#NTA you were just trying to save your relationship
AITA for disclosing how much my partner makes to an acquaintance?
For context my partner makes a fair bit of money at their job as an engineer. I have never made much more than minimum wage, work in a difficult field and am still in grad school. Essentially I have a net worth deep in the negatives from student debt and while my parents have helped me out on small stuff they are retired/partially retired.
The disparity of wealth in my relationship with my partner HAS been a source of strife between us.
In a casual conversation today, with my mom and some of coworkers who I know fairly well (I work pretty regularly with them and fill for absent employees at my moms work), they were asking some questions about my partner and our relationship. I expressed some stress in our relationship regarding funds and the disparity between where I am in my career/life and where my partner is.
My mom’s coworker asked how much my partner made so I told her. She asked so I told her. I didn’t really think twice - I’m pretty open with my own friends and family about how much I make and they are with me (I feel like a lot of young people are more open then older generations when it comes to salary) and I was also trying to emphasize my own frustration with some of my partners habits in our relationship. my partner is fairly obsessive with saving money/reducing spending which is obviously a lot easier to do when you make as much money as they do and puts that pressure very heavily on me despite our very different financial realities.
Also for more context - I don’t share funds or live with my partner. At most my partner pays for dates bc of their more stable financial situation - but other than that they don’t help directly besides offering advice.
Later that day my mom told me I was an asshole for sharing that as that coworker is having financial troubles right now and her husband is laid off. And telling her how much someone half her age makes is rude, since it’s a lot more than she and her husband make right now.
After hearing that I feel like I am the ass hole for being so willing to share that number since it is high. But I was not trying to brag (honestly if anything I was more using number to drive home how out of touch my partner is with what it’s like to legitimately struggle to buy food, pay rent etc)
One final note - I probs made my relationship sound toxic af. Don’t worry it’s all good - I’m all good my partner is good we just get into boring adult arguments about things like 401ks and credit scores. (And I’m in weird grad school limbo which makes trying to get on with your life annoying)
What are these acronyms?
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aita-blorbos · 10 months
AITA for trying to some-what help my classmates relationship
I (12 NBY) go to a junior high and this just happened and its so wild
so these two classmates who ill call A (12 M) and C (12 F) were flirting in the school cafetiria and it was so cheesey i could practically smell it, and everyone agreed that it was so boring :/ they were just too perfect! in the end they broke up right then and there and my brother , D (12 agender) was kinda dissapointed in me
i went over to say sorry to C (while being prickled) and she MADE ME TRY TO MAKE THE GUY JEALOUS SO SHE CAN WIN HIM BACK and i did not want to do this but it was too late to say no
she wanted me to kiss her to make A angry and try to fight back for her, one the guy is too nice you couldnt make him pissed off if you want to two I DIDNT WANT MY GIRLFRIEND (ill call P, 12 nby) TO SEE ME AND MAKE HER UPSET so i asked D to distract her while i was doing this
i was trying to tell her this, and because we were outside and some dude couldnt score a basketball game, the ball hit me and I HEADBUTTED HER AND HER PRICKLES GOT INTO MY FACE and EVERYONE thought i kiss her
A didnt even do anything (even if he wanted to, the dude was a balloon what was he to do) and just floated away, and didnt 'fight back for his love' like C wanted to
so everyone in the school now HATED me and WANTED THEM BACK AS A COUPLE?? WHAT THE WHAT?? they even picked on me while in class because of this :/
now heres the kicker, this other girl, M (12 M) asked me to help her because she has a plan to make them back together, and listen shes the rich kid i couldnt say no even if i wanted to tbh
her plan was to spread rumors of her and A being a couple so C can instead fight for her love, again this didnt help and she kinda looked like a sad sponge (since C kinda cant really dispose of tears its complicated)
in the end i found out that this was a ploy by M to get together with A (had a massive crush on this guy) and it was her true motive, threatend to tell my girlfriend that i 'killed' C but it turned out P knew about it because D ran out of milkshakes to throw at her (but its ok because C explained to P everything)
alot of chaos insued, a literal storm brewed and me, P, D and C had to save A from M's storm and in the end we ended up in the cafethiriea, M was like "why wont you date me" and C and A responded "because we love eachother :)" and M was like "you are such a wet cheeseball ://" and left
A and C were back together and now everyone hated them again
(pretty sure D was still salty abt me insulting C, when i wasked P to not be like this D said smth like "theres no risk because youre not going out w eachother" and P splashed him w a milkshake god that was hilarious)
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msbeccieboo · 5 years
Arrow 7x18 brain dump
And we’re back from hiatus! Unlike a few that I see, I really enjoyed this episode! Sure the main story was clunky, and a lot of the dialogue was cheesy as hell, but the theme and notion behind it of women coming together to save the day was just everything that Arrow, and the whole Canary concept up until now has been missing. As usual, this got long, and gif-heavy, so apologies if you get bored haha!
