caricatureblue · 1 year
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PRAUST, local rancher in the world’s snowiest desert
They’re here to raise horses and gamble away all their money- and Definitely Not Steal It All Back In The Night What No
Sometimes a guy puts you in prison and then months later invites you to join his country with the promise of gambling, what are you gonna do, say no?
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yoyochey · 7 months
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mooglesorts · 3 years
OC Sortings: Tales of Arcadia
so i started to write up a list of ocs i've sorted (or am in the process of sorting), and then i remembered i have a Fuckton of tales of arcadia ocs in particular, oops. so! they get their own post!
under the cut and in no particular order:
Liyen: horrifically exploded badger primary, with an unhealthy snake model; bird or badger secondary, one modeling the other.
Schommag: either burned snake primary with a bird model, or bird with snake model; bird secondary with snake model.
Zand: double snake, both burned to a crisp by her core damage (although her primary was pretty burned already).
Farid: either lion badger, with a badger primary model to cover for his burnt-to-shit lion, or double badger. he's a sweet boy but i'm sorry to say i could absolutely see him dehumanizing people.
Tanis: lion badger with a DEAFENINGLY LOUD badger primary model, holy shit. primary leans far more toward exploding than burning at pretty much all times, which can become absolutely terrifying depending on the au despite her gentle demeanor.
Padoun: lion or bird primary, badger secondary. i'd say badger primary, except i can't see him dehumanizing anyone.
Gostra: probably a snake secondary. either a) a real dickhead exploded lion primary, or b) an exploded snake primary who models exploded lion as part of his inferiority-superiority complex. if the latter, he has no People not so much because he's guarded as because it's vanishingly rare for him to meet someone who registers as a person to him at all lmao
Gryphus: bird primary, either snake or bird secondary.
Krosil: without a doubt, double badger. a grouchy, sardonic, long-suffering one.
Endea: either exploded snake primary or bird modeling such, performing exploded lion. having a hard time pinning down her secondary... prrrrobably snake? whatever it is she's manipulative as fuck and has no issue with lying lmao
Tátika: snake lion with a burnt ass primary. their moms, Drachä and Nelke, are both very loud snake lions so it tracks
Gaurom: inconclusive, was probably either a badger primary or a bird modeling one (leaning the latter) before having her free will taken and most of her personality destroyed. maybe a bird secondary? needless to say both are Extremely Fucking Burnt.
Oryalv: either a double badger with an exploded primary, or a lion badger with a burned or muzzled one. poor motherfucker just wants to use his bookkeeper badger to do good for society, and instead he gets endless piles of backbreaking useless busywork while never really getting anywhere or helping anyone.
Korthec: double snake, with a very nasty exploded primary.
Rahasa: double snake, exploded primary.
Praust: lion or bird primary, maybe snake secondary? the latter feels model-y, though.
Sute: BIRD SECONDARY, badger or snake primary. kind of leaning snake but who knows.
Johannes: bird snake whose crippling depression has left him burnt on both counts. someone help him (sute is trying)
Grir: oh god i have no idea
Mellus: extremely chill lion bird.
Stennet: either snake lion or double snake, with a STRONG badger primary model.
Eil: badger lion. a terrifyingly unhealthy, traumatized, and violent one.
Fellion: snake badger, with badger primary model.
Vöender: horizon lion snake (a nice little reversal if stennet is a snake lion).
Tinker: snake bird without a doubt.
Silas: snake primary that's simultaneously burnt and exploded all to hell, snake secondary that spends the majority of its time in neutral.
Higget: snake badger. a very frightening but generally benevolent one.
Lachlan: chaotic bird lion, bird snake, snake lion, or double snake, who is having a blast at all times.
Melody: double lion or lion badger, with some bird secondary modeling.
Peter: DOUBLE BIRD, insufferable asshole please god peter can you live one second of your life without something to prove
Valiyit: either double bird, or lion bird with a LOUD bird primary model.
Even: snake bird modeling double bird.
Belzer: dumbass modeling idiot, poor boy. burned bird primary, secondary is so burned as to be inconclusive.
