#My computer's less laggy yay!!!
drv3imagines · 7 years
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Shuichi Saihara
-You and Saihara were fighting over something for a while It wasn’t that bad until he said something.. -”….Why can’t you just listen for once….?” -….. What…? Did he really just say that….? -Saihara is done with everyone’s shit -You just stared at him mouth agape he being extremely confused -He than realized he said that out-loud -Before he could tell you sorry you felt tears do down your face and one thing after the other… -You slapped him and yelled -”WE’RE THREW YOU J-JERK!!!” -…All he could do was stare at the mistakes he made as tears dripped down his face -”…..S/O I’m so sorry…” -WELL I THINK THE ONE WHO SCREWED UP WAS YOU S/O SEE THIS CINNAMON BUN??
-You and your robot boyfriend were fighting about something -Of course it wasn’t that bad but he suddenly said something.. -”S/O Why can’t you……Please listen for a second to me for once!!!” -For Once -All you could do was stare as he looked confused at your sudden reaction -”E-Eh…? S/-” -Before he could finish yelled -”….So is that you feel…? THEN YOU WON’T CARE THEN WE’RE THREW!!!!’ -Even though he had no idea what that meant he couldn’t stop something -He felt….. -Wrong…Horrible..Just he couldn’t take it… -”OVER HEATING OVER HEATING DATA OVERLOADDDDD DANGANRONPA11037 RESTART!!!” -”Success data of the last hour erased” -…S/O where are you…I’m very confused..
Kaito Momota
-You and Kaito were argueing about something -It didn’t seem all that bad until your boyfriend said something -”..God damn ittttt Why won’t you listen to me…..But that’s usual…” -You just stared at him crying a bit he seemed…Surprised himself???? -”AH SHIT!!! WAIT SORR-” -Before he could keep talking you yelled -”…Is that so…? Then you wouldn’t mind me saying this you jerk..WE ARE THR-” -Before you could keep talking you felt Kaito hug you -”..Sorry S/O I don’t know why I said that dumb shit…Can ya forgive me..?” “………Only if you make it up..” -”DEAL!!!” -Okay listen here for allllll the people who wanna see space boi suffer OVER MY DEAD BISMOL PINK BODY
Ouma Kokichi
-You and Ouma were fighting …This was normal though it was bound to end soon… But Ouma…Ouma yelled something -”..GOSH DARN IS S/OOOOOO~!!! Why are you such a spoil sport… Maybe you get it better off with Saihara…” -…What… -Did he just make a joke of you dating Saihara.. -Even though you were dating him….? SOMEHOW -”Ohhhhhh this is the last strawww.. OUMA KOKICHI YOU ARE OFFICIALLY DUMPED!!!” -…Huh..? -The second you said that he just froze -”Eh..? Oh okay lameee” -All you could do was stare as he felt slowly just staring at you -..You felt tears stream down your face but what you didn’t know -”….I’m not crying~!!!!! This is sweat coming out of my eyes!!..I’m so so happy that person dumped me!! I’m so great they can’t come near my level!! Such a nice day to be alive!!” -”I’m crying please,please help me…. I want sob and sob….I want them back…..I’m such a weakling they never even deserved me……. I want to die please just end me….Please..”
Amami Rantarou
[Includes MILD Spoilers]
-You and Amami were fighting over something  -Probably something about Bicycles -Unlike all the rest this one was pretty bad…He suddenly just broke and said softly -”…..I don’t even care anymore..Just say your [SHIT] option and stop this fight” -..Was he serious…? Did he really just say “Say your option and end this” THIS FIGHT IS SERIOUS!!!! -”…Amami why won’t you just care….!? I’m sorry to say this but…I can’t take it we’re threw!!” -”….Amami…?” -You waved your hands infront of him all he did was stare -”…….” -He fell to his knees you were VERY confused watching these actions he had a look in his eyes.. -”….AMAMI????” -”So this is it..Seeing all that death yet now I feel it…Despair….” -”AMAMI??”
