#Stan and Kenny so easy to make angst art
the--firevenus · 2 years
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Water fountain
A lil something for them cuz they keep breaks my heart
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princessconsuela120 · 11 months
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Series masterlist
Chapter Warnings: mentions of sex, mentions of pregnancy, mentions of abortion, cursing, angst
Author’s Note: I’m gonna start adding a lot of additional things then just the movie plot to the story pretty soon so make sure to keep liking and commenting, it really helps motivate, thank you all!!
Chapter art by @silvell
KYLE HAD REALIZED LATELY THAT HE REALLY LOVED THE COLOR YELLOW. It reminded him of joy, of walking home from school and finding small dandelions on the ground that reminded him it didn’t always need to be so cold. The sun that shone above, leaving a yellow hue on the world. But mostly because it reminded him of me. The yellow fabric of my science trip shirt laid in his lap, his hands bunched around the sleeves. He gently traced the words of my names signed into the fabric, next to a small doodle of a flower I added to the mix.
This had been his routine for the past few weeks since he had found me on his lawn. It was his way of bringing himself back down to earth. No one knew, he was lucky. He felt bad that he was lucky. He didn’t have to tell his parents, his mom wouldn’t freak out on him, he wouldn’t receive dirty looks. No one knew he was a father. It would be over soon, but Juno would have to live with that. And that didn’t sit easy with him.
“Hey, Kyle. Are you coming to eat?” Sheila asked, knocking lightly on Kyle’s door. He jumped up slightly, still wearing his basketball shorts from practice, not having the willpower to take them off. He held the short closer to him, hiding it beside his pillow so his mom wouldn’t question it.
“No, I don't think so.” He mumbled, looking back down with a sigh. Sheila sighed back, smiling softly at her boy.
“You played for 5 hours today Bubby.” She said softly, making Kyle smile up at her, a very forced smile, that Sheila seemed to recognize.
“I'm not hungry, oddly.” He shrugged, grabbing a handful of the t-shirt under his pillow. Sheila sighed, noticing how his eyes shifted down, then to the side, then back to the ground.
“But it's breakfast for supper. It's your favorite, Ike wanted to show you his science project for school.”
“Yeah. Tell Ike I’ll come down in a second.” He turned, letting his mom know he didn’t want to talk anymore.
“Juno Marsh called while you were at basketball today.” Sheila noticed how he perked up in his seat. “I like her Kyle, she’s a nice girl.”
“Yeah, yeah. I like her too.” He smiled, and she smiled back.
“Come down when you’re ready Bubala. Take your time.�� He nodded, letting Sheila close the door before hurrying his head in the t-shirt, shaking comfort in the smell. He really did love the color yellow, more than he even knew possible.
“So I'm not really sure how I'm gonna spit this out.” My hands were anxiously knotted together in my pocket, pulling at my fingers over and over. I had gathered my parents into the dinning room to break the news. I of course had gathered my support team, Kenny sitting beside me and Stan leaning against the staircase behind the table.
“Hon, did you get expelled?” My mom asked nervously, making me stop, shaking my head.
“No, the school would most likely contact you in the event of my expulsion.” I explained, going to sit down beside Kenny. He placed a hand on my shoulder, rubbing soothing patterns into my shoulder.
“Well, I was just asking. It seemed plausible.” She shook her head slightly with worry. “What, do you need a large amount of money? Legal counsel?”
“Weed?” My dad spoke up, earning a dirty look from my mother as Stan scoffed.
“Randy.” My mom said in warning, making him hold his hands up in defense.
“I'm not asking for anything. Except for maybe mercy. Like it would be frigging sweet if no one hit me.” I ranted, pulling lightly at my hair. My mom looked up at me with even more worry in her eyes.
“What have you done? Hit someone with the truck?”
“Break into my weed stash?” Dad interrupted again, causing Stan to interrupt this time aswell.
“Dad! Not the time okay?” Stan shouted, making dad look down like a lost puppy.
“No.” I mumbled, hiding my face in my hands as I let out a loud groan.
There were some moments in my life I can recall being hard. Things like, learning how to ride a bike when I was 5. Moving to Tegrudy Farms, that was hard. Getting into advanced sciences, that was pretty tough. But never has something been so hard it was almost impossible. My mouth physically rejected saying the words ‘I’m pregnant’ to my parents. I felt like I would throw up in any second by trying to force them out.
“Dude, I think it's best to just tell them.” Kenny said, grabbing my hand and giving it a light squeeze, they way we used to comfort each other as kids.
“Rip it off like a bandaid Junebug, you can do it.” Stan reassured, as if he could feel the anxious vomit collecting in my stomach.
“I'm pregnant.” I said quickly, looking down at the ground as I heard a soft gasp leave my moms lips.
“Oh, God.”
“I'm gonna give it up for adoption. I already found the perfect couple.” I explained, Kenny raising a hand proudly.
“I helped.” He chimes in, causing my mom to hide her face in her hands.