Yes of course we’re coming to Felicity first! Our (Smoak) Queen absolutely ruled the show this week! I still remember the fandom reaction when we heard the episode title…it was something along the lines of:
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(gif from my gif keyboard-sorry no link!)
And then the episode rolls round and it’s awesome (mostly) and Felicity is at the centre of it!! Amazing! In fact, it was so hard to separate this review into character/theme sections this week, as Felicity was intertwined so closely with all of them.
Felicity was at her finest this week. We saw her both as Overwatch and literally saving the day in the field. We had wifey Felicity, loyal friend felicity, mama Felicity, flirty-flirt Felicity….the list goes on!! And in an episode called Lost Canary??
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Continued under the cut
It was Felicity’s heart and famous empathy that really shone through for me this week. From start to end she tried her best to win Black Siren back round, to clear her name, and save her from herself. Our girl literally reached across time to help her friend. Now whether or not BS had earned/deserved that much effort on Felicity’s part is another thing altogether, but one thing that prevails is Felicity’s huge heart, her compassion and her unwavering belief in those she calls her friends. Her ability to see the good in people, even at their worst, is probably my favourite thing about her. And whereas Dinah was right to an extent about Felicity having ‘blinders’, she just wants to see the best in people. This is why she is the heart of the team. This is why Oliver fell in love with her. This is why I fell in love with her. The moment where she shouts at Dinah “we should be helping her not hunting her”, just epitomises Felicity for me.
It was ultimately Felicity’s stalwart belief in her that made BS turn ‘good’ in the end. Our girl literally put her and her unborn child’s life out there and dared BS to kill them to prove she was evil. In doing this, Felicity ultimately saves the day! Sure, we see Felicity being a badass every week, but watching her lead a team of women in the field was super emotional for me to watch.
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Source: smoaktechs
This did start to feel like a goodbye to Felicity, especially with the Sara scene, reminiscing and commenting on how far she has come. I imagine the timing of Emily’s announcement was planned to precede this last run of episodes for this reason. I’m still coming to terms with Emily leaving, and I haven’t been able to write anything about it yet (and not sure I will tbh), but episodes like this make me realise just how different (and by different I mean shitty) this show would have been/will be without her in it and I’m simply not ready still 😭😭😭
We only got two Olicity scenes this week, which was actually far more than I thought we would get, and they bookended the episode so beautifully!! I still don’t think I’m over the cuteness this week!!
In the first scene we got a beautifully babbly Felicity; “Are you sure that you are ok, now that you know that your sister is evil and tried to kill you? Too soon?” 😂😂, along with a little of her own horn-tooting haha:
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Source: felicitysmoakgifs 1 and 2
Oliver’s little smile after that was just 😍😍
We had a cute little smooch, and touching!! It was so nice to see them being truly affectionate and comfortable around each other again!
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Source: olicitygifs
Then Oliver being all Protective Daddy!Oliver, asking Felicity to take it easy and look after her PRECIOUS CARGO!!!!!
