snifflyjoonie · 4 years
Uh, everything for Yoongi?
alright BET //cracks knuckles (I had this all typed out and then my computer refreshed...so now I’m doing it again. They were better the first time lmfaoooo but anyway)
🤒: How often do they get sick? What kinds of illnesses do they tend to get most often? Colds, flu, sinus infections, stomach viruses?
I know Yoongi has said irl that he doesn’t typically catch colds often but in fics I hc him to actually get sick pretty frequently lmfao. I feel like he tends to catch mild head colds, especially because he doesn’t take the best care of himself in general. They’re usually pretty easy to manage, but if he’s not especially careful they can turn into sinus infections. In terms of the stomach flu, I feel like he only really catches them if one of the other members is sick and he spends too much time with them. 
🌡: Do they tend to run hot or cold? When they have a fever, is it barely noticeable, or does their temperature skyrocket?
Yoongi runs hot. His fevers never get too crazy, honestly they’re mostly just a mild inconvenience more than anything, but he’s the type to shed layers to make himself more comfortable. I also picture him to be the type to grab a cold, wet cloth to drape across his forehead while he works at his studio.
😷: When they’re sick, do they stay home or go to work/school? If they don’t go to work or school, do they try to rest, or do they just go on with their day like normal? Do they try to avoid getting others sick by taking precautions like a mask or staying away from others in general?
Oh Yoongi does not give a shit. He works through anything and never lets getting sick get in his way too much. I think he does try to avoid the others when he isn’t feeling well though, and is quick to put on a mask when he feels even the slightest scratch in his throat or even just has the smallest sniffle. In fact, he wears a mask so much that sometimes the others don’t even realize he’s sick until he’s basically almost over it. They just assume the mask is a fashion choice more times than not. 
🤧: What does their sneeze sound like? (Description, spelling, or both!)
ALRIGHT, we don’t have a lot of irl content to work with here so I’m gonna try my best. Personally I picture Yoongi’s snzes to be...a little intense? Not as intense as like, Taehyung’s or Jin’s, but they just sort of burst out of him more times than not. When I’m writing Yoongi’s snzes I tend to lean more towards spellings like “hA’ISSHHhuh!” or “hH’KISSHHiu!” I also don’t picture him to be much of a stifler; his snzes are kind of tough to contain. I bold them sometimes if they’re especially aggressive. 
😩: Do they tend to sneeze just once or twice, or multiple times? Do they have fits frequently or rarely? Does how many times they sneeze depend on the cause?
I picture Yoongi to be a one and done type of guy, for the most part. Like I said a second ago I picture his snzes to be relatively intense, so they tend to get the job done after just one. Maybe a second or third one squeeze their way out of him during an especially bad head cold, or if he encounters something he’s allergic to, but otherwise he’s pretty basic. 
🌸: Are they allergic to any kind of plants? Flowers, weeds, trees? If yes, how bad are their allergies to those plants?
I don’t really picture Yoongi as having plant allergies, honestly. I tend to lean more towards animal allergies with him, but that might be because animal allergies are my favourite kind of content to read/write about lmfao. Maybe I’m a little biased that way.
🕯: Are they allergic to other things? Dust, animals, perfumes, certain fragrances? Anything that might be considered “out of the ordinary” to be allergic to? How bad are those allergies?
Cats! Yoongi and cats do not mix. But honestly, he doesn’t really care that much. Frankly the others tend to worry more about it then he does. He just sort of deals with it and doesn’t give a shit. I also really like btsnz’s hc about yoongi having mild issues with dust and waking up a little congested in certain hotels. That’s just so -chef’s kiss-
👃: In general, how sensitive is their nose? Can something like a certain flower or smell make them sneeze even if they’re not allergic to it? Do they sneeze a lot on average, or not very much? Does their nose twitch a lot, or barely ever at all?  
I feel like for the most part he has a pretty average sensitivity. He only really gets sneezy during a particularity hard hitting head cold or he has a run in with cats he wasn’t really expecting. Maybe sometimes an extra strong scent might coax a single sneeze out of him but it’s not often. I don’t think his nose twitches very much but he is a notorious nose rubber. Yoongi scrubs the absolute shit out of his nose. 
😭: When they’re sick, do they try to downplay their symptoms, or do they treat every little cold like the plague? Do they whine a lot, or do they complain quietly or even just in their head?
Yoongi does not say shit. Not a word. He doesn’t care and just silently deals with it because it is what it is. Like I said earlier I feel like he mostly sneaks under the radar when sick. Occasionally some of the more perceptive members notice something is off, but even then it’s only half of the time and towards the very tail end. 
✨: What would be the best way for someone to induce them? Feathers, rolled-up tissue, or something else? How much stimulation would it take for them to start sneezing? Would inducing produce just one or two sneezes from them, or multiples?
Ya’ll idkkkk I’m so bad when it comes to inducing scenarios lmfaooo. I feel like in the end, whatever was being used, Yoongi would just try to bat it out of the person’s hand and probably scoot away with his face scrunched up. He’d just rub whatever itch the other caused out of his nose fast as fuck, and would probably be pretty annoyed afterwards, too lol.