“Oh god.” She said again into her hands, my heart rate increasing ten folds.
“They're gonna pay for the medical expenses and everything. In thirty-odd weeks, we can just pretend that this never happened.” I continued to ramble, squeezing Kenny’s hand tighter, causing him to look at me with worry.
“You're pregnant?” My dad asked. It was strange, hearing him say that. Not because of the words he was saying, more so because of the way his voice broke when he said it. I had never seen my dad cry, or hear him falter at all. This was something new.
“I'm sorry. I'm sorry. And if it is any consolation… I have heartburn that is radiating to my kneecaps… And I haven't taken a dump since Wednesday. Morning.” I explained, holding my chest as I explained the said heartburn that crept into my chest.
“And you knew Stan?” Mom asked, making Stan frown.
“I didn't even know you were sexually active.” My mom whispered in disbelief, as my dad looked up at me.
“Who is the kid?” He asked, making me furrow my eyebrows as I placed two hands on my stomach, looking down confused.
“The baby? I don't really know much about it other than it has fingernails.” I said making my mom roll her eyes.
“Allegedly.” Kenny mumbled, causing Stan to look at us confused.
“Nails? Really?” He asked, making me nod.
“No, I mean who is the father, Juno?” My dad corrected, making me sigh. I didn’t say much, I looked down at the ground and kept quiet for a second. Kenny was the only one who knew, now they were all gonna know. God I wish Stan weren’t here.
“It's Kyle Broflovski.” I said weakly, looking down at the ground to avoid any eye contact. The room went quiet.
“Kyle Broflovski?” My mom asked calmly.
“Kyle?!?” My brother shouted, causing me to flinch in response. “What the fuck Juno!!?” He shouted, moving from his comfortable spot, no longer my source of comfort. I couldn’t even look at him. I knew how bad it was.
“Stanley!” Our mom said, but he didn’t care. He stood infront of me now, and my eyes wondered to meet his.
“You didn’t tell me it was my fucking best friend, what the hell is wrong with you guys!!?” He shouted again. I really didn’t know what to say. Being honest, I felt like my heart had broken, my body shut down and I was dead on the floor. But I wasn’t dead, I was alive. Being alive was so damn hard.
“Stan i” I stuttered out, but Stan shook his head, walking upstairs.
“Oh fuck you dude.” He hissed, stomping up the steps, angrily slamming the door.
“I didn't think he had it in him.” My dad said, making Kenny chuckle.
“I know, right?” Kenny said, laughing.
“This is no laughing matter.” My mom spoke up angrily, causing both Kenny and Randy to clear their throats and look down.
“No, it's not. And, you know, Kyle is actually great in…Okay. In chair.” I explained, before looking down with shame at the angry look both my parents gave.
“You're thinking about adoption?”
“Yeah, yeah. And there's this couple, they haven't had...They've been trying to have a kid for five years.” I explained, Kenny nodding as he rushed to back me up.
“We found them in the PennySaver next to exotic birds.”
“They have a legitimate lawyer, and I was gonna go meet with them next weekend.”
“Junebug, that is a tough, tough thing to do. It's probably tougher than you can understand right now.” My mom said, shaking her head. I could tell this was hard for her, i could tell she didn’t know what to do. I didn’t blame her, I didn’t know what to do either.
“No, I know. And it's just that I'm not ready to be a mom.” I said softly, looking down again, kicking my foot against the table. My dad let out a laugh.
“Damn skippy. You don't even remember to give Sparky his breathing meds.”
“That was once. And he did not die, if you recall.” I said, scoffing in defense.
“Honey, had you considered, you know, the alternative?” My mom offered, but I shook my head, holding onto my stomach lightly, not wanting to remember my failed almost abortion.
“Well, you're a little Viking.” My dad said, earning an eye roll from me at the teasing.
“First things first. We have to get you healthy. You need prenatal vitamins. Incidentally, they do incredible things for your nails, so that's a plus. We'll schedule a doctor's appointment, figure out where you'll deliver.” My mom explained, and I nodded.
“Juno, I'm coming with you to meet this adoption couple. You're a kid. I don't want you to get ripped off by baby-starved wing nuts.” My dad rambled, and I smiled at him softly.
“Thanks, Dad.” He sighed, shaking his head at me.
“Boy, I thought you were the kind of girl who knew when to say when.”
I smiled softly, feeling my heart ache.
“I don't really know what kind of girl I am.” I said softly, about to walk away as my mom sighed, grabbing my wrist lightly.
“Honey, don’t stress about Stan okay? He’ll come around, he loves you he always does.” She reassured me, and I nodded.
“Yeah, yeah okay.” I grabbed Kenny’s arm, pulling him with me and he followed me into my room. Kenny held me that night, and stayed with me to sleep over. I didn’t sleep though, I could hear every word from the other room, my moms wails that traveled through the walls, that eventually turned into my own. This is hard, this is really fucking hard.
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