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NVJDFNVJDKVNFDVKND!!!! Honestly this will go down as being one of the great Olicity quotes for me! His little belly gesture, and then her adorable “I know” I can’t handle the cuteness guys!!!!!!
Oh and then there was the cutest Olicity scene everrrr!! Felicity returns from her bird adventures to find a sleepy adorable Oliver laid out on the couch 😍🔥😍
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Source: lucyyh 💗
OMGGGGG her face when she sees him, and tells him she’d missed him….hgfidsbodsnfv!!!
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Source: olicitygifs
The mystery remains as to just why Oliver is that exhausted…as I talk about in the next section, he and Dig didn’t do an awful lot this episode. The only acceptable answer is that they spent the rest of their time in the episode putting together an endless amount of baby furniture…I now decree this as FACT!!
Anyhoo…back to snuggly Oliver. Ughh this man does not stop being adorable (even with this hair)! He sits up and pulls Felicity into him by the bum (we all see you Oliver 👀) and smushes himself into her chest for a hug, kissing her shoulder, telling her how he will take care of her 😍😱 😍😱, then Felicity promptly asks for a foot rub, to which he happily obliges.
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Source: 1-crazy-dreamer 💗
Combined with the ending of 4x08 this confirms that the Green Arrow is a cuddleholic, and I will watch this scene on a loop FOREVER!!! I could seriously watch the rest of this season/show just of them being affectionate and domestic like this. Your OTP could never!!
Oliver goes on a little boys trip with Dig to try and find the killer of Emiko’s mother. I’m sooo glad they didn’t waste much time on this, and gladder still that they wasted no time at all on Emiko! Turns out the responsible party was one of the Longbow Hunters (yes them again), that Felicity found for them.
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Source: ebett
I love how Dig/ARGUS/NTA spent the first part of the season trying and failing to capture these guys, then Oliver rocks up and takes him out with a tranq arrow in 2 seconds flat, and has no clue who he even is haha!
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Source: feilcityqueen
They work out pretty quickly that Dante hired him, then promptly leave and that’s the end of that! I really like how the men weren’t minimised or side-lined entirely (except Rene *shrugs*), they just weren’t that significant in the episode. Boss Beth and her team did a great job here of not taking away from them in order for the women in the episode to shine, something that previous writing teams on this show have done over and over again in the reversed situation *cough* MG *cough*.
Sara frikking Lance is back!!!!
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That entrance though...it was everything!! The way all the glass shattered was reminiscent of her first cry scene where she saved Oliver at the DA’s office in 2x03.
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Source: supercanaries
I do think though that it was absolute bullshit that BS could beat Sara in a fight!
Then we got the previously teased Sara/Felicity scene. OHMIGOD I loved this scene so much!! I really miss Sara in Arrow, and this scene was just so perfect!! I loved their little friendly flirty-flirt!!
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Source: felicitysmoakgifs
Putting together the two people in the Arrowverse that have killer chemistry with everyone was an inspired choice here, and it just makes me long for the Smoakingcanary friendship that we never really saw fully developed! We have a lighter Sara now, so they could not have had this level of friendship in S2, or even S4, but I always loved their relationship, even back then.
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Source: eloquence-of-felicities
Sara has grown so much since she left for the Waverider, she is so much more reflective and a wiser woman now. I like that she doesn’t acknowledge BS as LL, but sees herself in her and still wants to help, and to honour Quentin. Lance sister scenes were always my favourite of Laurel’s, and the Sara/BS scenes have the same energy about them. I loved Sara’s speech to BS at the graveyard about redemption. Sara still doesn’t see herself as completely worthy, but acknowledges that she has grown into a hero, through her years of trying. So I cheered when she told BS “You think you deserve a medal for trying to be good for 5 seconds? Redemption isn’t a destination it’s a journey”
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Source: canarygifs
Oh, that’s just the theme of the entire series!! Yaaaaassss!! Go Sara! I really hope we get to see her again this season.
