#Qsmp sorta neg
iminyourbookshelf · 22 days
I'm glad the admins get to leave on their own terms but fuck it hurts a lot.
I'm just like waiting for things to go back to normal, for people to be able to get better and I thought the eggs coming back was good thing but now they're leaving. It worries me but I'm just hoping it was because of their own personal stuff
It's really kinda threw off my motivation for the animatic I've been planning for weeks at this point. Chayanne and Tallulah were one of the focuses and I was excited to showcase them but now that they're leaving idek.
If I end up abandoning it (like every other animatic apparently lol) I'll show what progress I had on it
Sorry for long ramble but once again, all love to the admins <3 thank you for all your hard work put into the project.
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duckiehattt3 · 5 months
The way Leo and Sunny haters on twitter start making up shit to try and justify their hate genuinely makes me upset
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rainbowchaox · 3 months
if it helps, i don't think cc!phil would give his character any ending unless he decides to leave the server. which, idk, I think he might be sticking around for a while. and whenever cc!Phil has agency on his characters' fate, he usually balances out the angst with some type of happiness (or whatever the opposite of angst is lol). so I don't think his fate is sealed anytime soon.
(though I totally understand the angst is a lot lol, enjoy your break, your mental health is so important!)
That’s the thing I’m certain of. Even if this arc gets a happy ending. Phil gonna have another conflict. Another angst ridden story. Phil will never let himself have a happy storyline. Phil prefers angst so that what his story will be. I sorta accepted that? He won’t leave the server any time soon but eh he has a genre he loves. And that is angst and that is pain. Sorta just stopped giving a care about his lore rn. Because he wants his cubito to be sad and alone. When it does happen it holds no emotional weight to me. Because yeah Phil wants this.
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trash-bin-ary · 7 months
II’m ebpudboueb “Tubbo and bad kept killing us” barkbarkbakrbakr tubbo literally stopped bad from doing that fibribrpih
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bumblebeerror · 10 months
I’ll admit my views of Dream are a lot more negative than positive.
I don’t love that he made MCC so competitive, but I get why he did. Speedrunner. Good at pvp. Etc. I still felt it was whiny and not in the spirit of a competition that aims to let the creators have fun (in that the intake form has things like “do you prefer sillies or sweaty” and each team has about an equal amount of both) but like. It wasn’t just him for that. I think MCC is much more fun without him and a few other very competitive people, and getting to see more range in creators is more enjoyable.
I think he’s a bit overhyped; but I’m not gonna cite Wilbur creating the manhunt idea or Minecraft but, it’s mostly just. I dunno, reflexes aren’t everything in this game. And someone being a builder or redstoner doesn’t mean they can’t win pvp, and I feel like he was very… derogatory, toward those types of players. The Grian twitlonger comes to mind.
I think he dropped the ball severely on his own server, and it impacted the lifetime of that story. I think rushing everyone to finish their stories and refusing to communicate is dick behavior, and I especially think that ignoring how the women and non-binaries on his server were treated by fans when a statement from him would have gone a long way is a bit of a dick move. I understand that ADHD can make you bad at communicating, but even support or information in private would have helped, or even an admission that he didn’t know.
I personally think the situation with QSMP, something Quackity was publicly working on for ages, and Dream’s spur of the moment half baked idea for something similar, was and is dumb. I think Tommy’s criticism of it was both funny and justified. Quackity wasn’t secretive about this server. Everyone knew it was coming for a while, and the only true surprise was Quackity having the language mod developed to release during the second week of the server. I think Dream’s meltdown about lack of communication is a little ridiculous all things considered. I do wish Quackity had been more able to curb his own audience away from harassment and stalking, and that Dream would take literally any responsibility for the way his own fans act as well. It’s not impossible to curb your community - if Techno could do it despite us all being notoriously feral (I.e. encouraging his community not to hate on squidkid or reminding us that roleplay is roleplay) then it’s not impossible to make a statement and calm the masses some. Dream’s relationship with his fans is very parasocial and I know he fosters that a lot. I feel it should come with some sense of responsibility. Just like Fit deserved to be called out for what he said about the one mod’s mobs, I think these criticisms are fair. (and watching the clip of Fit being told about the implications, I do think “it was a refrence” was meant to be an apology - it’s sorta just how he talks, but I get if people still dislike it. He has gotten more mindful about it moving forward and now won’t repeat a meme/joke unless he knows it’s not hateful, so he has changed behavior.)
I find him to be generally up his own ass, in other words. Which is whatever - it’s not a sin. I don’t like his stans and they are regularly a more intense type of toxic, but I also think most stans of any creator are insufferable. I mostly just dislike that Dream seems to encourage their behaviour much more. He’s young, and so is his audience.
I think his work with Technodad has been overall helpful especially when it comes to donations to the sarcoma foundation. I understand those who feel uncomfortable about it, and I hope you won’t lash out against Technodad for it. Mans has barely learned Reddit, let him be.
I don’t know what to say about the allegations. On one hand, it’s an awful thing to do and I feel for the victims, especially with having to deal with the stans harassing them for bringing evidence to light. I think the victims deserved far better treatment. I think Dream’s reputation would have been far more favorable if he had at least addressed the situation respectfully, and either owned up to the clear evidence or provided evidence of his own. On the other, I get that again, he’s young and people make mistakes. This does not mean I think his victims shouldn’t have come forward or that what he did was okay - only that I don’t think I was smart enough at 20 to handle sudden and intense fame either. In this case (unless I’ve missed it) it doesn’t seem like his messages actually went anywhere, which is a slight relief. I would feel better about it if he had handled it more seriously, because I’m unsure if he’s really learned anything from that situation besides that he can get away with about anything if he ignores it. As is, it feels unfinished on his end and I wish he would own up.
