touhoutunes · 4 months
Title: 温泉と酒で気分は祭よ (Feels Festive with Hot Springs and Alcohol)
Arrangement: まさみティー
Album: 東方温泉祭
Circle: O-LIFE.JP
Original: Walking the Streets of a Former Hell
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saturdayschecklist · 9 months
done (active: albums pt. 1)
Hardcore techno:
dat file records (as of 2023/8/16)
ネコノツカ (as of 2022/11/29)
OTOMEKAN/Black Label Records (as of 2022/11/14)
Rolling Contact (as of 2023/8/16)
Necollex (as of 2022/6/20)
Nostalgic Crescent (as of 2022/12/12)
MAD MIND MACHINE (as of 2022/10/16)
東方 with SCHRANZ (as of 2023/8/16)
Art of Heart (as of 2022/11/14)
CXR Record (as of 2023/1/9)
Neo Sanctum (as of 2023/8/16)
C9 (as of 2023/1/9)
夢想茶館 (as of 2023/4/21)
Defiant Groovings (as of 2023/7/20)
miso-nicomi records (as of 2023/7/20)
Enforce (as of 2023/7/25)
Astral Sky (as of 2023/9/1)
Various/other electronic:
ZYTOKINE/CYTOKINE (as of 2023/8/16) (minus omakes)
荒御霊 (as of 2023/8/16)
梶迫小道具店 (as of 2023/8/16)
ジェリコの法則 (as of 2022/10/16)
ESQUARIA (as of 2023/8/10)
* Works (as of 2022/10/16)
Kuroneko Lounge (as of 2021/12/1)
greenscarf (as of 2022/2/11)
Nakarin (as of 2023/8/16)
Nami Haven (as of 2023/1/16)
Moonlight Magic (as of 2023/1/8)
Shoop (as of 2023/4/21) (NEED 1 MORE)
Kwszh (as of 2023/1/8)
Chiircle (as of 2023/7/18)
ClumsyRecord (as of 2023/7/18)
suwawa Records/mondorium (as of 2023/7/18)
Evariaworks (as of 2023/7/18)
Illusionary Projections (as of 2023/7/18)
MANDALLIUM (as of 2023/7/18)
Sound Team, LORB (as of 2023/7/18)
flap+frog (as of 2023/7/31)
Structure Sound (as of 2023/7/31)
Matthiola Records (as of 2023/8/16)
給食頭蛮/Glassy:oceaN (as of 2023/8/16)
EastNewSound (as of 2023/8/16)
BamBoO₂ノVOICE (as of 2023/8/16)
XL Project (as of 2023/8/16)
マッコ屋 (minus unknown albums) (as of 2023/8/20)
幻華楽 (as of 2023/8/24)
非可逆リズム (as of 2023/8/25)
Echoes Construction (as of 2023/9/20)
Groovy Trancer (as of 2023/10/15)
Tengu Corp (as of 2023/10/15)
EURO BAKAICHIDAI (as of 2022/12/3)
K2E†Cradle (as of 2023/8/16) (minus some exclusives)
TTL SOUND (as of 2023/4/21)
凋叶棕 (as of 2023/8/16)
BUTAOTOME (as of 2023/1/6, everything except some singles and best of albums)
minimum electric design (as of 2022/11/14)
Akane (as of 2023/1/8)
Aftergrow (as of 2023/2/14)
ねこしょくどう (as of 2023/1/8)
赤音羽 (as of 2022/10/16)
anoare (as of 2023/7/17)
Crab Crab Club (as of 2023/7/17)
ふぁくりーむ (as of 2023/7/17)
アリスミア・アリスメア (as of 2023/8/11)
Bullet IX (as of 2023/8/11)
カワテ☆ブクロ (as of 2023/8/11)
うーじう (as of 2023/8/20)
暁Records (as of 2023/8/20)
the tumbling we's (as of 2023/8/24)
Kurage seek room (as of 2023/9/1)
天秤亭 (as of 2021/12/28)
C-CLAYS/K2 Sound (as of 2023/8/16)
ORANGE★JAM (as of 2022/11/14)
Crazy Berry (as of 2023/4/4)
Yonder Voice (as of 2023/8/16)
Romero (as of 2023/7/17)
ShibayanRecords (as of 2023/8/24)
フーリンキャットマーク (as of 2023/8/25)
Liz Triangle (as of 2023/9/10)
発熱巫女~ず (as of 2023/9/10)
森羅万象 (as of 2023/9/20)
Yumi Sakata (as of 2022/12/12)
Holmgang Ov Gensokyo (as of 2023/8/16)
Sworn to the Black (as of 2023/1/8) (minus a demo)
Bright Stars in Daylight (as of 2023/7/17)
fractanisharmonicoo (as of 2023/7/17)
SNUG SPACE (as of 2023/8/25)
sound refil (as of 2022/11/14)
光と闇の協奏曲 (as of 2023/8/16)
O-LIFE.JP (as of 2023/1/18, minus some demos)
Melodic Taste (as of 2023/9/20)
0 notes
doesnteggs · 7 years
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 O-LIFE.JP’s album artwork showcases the difference between reality and expectation.
Also their arranges are top notch, they’ve got really good variety and someof the best touhou rock and metal arranges I’ve ever heard. I assume they’ll release a new album during R14, which can’t come soon enough btw. Demo for HSiFS, AoCF (Or was it just a demo?) and a tonne of new albums and doujin. Oh, and Subterranean Starts was fucking fantastic, I can’t even express how well produced it is.