Black Siren
Straight up, I was worried when I saw the opening scene…the overacting, yelling, annoying music, ridiculous unbelievable ass-kicking and then that title card?? 😬😬 ‘Evil’ BS is so campy in the worst way…I like ‘good’ BS, so that opening?? Yeah I had my doubts haha!
I enjoyed Black Siren’s struggle within the episode; what she really wants is to be seen and accepted as the good person she is trying to become. As soon as she was doubted last episode, her instinct was to revert back, an ‘if they think I’m evil, I’ll just be evil’ mentality. The problem is, as Sara told her, she was trying to be a good person for like a few months? She has a long way go to redeem herself and earn back the trust of people who know what she did as Black Siren before (see: Dinah 😬). Her beacon of hope (see what I did there?) is Felicity. She has been ever since she approached her at the start of the season. BS saw in Felicity an opportunity to avenge Quentin initially, and eventually, through falling for Felicity’s friendship charms (doesn’t everybody?), do good, and be that better person that Quentin and Felicity thought she could be. And despite Sara’s (awesome) talk with her, it’s Felicity in the end that persuades her which side to fall on in the end.
In the end, Black Siren realises/decides that in order to continue on her redemptive path, she needs to go back to where she started, Earth 2, and do some good there. How this fits with her appearance in later episodes in the season (spoiler pics) and her apparently large storyline next season is yet to be seen. Felicity’s face when she hears BS is leaving is heart-breaking 😭😭 Their friendship has been one of the unexpected highlights of this season for me; it has been so nice to see a female friendship on this show! I also liked how through all of her short-lived evilness, she never revealed Felicity’s pregnancy, even covering for her back in the lair at the end of the mission!
Extra BS moments:
BS pushing Felicity out of the way in the final fight scene 😍
Shadow Thief: “Which one is Felicity?” BS: “The chatty one” 😂😂
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Source: minibetta
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Source: plotbunnyshipper 
*Dramatic sigh* Ugh Dinah. She continues to drive me mad! She has some real moments of warmth (but I think that’s just Juliana shining through), but for the most part she’s just super annoying! She has a constant condescending tone, a terrible attitude, is massively hypocritical, and is so back and forth with her standpoints that she leaves me with whiplash most episodes!
I hated the way she talked down to Felicity throughout the episode, for believing in Laurel. Dinah believed in Vinnie, and the Team had her back (until BS killed him 😬). Dinah MURDERED PEOPLE TOO, and the Team had her back. She should have empathy for BS, having been in the exact same situation, but she doesn’t see it that way. I loved Felicity serving her up the tea in the bunker scene, it’s about damn time!
Felicity’s overall snark at Dinah this week was on point!  Her “Please hold” and “Good chat, really love our chats” 😂😂 our girl really knows how to deliver a burn and still look cute doing it haha!
Flash Forwards
I have missed my flashforwards baby OTA!! Unfortunately we were missing William, Connor and Roy this week, cos Girl Power ✌ and all that jazz! But we did get to see some more Mama Felicity. Future Felicity is definitely more stoic and detached than our Felicity, but that changes when her kids are around; I loved the mother-daughter hug when Mia returned!  
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Source: felicitysmoakgifs
I’d forgotten about the whole helmet thing to start with, when I first saw it I thought it was Dig!! But helmet guy basically shows up at the start of the FFs and kills a boatload of Canaries. Did I giggle at the notion that anyone can be a Canary in the future, and that therefore they are totally interchangeable and dispensable in nature? Yes I did 😂 Anyway, Mia’s determination to track and take down helmet guy, to honour the dead birds, led to more Oliver (and later, Felicity) comparisons, which I am always here for!!
Dinah later actually gives Mia a really inspiring speech about the Canaries. That they are girls taking care of girls; a support system for women, so that they are there for each other when needed most. Dinah references a time when she did not do that (for Black Siren, presumably), and that that following that she changed how she worked. I’m hoping this means that Dinah will become more likeable in the present timeline for the upcoming episodes, but I’m not holding my breath.
