#PS: remember that Egyptian wasn't just one language
h0bg0blin-meat · 4 months
Egyptian versions of the Greekified/Latinized names of Egyptian Gods:
1. Horus - Heru/Hor/Her/Har
2. Thoth - Djehuty
3. Anubis - Anpu/Inpu/Anpw/Inpw
4. Set - Setekh/Sutekh
5. Nephthys - Nebet-Het
6. Osiris - Asar/Usar/Asari/Ausir/Wesir/Ausare/Usire/Ausar
7. Isis - Aset/Auset/Iset
8. Hathor - Hwt-hr/Hwt-hrw/Hut-Hor
9. Apis - Hjpw/Hapi
10. Apophis - Apep
11. Mandulis - Merul/Melul
12. Maahes - Mai-Hesa
13. Mnevis - Mer-Ur
14. Neith - Nit
15. Satis - Satit/Stit/Satet
16. Ophois - Wapwawet/Wepwawet
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