rockinrpmemes · 4 years
Billy Madison ( 1995 ) meme
Slightly naughty, and really stupid. 🙃 OH! And feel free to change whatever.
“Suntan lotion is good for me; you protect me, tee-hee-hee!”
“The sun tries to burn me, but you won’t let it, will ya!!?”
“Ultraviolet rays: bad! Lotion: good!”
“It's nudie magazine day!”
“It’s too damn hot for a penguin to be just walkin’ around here. I gotta send him back to the South Pole.”
“The people at the zoo are real nice, Mr. Penguin... They'll treat you REAL respectable- like.”
“Shampoo is better. I go on first and clean the hair. No! Conditioner is better. I leave the hair silky and smooth!”
“Hahahahahaha---shut up!”
“That boy's a fine piece of work all right. He's a fine piece of ass though, too.”
“You know I like Snack Pack, why can't you just GIVE ME A SNACK PACK?!!”
“I thought I was your snack pack.”
“What a WEIRDO!”
“Well ___’s daddy is in prison, and he won’t be out for a very long, long, time.”
“Uh, do we have to discuss this with Captain Dipshit here?”
“Don’t tell me my business, devil woman!”
“Call the fire department, this one's outta control!”
“He called the shit 'poop!’”
“I'll get you damn kids for this! You're all gonna die!”
“That little boy's gotta think: ‘You got a pet. You got a responsibility.’ If your dog gets lost you don't look for an hour then call it quits. You get your ass out there and you find that fucking dog!”
“Well, I made the duck blue because I've never seen a blue duck before, and frankly, I wanted to see one.”
“When I graduated the first grade, all my dad did was tell me to get a job.”
“Hey, you wanna feed that donkey some beer? Get it all messed up?”
“Donkey Kong sucks!”
“You know something, you suck!”
“Now you're all in big, big trouble!”
“Don’t ever leave me open, son. Cause I’m gonna hit it every time.”
“No milk will ever be ‘our’ milk.”
“Oh, [ name ] ! So hot! Want to touch the hiney! Arrroooooooo!”
"‘Touch her boobs?’ That's assault brotha’... You *double* dare me?"
“If peeing your pants is cool, then consider me Miles Davis.”
“Oooooh! That is the grossest thing I've ever heard in my life!”
“I swear to God I'm sick. I can't go to school.”
“If you're gonna stay home today, you can help me shave my armpits.”
“T-t-t-t-oDAY, junior!”
"What do I care about some stupid phony wrestling guy?"
"Is he going to have a stupid party every time he passes a grade?"
"You know, everyone's having a good time but you."
“Wanna trade me the rest of that Snack Pack for this banana?”
“You know how badly I could beat you, right?”
"Don't you think it's a little pathetic that just because of who your [ Father/Mother ] is, you get to do this all over again?"
“I dare you to throw your sandwich at the bus driver. Do it. Come on!”
“HEY! Who thew that? I'll turn this damn bus around. That'll end your PRECIOUS little field trip pretty damn quick, eh?!”
“Who would steal 30 bagged lunches?”
“I'll tell you who took those lunches. That damn Sasquatch!”
“That [ name ] is one hot piece of ass, I know from experience dude.”
“Everybody on? Good, great, grand, wonderful!”
“I could think of 3 things I'd like to do. One would involve some ice cubes and a nine iron. 2 would include a buffalo, live or stuffed, preferably stuffed for safety's sake, and 3, we bring back some of those ice cubes and switch it over to a pitching wedge.”
“Stay here for as long as you can! For the love of GOD cherish it!”
“Sometimes I feel like an idiot. But I am an idiot, so it kinda works out.”
“Chlorophyll? More like BORE-A-phyl! Amiright?”
“No I will not make out with you! 
“Did ya hear that? This girl wants to make out with me in the middle of class!”
“I'm here to learn, everybody, not to make out with you!”
“I kinda gave you a hard time back then, and I did some things I thought were funny at the time, and realize now they were just mean and stupid.”
“You, me, [ name ] and [ name ] are gonna go around, putting shit on people's doorsteps and we gonna sets it on fire!”
“You know some people have no will power, no ambition. They just drift through life like lumps of crap.”
