#There is one photo of Luisa and Lando that I wouldn't be surprised if it was used in the interviews
futuregws · 5 months
So it's already Friday where I live so that means that "dancing with the stars" the one that Luisa is gonna be in, starts tomorrow (Saturday).
Sooooo what do y'all think?? Is something gonna be said/shown that is Lando related all bc she dated him, I mean it is only the first episode so depending on how long she stays in the competition it could happen later on, maybe it won't happen at all, but what do y'all think bc I can't decide, I've gotten some more "information" in the meantime which is just that she has been doing more TV interviews lately and I'm pretty sure he wasn't mentioned then, I feel like if he was it would have reached people outside of Portugal, but this is a different type of show there are little interviews but it's a little more chill in that aspect and there's also like I've said before, nosey ass people so that's what makes me not be able to decide, bc on one side you have the nosey judges that could say something but then there's also the fact that it's not her first time (at least recently) on TV like I thought so it's not like she's ""fresh meat"" (ew) for them to get stuff off of (I hope that makes sense)
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futuregws · 4 months
No because that person calling people “naive” is actually so funny because what are they exactly trying to prove besides the fact that Luisa was at a GP? Them saying she was with Lando as if there’s actually proof of that is just crazy and even if they hung out it clearly means absolutely nothing because they are not together, these people need to get a grip
It's actually insane that according to them WE are naive but not them aka the person making shit up like bffr. Like first of all and what if he did invite her or he gave her passes, they are friends still, why can't he, it's not a big deal to do so, it's not like after they broke up she never attended anything like this bc she did I'm not sure what type of event it was but I remember seeing her posting about being at one race so clearly she took a liking for it, so there's also the possibility which I'm leaning towards that she bought the passes herself bc according to Google you can buy those vip passes so she could very well have bought them, but for them to say "oh they were hanging out" bc she didn't post like bffr so now everytime she doesn't post it's bc she's with him?? She HAS to always post like come on, that's so stupid. And about the Brazilian gp unless I'm missing something or getting it mixed up which I don't think I am, she was not there bc he was in São Paulo (where the gp was) and she was in Rio de Janeiro she posted about it, and she also posted a photo at the pool with some guy friends and girl friends at one point apparently she even went out one on one with one of the guys, who someone said she was dating Idk if it's true but considering Luisa said she dated more than 2 people in 2023 I wouldn't be surprised, so she couldn't be there, São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro are not super close to each other like please stop dreaming lmao
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futuregws · 3 months
So since Luisa started appearing on dancing with the stars here in Portugal I've been trying to think what other little shows she could appear in or do little cameos bc that's how it works here you appear in one show the chances of then you appearing in multiple specially in a short period of time are very high and I came up with a few ones but I completely forgot about one show a talk show to be more specific that if she does appear in oh the drama that will cause. The show is called "conta me" translated to English is "tell me" and it has more than one host but usually it's actually Kika's mom that does that show, it's not live, but it's a show where they talk about themselves and their life and they go in DEEP, they talk about things that they normally would not talk about they really open up, obviously they can still choose to keep some stuff private I'm sure they aren't forced to tell everything but that show is known for having the celebs really open up about their private life and struggles and if she goes on there which I wouldn't be surprised bc that normally happens when a new face joins that station, the chances of them bringing up Lando or showing photos of her and Lando are HIGH. Oh and also her talking about their relationship THAT is what I think will cause the most drama
Bc while she was already a model before she started dating him her relationship with him definitely did bring her international fans and that's what's gonna help her international career so I feel like she might have to mention it
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