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purenguyening · 6 years
Yeah, I know I went over time...ah...I’ll get faster...eventually.
Songs used:
[00:00-5:16] The Legend of a Saint's Slumber (Track 6) - Soukai Byoutanhou [O-LIFE.JP]
[5:23-9:29] The Fusion (Track 1) -  白瓏 -HAKUROU- [C-CLAYS]
[9:32-14:20] Timekeeper (Track 4) - The Last Hours [Last Dream]
[14.22-20:02] Rendezvouz (Track 6) - Re:Clockwork & A Narcissus [Hatsunetsumiko's]
[20:09-22:46] We cannot get out of here forever (Track 2) - Ghost and your heart [Draw the Emotional]
Here’s where you can order the CD’s if you liked what you heard:
Soukai Byoutanhou [O-LIFE.JP]: [toranoana] [d-stage] [Amazon.JP]
白瓏 -HAKUROU- [C-CLAYS]: [akibaoo] [akibahobby]
The Last Hours [Last Dream]: [bandcamp]*
Re:Clockwork & A Narcissus [Hatsunetsumiko's]: Unfortunately this one is sold out and there’s no plans for future production as far as I can tell. If you want to listen to the soundtrack please PM me.
Ghost and your heart [Draw the Emotional]: [suruga-ya]
*This one is where you can set your own price, and so you’re technically welcomed to download it for free; but I really think it’s worth dropping $5-10 for them.
Here is a guide that gives some advice on ordering doujin.
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arcanetrepidation · 7 years
Title: 遮光パーティー (Party in the Shade) Artist: 田所壮海 (MasamiT) Circle: O-LIFE.JP Album: 望郷舞踏宴 Original: ほおずきみたいに紅い魂 (A Soul as Red as a Ground Cherry) (Sourced from original video!)
Rumia is probably one of the less notable stage 1 bosses, but as far as the remixes of her themes go, they’re... SO GOOD.
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themusicpalace · 11 years
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touhoutunes · 1 month
Title: 敵味方の匙加減 (Consideration from Both Sides)
Arrangement: まさみティー
Album: 月面弾幕会
Circle: O-LIFE.JP
Original: The Lake Reflects the Cleansed Moonlight
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magic-life-gym · 5 years
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. カラダとは食べ物でできている。 . ココロは聞いた言葉で作られる。 . 未来は話した言葉で作られる。 . . それほど「言葉」は人に大きな影響を与えます☀️ . 科学的にも心理学的にも立証されています💡 . . 当ジムではカラダの内側からも . サポートしていきます😊 . . . . . . . . パーソナルトレーニングジム 『MAGIC LIFE 』 . ハートとボディに魔法を✨ . 無料体験カウンセリング受付中🎵 . DMもしくはHP等からお問い合わせ下さい📣 →http://magic-life.jp/ . . LINE@のご登録でお得なダイエット、ボディメイク情報を無料で配信🌻 →「@uuy8293c」 . . . . ☆☆追伸☆☆ . . 『最新脱毛機‼』 ✨メンズ脱毛✨ ※女性の方は要相談 肌の黒い方や産毛にも対応可能🌟 モニターの方も実感されていらっしゃいます😊 一般的に日焼けをしている方や産毛はNGと言われていましたがそんなお悩みを解決します✨ 仙台最安値!! . 「脱毛オープンキャンペーン」 . . 例) 顔全体セット 1回単発⇒21,000円 6回チケット⇒16,800円(1回あたり) 全身(顔・VIOあり)セット 1回単発⇒69,800円 6回チケット⇒55,840円(1回あたり) もちろんその他のセットや数ヵ所のみの脱毛もあり‼ ヒゲや体毛でお悩みの方、是非お問い合わせ下さい📩 . 早い者勝ちですよ~💪 . . . #仙台脱毛 #仙台メンズ脱毛 #マジックライフ #ベストボディジャパン仙台 #仙台講演会 #パーソナルジム仙台 #仙台NPCJ #仙台スポーツクラブ #sloli #元RIZAP店舗責任者 #仙台スポーツウェア #仙台専属トレーナー #サマスタ仙台 #パーソナルジム仙台 #仙台NSCA #magiclife #国分町パーソナルトレーニングジム #プライベートレッスン仙台 #仙台ジム #仙台ダイエット #仙台セミナー #仙台グループトレーニング #仙台グループレッスン #仙台パーソナルトレーニング #仙台パーソナルトレーニングジム #仙台パーソナルジム #仙台パーソナル #仙台フィットネス #仙台ダイエット #仙台トレーニング (Magic Life) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxqxENBF8-O/?igshid=1st2399dlda1m
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Common Sense Destruction Fruit
I really like this song and do not know why.
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mystyshenanigans · 12 years
O-LIFE.JP's Tokushu Gensokyo album. 
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touhoutunes · 3 months
Title: シーズンオフでも幻想観光 (Touring Fantasy Even in the Off-Season)
Arrangement: まさみティー
Album: 四季音方陣
Circle: O-LIFE.JP
Original: Swim in a Cherry Blossom-Colored Sea
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touhoutunes · 7 months
Title: 踏み慣れた轍を歩く (Walking on Familiar Tracks)
Arrangement: まさみティー
Album: 市場再招宴
Circle: O-LIFE.JP
Original: A Shower of Strange Occurences
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