“Oh, gross... did you see that guy's balls?... They were weird looking.”
“What you just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard.”
“At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you nothing, and may God have mercy on your soul.”
“Okay, a simple ‘no’ would've done just fine.”
“You think HE’S horny... ”
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the-fox-populi-says · 4 years
Written & directed by Fangirl Quarantino
Ao3 has been very Foxphobic in that first I had to wait a whole day for an invite once I decided in the spur of a moment I should really make an account, and then telling me my username did not follow requirements (...it really did?? I swear!). So. Ao3 link might follow when that is fixed but for now, have a direct copy-paste of my latest one-shot. Summary: After an Order meeting runs late during a curfew, Shiro is stuck in Faust Mansion. Mephisto offers to poof him home, but had a few glasses and Shiro does not trust drunk magic. He also doesn't trust drunk opportunist Mephisto conveniently having no guest rooms available, and goes in search of alternative beds. Characters: Shiro, Mephisto, Belial, Ukobach Tags: #There was only one bed #which may have been by design #omg they were curfew mates #adult language #nudity #violence #banter #humour #alcohol #mature #Suggestiveness #no out-right smut #But the Thought is there #and a little #erotic aesphyxiation #never killed anyone #oh wait it did actually #Not this time though #dubious consent #or however you call relocating an unconscious naked person for your amusement but without actually feeling them up #well maybe a little #but with a towel
“What do you mean, I can't go home?!” Shiro yelled at the unmoved face of the butler.
“Curfew, sir. It's past 9 pm.”
Fuck. That was right- there had been a surge in demon activity lately, and as a counter-measure, the Order had issued a strict no-going-out-after-dark policy. “Oh come on- I'm a professional! Any demon encountering me is in more danger than I am.”
“Even unarmed?” A smug, slightly lilting voice inquired behind his back. Shiro balled his fists, surpressing the urge to use them on the face that voice belonged to.
The same face and voice that had informed him a couple weeks earlier he was no longer allowed to bring firearms to Order meetings. Not since he'd emptied almost an entire magazine into the back of Mephisto's chair after the Osaka incident. Insufficient informants his ass. As if that mission hadn't been payback for the whoopie cushion the week before. As if a round of bullets would even kill the bastard. Wimps.
“Could neither of you have informed me sooner?! I was only sticking around because captain naggy pants over here-” he threw out his entire arm to gesture; “-insisted it would be bad form to leave with all the high-ups still here.”
“Bitte do not yell at my butler- it's not hisch fault you don't know how to use a watch.”
Shiro again considered the use of his fists, but instead opted for a look of Promise over his shoulder at the grinning demon getting up from behind the fancy desk.
“Oh relax, Shiro. I can juscht teleport you home.” “Oh nononono- There will be no. Poofing.” He switched from fists to pointing, and waved a warning finger at Mephisto's raised eyebrows.
“May I ask warum nicht?”
“Because you just had to serve prosecco at your stupid meeting and you have the poorest alcohol tolerance in the world. And a sweet tooth.” The eyebrows shot down, along with the corners of his mouth in an affronted expression.
“I had three glasses!” “Yes, and I can see you swaying from where I stand.”
Not to mention the increased use of German. Shiro folded his arms.
“Last time you looked like that and poofed me somewhere, I ended up in the middle of a rice field because you had sake on your brain.”
Mephisto made a dismissive motion with one hand. With the other he pretended not to grip the edge of the desk for balance.
“I'll juscht concentrate very hard on your apartment, it'll be fine.”
“Oh hell no- I don't wanna end up half inside my shower cabin, or inside a wall. I'm staying here. You have like five hundred rooms anyway.”
He turned around. “Yo Belial, point me to a guest room, would ya.”
No response. The butler looked even stiffer than usual, but bounced his eyes back and forth between the two men as if following a tennis match.
Shiro growled. “What?”
Finally, Belial mustered the courage to speak. “I'm afraid there are currently none available, sir.”
He shot a venomous look at Mephisto, who avoided his gaze and uncharacteristically fumbled with the buttons on his vest.
“I may have... clearedthelaschtonetomakeroomfurmeinecollectionofPokémoncards.”