All that being said, I don’t claim to know much about the guy.
I’ve watched maybe two manhunts and seen a scattered few videos with him involved. I don’t enjoy his style much, it just feels kinda fake to me, idk.
Im not sure what my point really was, I mostly just wanted my thoughts in order.
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antimony-medusa · 4 months
As a tubbling, sorry for the extra neg thrown towards your streamer’s cubito. In case you weren’t aware, long story short, while the permadeath was out of nowhere for the streamers and their viewers, it’s been a long time coming for the tubblings and egg admins. Like we couldn’t make it angstier even if we tried kkkkkkkkk. And when we saw our cubito’s issues be overlooked and joked about again (obvious to tubbo viewers but not to anyone else because god forbid qtubbo communicates), even after his own death, we got so frustrated and lashed out at whoever was loudest and it happened to be phil. Which one makes sense for him to do since they’re literally close irl friends and two is also unfair to him because when he did realize the seriousness of it, he immediately went to help. So yeah honestly sorry again for that, hope what I said sorta makes sense and while it’s more likely to happen to qphil, it can and will happen to every character, tubbo included lmao. Can’t speak for everyone but I’ll try to chill out a bit 🤏 Who knew that the rarest thing on the qsmp would be emotional intelligence wow im so shocked 😮 (<-has watched phil and tubbo for years i am not shocked) KKKKKKK have a good day lol :D
Thank you for the message! :D
And yeah, I follow enough tubblings either here or on Ao3 that I was aware of what the tubbling perspective is in terms of Tubbo's issues being overlooked, once I thought about it. And like, that's part of the tragedy of tubbo isn't it, that he's has been setting up this angst where other streamers don't see it, but even when he does it where they CAN see it, they take it as bits, because that's how they view Tubbo and because at a certain point of sarcasm, saying "i'm having a terrible day and I kind of want to die" still gets read as a joke because you said it yesterday as a joke. (Ran into that issue in my real life, actually.) He's having a painful time, but everybody goes "oh tubbo" about it.
Thank you for the understanding of my perspective too, cause I was sitting through that stream like "oh man, Phil keeps bringing up to the eggs that it's gonna be okay, we're gonna get him back, hehe the create wrench I wonder if Tubbo will let that bring him back to life, oh that's quite sweet, he does care about Tubbo so much" and then I stepped onto the dash and saw the reaction and went OH NO THE OTHER PERSPECTIVE I FORGOT THAT NOT EVERYBODY PROCESSES EVERYTHING THROUGH JOKES and scrolled in dismay. It's obvious to me that cc!Phil cares a lot about Tubbo and I think q!phil cares a lot too, he just— thought it was a joke at first. Distracted by having many eggs around (you know that man is at max paranoia and minimum emotional processing with three+ eggs in his care).
The good news is we got FASCINATING Creation lore out of it, (picture me showing up in multiple liveblogging channels like "who's this herobrine motherfucker and no he can't have the eggs what the fuck"). Here's to more fascinating lore and qTubbo coming back to life (PLEASE man I don't want this to be your exit from the server, I like qTubbo), and all of us appreciating other perspectives. Emotional intelligence truly rarer than cucurucho cookies in my OWN life, I know, it's so hard. 😭😭
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blockgamepirate · 4 months
maybe his character is genuinely just so suicidal that he doesn't give a shit anymore if he lives or dies, but I haven't had time to watch him in the past few weeks so I wouldn't know
For someone who hasn’t watched a Tubbo stream in a while, you’ve got a perfect read on his character lmaoooooooo. As a tubbling, sorry for the extra neg thrown towards your streamer’s cubito. To make a long story short, while the permadeath was out of nowhere for the streamers and their viewers, it’s been a long time coming for the tubblings and egg admins kkkkkkkk. And when we saw our cubito’s issues be overlooked and joked about again (obvious to tubbo viewers but not to anyone else because god forbid qtubbo communicates), even after his own death, we lashed out at whoever was loudest and it happened to be phil. Which is also unfair to him because when he did realize the seriousness of it, he immediately went to help. So yeah sorry again for that, hope what I said sorta makes sense. I pray that with the next reboot, our cubito gains some emotional intelligence because jesus christ tubblings are goddamn masochists. Have a good day lol :D
Makes sense, thanks for the clarification! And dw, it's fine, I'm not blaming all tubblings for a few people being annoying (and in any case being annoying isn't a crime, it just made it obnoxious to try and search for Phil posts yesterday (and pretty much any time Phil interacts with Tubbo and Sunny nowadays which sucks because I like all three of them) and it makes me wanna complain even though I know I should just ignore it and block the most annoying people and blacklist the phil neg tags because this really doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things, it's just typical fandom wank, and there's plenty of annoying crows out there too who I also kinda wanna block tbh)
It could be a lot worse. I know what it was like trying to read Cellbit's tag before he posted his response, it was like constantly dodging landmines. In comparison Phil's is more like walking through a forest where sometimes it's beautiful and serene and then suddenly you get ambushed by five billion mosquitoes lol
And overall Phil viewers have still been way more lucky on QSMP than back in DSMP times (which I think also just made us really jumpy) and especially on Tumblr where it feels like if anything Phil is now the popular guy when before this he was the guy the popular kids hated
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