Korekiyo Shinguuji
-This one wasn’t even a fight
-HE JUST SAID [Habit] was un-usual.. OTHER PEOPLE DO IT!!!
-Of course he never meant anything but…..WHEN HE TRIES TO SMILE STARE HE SCARES CHILDREN
-”……..Nothing’s wrong with it….Hey Shinguuji why do you think it’s wrong..?’
-Let’s just skip this shit and let me say thus now HE FUCKING MADE IT WORSE
-”…..Shinguuji…Why..? It’s not wrong……Why do you…? I can’t do it….I can’t….We’re threw…..!”
-At that moment he felt it
-He felt how bad he screwed up
-Of course he tried to defend himself…FAILING MISERABLY
-After to failing to the point of no return….You just left crying a bit..
-”…Onee-San….W-What do I do..?
-”….Korekiyo everything is fine…We just have to make them our friend again..You want to see me to righT…? Now they can too”
-”…See you again…? They love to meet you as well…Let me get them and when I’m done I’ll see you Onee-San”
-”Ehe of course”
Gokuhara Gonta
-Before I do this I’m tellling you something
-Unless you steped on a bug 
Ryouma Hoshi
-You two were fighting -As hard it is to get him to be mad.. -You were just a bit mad..That he was fighting a jerk behind your back -He didn’t have to…..He could’ve told you.. -He keeps saying he was protecting you -…Your mad your emotions are swirling -And -You say you wanna break up …… -……..As soon as you do he leaves
-….A body slowly swung back and fourth some tears falling off his face to the ground a smile on his face despite being dead a photo of him and a person on the ground tears over it..
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pedronfriends · 6 years
Gif-making process!
I have no fancy graphics for this post, just a run-down by request.  Keep in mind:
There are probably 10000000 ways to make gifs, this is my way.  It’s not the best, but it works for me.
I’m using Photoshop CC.  I wish I could use PS6, but it doesn’t have the mp4 import ability.  There are other programs that can edit/chop a movie file, but I’m too lazy to learn a new program so PShop CC it is.
I don’t have set rules, because each gif is different and special since the lighting and pacing is always different and special.
I use a PC not a Mac
Work with the largest files you can!  It’ll make for better quality when you size them down.
If any part of this is confusing/needs more detail, let me know!
Okay, process with screenshots under the cut!
I import the movie into PS.  Again, there are free programs you can do this on, this is really just about slicing and editing, like chopping a film reel to get the parts you want.  All very technical.  
Below I have the timeline showing, and you can see it’s still in video and not frames just yet.
I want to chop this for all the giffable Pedro Parts, so I use the little scroll nub and the scissors too, which I highlighted in yellow!
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Then it’s really just scrubbing through the video, and chopping it up into little bits and pieces.  (God I hope this isn’t illegal). Using the scissors tool, and scrubbing to a place I want to cut, you can see what happens to the video when I cut it.  Also, you can see on the right, it creates a new layer in the layers box.
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I delete chunks of video that have no Pedro, leaving me with a set of little sliced up chunks of video that are all-Pedro. A bunch of little chopped up video, each one a different layer.  Like so:
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This part is tedious and your computer needs to be able to scrub through video, which can get laggy and gross.  Just fair warning (again, probably an easier way to do this on a program made to chop videos up).
The next part is also tedious - 
Now I have a bunch of video bits.  Some super-long, others iddy-bitty but that’s okay.  As long as when you save each bit, the frames don’t exceed like 200+ frames, then you can still work with it without your computer kerploding.
Here is the tedious part 2 in steps:
Delete all clips except the one you want to save first.  
Alt-Crtl-Shift-S - to Save for Web
Switch to gif format, with whatever settings you like best for you.  Play around, honestly.  (my settings screenshot is below)
If you lose detail due to millions of colours, don’t save yet. Go back to the file and use the crop tool to crop the video to the particular thing you want (in my case, close up on Pedro). This is the nice thing about having a big file; even if you crop, you still have a big file to work with.