Of course.
“So make a new one!”
Wrong move. Never order Mephisto around. The somewhat apologetic pout was gone in an instant and replaced by silken lechery.
“Oh now Shiro, you don't want me to use my magic while drunk, do you~?”
“You know, there is another option...” The green eyes briefly slid sideways, returning to the exorcist's face to serve up a very clear and satisfied Suggestion.
Funny, how those three glasses of pink bubbly suddenly seemed to have left his system. Even funnier how there suddenly was a direct, open door from his office to his bedroom.
“...You wish.” Shiro planted his feet firmly on the ground. “Allow me to decline that offer with a resounding Fuck No.”
Mephisto rolled his eyes. “Oh please- I'll likely won't even use it tonight. There's a Voltron marathon on channel 12.”
“Ever heard of the phrase 'tying the cat to the bacon', because that's what me sleeping in your bed would be.”
“You overestimate this cat's interescht in your bacon.”
Waddayaknow. Little bubbly left in there after all. But apparently not so much that he couldn't poof himself into a shimmering baby blue chamber robe.
“Bullshit.” Shiro scoffed. “I've seen you checking out my bacon since the moment it turned legal and probably a good bit before that.”
“Very well.” The demon shrugged, and assumed a leisurely walk towards the pillow nest in front of the tv, with the obvious intent to install himself there for the rest of the night. “You're welcome to find yourself the softest spot of floor, then.”
Shiro sauntered after him, a smirk creeping up on his lips. “Actually, I have a better idea.” The moment Mephisto's satin-clad butt would have touched the pink bean bag, Shiro yoinked it from under him, causing the bony structure to make sudden, harsh contact with the marble tiles.
“Ow! What in-”
“Bed aqcuired. Goodnight.” Bean bag under one arm, Shiro marched off.
Mephisto crawled out of the surrounding pillows, rubbing his back with one hand and carrying murderous intent in his eyes.
“Give that BACK, the show's starting in 2 minutes!”
“If you're so confident about your magic, why don't you make me.”
Wrong move again, yes. But too delectable to pass up on. Shiro grinned, tossing the bean bag back and forth between his hands.
“Unless of course, you feel a bit nervous about your aim while I'm standing right in front of your precious figurine collection.”
A hesitation. Mephisto wavered. Little bubbly left in there after all. ...Dare he? He dared. Shiro stuck out his tongue.
Terrible move. The demon's eyes narrowed, and out of nowhere a yellow rubber ball with red stars flew off a shelf, bounced off the floor and hit Shiro square under the chin. He instantly dropped the bean bag to clasp both hands over his mouth with a pained groan.
“Told you there's nothing wrong with my aim.” A poof, and the bean bag was back in its rightful place: under Mephisto, who took his merry time wiggling himself into the most comfortable position.
“Stop being a crybaby and let me take you home, or enjoy the floor.”
Shiro lowered his hands and scowled at the back of Mephisto's head, and that oh so annoying flippant hand motion illustrating this fight was clearly over and he was the victor. As it should be.
When met with a display that level of self-assured superiority, one can only respond in either of two ways. Admit you lost... Or get petty.
“...Fine, swew you.” Fuck. Difficult to sound convincingly stubborn when his tongue wouldn't work.
“Thewe's bound to be a couch somewhewe. Hey Belial, help me out here, would you.” Finally. “Where's the nearest bed-like structure?”
“Belial, do absolutely not help him.” Asshole didn't even look up, just tapped at the remote.
Belial froze, looking extremely unhappy about being involved in their dispute.
“...Dude, seriously, you're a butler. Helping guests is just as much your job as pampering his childish ass.”
“...” Merely a gaze of concern at his master, and an apologetic look in Shiro's direction, pressing his lips tightly together.
Shiro growled. “Fuckin' bootlicker.”
-Some 25 minutes later-
Mephisto's bedroom doors were thrown open, and a dishevelled Shiro unsteadily leaned against the doorway.
“Back so soon?” Mephisto grinned over his shoulder, a drinking straw clasped tightly between his fangs, but his glee evaporated and he took it out when he caught a better look at the exorcist's state. “What happened?”