Mia still isn’t used to relying on others, but she does ask Dinah for help and is refused, so her reaction to Dinah’s talk was just ‘yeah….no’, pretty much, with the line “Too bad I’m not a Canary”….and the Smoak burns keep on coming this episode 😂 😂
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Source: amunetblack
At the end, as Mia nearly meets her end taking down helmet guy (as if he could have taken her!) she is saved by…Future Black Siren!!! Who is obviously alive still, back on Earth 1, and a goodie!! Yay!! I love that BS ‘saves’ Mia in both timelines in the same episode, nice touch! She gives Mia the helmet for Felicity, along with some sage advice:
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Source: jaces-clarissa
I’d have liked to see her and Felicity interact, but you can’t win them all!
Bonus moments
Felicity: “Fake heat signatures? That is devious and impressive!” Lolololol!
That table slide!
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Source: seeing-red-arrow
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Source: smoaktechs
(I love that Felicity delivered the birds line 😂😂)
“To ladies taking down ladies”
And that’s it! Four episodes left 😭😭😭 I AM NOT READY!!
Thank you to all the wonderful gif makers! This episode has yielded SO MANY amazing gifs, so thank you for sharing them with us all! 💗💗💗
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Sometimes this is the best approach. I did this at a car dealership who was trying to charge me for work they did when the vehicle was under warrantee. They claimed they "found nothing wrong with the vehicle after driving it for 20 miles and I would charged for labor." Went out to my vehicle, sure as shit, the clutch was STILL stuck to the floor (which is why I had it towed there). During her last years of schooling, Derek and Nancy enrolled Elizabeth in high level science and mathematics classes in anticipation of her following her father into a career of engineering. However, Elizabeth's strongest talents lay within the more artistic courses and her grades plummeted. As such, she was forced to attend high school for an additional year.. I just feel so hopeless.As I frugal and I sensitive to citronellol, limonene and linalool, I like to experiment with different store bought oils. So far I like flaxseed oil, grapeseed oil, walnut oil and sesame seed oil. I don find jojoba oil to be superior to any of the above oils. I opened a Savings account, because that what you do, right? 순창출장마사지 My next check came. And all my bills were already paid this money, so it just all went into savings, again, 순창출장마사지 that what you do, right? I was used to living on $300 a month, and here I was pulling in $7,000 ($5k after taxes) per month. How do you even deal with that?. A lot of the characters were useless. I felt the same way Son Oh Gong did when he said they could gotten rid of zombie so much earlier on. The plot was slow and dragged with all the fillers of banter (extreme fanfiction feels). Either way, you get an orgasm and she doesn have to get railed for two hours. Also you be less stressed about it. You young enough that chances are fairly good it sort itself out in a few years, and having the whole thing be less emotionally fraught will speed up the process. Pikmin and Majora Mask satisfy the second point. In Pikmin there are many bridges to build or gates to tear down, which provides you shortcuts or new areas for the next day, while in Majora Mask you only have to play up to the point where you get new equipment or learn a new song, then you can usually reset the cycle and start again from nearly the same point you left off. Chopping up progress like into bitesize chunks like this makes it much less of a punishment to reset the cycle and makes the game more enjoyable.. NTA. I do think I can understand why he might have been a bit bothered by it though. Engagement rings are crazy expensive and usually shown off quite a bit, so to someone who didn know about your anxiety it could have looked a bit weird and as if there was some kind of problem in the relationship or something, so maybe that why it bothered him so much?. Instead of paying for a ticket every time people see a movie, they pay a monthly subscription fee that allows them to see as many movies as they want. When enough people sign up, theaters have a stabilized revenue stream. The company's first customer, a theater in California, increased revenue from $700,000 to $1.5 million after signing up with Movie Heroes [source: Pomerantz].. I tried not to take it personally but I would support them if they had a channel. Actually, one of my friends just started a channel and I was the first one to subscribe and have watched all her videos. I recently let my family know and they have also been supportive. Want to see the pool from their kitchen and living area, Mr Gray said. Need a visual of the kids, so it needs a connection with the kitchen and living area. That where people will want their pool now.