Save the gigantic ass, raw gif
Then Crtl-Z EVERYTHING until you return to having all clips.
Repeat the above process for each clip, until all clips are converted/saved as gifs.
Here are my initial gif settings.  Please note the size - I cropped this clip to focus on Pedro, but the file is still fairly big.
Do not play the gif in this window! It’s too big and your computer will cry. 
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So now you’ve done that above process over and over...and over...and over and you have a bunch of raw gifs! Yay!  This to me is the fun part.  When you open each gif, it is unique and needs its own care.  Sometimes if you’re in the same scene, then you can use the same settings.  Other times, it takes heavy filters to make it look right.  
Things you want to play with:
The lighting
The colouring
The frame count
The pacing
Open up a gif in PS:
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As you can see above, it’s all frames, and each frame is on a separate layer.  At this point, you can start figuring out how many frames you want in this gif.  The rule is: LESS IS MORE.
So if I can get away with 15 frames, awesome.  But I’ve gone up to about 70 frames depending on the scene. The longer the gif, the bigger the filesize.
One way to keep a scene but eliminate frames is to delete every second frame, or every third frame.  If I have a super-long scene (over 100+ frames) then I delete every second frame.  If it’s only like 80 gifs, I’ll delete every 3rd frame.  
I also edit the scene to its core ‘moves’.  No wasted frames of Pedro staring meaningfully at something before he moves!  No matter how ‘important’ I think his staring is! Ultimately in a gif, no one will care.  
So yeah, less is more.  Keep a gif from 12 - 70 frames.  
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There is absolutely no set way to do this. Use an RPHelper’s PSD filter file if you like (I’ve downloaded a few), or try your own experiments.  Filters I like to use, but I don’t use all of them at the same time:
Colour Lookup (check out the preset settings in the 3DLUT File)
Colour Balance  (or Curves)
Just hit that little button on the layers toolbox, choose one, go to town. Have fun playing!  Find the filters you enjoy using and perfect them.  Do what you like.  Everyone has their own preferences and process, it’s artistic creative license.
JUST MAKE SURE to put the filters at the TOP of all your layers!!  Or else you’ll be left with a mess of trying to switch layers/filters on and off midway.
Make is as small as you want.  This is self-explanatory.  Since I use these for RP, I size them down to 270px x ~150px.  
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Now you can see how your filters look at the gif’s intended size!  If you don’t like it, Crtl-Z and play around with your filters until you’re satisfied.  Remember once you get some filter settings you like, you can always drag those preset filters into your other gif files!
And finally -
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Select all your frames and hit that little ‘v’ to set your time.  Depending on the gif, my times vary from between 0.05 - 0.1 seconds.  The shorter the gif, the slower it needs to be.  The longer the gif (ie more frames) the more you can speed it up.  
The only way you’ll be able to test pacing, is when you save it.  If you play it and don’t like the pacing, then go back and fuss around with the frame timing.
This is my settings for the final gif save.  Remember this is where you can play the gif to check for pacing.  Make sure the looping playback is set to ‘Forever’!
Do the Alt-Crtl-Shift-S to save for Web and you’re done!
Here are my save settings for the final gif.  Again, play with these settings to account for gif size, etc.  
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And here’s the final result. 47 frames, at 0.1 seconds per frame.  I used filters Exposure, Vibrance and one of the Kodak presets in Colour Lookup. It’s kind of grainy but I don’t really care because these are for my own use (and anyone else who wants to use them).  I’m not winning any prize or award for this lol!
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Good luck!
