#Mr spidergod
dweetwise · 4 years
Juat found the blog recently and it brings a smile to my face. How about Ace getting a lucky pallet stun that actually knocks a killer out for a match? They get that free easy way out.
[aww anon you’re so sweet! also YES PLEASE we need more ace goofiness 👉😎👉]
Ace KO’s the Spirit with pallet: headcanon/ficlet/crack?
Let’s say Ace is facing a Spirit on Autohaven. The rest of the team consists of Laurie, Nancy and Steve
Ace is being chased, already injured from a bullshit hit through a window
He reaches a pallet between some rubble and starts looping it. The Spirit stops in her tracks a ways from the pallet and does her braindead no counter mindgame where there’s no way to tell if she’s phasing or standing still
Ace steels himself and makes a lucky guess. He drops the pallet while standing on the killer’s side
“WAAAAHHH!!” the killer wails from the impact and falls over, having been stunned out or her phasewalk
“Better luck next time, bitch!” Ace exclaims, high off the adrenaline and barely resisting the urge to teabag
The heartbeat abruptly cuts off and the killer is nowhere to be seen. Ace looks around, skeptical. Did she leave? Is she doing another mindgame?
Finally he spots the Spirit, laying motionless below the pallet, her messy hair and dismembered limbs sprawled out on the ground
“Uhh... ghost girl? Hello?” Ace hesitantly calls out over the pallet. There’s no answer and the killer still isn’t moving
Ace nervously glances around, waiting for the entity to intervene and end the trial prematurely
“Entity? Mr. Spidergod?” His calls are met with silence. “... Ms. Spidergod?” Ace tries
The silence continues. A generator goes off in the distance. Seems like the entity has decided not to intervene. Ace grins like an idiot
“Tell me someone saw that!?!?” Ace exclaims, excited about this lucky turn of events
“Bro. BRO.” Steve exits a nearby locker, eyes as wide as saucers and smiling giddily. “You KO’d her! You think she’s dead!?”
“She’s a GHOST. What’re you gonna do, check for a pulse??” Ace points out
“What happened? Did she lose you?” Nancy cautiously approaches them from a nearby t-wall. Steve points at the unconscious Spirit
“Oh. Wow. What should we do?” Nancy asks, nervously rubbing her arms
“I mean. We could dump her in a locker and block the door.” Steve suggests
“What?? NO!” Nancy exclaims. “She could wake up! It could be a trick! Let’s just get Ace patched up, do the gens and get out ASAP!”
“Aww Nance why do you always gotta be so reasonable??” Steve whines
After healing him, Steve and Nancy go find a generator, but Ace isn’t about to let his good fortune go to waste. Three people is more than enough to handle the gens, especially as they’re not in any type of hurry
Ace makes it his mission to hoard the items from every chest in the trial. He takes his time doing so, leisurely strolling about the wrecked cars and abandoned machinery, whistling carelessly as he goes
It’s kind of nice just walking around in Autohaven without the threat of, y’know, murder. Ace doesn’t really get scared in the trials anymore, but having a bloodthirsty killer in the same space as you never fails to make one on edge. He doesn’t know what stroke of luck allowed this to happen, but it’s a golden opportunity for sure
Ace takes the loot to an exit gate, so the others can take their pick once they leave. And because maybe he’s a bit of a hoarder and likes seeing all the shiny new items in a big pile, ok?
While Ace explores the map, he notices a couple of destroyed dull totems, suggesting Nancy hasn’t been quite as committed to the gens as she claimed. It makes him smile; it would do that girl wonders to let loose more often
As Ace is in an excavator looting the final chest, he hears a familiar bellow of a tolling bell, signalling the opening of an exit gate
When Ace reaches the exit, he sees Steve t-bagging in the gate and clicking his new purple flashlight up into the sky. Nancy is gone and so is the pink map from the item pile
Laurie appears, noticing a distinct lack of murderous killer chasing them out. She stares at Steve goofing off. At the pile of items on the ground. And finally at Ace
“What did you do.” she deadpans. It’s not even a question
“Nothing!” he exclaims. Laurie scoffs. “Okay, so I pallet stunned the Spirit, right? And she--well, she just didn’t get up after”
Laurie stares, unimpressed. But then her eyes go wide and she flings herself at Ace
“TEACH ME HOW!!!” she demands, excitedly pulling on his sleeve and practically frothing at the mouth
“GEEZ! Even I don’t know how I managed--” Ace starts and tries to pull her off in vain
“Is it a new perk? Did it kill her??” Laurie demands answers, radiating a psychotic energy that is exclusively reserved for dealing with her brother
“I have no idea! I know you’d wanna use it on Myers--” Ace tries to pry her fingers loose, but damn, this woman is freakishly strong! 
Ace looks at Steve for backup, but the teen just gives him a two-finger salute and a shit-eating grin before disappearing out through the exit
“I'll go examine the body for clues!!” Laurie giddily exclaims, finally letting go of Ace only to sprint back into the map
“LAURIE CALM DOWN YOU’RE GONNA DIE TO ENDGAME--” Ace panics and bolts after her
Spirit when waking up after the trial with a headache: “WTF how did I still get a 2k??”
[i went against a tunneling spirit four games in a row today and this was therapeutic to write. also what is consistent POV lmao]
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