💦: How wet are their sneezes? Do they spray barely at all, or are you gonna need an umbrella? Do they try to cover at all, or just let it go? Do they sniffle a lot when they’re sick or allergies are bugging them?
I actually feel like Yoongi’s sneezes are pretty dry, for the most part. Maybe they start to get a little wetter in the middle of one of his colds or if his allergies get aggravated for whatever reason. I feel like he mostly tries to cover with at least one hand, sometimes both. If no one is really around him he’ll just let them loose towards the floor. Definitely sniffles a lot, and again, scrubs the absolute shit out of his nose. 
🤝: Do they like to be taken care of when they’re not feeling well? Or do they hate it when people fuss over them? If they do, what’s their favorite thing about being taken care of? If not, why don’t they like being taken care of? How bad would they have to be before they’d let anyone take care of them in any capacity?
Oh fuck no. Yoongi wants to be left alone. He likes to keep to himself in general anyway and absolutely hates when the others dote on him. He’s not gonna...like, refuse something if they bring it to him (like food, tissues, whatever) but his thank you’s are more-so grunts and hums of acknowledgement. 
💊: Do they take their medicine like a grown-up, or do they try to fight it? Do they prefer pills or liquid medicine? Can they be “tricked” by having the medicine mixed with applesauce or with a drink, or would they still not take it even then?
Yoongi is a grown ass man, he takes his medicine right away lol. I picture him as being more of a pill guy but I’m sure he takes a shot of liquid medicine to coat his throat if it’s starting to feel extra raw. I feel like he’d also swallow his pills dry without much issue or complaint, and usually has a bottle of something or other on his person.
🍲: What do they like to eat while they’re sick? Do they like soup, or would they prefer something that isn’t “sick person food”? Do they lose their appetite when they’re sick, or are they hungrier than usual?
I definitely think he’s the type to lose his appetite when sick. I feel like he doesn’t have much of an appetite to begin with anyway and when he’s sick everything is just amplified. When he does eat though, I feel like he leans more towards porridge and soup, things that feel good on his throat and don’t take a lot of time to make. 
🍵: Do they like tea when they’re not feeling well? If so, do they like it with honey, lemon, both, with something else, or just plain? Would they accept something else if they couldn’t have tea? If they don’t like tea, is there something they’d rather drink instead? Would they drink tea if their preferred drink wasn’t available?
I feel like Yoongi will drink tea if one of the members brings him some, or if the staff orders him a cup. It’s probably not something he’d think to make on his own, though. In terms of preference, I feel like he’d just like it plain, or with just a hint of honey and lemon, but really he’ll drink whatever they bring him. I’m also picturing him as being someone who drinks a lot of water when he’s not feeling well to try to kick the thing in the ass as soon as possible. Probably even drinks hot water with a touch of lemon too because it feels so nice on his throat. And coffee. Lots and lots of coffee. Mostly because that’s his go to drink in general, lol.
😔: What are their “tells” when they’re not feeling their best? Do they sleep more or less? Do they become easily irritated, aggressive, snap at little things? Or do they withdraw and become quieter, cry at the drop of a hat, stay in the background? What’s the one surefire way that one of their loved ones would be able to tell that they’re sick?
Yoongi has 0 tells. None. Maybe he sort of withdraws into himself a little bit more, but he’s like that a lot normally, so it tends to just go over everyone’s heads. He typically likes it that way, anyway.
❄️: Would it be more unusual to see this character sick during the winter or during the summer? Do they typically go down during cold and flu season, or do they usually get summer colds?
Yoongi gets sick every winter. In fact, he’d actually be surprised if he didn’t catch a cold during flu season. It’s not unheard of for him to catch the occasional summer cold, probably especially during tours, but he’s almost guarantee to get one when the temperatures start to drop. 
🎤: How does their voice change when they’re sick or allergies are bugging them? Does their voice get lower? Scratchy? Raspy? Can you hear any congestion in their voice or do they hide it well? Do they avoid speaking too much because of a sore throat and coughing, or do they try to talk through those things?
Yoongi’s voice gets low and gravely. Maybe husky would be a good way to describe it, too. He keeps pretty quiet when he’s sick, especially if his throat feels particularly hoarse. I can picture congestion being present in his voice as well; rounded consonants and thicker vowels. Definitely more noticeable the closer you are to him. I guess if he did have a tell then his voice would probably be it. 
⚙️: Do they have some kind of ritual that they do when they’re not feeling great that helps? Does it help physically, or does it just make them feel better emotionally?
Not really. If you count taking medicine as a “ritual” then I guess that would be it, lmfao. He just carries on as normal.
😳: Are they embarrassed by their sneezes, or do they just not really care? Do they apologize after sneezing? Do they say “sorry!” or “excuse me!” or anything like that? If they’re embarrassed about it, why?
I wouldn’t necessarily say he’s embarrassed per say, but I’m sure he’s not the biggest fan of snzing around others solely because it draws unwanted attention to himself. I can see him muttering a quiet “sorry, excuse me” under his breath sometimes, but I definitely think Yoongi is a post-snz swearer lmfao. Like “hH’GSSHHhiu!--fuck.”