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cogentranting · 7 years
Here’s my breakdown of what I thought was going on with each member of the team in 6x09:
Oliver: I don’t think Oliver was wrong for spying on the team. Plain and simple. He knew one of them had betrayed him. He had no idea why or to what extent and he needed to find out. Spying on them was good option. Confronting them instead may have been able to show them who the witness was, but it also stood a good chance of yielding no results and costing him any chance of actually finding out who it was (because after that conversation spying wouldn’t work, because the witness would no not to do anything shady). And Dinah showing that she was lying to the team did make her the most reasonable suspect. Especially because she’s the one who Oliver is least acquainted with. They’ve spent very little time together, much of her background is still a mystery and she’s the newest member of the team. 
Then, Oliver jumps the gun and over reacts. He doesn’t have enough proof to accuse her as strongly as he does. BUT Oliver has been hit right in his weak spot. His trust issues. Oliver has been betrayed over and over by so many people. People he knew a lot better than he knows Dinah (or any of the team). And it’s been hammered into him so many times. Trust leads to being locked in a cage to small to sit up straight in. Trust leads to your friends being captured. Trust leads to your sister being stabbed. Trust leads to a the deaths of hundreds as the city is destroyed. And the idea of a member of the team betraying him, tied very directly in Evelyn’s betrayal (Felicity even mentions it specifically). Which is not something far in the past that he’s had time to heal from. Her initial betrayal was a year ago. And the second betrayal from her was something like six months ago. And that second betrayal (5x17) is key because it lead to one of the most traumatic moments in Oliver trauma-filled life: Evelyn’s betrayal is part of what broke him as he’s never been broken before. 
So yes, Oliver overreacted and was too harsh with Dinah. Because he’s scared of losing everything and he’s fighting down all those old trust issues surging up in him. He’s clinging to the few people he absolutely knows he can trust and that alone is huge for him.
And then when it turns out to be Rene he’s justifiably angry-- it’s a harsh betrayal. And kicking Rene off the team made perfect sense. But it also made sense that Oliver would forgive Rene because he was in a tough situation (one very similar to where Oliver has been before) and he made a very understandable choice.  Thea’s advice was really good, and she was right. And I think Oliver knew all of what she was saying already but just needed someone to say it out loud. BUT I wonder if maybe she pushed him to do it too soon. Because Rene’s betrayal is revealed and then he’s back on the team and then he’s off the team again all within about 24 hours. And I feel like maybe, if Oliver gave himself more than a few hours to be angry and betrayed before trying to forgive and work with Rene, then he wouldn’t have blown up at him again. Maybe Oliver needed a little more time to process emotionally.
Oliver’s reaction to Rene’s actions on the second mission are unfair. Rene not listening in the field is entirely different than his choice to betray Oliver. But again, Oliver is reacting out of fear and anger and deeply ingrained trust issues. And I don’t think he was given enough time to process.  He should forgive Rene. But I don’t think he needed to forgive Rene right that second. 
So yes, strategically, spying was fine. His responses to the team were fine in principle but amplified due to his ptsd (which is much better but not gone) to the point where he was not treating them right. Thought it was perfectly in character and I really liked seeing Oliver through it. 
Rene: I love Rene in general and I loved him through this episode. Being pressured in order to get Zoe back makes perfect sense for him and even though he made the wrong choice it was completely understandable. Rene alone among NTA didn’t have a problem with the spying because he knew it made sense and didn’t stem from a general lack of trust; it came from a very specific situation and the proof of a betrayal from one of them. He also was completely accepting of the consequences of his actions-- he wasn’t angry when Oliver kicked him off the team because he knew that was what he deserved. And he was humble and grateful for the second chance with the team. His main source of anger and frustration was that Oliver was trusting in his competence and that there was the element of being forgiven on a surface level but having it still held against him. Oliver being mad at him was fine, but not letting him do his job on the team was not. And even then, he really only left because Oliver made him. His actions and reactions were mature and completely suited to the situation. 