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hgfstreamchats · 4 years
Hazbin Hotel
thenightetc 10:05 PM Hello!
starlightseller 10:05 PM hello!
thenightetc 10:05 PM Video and audio seem to be working
highglossfinish 10:06 PM Wonderful!
highglossfinish 10:06 PM Here's hoping it holds out.
thenightetc 10:08 PM This took a turn
highglossfinish 10:08 PM It did, it really did.
thenightetc 10:08 PM ANYWAY
highglossfinish 10:08 PM I like this child.
starlightseller 10:09 PM Same
thenightetc 10:10 PM Uh oh Zephra85 joined the party.
highglossfinish 10:10 PM Zephra human!
Zephra85 10:10 PM Hi guys!!
Zephra85 10:11 PM I'm not sure how long I can stay but I saw the text 'hazbin hotel' and came running
highglossfinish 10:12 PM We'll start it up just as soon as this is finished!
Zephra85 10:12 PM eeeeeeee
thenightetc 10:13 PM Ewwwww
Zephra85 10:13 PM what the actual f***
Zephra85 10:15 PM this child is clearly a sociopath
thenightetc 10:15 PM I think this puppet is confused about what show he's in
highglossfinish 10:15 PM I like how you can tell this one is early because the later ones clearly dialed up the puppet's obnoxiousness.
Zephra85 10:15 PM NO
Zephra85 10:15 PM okay that wasn't as bad as I thought
thenightetc 10:16 PM same
thenightetc 10:16 PM Uh oh, Knock Out, you're about to be roasted!
highglossfinish 10:16 PM I'll take my licks!
Zephra85 10:16 PM I don't think that child's been to medical school
Zephra85 10:18 PM EEEEEEEE
Zephra85 10:18 PM HERE WE GO
thenightetc 10:18 PM *settles in*
highglossfinish 10:18 PM Indeed!
Zephra85 10:19 PM is the video really laggy for anyone else?
thenightetc 10:19 PM A bit, yeah
highglossfinish 10:19 PM Any better?
Zephra85 10:19 PM okay that seems better
thenightetc 10:19 PM I think so, yeah
Zephra85 10:22 PM there are some seriously gorgeous character designs and colours in this
thenightetc 10:22 PM Right?
starlightseller 10:22 PM my favorites are the lil eggs
highglossfinish 10:22 PM The animation flows like water.
Zephra85 10:22 PM My fave is extremely predictable
highglossfinish 10:23 PM "Music band." Thebes joined the party. FeralDog joined the party.
Thebes 10:23 PM Hello!
Zephra85 10:24 PM yo
highglossfinish 10:24 PM Hello!
thenightetc 10:24 PM Hey!
Zephra85 10:24 PM bLAH it's super laggy again ><
thenightetc 10:25 PM It isn't being laggy for me--I don't think it's the source
Zephra85 10:25 PM okay seems okay now
thenightetc 10:27 PM awwwww
thenightetc 10:28 PM VERY deep
thenightetc 10:28 PM UH OH
Zephra85 10:28 PM Vaggie saw THAT coming
highglossfinish 10:29 PM Heaven's committing yearly genocide against them, I think they're better off where they are.
Zephra85 10:30 PM LOL
thenightetc 10:30 PM awwww
highglossfinish 10:31 PM "Well, Okay!"
highglossfinish 10:32 PM Take her pen! Take all her pens!
starlightseller 10:32 PM angie
Zephra85 10:32 PM HE WAS
starlightseller 10:33 PM that made me CACKLE the first time I saw it ajfjejc
thenightetc 10:33 PM MORE ARMS
thenightetc 10:35 PM WOW
Zephra85 10:35 PM sald;fjd
Thebes 10:36 PM 'show me your feet' well that letter got right to the point
highglossfinish 10:36 PM How polite of it, not to waste anyone's time.
Zephra85 10:36 PM right?
highglossfinish 10:36 PM Popsies.