😥: How would they react to being sick for their favorite holiday or their birthday? Would they be really upset, or not get too bent out of shape? What would they do if somebody gave them a gift that they’re allergic to? Would they say they’re allergic to it or not? Try to give it back, keep it, or get rid of it later?
Eeh. I don’t think he’d care too much if I’m being honest. I feel like it’s probably happened before and he’s just dealt with it. It is what it is. It’s more of a nuisance than anything else. In terms of getting him a gift he’s allergic to, maybe if he were to get a cologne that makes his nose itch he’d just thank the gift-giver and then shove it at the very back of one of his cabinets, never really looking at it again after that.
❤️: What’s your absolute favorite scenario for them? It can be anything, sickness, allergies, or something else entirely!
Yoongi and cats fucking wreck me. I love the Yoongi x animal allergies combo so so so much. I also really like the general scenario of him catching a cold and just working through it. I love nonchalant Yoongi with my entire heart lol.
📝: Quick! Come up with a scenario for them! It doesn’t have to be anything fancy, just something you think would be cute or something you’d like to see with them!
Going off of what I said earlier; Yoongi gets a cologne from someone (Jin maybe? Namjoon?) for Christmas. He pops the cap off, takes like ONE sniff, and his face instantly screws up. Good god. There is no way he is wearing that. It’s the thought that counts, right?
📕: Write something a little longer with them! (Asker can provide a prompt, or can leave it up to the one receiving the ask!) 
ALRIGHT. Since there was no prompt, I’m just going to write out that scenario I typed up! Here we go!
“Merry Christmas!” 
Namjoon’s dimpled face smiled expectedly at Yoongi as the older man held a sleek, black bottle of cologne tightly in one hand. Wrapping paper from the gift littered the floor around his feet as he inspected the bottle curiously, turning it over in his palm.
“Cologne, huh?” He smiled, turning to Namjoon to nod his head in appreciation. “It’s great, Joon-ah. Thanks.”
“Of course, hyung. I really struggled this year. I wanted to find you the perfect gift, but as soon as I smelled this I knew I had to get it for you.” Namjoon explained excitedly. “It reminded me of you.”
“Mm. Really?” Yoongi hummed inquisitively, popping off the cap of the bottle. 
Namjoon watched on with anticipation as Yoongi brought the nozzle of the bottle close to his nose and gave a tentative sniff. 
He recoiled back instantly, pulling the bottle far away from himself as his face screwed up involuntarily. The cologne was strong, very strong, and wasted no time assaulting his senses. His nose tingled aggressively and he kept his eyes squeezed shut, bringing up his free hand to clamp hard around his nose and mouth as he shoved the bottle of cologne into his lap with the other.
“Hh--hH’IGKSHhuh!” He sneezed harshly, rocking into his hand and away from Namjoon as best he could.
He came up blinking hard, and locked eyes with Namjoon who frowned deeply.
“Uh oh.” The leader uttered, the disappointment in his voice very prevalent.
“Yeah,” Yoongi sniffled, “Uh oh. Merry Christmas.” 
(Hopefully you guys like that!!)
🌈: WILD CARD!!! Make up your own question or just talk about the character!
HONESTLY, I think I’ve said enough lmfao! My ending note is this: I fucking love Yoongi. Thanks for coming to my ted talk.
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iristhedeadflower · 2 years
cascasse il mondo new apigp coming out today. get hyped get jacked get ready get insane get groovy i want to see you smile i want to see you cry man i want to see you SCREAM
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scurrilizzie · 7 years
what a good fuckin’ weekend tho
kicked ‘er off playin’ hockey. got a gordie howe hatty, which was dece. still lost, but i was pleased as punch with how i played. kickin’ some ass in 2017. after that, met up with my most favouritest human aliiiiiiveeee johnny and did some dancin’ at the hoxton. saturday was a standard lazy summer day, sans the heat, with brunch with stace and jules at saving grace, bikin’, and bellwoods hangs (ft. a super freaking adorable border collie, mac). then put in a solid coupl’a hours of nappin’ before back-tracking to jules’ for some bevvies and rat hangs (they’re actually p cute not gonna lie) followed by some live music at horseshoe. had another hockey game yesterday mornin’ that the parentals made it to. had some mad dangles but got robbbbbed by the goal four hundred and eighty-two times. finaaally made good on it tho - down two one with five seconds left and lil ol’ me went shelf, was a real dooooozie. woulda been nicer if it’d been a game-winner, but i’ll settle for a tie-er upper. cellied by stuffin’ my face at the loose moose with the parents, then headed to the acc for raps vs. knicks. the highlight was poeltl gettin’ put in at the start of the fourth and getting five fouls within four minutes, what a lil unit. basically hansbrough ii, which i’m about. after the game was all snuggled up and fully prepared to pass the fuck out, buuut then got an adorable lil text proposin’ date night. hit up tilt for some foosin’ and some mario kart and other shenanigans, and wrapped things up with some goddamn falafel from pitalaaaaand.
i am the most sleepiest but holy balls what a good timeeee
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