Shiro tottered in, bits and pieces falling out of his torn clothes, and rubbing the various cuts on his cheek with the back of his equally mangled hand.
“Wound up in kitchen. Dark. Accidentally knocked over a bowl. Side dish or sum'thin. Ukobach did not appreciate. Told him to calm down. Rain of pasta. You wouldn't believe how sharp uncooked penne can be.”
“Tragic.” The grin returned. “Try not to bleed on any fabrics if you're going to take refuge in here.”
Heartwarming. Shiro was too worn out to dig up some choice insults, but addressed Mephisto with the foulest look he could still muster.
The demon chuckled. “...Or perhaps, just let me send you home?”
Silence. There was probably no alcohol in the glittery cinema soda cup, but who was to say for sure. Also, leaving the mansion somehow felt like a greater defeat than staying in Mephisto's room. Like he hasn't just lost the battle, but was too afraid to even remain on the battlefield.
The demon kept his eyes fixated at the colourful robots on the tv screen, but his ears were perked up attentively, waiting for Shiro's response. When that failed to happen, he closed his eyes and gave another nudge-
“...Or use what might arguably be the best bed in the world~”
Bait? Definitely. But also a lifeline. Shiro bit.
“You mean that bed you do God knows what in? Yuck, no thanks.”
Dramatic sigh for effect before deigning to look him in the eye. “Have you met me? My bed is clean, I assure you.”
Shiro smirked. Such a diva. And a dweeb. “Yeah alright, you probably only ever hump anime pillows anyway.”
The corners of his mouth curled upwards. “Justify your choice however you like, Shiro-pon.”
Boxers and t-shirt wouldn't be too bacon-y for the cat, right? Not while there were still mechas on tv to distract it, at least. Shiro began peeling off his tattered clothes, until Mephisto's ears twitched at the click of his belt unbuckling and he turned sharply towards the exorcist.
“...Excuse me, what do you think you're doing?”
Shiro kicked off his pants and flipped back the blankets. “Using your goddamn bed. Happy now?”
“Absolutely not. Get out.”
What. Shiro stared at the piqued face in disbelief.
“...Are you for real? What the fuck is it now?! In the bed, not in the bed, get in, go away-”
“Oh, you're welcome to sleep in my bed.” Mephisto squinted eyes slid up and down over Shiro's post pasta-fight body and the dirty clothes on the floor in a most disapproving manner. “AFTER you take a shower.”
Shiro's shoulders dropped. “...Really now?”
“Like I said.” He decidly turned back to the screen. “I like my bed clean.”
Shiro had no doubt the demon could sense the middle finger aimed at his back, but there were no bouncing balls or other items interfering with his gesture while he strode into the bathroom and yanked a towel out of the closet.
Frankly, it was not exactly a terrible ordeal to use Mephisto's shower. If he hadn't been that tired, be might have opted to wait for the bath to fill up instead- he eyed the pool-sized structure with a mixture of envy and disgust. Filthy rich bastard.
Filthy rich bastard with a royally equipped shower cabin, though. Shiro turned the knob and waited for the water from the various shower heads to heat up, when a voice from the bedroom yelled over the sound of the streams: “You better not use my expensive shower gel!”
Shiro sighed. “Which one?! They all seem expensive!” They probably were.
“...The gold and pink bottle. Do not touch it.”
Definitely touching it, he picked it up and turned it around in his hand. “Oh lord save me, you know how much I'd like to smell like- vanilla tenderness?? ...Is that how you lure in prey?”
“I'll have you know the ladies love it.”
Shiro snickered. “Oh, I don't doubt that. On them.”
“You bet they do~” The smug retort came drifting from under the door.
Shiro shook his head.
“Are you sure they can't sue you for false advertising, cuz there is nothing vanilla nor tender about you.”
“How would you know?”
...Walked straight into that one.
“...Care to find out~?”
“Eat my ass.”
“Maybe after you washed it.”
Shiro didn't know it was possible to choke on your own tongue while standing. Thank God or whomever that the demon couldn't see how red his face was- though judging by the giggling noises, the shower wasn't enough to drown out his coughing fit.