Zephra85 10:37 PM aw yis signs of a conscience
Zephra85 10:37 PM foreshadowing that Angel IS potentially redeemable
thenightetc 10:37 PM awwwww
Zephra85 10:37 PM I heart it
Zephra85 10:37 PM awww poor charlie
Zephra85 10:37 PM HERE HE COMES
highglossfinish 10:38 PM There he is!
Zephra85 10:38 PM MY (predictable) FAVE
Zephra85 10:38 PM THERE HE IS
Zephra85 10:38 PM Ooh same hat??
thenightetc 10:39 PM o_o
highglossfinish 10:39 PM Same hat indeed!
Thebes 10:39 PM Welp, we have an eldritch abomination
Zephra85 10:39 PM I love him
Zephra85 10:39 PM YAY
thenightetc 10:40 PM personal space
thenightetc 10:42 PM I kinda ship it
Thebes 10:42 PM same
Zephra85 10:43 PM Vaggie and Charlie are heart eyes
highglossfinish 10:43 PM Faustian deal averted.
thenightetc 10:43 PM *shudder*
Zephra85 10:44 PM Charlie may be naiive but at least she's genre savvy
starlightseller 10:44 PM Ha! no
Zephra85 10:44 PM 'HAH. No.'
Zephra85 10:44 PM Kills me
starlightseller 10:44 PM that’s my favorite line in the entire pilot
Zephra85 10:45 PM This one's my other fave
Thebes 10:45 PM This background music is disconcertingly Sorcerors' Apprentice-like
Zephra85 10:45 PM He's a miserable grouchy furry and he's great
Zephra85 10:45 PM 'MAYBE'
Zephra85 10:45 PM SAL;FJSDOFL
Zephra85 10:46 PM a;sldfj Angel's a riot
highglossfinish 10:46 PM I adore Angel.
thenightetc 10:46 PM Yes.
Zephra85 10:46 PM He's a delight fo-sho
Zephra85 10:46 PM YES HERE WE GO
Zephra85 10:46 PM JAZZY MUSICAL
Zephra85 10:47 PM 30'S FASHION FOR EVERYBODY Mysterygirl17 joined the party.
thenightetc 10:48 PM Well then
starlightseller 10:48 PM Efficient
Thebes 10:48 PM not terrifying whatsoever
Zephra85 10:49 PM Ooh I haven't seen this one yet!!!!
starlightseller 10:49 PM i just watched it last night!!!
Zephra85 10:50 PM ugh I'll have to watch the video later the lag is too bad on my end
highglossfinish 10:50 PM Is it lagging for anyone else?
Zephra85 10:50 PM Rad af song tho
thenightetc 10:50 PM it IS ThatOneDude101 joined the party.
Zephra85 10:53 PM d'awwwww
thenightetc 10:54 PM awwww
Zephra85 10:54 PM asf;ljsdlkjdfka
thenightetc 10:55 PM pfffff
Zephra85 10:55 PM sal;jfsdf that 180 head turn
Zephra85 10:56 PM I'm not hating the cajun accent at all
highglossfinish 10:56 PM It's very acceptable. sharkley123 joined the party.
thenightetc 10:56 PM uh oh
Zephra85 10:56 PM oh god
Zephra85 10:57 PM 'technicolour river in between' is fantastic
highglossfinish 10:57 PM Isn't it?
Zephra85 10:58 PM this absolutely sounds like a porno written by an ace person
highglossfinish 10:58 PM It's glorious.
sharkley123 10:58 PM What actually is this?
FeralDog 10:59 PM bored technicolor demons
Thebes 10:59 PM what happens when the animator takes the goofy reels from her voice actors and turns them into madness
sharkley123 11:00 PM I can't hear it sadly (p sure i both know why and cannot hear it) so all im getting is alastor emoting at spider-dude-whos-name-is-on-the-tip-of-my-tongue
Zephra85 11:01 PM i can't handle this
Zephra85 11:01 PM i'm losing my mind laughing
Zephra85 11:02 PM I f*cking love Alistair
sharkley123 11:02 PM even just the video has me cracking up
starlightseller 11:02 PM i lierally almost crying this is amazing ajfjejc
starlightseller 11:03 PM but unfortunately I have to go! im super glad I was able to make it tonight!! yall are amazing!
starlightseller 11:03 PM goodnight guys!
thenightetc 11:04 PM Goodnight!
