milkywaymd · 13 days
The “dog’s” heart and pen of M. Bulgakov in the service of Comrade Stalin.
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Iss recently watched “Heart of a Dog” by Alberto Lattuada. I thought about it. I read the book itself a long time ago. It is generally accepted that Bulgakov ridicules the Soviet man. Criticizes the Soviet system. But I personally developed a great sympathy for Sharikov. As a philologist I can say this. If you want to understand what the author really wanted to say and what thought he encoded in his book, read criticism and anthology. Everything that is written there is a crystalline lie. And the diametric opposite of what is actually put into the work. This works with films too. That is, if you want to understand the underlying message, you read the criticism and accept the opposite opinion. I have already written that all literature, like “the most important of the arts,” is deception and manipulation of the consciousness of the masses. This is always an attempt to put the Lucefirian philosophy of success into people's heads. Moreover, this was the case a hundred and two hundred years ago. You can’t even imagine what kind of manipulation schemes the government that controls us has. But let's return to Bulgakov. Mikhail Afanasyevich had great respect and reverence for Stalin’s personality. There was even a telephone conversation between them. Stalin attended some of Bulgakov's plays several times. Bulgakov was often staged. And he was never arrested. But “critics” find anti-Sovietism in his works. But the “critics” find it. But Stalin and the NKVD do not. Who to believe? Are the security officers really their own enemies? Well, of course not. So, Bulgakov treated Stalin’s personality with great interest and respect. The writer’s father was not just a priest, but a famous philosopher-theologian. Now let's look at Professor Preobrazhensky. He is engaged in some rather morally repugnant activities. Returns potency to elderly libertines of both sexes. And he even commits a completely blasphemous act, namely, he turns a dog into a human. From the point of view of the Orthodox Church, this is the apotheosis of sin. Which should be followed by immediate excommunication. The Professor himself behaves quite harshly. Without showing the slightest feelings for his creation, without even trying to educate him, he demands absolute humanity from the former dog. Which is pretty cruel. The reader, on an unconscious level, completely takes Sharikov’s side. And at the same time he doesn’t even realize it. Consciously, we seem to criticize him. But inside… And thus Bulgakov removes our critical perception of some representatives of the Soviet system. Arousing in us great loyalty to socialism, and to Stalin, and to such “Sharikovs”. At the level of consciousness, we are, as it were, against it. Outwardly they tell us that Sharikov is terrible!! And internally, bypassing critical thinking, we are all for it. Could Stalin be against such a writer? Of course not! What do you think??
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ichangeintothemule · 2 years
i thought i'd watch the french opera production of eugene onegin and the first thing tatyana does there is read news about revolution. like the 20th century one
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Jeg er lige vågnet efter 13 timers søvn, hold da op, det må jeg have trængt til
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annikin-annotates · 8 months
This little ditty had been sitting in my drafts for so long, so I thought I would bless you with a tad bit of Aemond angst.
Aemond x Reader
Word Count: 1k
Warnings: Grief, death, war.
The day was dark; terribly, awfully dark.
You awoke early, the pit in your stomach gnawing you out of your fitful slumber. Your hand reached across the palette bed, the furs soft beneath your fingertips, only to find your human hearth no longer there. You sat up abruptly from the bed, heart squeezing, but soon enough a small sigh of relief left you as you saw Aemond’s bare broad back facing you. Those stunning silver strands kept swaying with each movement he made as you silently crawled from the bed and got to your feet.
Bare feet making indents in the mud beneath the carpet of your shared tent, your hand brushing softly across the expanse of his back as you moved past him to the bowl of water that sat on the small table. The damp cloth across your skin felt soothing, the small rivulets of water sliding down the column of your throat. Aemond took you by the hand and brought you back to him, pulling you to his chest - wanting to feel you near him. 
It felt strange, this moment of calmness. It felt as though you were both moments from disaster. 
“Help me dress?” he asked, his warm breath fanning out on your skin. You pulled back to look at him. 
“Of course, my love,” you replied softly. And so you took your time together, slowly dressing one another, drinking each other in. You tied his armour and he tied your shoes, you braided his hair and whispered soft sweet prayers to yourself. 