Zenith: snake lion, and an immature one on both counts.
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chez-mimich · 6 years
E così anche Lucia Annunziata, grandissima giornalista della Rai crede che Anne Frank si chiami “Anne Frenk”. Del resto per qualcuno anche Marcel Proust era Marcel “Praust” ed Immanuel Kant era Immanuel “Kent” fratello di Eva, moglie di Diabolik e cognata di Henry “Mur” lo scultore inglese che costruì “The Wall” a Berlino insieme ai Pink Floyd fratellastri della Pantera Rosa, che porta lo stesso nome di Rosa Fumetto inventrice delle sigarette “Camel” fumate da Renato Carosone in “Come sì bello a cavallo e ‘stu cammello”, famoso film di Woody Allen Greenspan, ex presidente della Federal Reserve di caccia in Bassa Sassonia, cognato del Gattamelata, fratello di Gattaperata, noto felino tossicodipendente... Da grande vorrei fare il giornalista, anzi il giornalaio.
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tumblunni · 6 years
Trying to think up names for new oc couple
Well i decided mr chipper cuddly bara dude is named Beau, so maybe icy mc grumpman should have a name that means Beast? Their story doesnt really follow the BATB archetype tho, i mean icy dude is literally a cursed guy who turns into a monster but like its a pretty elemental spirit vampire thing. Also he wasnt cursed for being a jerk, he was just an innicent kid who wandered into a cursed mountain on a dare. He only became a jerk later from depression over his curse, so i guess he's like the Beast's opposite counterpart?
I think the name injoke could be fun nonetheless.
A few ideas i found while googling, which work as a beast name that also sounds fancyman tsundereish: Elwood, Sylvester, Sylvain, Silas?
Leaning towards the S ones cos they can all be shortened to Sly as a pet name and thats cute. Also there aren't many names that directly mean Beast so these were all stuff like "wild man" and "child of the forest". I guess the joke is kinda lost but meh.
Maybe just try and find a name that SOUNDS like beast instead? Is there anything like that? Or spelled similar? Ernst? Faust? Praust? Beagan? Beale? Beasly?
TALE AS OLD AS TIME, BEAUMONT AND THE ERNST.. It doesnt quite have the same ring to it.
Or just randomly my brain thought a V name because ice ghost man -> russia has a snow -> i like the name victor i guess -> but not victor i guess...?? Maybe Veldt just cos its a name ive thought sounds MAXIMUM AWESOME since i first heard it. Hell yes for dt sounds, thats an uncommon of power!
Ok so maybe im leaning towards Sylvester cos it has a v in it...? Or silas cos its like a cooler and grunpier sounding version? It just sounds like a guy who is an antihero in a batman or somethin. But it no have a v. Or aaa beasly is cute also and so is ernst...
Why am i so bad at deciding my own ocs
Oh, but i was thinking the name Melting Words for the game itself! Cos like their whole problem is not talking about their feelings. Or i dunno "Heart's Thaw" or "Sunset Thaw" or just thaw is the coolest sounding ice pun word i could think of. How do make for pun that is smoochie of this.
Oh and i definately think im gonna go with the idea of alternatung chapters between both of them as protagonists! It would be really unique to plau as both guys and try and help them make the right decisions to end up together. And get more of a view on their different perspectives of each other and all these misunderstandings and problems and awkwardnesses and backstory thats led to them being unable to confess. Navigate the web of traumas to help these two dorks realize their true feelings! Also something something supernatural undead monsters! But mostly the love! You know youre a disaster gay when your biggest villain is your own social anxiety and not the midnight curse of death mountain.
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gdanskstrefa · 7 years
Pruszcz Gdański ( niem. Praust, kasz. Pruszcz, Pruszcz Gduńsczi ) to miasto powiatowe nad Radunią, przylegające do Gdańska od południowego wschodu, liczące w 2015 roku niespełna 29 000 mieszkańców.
