#Mickey Neilan
perfettamentechic · 6 months
27 ottobre … ricordiamo …
27 ottobre … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2019: Guido Lauri, è stato un danzatore, coreografo e maestro di danza italiano. Sposò Anna Maria Paganini, ballerina classica. La loro figlia è  la ballerina Tiziana Lauri. I danzatori Augusto, Alfonso, Fabrizio e Raffaele Paganini sono suoi nipoti. Lauri fu inoltre cognato di Giulio Neri, cantante lirico. (n. 1922) 2015: Betsy Drake, è stata un’attrice e scrittrice americana di origine…
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nebris · 2 years
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Sunset Boulevard
The first screening of Sunset Boulevard was not met with thunderous applause; it was met with riotous laughter. The screening was held at Evanston, Illinois; the cause of the laughter was the original opening shot for the film.
Billy Wilder explained: "The picture started originally with a hearse delivering a corpse to the L.A. morgue, where it's brought to join six or eight other corpses, covered in sheets." The dead bodies are panned until the camera settles on two bare feet, protruding from under one of the sheets. A tag that reads "JOE GILLIS, HOMICIDE, 5/17/49," is placed on the left big toe of the corpse, then suddenly, the corpse sits up. It's William Holden, who begins a conversation with the other corpses as to how they got there:
Fat man: Where did you drown? The ocean?
Gillis: No, swimming pool.
Fat man: A husky fellow like you?
Gillis: Well, I had a few extra holes in me. Two in the chest, and one in the stomach.
Fat man: You were murdered?
Gillis: Yes, I was murdered.
Wilder couldn't believe the hysterical reaction the film got: "It was a terrible night. I got sick to my stomach and I was sitting on the steps leading to the restrooms, in despair. I looked up and there was a lady coming from the theater, overdressed, and she sees me sitting there and she says, 'Have you ever seen shit like this in your life before?'"
They did a second preview in Great Neck, New York. The reaction was exactly the same. That was when Wilder decided to reshoot the opening, with the now-famous shot of William Holden face down in a swimming pool. Underwater photography was not yet sophisticated in those days. It would have been technically impossible to shoot through water and get a clear image beyond, as is seen in the film. To solve the problem, the image filmed was actually shot off a reflection from a mirror inside the pool. This opening image is as historical as the final descent of Norma down the staircase of her mansion.
A preview of the revised film was held in Poughkeepsie, New York. It was highly successful, and the audience indicated that they now accepted the film as a Hollywood tragedy.
A few nights later, MGM honcho Louis B. Mayer threw a lavish dinner for twenty in Swanson's honor. After dinner, the group proceeded to the Paramount screening room, where 300 Hollywood stars and directors were waiting to watch Gloria Swanson's comeback performance. In attendance were many film greats from the silent era, including the film's co-stars in the bridge sequence, as well as Mary Pickford, Charles "Buddy" Rogers, and Mickey Neilan.
The reaction was phenomenal. Barbara Stanwyck even kissed the hem of Swanson's skirt while telling Swanson how much she appreciated her performance. Famed costume designer Edith Head sent Swanson a note of admiration. Swanson was looking for Mary Pickford to ask her what she thought about the film. A producer told her, "She can't show herself, Gloria. She's overcome. We all are."
Louis B. Mayer, though, was not enthralled. When Wilder approached him, he screamed: "You bastard! You have disgraced the industry that made you and fed you! You should be tarred and feathered and run out of Hollywood!" Wilder's response: "Fuck you." Within the next twelve months, Mayer's reign at MGM was over, and Dore Schary took control of the studio.
Sunset Boulevard had its world premiere at the Radio City Music Hall in New York on August 11th, 1950. It opened to rave reviews and strong box-office performance.
From Hollywood Theater
Pic: just another Sunday drive in Norma's Isotta-Fraschini...
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olive-thomas · 7 years
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“More pep, Marshall”, says Mary Pickford, as she directs “Mickey” Neilan while out on location for the First National production of “Daddy Long Legs”  —  Exhibitor’s Trade Review, May 1919
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Margaret Livingston in a publicity still for Married Alive (1927) a comedy that at one time was considered a Howard Hawks production, although his actual involvement, if any, is unclear.
According to Hawks biographer Todd McCarthy, Howard Hawks was involved with the production of over 30 silent films from 1917 to 1925, from his initial work as a prop man, to 14 films as one of the Associated Producers, a group that included Allen Dwan, Mickey Neilan and Allen Holubar.  The other three names also served as director, but for Hawks, that would have to wait until 1926.
To those uninterested in obscure silent films, please be patient.  Do not unfollow the Howard Hawks blog, as after his earliest films are highlighted, we will return to his numerous classic sound films.
In the meantime, please visit the wordpress blog for Howard Hawks' popular sound films.
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perfettamentechic · 3 years
27 ottobre … ricordiamo …
27 ottobre … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic #felicementechic #lynda
2019: Guido Lauri, è stato un danzatore, coreografo e maestro di danza italiano. Entrato all’età di 6 anni alla scuola di ballo del Reale Teatro dell’Opera di Roma e nel 1939 ottiene il diploma con il punteggio massimo ed è assunto nel corpo di ballo con la qualifica di primo ballerino étoile. Oltre che come applaudito protagonista di capolavori storici Lauri primeggia nei balletti. In qualità di…
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perfettamentechic · 5 years
27 ottobre … ricordiamo …
27 ottobre … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic #felicementechic #lynda
2004: Maria Fiore, nome d’arte di Iolanda Di Fiori, attrice italiana. Giovanissima, divenne famosa interpretando la parte di Carmela nel film Due soldi di speranza.Negli anni seguenti, interpretò molti film popolari. La sua carriera cinematografica è proseguita intensamente per tutti gli anni cinquanta diradandosi all’inizio degli anni sessanta. Dall’inizio degli anni sessanta, le sue…
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