Zephra85 11:04 PM goodnight!!
Thebes 11:04 PM goodnight!
highglossfinish 11:05 PM Good night!
Zephra85 11:06 PM I CAN'T
Zephra85 11:06 PM I FUCKING CAN'T
thenightetc 11:06 PM f
Zephra85 11:06 PM that was beautiful
thenightetc 11:07 PM his voice is VERY familiar
Thebes 11:08 PM Was the voice direction for him just "Imitate Invader Zim as hard as possible"?!
highglossfinish 11:08 PM Zim, but medicated.
Zephra85 11:09 PM al;fsjsksjdla i'm dying
thenightetc 11:10 PM *applauds*
Thebes 11:11 PM "... you what?"
Zephra85 11:11 PM LMFAO
thenightetc 11:12 PM He looks like an owl
highglossfinish 11:12 PM .......
highglossfinish 11:13 PM This is why you never allow an owl into your life.
Zephra85 11:13 PM I'M WHEEZING
Zephra85 11:14 PM d'aww they're cute
thenightetc 11:16 PM HA
Zephra85 11:16 PM AF;LJSF
thenightetc 11:17 PM WOW
Zephra85 11:17 PM F*CKING HELL
Zephra85 11:17 PM Really?
Zephra85 11:17 PM Wild
Thebes 11:17 PM HOW?!
thenightetc 11:17 PM !!
Zephra85 11:18 PM sadly I gotta go, I should have started dinner ages ago
Thebes 11:18 PM seeya!
thenightetc 11:18 PM goodnight!
Zephra85 11:18 PM Thanks for the stream, Knock Out! I had a blast!
Zephra85 11:18 PM Say hi to the fam for me!
highglossfinish 11:18 PM Will do!
highglossfinish 11:19 PM It was a delight having you!
thenightetc 11:20 PM Postapocalyptic baking game
highglossfinish 11:20 PM I want to see more of the hostile looking baking utensil.
thenightetc 11:20 PM I think ti's a dough hook
highglossfinish 11:25 PM He adds so much broken glass to his food and it never gets less funny.
thenightetc 11:25 PM Amazing.
thenightetc 11:25 PM It's Art
highglossfinish 11:25 PM Egg.
thenightetc 11:29 PM I'd swear that's a sponge
Thebes 11:29 PM noooormal wtp823 joined the party.
highglossfinish 11:30 PM It certainly is food, sort of!
thenightetc 11:30 PM It has no mouth and it must scream
highglossfinish 11:30 PM Hah!
highglossfinish 11:31 PM It looks like it hurts to be him.
thenightetc 11:33 PM raise your hand if YOU'RE hungry!
highglossfinish 11:33 PM I want nothing more than to clog my fuel pump with that!
Thebes 11:36 PM A little extra heat for moral support
thenightetc 11:36 PM Ha!
highglossfinish 11:37 PM Amazing.
thenightetc 11:38 PM Uh oh!
highglossfinish 11:38 PM What a promising title!
highglossfinish 11:40 PM I'm eager to see if he can top the toilet surgery.
thenightetc 11:43 PM Oh dear SumoPontifice joined the party.
highglossfinish 11:43 PM His computer's a real trooper. Thebes joined the party.
thenightetc 11:45 PM Space-filling curve!
highglossfinish 11:48 PM Dear Unicron.
thenightetc 11:49 PM Oh god
thenightetc 11:51 PM Favorite patient.
thenightetc 11:52 PM Unlike all those other patients
highglossfinish 11:52 PM Come back, favorite patient, come back!
thenightetc 11:53 PM Well, it's a morgue NOW!
highglossfinish 11:53 PM It's all a morgue!
