Hello! I love your stuff and have adopted the entirety of the burnt marshmallow into my personal canon. I was wondering how Nezah would react to seeing the crispy s’more monkey without his glamour. He’s known Monkey king the longest, so would he be in affected or twice as surprised? Good luck with the special, all of us need it!
also obviously a late answer considering this is wishing me luck for the special (which honestly i re-watched a bit of the other day and it still emotional devastated me just as much as the first time dear gods this show's driving me insane /pos) but BETTER LATE THAN NEVER HGLDKFJSDFJLSDFJ
I gotta be honest I actually haven't thought about Nezha and Wukong's dynamic enough to really say how he'd react. I definitely don't think he knows about the glamours, just like everyone else in Wukong's life, but as to his reaction to it, it's hard to say. I think he'd be thrown by it, maybe react with some anger like he did when realizing Wukong had been holding back while fighting him, or maybe just be eerily silent and avoiding eye-contact. It's always off-putting when you realize someone you thought was untouchable is very much damaged, equally on the outside as on the inside.
I'd really have to delve into Nezha's character more to figure that all out, which I definitely haven't done yet bgdlkfm;sd so this is the best i can give you for now!
In any case, thanks for the ask, hope that you have a spectacular day!
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