Bring my love back to me safely, you prayed. 
You could hardly fight back the tears as you both stood together, hands roaming over each other. The cold leather and steel of his armour reminded you so much of the coldness of a corpse - of death. You pulled him as close as you could, savouring what could be the last moments you had together. Mud squelched underfoot as you walked with him to Vhagar, and it took everything in you to not beg him to stay, or to not climb the saddle with him. 
The closer you both got to the green beast the tighter you gripped his hand, hoping that if you held him more dearly or kissed him more fervently things may have been different. But perhaps you were only supposed to guide him to this, perhaps she never had a choice in the matter. It was the eleventh hour and there was naught to be done but to hang on until the storm had finished lashing. 
You stopped a few yards short of Vhagar, the monstrous creature now towering over them both casting an eerie shadow. Aemond leant down and pressed his lips to yours with a soft kiss, as passionate as it was sad. The kind that tastes like a farewell. Tears pricked at your eyes, only to be brushed away by a leather gloved thumb, a sad glint in his mis-matched eyes.  Thunder and lightning crackles and shakes the air around them. 
“Do not fret for me, my love,” he offered softly as he planted another kiss to your forehead, inhaling at the crown of your head. 
“I will always fret when it comes to you. Please return to me safe,” the words sounded hollow as they left you. Aemond nodded, making the short walk to Vhagar and mounting her. You watched on as he tied the chains around his waist and shifted in the saddle.
Sovetes, Vhagar!
The world faded from around you, gone were the shouting orders in the distance, and you stayed rooted to the spot as your eyes remained trained on the sky. The mighty she-dragon carrying the love of your life flew higher and higher, closer to the gods than you were comfortable with, to where the Blood Wyrm and his rider met them in the sky above the Gods Eye. All you could do was watch on in horror as dragons tangled and snapped at each other in a danse macabre, spitting fire and tearing at one another's necks.
Your stomach twisted painfully and your heart hammered in your chest as the dragons screeched and gave chase to one another. You had not realised before how similar Caraxes cry was to a human scream, and now it gave you gooseflesh and made an involuntary shiver run down your spine. Your hands had not ceased trembling since this morning, both fear and anxiety held you in their clawed clutches. You could feel the warmth of clamminess that had begun to form in your hands.
A sudden screeching outcry pulled you from the trance you had placed yourself in, red and green continued to tangle in the sky. It felt as though the world had begun to shift, your hand came to rest over your mouth, your chest shook with worry. It felt as though your ribs were an instrument playing a haphazard and off putting tune that nobody but you could hear. 
“Aemond!” you screamed in terror, watching on as Daemon lept from Caraxes, drawing his sword as Vhagar glided into his path. Icy cold calmness washes over you, tense and painful, as deep down you knew that this was the only outcome. A violent end.  
You could still feel the warmth of his kiss upon your lips.
You took two wobbly steps back, watching both dragon and rider plummet towards the lake below. You weren’t sure what gave out first, your legs or your heart, mud splattered up the front of your dress as you collapsed on the ground. The mud felt like blood splatter, the air was far too thick and breathing became far too hard. A stinging burn clawed its way up your throat as what little you had in your stomach left you. 
You looked from the sky to the ground, your torso folding over itself as your forehead pressed to the mud - a grief stricken wail tearing through you. The feeling was indescribable. The world around you no longer felt as bright, as warm, as it did before. And, deep down, you knew that it never would feel that way again. You brought your palms forcefully down onto the mud again, and again, as if you were knocking on the very door of the Stranger’s realm. 
You would not have minded in that moment if the Stranger had ascended to claim your soul as well, as you would do anything to be reunited with the love of your life. 
The death of you was quiet. 
