#OC: Melora TaleTheif
sleepynpcs · 2 years
The League of Extraordinary Wizards
The League of Extraordinary Wizards; an elite group of wizards hand picked from their schools to represent both their School of Magic and their year level. 7 bright, talented young minds are selected every year to join this esteemed group, membership lifelong. Besides showing extreme aptitude in their chosen field of magic, members of the League are given opportunities to study Astral and even Shadow magic in a safe and controlled environment. People Spiral-wide are able to call on the League with contracts. Wizards from the League are sent out to assist them in exchange for some gold and a good word. Quests vary from dealing with nasty creatures, finding lost artefacts, clearing out unpleasant people from places they shouldn’t be, and generally lending a helping hand. Founded by Azura Crane some 20 years ago, the League of Extraordinary Wizards is still going strong - for better or worse.
Members of Note
Azula Crane (Sorcerer, age unknown. She/Her)
Founder of the League of Extraordinary Wizards. Driven by greed and ego under the guise of helping the masses, but at her old age her memory is slipping. However, she is still strong with her magic and is vastly, vastly underestimated.
Spencer Crane (Pyromancer, 43-53. He/Him)
Only son of Azula Crane, and the de facto leader of the League in his mother’s poor and further declining health. A stern man, obsessed with his, his mothers and the League’s image, he is more than willing to be deceitful to save face. A powerful Pyromancer, he started out as the Registrar for the League in the first year of its service, and was his first job out of Ravenwood
Janus SoulMask (Diviner, 22-32, They/He)
Resident Mentor of the Moon School. Joined the League at 13 and has remained loyal since. Greatly enjoys teaching the younger students, but seems to struggle with the idea of identity. Successful Ravenwood Graduate, Top of Class. Is also one of the few members of the League to originate from Earth.
Jomana SandTamer (Sorcerer, 23-33, She/Her)
Born and raised in Krokotopia, Jomana is the resident Mentor for the Sun School. A powerful sorcerer, she has a commanding presence and is a strong leader. Joined the League at 13 and has not defected once. Admired by the younger students, Jomana aims to boost the confidence of the more timid students. Successful Ravenwood Graduate, Top of Class.
Melora TaleThief (Conjuror, 25-35, She/Her/It)
Generally shunned by the rest of the League for dangerous practices, Melora has studied Shadow magic deeply and is willing to share it with the students under her care. A dangerously powerful conjuror with violent mood swings, it takes a certain sort of hunger for knowledge to gain her trust and support. Joined the League at 13, has been reprimanded several times but has not been dismissed. Graduated Ravenwood - Barely.
Grizelda GriffinTail (Pyromancer, 22-32, She/They)
Bold and a skilled strategist, Zelda isn’t particularly sociable. But this doesn’t detract from her skill in the dueling ring or her vast knowledge of the Star School. She is the mentor for her chosen Celestial School, even if the younger kids seem to freak her out in a major way. Joined the League at 13, only had one behavioral incident. Successful Ravenwood Graduate.
Dorothy RubyTalon (Pyromancer, 13-23, She/Her) 25th Class
Youngest daughter of the famed and influential RubyTalon Clan, Dorothy is an explosive and powerful young Pyromancer with a foul, cruel mouth and a desperate need to impress her parents and prove her worth as a RubyTalon. She joins the League at 13 at the recommendation of Professor Dalia Falmea. She is most notably responsible for the creation of the Mourning Thicket in Avalon, and helps the Young Wizard and the residents of Azteca with her skill in Pyromancy. 
Jordan WinterHeart (Thaumaturge, 13-23, He/Him) 25th Class
Eldest son of the strong and powerful WinterHearts, Jordan is a skilled Thaumaturge despite his relaxed and careless demeanor in regards to his schooling. He wants to protect people, be it his little sisters or his classmates, or strangers. He is slow to anger and generally well-meaning, but his quips are always quick. He joined the League at Professor Lydia Greyrose’s request, and hasn’t had a single issue with staff. He aids the Young Wizard alongside Dorothy in Azteca.
Blaine SilverStone (Diviner, 13-23, He/They/She) 25th Class
Creative, bubbly, and maybe a touch eccentric, Blaine has a knack for making things that work. Mechanisms and traps come as naturally to him as the storm magic that he loves. Professor Halston Balestrom suggested that Blaine be this year’s representative for the League, which she begrudgingly took at 13 years old. Blaine has had few complaints regarding their behaviour and skill, but is notoriously forgetful and lacks observational skills. Spends a lot of time working in Celestia, where they meet and assist the Young Wizard.
Luis DawnCaller (Sorcerer, 13-23, He/Him) 25th Class
Adopted by Marleybonian Airship Mechanics, Luis grew up in a very sheltered family. Upon his arrival at Ravenwood, he became enamored with all sorts of magic. Learning very quickly the best strategies to support, Arthur Wethersfield offered 13 year old Luis up to the League. A complete sheep, the only complaints he ever received about Luis was his involvement in fights or accidents, which were mostly due to him standing idle and being unable or unwilling to help. Shadow magic intrigues him, so he travels to Khrysalis to research it’s resurgence and bumps into the Young Wizard.
Tatiana RoseThorn (Theurgist, 13-23, She/Her) 25th Class
Daughter of the Darkmoor groundskeepers, Tatiana quite literally came from nothing. Getting accepted into Ravenwood was a dream come true for this young Theurgist, and she was overly polite in her first year of study. Moolinda Wu, her professor, recommended her for the League due to her soft nature and skill with life magic. However, once she got a taste of influence, Tatiana’s need to stay on top consumed her, making her thorny, nasty, and generally unpleasant to be around. She is terrified to go back to where she was, worth less than dirt, and is willing to step on others to get to where she needs to be. Tatiana was also partially responsible for the creation of Avalon’s Mourning Thicket, and has several complaints against her name. She meets with the Young Wizard thrice - in Mooshu, her homeworld of Darkmoor, and Zafaria.
Esmee DreamWalker (Conjuror, 13-17 † , She/Her) 25th Class
A conjuror from Avalon, Esmee is the childish daughter of a librarian and a famed knight. Despite being a little ditzy, her imagination and skill with Myth magic caught the eye of her Professor Cyrus Drake. After a few subtle tests of her potential, Esmee was put forth as the Myth candidate for the League. She was kind hearted to a fault and willing to help out, even if her ideas were shut down more often than not. Her death on a League mission was brutally violent, and the lies that came from it shed light on the corruption that runs deep within the League and prompts change. She meets with the Young Wizard thrice, in Wizard City, later in Aquila, and in her home world of Avalon.
Brynn DrakeHeart (Necromancer, 13-23, She/Her) 25th Class
A necromancer from a long line of Dragonspyre Necromancers, Brynn DrakeHeart was almost always going to follow suit. Her ability to trust in her necromantic skills and the creatures that reside in that realm were impressive, but in his grief Malistaire Drake didn’t have the capacity to take a particularly educated decision on the Death School Representative. Brynn happened to be in the right place at the right time and got tossed in. She is often compared to young Malistaire, and wears that as both a point of pride and a point of pressure. After his disappearance, Brynn aids Malorn in tutoring the Young Wizard before the Death School was found in Nightside, and helps out again in her ancestral home of Dragonspyre. Brynn aims to find a way to use Death magic constructively, perhaps as an open source of healing through the transferral of life force. She has no complaints against her, and is generally regarded in a positive way.
Instead of writing out all those posts before posting any art or picrews, I decided a mass post about the League would be quicker. Questions are welcome, and if you want to use the League to aid in making an OC I am a dm away!
Love you!
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