#Some people's reading comprehension is so ass they think Romeo and Juliet is bad
autismmydearwatson · 1 year
You are capable of amazing things when you learn to read and enjoy Shakespeare on your own, instead of being force fed literature by shitty teachers and borrowing opinions from edgy kids on social media and pop culture.
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battlestar-royco · 5 years
Austen's works were actually Regency, not Victorian. Although modern authors have taken inspiration from both. And I find it funny how people have tried to twist some of these books around into something bad or to be romanticized when sometimes, the "Byronic hero" was SUPPOSED to be someone you wanted to wish death upon. And to think anything else is just really doing a huge disservice to these authors (especially if they're women). It's kinda like how people misunderstand Romeo and Juliet.
I’m really losing my lit studies rep out here, lol (which figures, because I majored in creative writing, not lit). Sorry about that! I guess I always get Regency and Victorian confused. Totally agree, Byronic heroes can be major assholes (VICTOR... MR. ROCHESTER, my dudes....) but they’re romanticized out the ass. I feel like they get misinterpreted because the modern iterations like Edward Cullen and such are packaged to us as beautiful, powerful, rich, etc. Their looks and charisma outweigh their more insidious traits. Plus, Twilight is probably more accessible in comprehension and culture than Frankenstein or Romeo and Juliet. I feel like writers like Austen and Shakespeare have this legendary aspect to them. Their works are so infused into our consciousness that most of us get the gist of the gist of the gist of the story without either reading them ourselves or having someone to teach us how to read it. So we resultantly have this massive regard for Romeo and Juliet as an epic love story when it’s more of a tragedy about meaningless violence and hatred, or we understand an Edward Cullen type to be the ultimate romantic to die for. Ugh, English class is so underrated. Themes and rhetoric and shit.
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