Please reblog, it helps keep fanficton alive. xx
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aiselibrahim · 5 months
Bu yaxınlarda izlədiyim "Oppenheimer" filmindən diqqətimi çəkən bir nüans oldu. Filmdə alimin atom bombası kəşfi və Amerikanın bombanı 2 dəfə istifadə etməsiylə Sovet Rusiyası ilə Amerika arasında soyuq müharibə başlayır və bərabərində Amerikadakı paranoyalar da artır. Alimin Amerikaya olan sədaqəti sorğulanmağa başlayır və bərabərində onunla eyni anda prosessdə iştirak edən şəxslər ifadə vermək üçün dəvət edilir. Digər şəxslərin sorğulanması zamanı Oppenheimer də orda iştirak edir, hər sorğulanmadan sonra evə qayıdaraq həyat yoldaşı ilə necə keçdiyini müzakirə edir. Sorğulanmalardan birinə hidrogen bombasının atası sayılan, atom bombasının hazırlanmasında Oppenheimer ilə birlikdə işləyən Edward Teller dəvət edilir. Teller ifadəsində Oppenheimer'in hərəkətlərinin motivlərini bir çox hallarda anlamadığını, buna baxmayaraq onun vətəninə sadiq olduğuna inandığını deyir. Bu ifadə alim əleyhinə açıq şübhə buraxırdı. Buna baxmayaraq sonda ona əlini uzadan Teller'in əlini sıxmaqdan çəkinmir Oppenheimer. Həyat yoldaşı Kitty isə dərin sarsıntı keçirir və illər sonra Oppenheimer mükafatlandırılarkən onu təbrikə gələn Teller'in əlini sıxmaqdan imtina edərək qəzəb içində gözlərinə baxır. Əslində olduqca anlaşılan, bəlkə də əhəmiyyətsiz detaldır. Zaman-zaman sədaqətin, birini qarşılıqsız sevmənin nə demək olduğunu düşünən mənə isə olduqca açıq bir mesaj idi. Birini bütün varlığınla sevdiyin zaman ona gələcək hər bir zərbə sənə gəlmiş olurdu. Bəzən qarşındakı hiss etməsə belə ona nəyin doğru, nəyin yanlış olduğunu görərək qorumaq istəmək, hər anıyla qürur duymaq, bir tək təbəssümü ilə dolu-dolu sevinc duyğusunu dadmaq. Bütün bunlar sədaqət idi, böyük məhəbbət və hörmət hissi bəsləmək, evlənərkən verdiyin bağlılıq andının həqiqi təcəssümü idi. Oppenheimer bağışlamışdı, amma Kitty həyat yoldaşına edilən haqsızlığı unutmamışdı.
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eminjbrylv · 8 months
Qərbin gözündə "totalitar post sovet" ölkəsi imicindən qurtulmaq, "ənənəvi əxlaq kodeksi bizim dövlət siyasətimizdə yoxdur" imici vermək üçün, LGBT dəstəkçisi sənətçilərin konsertini (Imagine Dragons) təşkil edən iqtidar qurumu nə qədər bu çərçivədə hərəkət etmək istəsə də homofob "qaşınmadan" qurtula bilmir. Konsertdə qrup üzvlərindən biri üzərində LGBT və Trans bayrağı olan gitarını göstərən anda onu göstərən böyük ekranları söndürmüşdülər.
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evans-gallery · 8 days
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sovet police winter uniform references.
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evilelitest2 · 8 months
Hot take: I know it started as backlash towards America centric view of history and implicit lionification of American jingoism, but the "USSR won the WW2, they single-handedly kicked the Nazi ass with no help" is, if not equally tiresome, at least getting there. Yes, we get it, the biggest piece of shit in modern history got defeated by the second biggest who pretty much destroyed his country to do it, you don't have to be so smug about it.
I"m sorry for taking so long to get back to that Covid was...Covid was a hell of a time.
So to get into the history of this, no one country won WWII by itself, the whole point of WWII was that a bunch of powerful nations allied together to crush Fascism (eventually). So no one nation did it all by thesmelves, American jingoism of "We showed up inad crushed the Nazis by ourself, no Canadians or Brits at DDay" is obviously nonsense. And that also applies to the Soviet Union.