FeralDog 11:55 PM what game is this again?
highglossfinish 11:55 PM Project Hospital.
thenightetc 11:56 PM The floor getting dirty in the very specific paths everyone takes
highglossfinish 11:56 PM Everything's filthy and I'm cackling.
thenightetc 11:56 PM Ratchet, no!
highglossfinish 11:56 PM HAH!
FeralDog 11:56 PM omg
highglossfinish 11:57 PM Incredible.
Thebes 11:57 PM glorious
FeralDog 11:57 PM an example for all
highglossfinish 11:57 PM And that's all I've got, unless anyone has anything specific they'd like to close on.
thenightetc 11:57 PM Some kind of example, anyway
Thebes 11:58 PM ... anyone want some Zefrank?
thenightetc 11:58 PM Oh, I know!
thenightetc 11:58 PM Actually Zefrank sounds fun
thenightetc 11:59 PM I like the sound of "human test for people who work in --" yeah, that one
thenightetc 12:00 AM ...well
highglossfinish 12:02 AM You all live like this?
FeralDog 12:02 AM no thank god i have never been an office employee
thenightetc 12:03 AM Did you pause that just now
highglossfinish 12:03 AM I didn't. Thebes joined the party.
thenightetc 12:04 AM Is it paused for anyone else, or did it just freeze for me at the most appropriate possible time?
FeralDog 12:04 AM I'm froze too
highglossfinish 12:05 AM Is it still frozen?
thenightetc 12:05 AM There we go!
thenightetc 12:05 AM "Did you ever feel the simple joy of stopping--"  *video stops*
highglossfinish 12:06 AM How profound.
FeralDog 12:06 AM mine just has that little fox telling ne to wait
highglossfinish 12:06 AM Just once, kast. Just once.
highglossfinish 12:07 AM Well, this is depressing.
highglossfinish 12:07 AM And that's all I've got!
FeralDog 12:08 AM i'll have to but out anyway, got to feed dogs and put chickens in coops xD
highglossfinish 12:09 AM Perfect timing, then!
thenightetc 12:09 AM ...If you're open to watching another short thing...
highglossfinish 12:09 AM I am!
thenightetc 12:09 AM How about a little bit of Taskmaster?
thenightetc 12:09 AM (it's on youtube)
thenightetc 12:09 AM I've only seen a few but they've all been fun
thenightetc 12:13 AM HA
thenightetc 12:13 AM I could not eat all that
thenightetc 12:13 AM That is dreadful Thebes joined the party.
thenightetc 12:16 AM So absolutely none of them tried to make something good-tasting
highglossfinish 12:18 AM This is something.
thenightetc 12:19 AM His face
highglossfinish 12:20 AM Oh my.
thenightetc 12:20 AM And now for part 2.
highglossfinish 12:21 AM UGH!
thenightetc 12:21 AM :(
thenightetc 12:21 AM He could have just untied the bread and eaten it
highglossfinish 12:23 AM Well, then!
thenightetc 12:23 AM Well well well.
highglossfinish 12:24 AM Thank you for introducing me to that, it's filled some kind of gap in my life.
highglossfinish 12:24 AM I don't know what, but it's now full.
thenightetc 12:25 AM You're welcome!  Even if I feel that maybe the beard thing calls my taste into question.
highglossfinish 12:25 AM That certainly did happen.
highglossfinish 12:25 AM And we all watched it happen.
thenightetc 12:25 AM In all fairness I hadn't seen that one ahead of time.
thenightetc 12:26 AM Well--thanks for hosting!  This was a fun time. :)\
highglossfinish 12:26 AM Thank you for coming!
highglossfinish 12:26 AM Good night -- until next time!
Thebes 12:26 AM good night!
thenightetc 12:26 AM Goodnight!
0 notes