#Perfumer/Aak/Doctor poly when?
johannstutt413 · 3 years
Christmas in the Clouds
(requested by anonymous, who thought this would be cursed...HAH I say. HAH.)
It was Christmas morning, and like most of their employees, the Doctor wasn’t going into work today; they’d polished off most of their work the day before in a Christmas Eve crunch that would make any exec jealous, and now it was time for some serious R&R. They pulled out their trusty rolling paper, tossed in some of their favorite blend of grass, and smiled as they settled into their smoking chair, ready for a comfy evening in their house, just them and the THC.
It was an open secret the Doctor had started smoking marijuana some time after returning to Rhodes Island from their comatose exile in Chernobog; Perfumer, after several sessions with them, had determined they were entirely too anxious to keep up their current pace and not hurt or even kill themselves with a blood pressure spike, so she’d put together a blend of medicinal herbs - including marijuana, yes - to calm them down and prescribed it under the pseudonym “Smoke Balm,” which she got approved through Aak to minimize the number of questions asked by medical personnel. The best part, in the Doctor’s mind, was how easy it was to get more; Lena and Podenco grew the individual ingredients for a variety of other blends for other Operators, and they were more than willing to top the stash off whenever their boss asked them to, which meant the Doc essentially had a year-round season pass to Zootsville whenever they felt like. It was heavenly.
That morning, however, wasn’t the best to start high off their ass, as the knock on their door signaled. They stood up, albeit a bit shakily, set their joint on a silver tray on their chair arm, and answered the door to find...Lena? “Good morning, Doctor...Did you forget about the Christmas party?”
“The what?” They blinked. “We have one of those?”
“Dr. Kal’tsit sent the invite out two weeks ago. Did you not get one?”
They thought for a minute, but there wasn’t really any hope of them remembering at this point - that blend did good work, fast. “Uh...”
“Regardless, I was hoping you and I could go together.” She smiled. “Especially since it seems you’ll need someone watching you tonight, as I imagine you’ll be taking your afternoon dose as well.”
“Yeah...sorry, I didn’t know.” The Doctor wasn’t sure why they were blushing. Maybe from the heat from holding the smoldering herbs to their face?
Perfumer pat them on the shoulder. “It’s okay, Doctor. Next time I plan on asking you on a date, I’ll do it earlier. See you tonight~”
“Yeah, I’ll see you tonight.” She left, and a few minutes after they sat back down, it clicked what had just happened. Maybe they shouldn’t smoke the second one today…
About ten hours and three joints later, the Doctor was going on a vision quest in the main hall as Lena led them around, arm in arm. The lights shone brighter, the music sounded more in-tune, and the Vulpo on their arm looked absolutely stunning, but in spite of all of that, there was a gnawing pit in their stomach that something wasn’t right...or maybe they were just hungry.
“The kitchen staff aren’t serving dinner until later tonight,” Perfumer explained as they walked to the snack table, “but this should be enough to tide you over for now. I’m going to get us some punch, okay? Stay by the brownies until I come back.”
“Okay.” They waved to her as she went off, which was apparently enough to earn a blush, before turning to the brownie plate and picking it up off the table.
Aak arrived around three brownies later, looking oddly dapper in his party get-up. “Hey, dude. Man, you look wasted; how many puffs did you take before you got here?”
“...Uh...” Were they supposed to answer with a number?
“Ah, whatever; I won’t stop ya from having fun.” He winked at them. “Waitin’ for my date, too. Can I get one of those?”
The Doctor looked at the brownies, frowned, and handed them the plate. “There you go.”
“Thanks, man.” The Feline took two and handed back the plate.
“Hey...” They counted the number in his hand. “That’s not one.”
Aak laughed. “I rounded down, man, don’t worry ‘bout it. Guess you got nervous about your speech, huh?”
“Yeah! You’re the boss, after all.” He laughed at the expression on the Doctor’s face, but after a moment he realized he wasn’t joking, and the Feline suddenly felt a pang of sympathy for the poor bastard. “Shit, man, they didn’t tell you anything, huh?”
They shook their head. “I didn’t even know we had a party today.”
“No wonder you’re so out of it. Well, you’ll do fine, so don’t think about it too much.”
At that point, Warfarin arrived; if looks could kill, she’d’ve slain most of the room by now in that scarlet dress of hers. “Good evening, Doctor. Aak, you’re not bothering them too much, are you?”
“No more than a nibble on their neck would.” He grinned as she thumbed him in the center of his forehead. “Gotta go, my guy, but good luck tonight!”
“Yeah, man...You, too.” The Feline steered his Sarkaz date away from the Doctor, who suddenly had a real concern on their plate. What kind of speech was it supposed to be? And how do you give a speech when you can’t remember the sentence that came before the one you were saying just then after you said a sentence and forgot about the other one?...Wait, hadn’t they already thought that?
