hardly participate in Indian contracts. Going forward, smartphone-makers such as Xiaomi and Oppo will need to go through a fresh clearance as part of the registration process through a committee comprising officials from ministries of home and external affairs, as well as the department for promotion of industry and internal trade, to be eligible to sell on the Government e-Marketplace (GeM), the online public procurement platform. Besides, the fate of firms such as telecom equipment suppliers Huawei and ZTE as well as power gear players Dongfang and China Light and Power is also uncertain. There is, however, lack of clarity on Lenovo, as Legend Holdings, the company that owns the brand, started out in China but subsequently registered in Hong Kong. “This will hit their business. They first need a clearance for additional investments in India and then seek fresh registration to participate in government contracts,” explained an official. In April, the government had put a stop to automatic FDI approvals for Chinese firms and those from countries that share a border with India. Estimates suggest government’s public procurement spend varies between 20% and 30% of GDP, with certain agencies spending nearly half their budget on this. While issuing the new order, the Centre has also invoked powers under Article 257(1) to get state governments to fall in line.
The post Chinese cos mfg in India need fresh security OK appeared first on BBC BREAKING NEWS.
from WordPress https://bbcbreakingnews.com/chinese-cos-mfg-in-india-need-fresh-security-ok/
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addonspk · 3 years
Mi Piston Basic Hands Free
Xiaomi has also proved to be the top selling brand when it comes to accessories, encompassing the entire life of its customers. Not only that Xiaomi offers a wide variety of products to choose from but also that it has the finest quality products available in the market. Xiaomi accessories tend to create a Mi Lifestyle for its customers that is more convenient and efficient. Addons.pk is the best opportunity from which you have the best smart technologies like Mi Piston Basic Hands Free.
Xiaomi is not just a technology brand rather it is an innovative lifestyle to embrace. Xiaomi always introduces its products with the ambition to enhance and facilitate the quality life of its customers taking special consideration about the health of its consumers.
Mi has indeed revolutionized the entire perspective of health and fitness in ways beyond imagination. Addons.pk is ambitious to keep the health and activity of its consumers under constant observation with further recording and analyzing it to provide health alerts before it gets too late. And all of this with absolutely zero effort made by the bearer.
Today we are to discuss the top 3 health and fitness gadget from Xiaomi you can use to monitor, measure, and analyze the health conditions of yourself or your loved ones in order to take precautions beforehand. It’s all about Mi Handfree, Mi Handfree Lite and Mi Band 6.
When it comes to top quality android handfree nothing can beat Xiaomi as it is accustomed of producing trendy, elegant and highly practical smart handfree. Xiaomi’s android Mi Piston Basic Hands Free are not only all that it takes to qualify for the best Mi Piston Basic Hands Free in Pakistan they have set are extremely affordable and pocket friendly. These gear handfree are high-tech, feature-packed gadgets, that are fully equipped with all the necessary elements to monitor, record, and analyze your physical health for you to be cautious and motivated all at the same time.
Let us get into the Mi Smart Handfree first. The Mi Handfree can rightly be called as a complete lifestyle at hand, reason being that it is feature-packed like no other smart handfree. This 32-gram light-weighted gadget comes in a round dial that offers a 1.39-inch, 326 ppi high-resolution displays and has 100+ handfree faces to choose from. Mi Handfree comes with a wireless, magnetic charger that take about 2 hours to fully charge and offers 3 battery modes with timings accordingly. Visit us at the addons.pk.
1.       Typical usage mode: Battery Life of as long as 16 days
2.       Long battery mode: Battery Life of as long as 22 days
3.       Workout mode: Battery Life of as long as 50 days
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mobilepakistan · 1 year
Xiaomi 13 Series Pre-orders Initiated Without an Official Launch
Xiaomi postponed the introduction of the 13 Series, which was set for December 2nd, in response to Jiang Zemin’s passing as a politician and general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party. Pre-orders have started to take place in China even though there is still no word on the delayed launch dates. Also Read: Xiaomi 14 Price in Pakistan Although the Chinese manufacturer has not yet made an…
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Modern age is the age of technology and man is in search of more and more easiness and computers of ancient times have replaced laptops and now the laptops are replaced by smart phones. Now there are different varieties and models in smart phones. There is a great variety in mobile prices in Pakistan.      
Variety of models over country
In Pakistan mobile companies are serving their best to their customers. The company which have more varieties in prices as well as features is becoming the part of top trends .Samsung mobile prices in Pakistan are a no. of affordable types which help their customers to take a better decision about the selection of new android smart phone .On the site of these phones the prizes of different models is given with their specific features which will help people to select best phone with the lowest prices and more like able features like Apple I phone 11 pro is available in rupees 215000/-. Samsung, Huawei, Oppo, apple I phone and Xiaomi are in top trends presenting their customers with best features and affordable prices.
Mobile prices of different models
Samsung is the world’s leading manufacturer and retailer of smart phones .in the same way like other manufacturers like oppo, Xiaomi and Huawei this company is known for providing world class smart phones and all other devices .The different models presented by the same company have reasonable features to attract the demand of the customers. Samsung galaxy A70s 128 GB is present in a reasonable price of rupees 74,000/-.Samsung galaxy A20s is present in just rupees 34900/-.
Features specification
Different models presented by the manufacturers have their own specifications and due to high quality features their prices are also high. HUAWEI mobile prices in Pakistan are also have a huge variety in them because of their special features like Y5p in rupees 13999/- with less effective features on the other hand Y7p with more advance features in rupees 28999/-.Within 20000 to 22000Rs. Samsung max has pushed itself to provide users with 8 megapixel primary sensors, 2 gigs of RAM low resolution displays and entirely plastic bodies. Comparing that to the weakest Infinix device, the Hot 3or the Lenavo A7000 Plus ,one can see a marginal difference between the quality and the price.
Prices variations with more features
The birth of Huawei, infinix, xiaomi, lenavo, and Samsung has held to a wider array of options one can explore. Infinix note 3 pro is available in a reasonable price with finger print sensor and metal body. OPPO A37 is available in just rs.16200 with consider able features like metal unibody design. Some like Huawei have already made their name while others such as infinix is slowly and steadily hitting their stride. The future looks certainly bright for all of these in Pakistan and also their smart phones can inspire the world too.
Final thoughts
In Pakistan there are many companies which are pushing each other in mobile field. Mobile prices in Pakistan are very reasonable and in large variety.
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