“Really, you are so wonderfully talented at putting your own foot in your mouth, Shiro~”
“Keep it up and I'll put my foot in your mouth!” He scowled, stepping into the shower while Mephisto burst out in a full-blown laughing fit, fuck knows why. Shiro shrugged it off. This was probably one of those better-off-not-knowing times.
Ah, such a wonderful story~ Heroism, friendship, impossible odds, fantastic machinery... The show had ended and Mephisto zapped away from the commercial break to search for something more interesting. Hm, not much, this late. He shook his cup, the decorative re-useable plastic ice cubes rattling about. All out of drinks. Snacks too. Maybe switch to other entertainment. Come to think of it...
He turned towards the bathroom door. He could hear the water still going. How long had he been in there by now? Five episodes? Seven?
“...As much as I appreciate cleanliness, don't you think you're overdoing it just a scooch?”
No response.
“Don't go telling me you dropped the soap and need help finding it.”
Still nothing. No change in sound whatsoever. Not even one of Deliberately Ignoring You. Odd.
Mephisto rose from his pillow nest and knocked on the bathroom door.
Nothing but the running water. And a strange, light ...grating sound? He opened the door.
“I'd suggest you make yourself decent, but given how much water you're using as well as your general behaviour today that is word obviously not in your dic-”
Oh. Oh dear.
Semi-sitting on the floor of the shower cabin, slouched into a corner, was one sleeping exorcist. Mildy snoring.
Mephisto cocked his head. Strangely adorable, but also annoying. He briefly studied the naked, scratched-up figure. Not a bad look, not at all~ But too easy.
He sighed, and peeled one of his sleeves back to turn off the water. Honestly, rude. He should ask Belial to take care of it. On the other hand... being this troublesome warranted some payback. Payback that would take some effort, but be so much more satisfying than just turning on the cold water right now. Especially since Shiro was known to have a habit of getting violent when woken up suddenly. He didn't fancy risking a cold shower as well. Plus, the mere idea of the face Shiro would make when- He snickered. Yes, a much a more rewarding idea. He snapped his fingers.
“Hmmnnggh...” Shiro rolled over, the filtered light making him vaguely aware that it was morning. He hadn't slept this well in ages, and wasn't planning on letting it end just yet. He pulled the sheets along with him. Comfy. His bed wasn't usually this comfy. Smelled different, too. Did he use a new a laundry detergent? Nope, nope- do not get tricked into thinking just yet. That would wake him. Back to sleep. Savour it.
He pulled the sheets a little more, intent on going full burrito mode. Hm. A little stuck. He groaned at the incooperative blanket, and gave a better yank.
“Don't hog all the covers, please.”
A more effective waking method than a needle in his butt. Shiro shrieked -much to his embarassment- and bolted out of bed. A bed, he now realized, was indeed not of his usual comfort level. In several ways. His embarassment rose even higher when he met the incredibly satisfied eyes of the creature inhabiting the bed. Mephisto's face was about sixty percent teeth as he soaked up the image of the severely shocked man, who was still coming to terms with the fact that no, this was not still part of a nightmare, he was, in fact, awake.
And naked.
Upon that realization, Shiro's brain short-cirquited so completely he did not even attempt to cover himself up. Instead, he just froze, blinking fervently as if hoping the next time he opened his eyes, the lecherous monster, half-dressed in an untied silk gown and lying there as if posing for his portrait as a Roman emperor, would somehow have disappeared.
It took a couple minutes -or hours, by Shiro's reckoning- for the demon to get his fill of this view and bestow the smallest amount of mercy upon him.
“As much as I'd love to hang up a story about tequila, I'm afraid you just fell asleep in the shower. So I dried you off and placed you in here.”
Shiro rebooted.
“You... dried me off??”
“Wouldn't want my best exorcist to catch a cold- or soak my sheets.”
Lanes reopened, the backed-up thought traffic in Shiro's head now started honking impatiently to gain first access to his mouth.
“And you- I- but- it didn't- occur to you- that you could have just WOKEN ME UP?!”
“Frankly I hoped you would wake while I was toweling you off, hovering six feet off the floor... But as usual, you were disappointing.”
Mephisto managed to shrug leaning on one elbow, resting his jaw in his hand. He did not quite manage to look genuinely disappointed.