Perfumer returned with two tall plastic cups and handed them one. “There you go, darling...Is everything okay? You’re sweating now.”
“Aak said I have to give a speech tonight.” They gulped down the punch. “I’m not ready.”
“Ah, yes, the speech. I wrote one for you this afternoon.” She reached around the back of her dress and pulled out a set of note cards.
The Doctor set their empty cup on the table and hugged her. “Thank you.”
“Of course.” Lena’s face was now a Christmas light in and of itself. “I also spiked your punch.”
“Wait, what?” They let her go.
The Vulpo smiled back at them. “It’s a counter-dose for the Smoke Balm in your system. It’ll take some time to take effect, but by the time you need to make your speech, you should have all your faculties back.”
“Wow...You’re amazing.” That overloaded her systems, but the Doctor couldn’t tell in their current state. “Hey, is there somewhere I could sit? I’m kinda dizzy.”
“Ah, yes, the side effects...Coming down so quickly might fatigue your body extra. Let’s find somewhere to wait for the antidote to kick in.” She took their arm again, blushing more than she had in her life, and led them to a circle of chairs that, at first, was completely unoccupied.
Once people saw the pair sit down, however, they began to fill in around them; Podenco sat next to Perfumer, which meant Myrrh and a few others from the garden crew did as well, while Gravel took the seat next to the Doctor with a wide smile on her face. “Good evening, Doctor. How’re things?”
“Things? Things are good.” Lena was distracted right then, but that probably wasn’t a big deal. “How’re your things?”
“Good. I’d like to show you something, if you’re not busy~”
They shook their head. “Not really, but I gotta sit for a bit.”
“Oh? That’s fine.” The Zalak pulled a piece of mistletoe from somewhere and dangled it between them. “Here is just fine~”
“...I don’t get it.”
She giggled. “You don’t know? When two people are under mistletoe together, they have to kiss. It’s the law.”
“It is?” The Doctor looked over to Perfumer. “Hey, Lena? Is it a rule that people under mistletoe have to kiss?”
“Hmm? Why are you-” The Vulpo looked over, saw Gravel attempting to steal their date, and glared at her.
The Zalak cocked her head. “Is the Doctor with you tonight?”
“Yes, they are.” She held out a hand to the Doctor. “We’re on a date.”
“Is that true, Doctor?” The knight turned back to her mark-
-who’d plucked the mistletoe from her hand and was now eating it. “Piney.”
“...Doctor?” Perfumer giggled. “Well, I suppose you’re not under it anymore.”
“Huh? Oh, right.” They kissed Gravel’s forehead, which left her steaming in her chair.
Lena blinked. “I...hmm.”
“What?” The Doctor did the same to her. “Now I’m the mistletoe.”
“I...I suppose you are, but...why are you kissing everyone’s forehead?”
They shook their head. “Not everyone. Only if they’re shorter than me.”
“...Okay, then.” She stood up, letting go of their hand. “I need to use the restroom. Stay here until I get back, okay?”
“Okay.” As they walked off, the Doctor could feel the high wearing off as everything turned a little more grey, a little more quiet...or was that because their eyes were closing?
A few hours later, the Doctor woke up, still in the corner, with no one anywhere near him. They glanced around, confused. “Wait, wasn’t...wasn’t there a party?”
“There was.” Perfumer walked in from off to the side. “You slept through the rest of it. No one asked you for a speech after all - apparently Amiya does those now. Are you ready to go home?”
“...I’m sorry.” They really were.
She shook her head. “I should be apologizing, Doctor; I didn’t realize the antidote had a side effect-”
“I shouldn’t have had four Balms in the first place.” They sighed. “I’m a terrible date, and a worse person for making you drag me around like that.”
“Doctor, you didn’t make me do that. I wanted to.”
The Doctor looked up at her. “You did?”
“Of course.” Lena smiled at him, although it was a little shaky. “You’re my patient, after all.”
“You know you’re more than that to me, though, right?”
She nodded. “Yes.”
“...You’re sure?” They stood up, holding out a hand. “You don’t seem confident in that.”
“I...the mistletoe stunt hurt, but I knew better.” She didn’t take their hand.
So they took hers. “Lena-”
“It’s fine.” The Vulpo’s eyes fell to the floor. “We aren’t actually a couple, so I-”
“Lena, look at me. Please.”
Perfumer looked up - and sprouting from the Doctor’s head was a sprig of mistletoe. “...Huh?”
“I don’t need this to kiss you.” They snapped it off their head and threw it behind them, into a smoldering fireplace which flared dramatically as the plant made contact. “I want to do that anyway.”
“Oh, Doctor~” She leapt into their arms to accept their kiss-
-and punched their arm to wake them up. “Doctor? You fell asleep.”
“...Did I?” They groggily looked around. The party was still going on, but it did feel like it was winding down. “Sorry. I think the Balm’s wearing off.”
