#Spectale Radio
alastors-radioshow · 9 months
Mr Radio Demon! I just found out my friends are Taking me to Louisiana!!!
To New Orleans!!!
I'm screaming with joy!!! 🥹
Voodoo, Tarot Readings, Jazz, Swing Clubs, Graveyards, Abandoned Spectales, Bar hopping on Bouron St! My heart is so full I feel like I'm about to explode ❤️
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"Goodness me, how very lovely~! I shall wish you a pleasant journey, dear~
I do urge you to keep your wits about you, however. One never knows what spirits might lurk in the shadows~"
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spectacletheater · 5 years
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Spectacle Radio ep.38, 06.23.19 :: Say no to Jesus
Government Issue - Time Will Rearrange (My Degeneration) // Piero Mantovani - House no.1 (Ghosthouse 3) // TR/ST - Bulbform (Memorex) // Modell Doo - Mondo Weirdo // Der Plan - Donnerwetter! (The Last Revenge) // Unknown - After Sex You Turned Away (Nite Owl) // American Beef Institute - Say No to Jesus (My Degeneration) // Opening (Sheila and the Brainstem) // Always open (Sheila and the Brainstem) // Günther Fischer - Main Titles (Eolomea) // Meyer Kupferman - A man is a tree / Main Titles (Goldstein) // Comb (Terminal USA) // Desert Archipelago // Sergey Kuryokhin - Donna Anna (Mister Designer) // Vomit Launch - What Cross (My Degeneration) // Carlos D'Alessio - Vera Baxter // John Leguizamo - Phone Call (Nite Owl) // Leather Jacket (Mod Fuck Explosion) // Hermann Kopp - Petrified Slow (Der Todesking) // Chris Burke - Splatter University Theme // Mr. Fingers - Can You Feel It (Pump Up the Volume) // Mannequin - Take Me to the Club (Party Monster) // Gary Stockdale - Last Dance (Dance of the Damned) // Karyo Tengoku - Soul Brother (Mod Fuck Explosion) // Jesus, help me to be famous (My Degeneration) // Inner Earth (Sheila and the Brainstem)
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huskofachance · 4 years
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Anon: ✍+One of the Von eldritchs
Sevianthan Von Eldritch  He leaned back in the plush seat of his family’s limo. He had expected Charlotte to end their relationship. The woman was foolish, biting into the apple damning her self to failure. His lips pulled back revealing his sickening green teeth. He knew this would be her greatest failure.  Something to bring shame upon the Magne name. Diluted in her dreams, surely that would cause an uprise in their class. A chance to win the favor of the king, to replace that woman. Deft fingers made the window lower, vibrant green eyes looking at what used to be the rotting carcass of one of Lucifer’s failed projects. Always biting off more than they could chew.    Eyes narrowed at the spectal that was the “Happy Hotel” his lips pulling down into a scowl. How could she craft such a luring beast for sinners? She barely had powers! The limo slowed allowing him to get a look at the red eye sore that had been causing his family a headache since he arrived.  Oh, oh this was rich! Befriending that walking tragedy. A sinner so wrapped up in his own ideals of entertainment he could barely brush the power that laid at his finger tips. He bit his laughter back locking eyes with the radio demon. He rolled the window back up. Hands locking to rest on his crossed knee.  “Oh, Charlotte. You really are your father’s child. Falling for those wretched souls. Well, let’s see how long your drive last for this little project.” 
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cloud-of-smoke · 7 years
Ma mémoire s'éffrite. J'ai laissé tomber mes souvenir sur le bitum. Perte de connaissance. Amnésie. À ne pas savoir si, oui non votre tête a cogné le sol, tu te rappelles que tu as mangé à l'exterieur ce midi, mais enfin mélanie j'étais à la maison. C'est un trou noir dans mon cerveau. Des flash, des visage. Je me souviens de : les piétons le guidon qui s'emballe, celle qui tient ma nuque, ma tête, cindy comédienne joue autopsy à 13h, peut-être moi qui invite tout le monde au spectale, d'autre visage. vide, trou noir. La deuxième ambulance, peut-être ma blague quand on sort de la glace pour ma cheville, tu me prépare un cocktail ?, je demande les lumières bleus dans l'ambulance pour me sentir comme au petit bar, urgence, on me sépare de toi. La peur m'a dévoré. Seule. Personne qui, règle 6 se préocuper. Oui j'ai mal, non ça va. Trou noir. Radio. Se débrouiller. Trou noir. Tu viens m'embrasse, pas le droit d'être là, interdit. Trou noir. Scanner. J'ai dormi, tu as caresser mon bras pendant mon sommeil. Réveil. 3h du matin, changement de pansement. Vous pouvez sortir. Cendrillon déambule dans les couloirs, tu as gardé ma chaussure. Je serre Emmanuel dans les bras. Rentrer, fumer une cigarette. Dormir. C'est le noir qui m'avale, la peur d'être seule dans l'immense noir sous mes paupières fermées. Je, crise d'angoisse, larmes, cris. Je te réclame. Tu sais pas faire, je sais pas comment dire. Je perds la parole, je garde la peur. Il me faut apprendre à m'endormir seule, à me réconforter seule. besoin de te tenir la main pour pas que le noir me mange toute crue.
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