#Stelle adopts any rodents she finds you cannot change my mind
aceptical · 2 months
I know the quest was very obviously implied romantic but I love the idea of trailblazer adopting Firefly as a little sister instead.
1. Very similar hair color- grey and light grey/white. Also have very similar color schemes minus firefly’s teal.
2. You cannot tell me chaotic raccoon trailblazer would not take one look at Firefly, immediately head pat, and immediately adopt. THEY HAVE THOSE ADOPTING VIBES. THEY CARE FOR BABY RACCOONS AND FIREFLY HAS NOW JOINED THAT.
3. It makes the story feel less rushed. Friend I only met a bit ago? Don’t care all that much. Love interest / crush? I guess they were cute, but we don’t really know each other. ADOPTED LITTLE SISTER??? That fits Stelle’s reaction so much more. Of course it still feels rushed but if it was just immediate little sister adoption than the immediate connection makes more sense- you have just taken this person in as your sister and then you failed to protect them. Trailblazer just added to their family and failed to protect them- something they clearly care about taking into consideration how many times they have thrown themselves into danger for someone else.
4. It would be cute. Enough said.
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