“You really should work on your comedic timing.”
Shiro's face was bright red, but no longer with embarassment. He was seething, fists and jaw clenched, his white bed hair sticking up as steam rising from his forehead.
“I. am not. your entertainment.”
Mephisto grinned. “Aww, no need to throw in the towel just yet~” His eyes glanced down. “You've got such potential, Shiro...”
WHACK. Instead of a towel, Shiro chose to throw in a pillow. And his full weight and strength to press it over Mephisto's face.
Oof. Goodness. Mephisto remained lying down, running a system check on his body. Everything was still there and working, it seemed, but he really should not have let Shiro have his little revenge for quite so long. He had to admit he underestimated the man's strength and how long it would take for his body to pass out from lack of oxygen. Too sidetracked by certain pleasant side-effects, perhaps. He should be more careful about that- Shiro probably hadn't noticed, or he might have indeed woken up with certain parts missing. Or at least damaged. Something still seemed wrong, though. Cold. He sat upright on the mattress. But not in his bed. Or bed chamber.
He blinked. Then shivered. As one tends to do when one wakes up soaking wet, outside. Because someone had dragged the entire mattress, demon included, out to the balcony. In the rain.
“...Oh REAL mature, Shiro!”
He teleported indoors, into a warm, fluffy bath gown, and stared at his expensive mattress through the glass doors of his bedroom. Blasted exorcist. Still...
He summoned his phone, flipped it open, and smiled at his new background picture. Dozens of carefully arranged plushies, and in the middle-
“...Best toy I ever had.”
~The end~
Curfew: Not at all Corona-inspired~ But isolation makes no sense from an exorcism point of view. However, most demons in canon prefer the dark, so when there's an increase in numbers/reported attacks, a curfew is a logical counter-measure to protect the population. And since exorcists aren't supposed to work alone (*casts stern look at Shiro*), only teams on mission would have permission to walk around at night.
Poor alcohol tolerance & increased German: I strongly headcanon Mephisto's host body is in fact that of the original Faust, and it reverting back to its mother tongue when its language cortex is compromised somehow. I also strongly headcanon all strong demons having an insanely fast metabolism, going by the way Mephisto & Amaimon are always snacking yet skeletal, and this got in fact sort of confirmed by the recent manga chapter where Shiro complains about it in regards to baby Rin. So Mephisto gets drunk easily, but it also wears off rather quickly, unless he keeps drinking.
Don't drink and do magic/ rice fields: For more information, read The End of the Beginning by Superior Dimwit, arc 2: Inferno, chapter 39.
Tying the cat to the bacon: this is a literal translation of a Dutch expression. I cannot justify how exactly Shiro got to know about it, but I sure as fuck can justify its use here. It just fits too well.
Yellow rubber ball with red stars: Also known as a Dragon Ball, of course.
Ukobach: I know he hasn't shown up in the manga (yet), but this is one of those very rare times (maybe the only time) where I think the anime changed something for the better, and there is a good chance Kato is the one who told them the name in the first place, since it's an actual known demon. Either way, Mephisto should totally have some mad monkey five-star chef, in my opinion.
The thing about feet you're better off (not) knowing: Words can have interesting double meanings in other languages. For more information, read chapter 17 of Between the End and the Beginning, once more by Superior Dimwit. Technically, you could argue that the majority of mankind has a foot fetish.
Dropping the soap: I trust everyone to know this one. If not, google it at your own risk.
Violent awakenings: Based on Shiro punching little Shura in the face when she kissed his forehead while he was napping.
Pleasant side-effects of lack of oxygen can include popping a boner and light-headed euphoria. Especially when there's a naked exorcist on top of you. Shiro was right: false advertising indeed.
Plushies & pictures: Y'all remember Rin waking up in Mephisto's bed after going full demon mode in the manga? Although he may have sent his butler to pick up the kid and had the common decency to not him in there naked as he did with Shiro in this fic, there were a number of plushies surrounding Rin when he woke up. All facing up and some placed on top of him. Meaning that they didn't accidentally rolled their way there as he tossed and turned in his sleep- someone definitely placed them there. Cute for now, blackmail for later. Always handy.
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