Pierwsi osadnicy na terenie zajmowanym przez dzisiejsze miasto pojawili się ok. VIII w p.n.e. Dzięki położeniu nad brzegiem morza osada praktycznie od razu znalazła korzystne warunki do rozwoju. W okresie świetności Imperium Rzymskiego była ona jednym z kluczowych portów przy dawnym ujściu Wisły. Stanowiska archeologiczne wskazują, że był znacznie wcześniejszą osadą niż Gdańsk – jakby jego protoplastą, gdyż stracił na znaczeniu dopiero, gdy morze cofnęło się i przesunęło ujście Wisły w stronę obecnego Gdańska, wtedy znacznie mniejszą osadę. W wykopaliskach znajdowano liczne przedmioty użytkowe oraz monety arabskie i rzymskie datowane na ponad 2,5 tysiąca lat. W średniowieczu, w okresie świetności zakonu krzyżackiego, rycerze zakonni poczynili szereg inwestycji  stwarzając z pruszczańskiej wsi zaplecze dla warownego Gdańska. Krzyżacy nadali też Pruszczowi znaczące przywileje.
  W czasie wojny trzynastoletniej w Pruszczu stacjonowały wojska polskie, a po skończonej wojnie miejscowość weszła w skład gdańskiego patrymonium miejskiego (sytuacja z włączeniem Pruszcza w terytorium Gdańska powtórzyła się w okresie wojennym w Wolnym Mieście Gdańsku). Do końca dziewiętnastego wieku był ostatnim punktem przystankowym przed wjazdem do Gdańska. Wśród dostojników, którzy zawitali do Pruszcza bądź spędzili w nim kilka nocy, znaleźli się m.in. Zygmunt I, Zygmunt August, Zygmunt III Waza, Jan Kazimierz, Jan III Sobieski (31 lipca 1676), Stanisław Leszczyński czy August II.
Kolejne konflikty zbrojne pozostawiały po sobie w Pruszczu liczne ślady. Wieś często była zapleczem dla kolejnych armii. W kronikach miasta zachowały się wzmianki o wielkim pożarze z 1801. W okresie pruskim i Wolnego Miasta wieś Pruszcz rozwinęła się gospodarczo, pobudowano dużą mleczarnię, cukrownię, powstawały liczne drobne przedsięwzięcia i warsztaty rzemieślnicze, obwałowano kanał Raduni, powstał szpital, cegielnie i straż pożarna, szkoła. Przed wojną Praust liczył prawie 3 tysiące mieszkańców. Jednak prawa miejskie uzyskał dopiero w Polsce w 1945 roku.
Fotografia z 1916 roku przedstawia Hotel Prauster Hof, przy głównej przelotowej ulicy, wtedy jeszcze wsi Pruszcz. Budynek stoi do dziś, lekko przebudowany, jest siedzibą dwóch banków.
Jednym z zabytków, który przetrwał wszystkie pożogi, jest średniowieczny kościół Podwyższenia Krzyża Świętego, tu na fotce z 1920 roku. Obecny proboszcz ks. Łada od lat toczy boje z Muzeum Narodowym w Warszawie o zwrot średniowiecznego cennego ołtarza zabezpieczonego przed frontem wiosennym i wywiezionego po wyzwoleniu w siną dal.
Na tej fotografii widać odkryty basen w okresie wojennym (nieistniejący ), w głębi zabudowanie obecnego Domu Kultury i jeszcze głębiej cukrowni – dziś już nieczynnego zabytku, dla którego zagospodarowania miasto szuka inwestora.
Edward Jankowski
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Pruszcz Gdański – krótka historia – zdjęcia Pruszcz Gdański ( niem. Praust, kasz. Pruszcz, Pruszcz Gduńsczi ) to miasto powiatowe nad Radunią, przylegające do Gdańska od południowego wschodu, liczące w 2015 roku niespełna 29 000 mieszkańców.
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caricatureblue · 1 year
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ahh, nothing like a couple of fresh minecringe ocs to wake you up im the morning
A journalist/archaeologist who will always run from a fight, and a cowboy who raises horses and loves doing crime for fun
Don’t have a lot of backstory for them yet, but I do love them already
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