#Ratings From The Hellqueen
frostcorpsclub · 11 months
I would like to see Ferris of the Park incinerated by this monster.
-From the desk of @lenorethequietbookkeeper
"By Lucifer's three heads what the fuck are you?Immediately no, I don't want your rabid cheese foam secretions anywhere near my person. Stand over there. Isn't the entire point of a werewolf to be covered in hair? How are you already balding? That tail looks like it should be censored from the eyes of children! If I had my way you'd be used for animal testing, your stench is horrible enough in whatever state you're in now. Imagine if you were put down! The lovely lady scientists slathering ointments onto your stinking taint would probably do wonders for your mange. I might go bald soon as well, from the chemotherapy I'll need to receive as your outfit has given me retinal cancer. I've seen blind homeless people caked in their own shit that can put together a better ensemble, and they can only pull from the same dumpster your bitch of a mother slobbered you and your hypodermic needle covered littermates out into.
1 out of 10. You're welcome."
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