“That’s good.” She was apparently cross with them in real life as well as in their dreams. Reality is often disappointing like that.
The Doctor turned to Lena. “Did something happen with mistletoe earlier?”
“...Nothing important.” The Vulpo looked back at them, completely neutral, as she stood up. “Dr. Kal’tsit said your speech is in ten minutes. I’ll take you to where you’ll be giving it.”
“Thank you...I’m sorry.” They followed suit.
She shrugged. “Sorry for what?”
“For making you work on Christmas Day.” That earned them a curious work. “And on our date, too.”
“It’s not work,” Lena protested.
The Doctor took her hand. “It hasn’t been a date, either...I’ll make it up to you.”
“That’s okay, you don’t have to.” Perfumer looked off to the side before they started walking. “I knew what I was asking for.”
“Ladies and gentlemen, please be seated. The Doctor’s closing message is about to begin.” Dr. Kal’tsit said as she saw their HR head and primary tactician approach the raised platform she’d had set up for the night’s festivities.
The Vulpo patted the pocket where she’d put the speech cards. “Just read that and you should be fine. I’ll be sitting in the crowd with everyone else.”
“Okay.” They took a deep breath, and suddenly the world was brighter again. “Wait, what the-”
“Doctor, would you please come up to the microphone?” The green-haired Feline surrounded by knives - wait, knives? - called to them.
They walked up the mile-long staircase to the mike and looked out into the sea of blood and ashes- looked out into the audience, including Lena, who flashed them a thumbs-up. The Doctor cleared their throat, took a deep breath, and began to read.
“As the end of the first calendar year since my return comes to an end, I look at what we’ve accomplished as a company, and I couldn’t be more proud of each and every one of you. I know that even before my return, you were hard at work, and you set a strong foundation for me to capitalize on, which I can’t thank you enough for. Since then, we’ve created a strong working partnership with Lungmen, initiated trade deals with multiple city-states, repelled Reunion forces from several locations and secured trade routes, stopped a volcano - a fricken volcano! - from erupting and burying a city, prevented a hostile takeover of Lungmen by the Rat King and his forces, and fought injustice and prejudice at every turn. It’s impossible for me to thank each and every one of you for your contributions, but as this year ends and another one begins, I hope to at least be able to return the effort and good faith you’ve given me and this company with my own.”
Applause...and then an awkward pause as the Doctor stood there, contemplating their next action before continuing.
“Truth be told, my own investment has been...lacking, I feel. Shortly after returning, I developed a chemical dependency which very nearly jeopardized this evening.”
Murmurs from the crowd.
“Going forward, I promise I will be fully present and engaged for gatherings such as these, as I refuse to repeat this sort of mistake...and to my date for the evening, I’d like to apologize with every fiber of my being. Let’s grab a burger or something tomorrow. My treat.”
Louder murmuring, which instantly fell silent when Lena called out “Sure!” from the back of the audience.
“Alright, now I’m done.” They chuckled. “Have a good night, everyone. Try to not get caught under the mistletoe at the wrong time, okay?”
A few people in the know broke out into laughs as the rest awkwardly applauded; Kal’tsit returned to the stage and announced the party was over, and as quickly as they’d taken their seats, the crowd scattered.
Except, that is, for Lena and the Doctor, who took their time walking arm-in-arm to her apartment. “You didn’t need to do that, Doctor; I knew you didn’t intend for the evening to go the way it did.”
“I want to be held accountable, so I decided to get the whole company involved. Besides, it was a convenient way of making sure we scheduled a second date.”
“Ah, clever.” The Vulpo giggled. “I would have agreed no matter how you asked, of course.”
They smiled back. “Of course...Well, we’re here. I should probably get some sleep now; I did a real number on my body today.”
“Oh, I’m sure...but are you sure you want to go all the way home to do that?” Perfumer didn’t let go of the Doctor’s arm as she swiped her keycard through her dorm’s card reader.
“Hmm...well,” the Doctor admitted, “I suppose I can stay for a little bit. Having a medical opinion of my condition would be nice.”
Lena nodded. “Oh, yes, I agree. I’ll be sure to give you a thorough examination.”
“...You’re serious, aren’t you?”
“Gravel scared me with that mistletoe stunt,” she admitted, “and scent marking might not be as effective as I’d hoped. If you’d rather not-”
They spun around so they were holding Perfumer in the threshold, unlinking their arm so they could hug her instead. “I never said that. I’m just surprised you’re okay with moving so quickly.”
“You can never be too careful around Rhodes Island, Doctor, but you can be too cautious.” She hugged them close, gently leading them backwards into her apartment.
“True.” They pulled the door shut behind them once both were past the threshold. “Merry Christmas, Lena.”
Lena slid the Doctor’s mask aside with a finger and kissed them, eyes glittering in anticipation. “Merry Christmas, Doctor dearest~”
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