Dinah: I felt that Dinah was a little unreasonable. Being mad at someone suspecting you of betrayal when it is a known fact that there is a traitor and when you  have been caught lying and going behind the team’s back with a known criminal, when there is currently no evidence against any other team member, just seems like... “how dare you not trust in spite of everything pointing to the idea that you shouldn’t trust me”. If you are acting suspiciously and people get suspicious, you don’t really get to be mad at them. Now clearly she wasn’t the traitor and she should defend herself and I can understand it stinging a little bit. But it’s not nearly enough to make her completely lose faith in who Oliver is, and it certainly isn’t understanding of Oliver’s point of view, the position he’s in and the emotions behind his actions. And normally I would have expected more from her. I don’t actually think Oliver let her down in any significant way that would change the way she felt about being a part of the team. 
Now, if I step back and try to figure out what would cause her to overreact, in much the same way as Oliver’s history is causing him to lash out, I can kind of begin to grasp where she’s coming from. She’s feeling isolated- Vince is getting in her head, undermining her belief in Oliver and the team. She has a lot more insecurity than she lets on so the idea that the team might not fully trust her shook her a lot. Her reaction is very emotional and her judgment is somewhat clouded by her doubts about who she is and who she puts her trust in, awakened by Vince’s return. I also think her pride was hurt just a bit. 
Curtis: Curtis’s reaction was even more unreasonable. Because really the only thing done against him was the spying thing. And honestly, if Oliver and OTA just generally kept tabs on NTA, then I would feel that Curtis’s reaction was justified. But spying on the team wasn’t random suspicion. It only came about because Oliver completely had trusted the team and then it was proven to him that one of the team had betrayed that trust. And if it had been over anything less than the complete destruction of Oliver’s life then maybe the invasion of privacy would have warranted this reaction. And as someone very rationally driven, I would have thought Curtis would understand the need for Oliver’s actions. If anything it seems that Curtis’s anger would have to come from “why didn’t you trust me more than Rene and Dinah?” Because again, Oliver KNEW that one of the tree had betrayed him, so being suspicious of Curtis just means he didn’t elevate Curtis over the other two. And his indignation about the three of them being trusted less than Diggle and Felicity is really just an unrealistic expectation: yes, Oliver is going to trust his wife more than you. Always. He is going to trust Diggle, his best friend/brother, more than you. Always. and that’s not due to a lack of trust in Curtis/Rene/Dinah, that is a testament to the depth of his trust in Diggle and Felicity. 
But with Curtis they did establish a level of vulnerability to him in this episode. In the wake of his divorce he’s questioning everything about himself (he told Rene as much) and he’s really looking for stable relationships to hold on to. So the spying and the suspicion threatened the stability of his dynamic with the only real people he has right now. I doubt he would have left on his own, but when it became a choice between Oliver/Diggle/Felicity and Rene/Dinah, he chose the side that felt more stable and accepting of him. 
Diggle: Diggle is of course going to back Oliver: Oliver is the leader and the one in danger so he’s going to back his calls. And Diggle is aware that if there is a traitor it has to be one of NTA (because he knows its not him and it’s just absurd to think it would be Felicity). So the suspicion is going to be there. And he doesn’t really believe that Dinah is guilty [ and sidebar- that’s part of what led to the spying. Diggle Oliver and Felicity DID trust the team. They didn’t believe any of the three was capable of this. Which is why they have a hard time figuring out who was the witness] he doesn’t believe it’s Dinah but he goes with what Oliver says because Diggle doesn’t trust his own judgment right now, due to all the questionable choices he’s been making and the stuff he’s been going through. So he just follows Oliver in this case. 