So the Sovets 100% did the most killing of the nazis, and they certianly did most of the dying. 9 out of every 10 europeon fascists. And they also lost the most people, somewhere between 27-35 million soviet citizens died during the war, some historians think it might even be as high as 40 million, like the level of fighting on the Eastern Front is a nightmare. However the Soviets were doing that fighting with American bullets, american uniforms, American jeeps, American tents, American food, and American medical supples. If the US had stayed neutral in WWII after 1941, then the Soviets might have won the war anyways but it would have been far harder, taken far longer and probably destroyed the soviet union. Hell Japan might have taken another shot at the East. The US was the great "arsenal of democracy" in WWII and that ultiamtley mattered as much as fighting. Both sides pretending they were the only protagonists of the fight.
Now many nations are pretty justified for calling the US out not joining for the first 3 years of WWII, like when Brits are like "Hey you guys were staying neutral when you shouldn't." fair enough. But when people from the former Soviet Union call the US out, I'm like "We joined six months later" There is a six month period where the USSR is fighting Fascism and the US is not, between June 1941 (start of Operation Barbarossa) and September 7th 1941 (Pearl Harbor). Before that, the US was staying neutral in the war (bastards) and the Soviets were worse than neutral, being the main suppler of oil to Hitler and engaging in imperalism (Poland, Finland).
Also part of the reason why the Soviet Union took so many losses was because of how badly run the Soviet union was run.
TLDR: no one nation can take full credit for the war, and the US and the USSR are both really annothing about trying to pretend they were the only winners of the war
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mformoegso · 11 months
jeg har ufrivilligt kun sovet 2 timer i nat og det bliver absolut ALLES fucking problem i dag
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blondinehjerne · 1 month
Livet handler om at tage det sure med det søde - væggelus er evil fuckers og har hævet min hage og mit stress niveau med 1000000 - men her er det positive der er sket samtidig med.
1. Min bedsteveninde kom ned på mit arbejde idag med lidt mad og energidrik - fordi hun vidste jeg hverken havde spist eller sovet. Og mest af alt for bare at give et kram. Gud hvor elsker jeg hende!
2. Jeg fik desværre nok set min udlejers true colors
3. Den britiske fyr jeg skriver med har faktisk været virkeligt støttende og opmuntrende!
4. Ingen har været klamme overfor mig (pånær min udlejer) se punkt 2
5. Jeg må holde min fødselsdag fredag alligevel
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greaseonmymouth · 4 months
remember this?
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morgenkys (1029 words) by nerakrose Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Afdeling Q | Department Q (Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Assad/Carl Mørck Characters: Carl Mørck, Assad (Afdeling Q), Jesper (Afdeling Q) Additional Tags: Slice of Life, Flirting, Making Out, Morning Kisses Summary: “Har verdens mest sexede mand sovet godt i nat?” “Det ved jeg ikke, Carl,” svarer Assad. “Har du sovet godt?”
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minvaerrehalvdel · 2 months
lidt ironisk hvor skyldig og skamfuldt jeg føler mig for at have sovet dagen væk, når jeg samtidigt ikke kan holde dagen ud for tiden og når jeg godt ved at jeg intet produktivt ville have lavet alligevel
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Skulle aflevere et synopsisudkast fredag, som jeg ikke har lavet endnu, og min underviser har givet mig lov til at udskyde deadline til søndag/mandag, fordi jeg er syg :’) Pyha. Min lillebror og mor kom forbi med Panodil og honning til mig for en halv times tid siden <3
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ezicorifl · 2 months
Идея: новый год, маленький нацбол встаёт на стульчик (чтобы рассказать стишок и получить подарок от деда мороза) и он рассказывает максимально матерный стих который только есть в мире
Idea: New Year, Lil nazbol stands on a chair (to recite a poem and receive a gift from grandfather moroz(kind of santa claus but in russia and sovet union)) and he recites the most swearing poem that exists in the world
I think his fathers won't be happy(specially authright, all at all this tradition to say poems on the chair to a kind of Santa Claus is soviet one)
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aiselibrahim · 2 months
Aza qənaətlənib şükür etmək, çoxun xəyalından belə qorxub qaçmaq. Klassik sovet təfəkkürü. Bizi öldürən məhz budur.
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ejendommelig · 2 months
Jeg har sovet elendigt, har seriøst drømt, halvvågen, 5-10 gange i den sidste time at jeg kom for sent til time, alle på forskellige måder + at min partner totalt smadrede vores køkken xD what a way to wake up
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