Felicity: Felicity is very similar to Diggle, but in place of the self-doubt, you have a lot of fear. Felicity just said, her greatest fear in life is losing Oliver. And now someone is threatening to take Oliver away from her, possibly (likely) forever. So she’s going to do everything she can to try to figure out who it is so she can stop that and save her husband. So she’s prepared to spy, and she’s prepared to turn her back on whichever team member betrayed them. 
Really I don’t feel like any character was fully in the right or fully in the wrong. The episode was a really good character study. Each had their own particular vulnerabilities in play, either established in the episode or earlier this season. And it lead to this very real tension and emotional conflict. It was the kind of conflict that splits a team and I think that ultimately it’s not going to need to be Oliver apologizing to the team or the team apologizing to Oliver. It’s going to be all six of them working through their issues together. And it’s really going to cement them as  a family and prepare them to face the villain team. I like the way they set it up and I’m excited to see where it goes. 
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Arrow 6x12 Review
  Hi everyone this is my first review if you guys like this please follow. If you do not it’s okay i’m just doing this for fun. If you guys want me to continue let me know. 
       Anyway I know Arrow has a really tough plot this season i mean it’s sometimes good then it’s bad. The whole Cayden James drama is really getting  a little rocky but i will talk about it later. So Arrow episode 12 titled All For Nothing. Let me just say that the episode itself was great but i have a few moments in the episode i did like and did not like.
          1. Olicity: I love Olicity this episode for that brief moment in the episode. i love the husband and wife dynamic they have. It was a cute scene where they talk about their honeymoon. Suggestion end of season 6 Olicity honeymoon.
         2.  Rene: i did not like Rene in this episode of Arrow. He was extremely rude saying; “Can we hurry this up i don’t want to be here.” lf i was Felicity i would say Rene did you go to MIT? Do you major in digital technology or computer science? Do you know how to hack into a server? If you can’t do none of these things then i suggest you put your foot in your mouth and wait. Rene never apologise for giving Oliver up which is pretty stupid. 
       3. Dinah: I did not like Dinah this episode either like yeah a part of me is sorry for vincent but i could care less about the character. Vincent was never really going to last anyway i’m letting you guys know right now. Second, did the writers say that dinah would get a new love interest. To me i’m thinking that it’s someone new but know her love interest turns out to be her dead boyfriend!! What kind of lie did the writers led us to. Moving back to the whole issue with the character here getting a little bit off course. Dinah was like had so much raw emotion in this episode seriously when i looked at her flashbacks i didn’t even care. I mean we already know what happened why do we have to see the origin of her powers and her relationship with her dead boyfriend. 
    4. Not Team Arrow: Curtis, Dinah, and Rene are in my you need to go list. I mean when it cam down to save the city they chose one man over thousands. Then Dinah's’ dumb tail going to tell Oliver and Diggle that if layla or Felicity in the same position as Vincent it wouldn’t be up for a debate. First of all it was Vincent who signed up to go by himself. Second, You would rather save one man than thousands it’s stupid. Lastly, Even if it would have been layla and Felicity in that type of situation i believe that Oliver and Diggle would try to save the city first but in the process find a way to save their love ones. I am still pissed that they went to save Vincent and not get the stupid bomb. Don’t get me started on Rene because he was like i guess you have to figure it out on your own hoss. How would they figure out hoe to get the bomb when there is only two of them. Then there’s Curtis he didn’t do anything to piss me off like Rene and Dinah did. As a whole they were like hey we were going to tell you guys we were working with vigilante eventually that’s what Curtis said. For me personally when you said eventually that you’re going to tell someone something means never. Like Oliver, Felicity, and Diggle shared information with them when they needed but the rest of them didn’t share the information back because of lack of trust. 
          Okay i think i pretty much made my points for this episode. As for the NTA and the OTA dynamic it is really stupid. Don’t get me wrong i love OTA since the beginning of the show. It was the one thing i loved about Arrow. NTA is just stupid and kind of piss me off . They are going to get on my nerves next week. So as i close this out let me know if you guys like to here my thoughts if not you can always check out my page for poetry. I have a hobby of writing it  
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