#They Have Neither Beauty Nor Longevity To Recommend Them
Sorry if this is intrusive, but have you tried Watertown Watch and Clock Repair? They were recommended to me by a local jeweler and they're only about a 15-20 minute walk from the last stop of the MBTA 73 bus, so they might be worth a shot. Depending on the size of your clock, that might be still be too far from transit, of course.
No no, I appreciate the advice!
It's a very small clock; fits in my work satchel. But that may still be a rather tricky odyssey depending on how complicated getting the 73 is for me- I already have to walk a mile to my nearest T stop for the train and several buses. It may end up as a car-necessary trip despite being not that far from me geographically.
Curse this anti-mechanical-clock society driving horlogists out of business until only a few are left and they're all very far-flung!
(There IS at least one place in the city proper that claims to repair antique clocks, but all of their reviews are only for replacing batteries/crystals on modern wristwatches. So...disinclined to take my clock to them.)
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rhetoricandlogic · 6 years
The Limitless Perspective of Master Peek, or, the Luminescence of Debauchery By Catherynne M. Valente
Issue #200, Special Double-Issue
, May 26, 2016
(Finalist, Eugie Foster Memorial Award, 2017)
When my father, a glassblower of some modest fame, lay gasping on his deathbed, he offered, between bloody wheezings, a choice of inheritance to his three children: a chest of Greek pearls, a hectare of French land, or an iron punty. Impute no virtue to my performance in this little scene! I, being the youngest, chose last, which is to say I did not choose at all. The elder of us, my brother Prospero, seized the chest straightaway, having love in his heart for nothing but jewels and gold, the earth’s least interesting movements of the bowel which so excite, in turn, the innards of man. Pomposo, next of my blood, took up the deed of land, for he always fancied himself a lord, even in our childhood games, wherein he sold me in marriage to the fish in the lake, the grove of poplar trees, the sturdy stone wall, our father’s kiln and pools of molten glass, even the sun and the moon and the constellation of Taurus. The iron punty was left to me, my father’s only daughter, who could least wield it to any profit, being a girl and therefore no fit beast for commerce. All things settled to two-thirds satisfaction, our father bolted upright in his bed, cried out: Go I hence to God! then promptly fell back, perished, and proceeded directly to Hell.
The old man had hardly begun his long cuddle with the wormy ground before Prospero be-shipped himself with a galleon and sailed for the Dutch East Indies in search of a blacker, more fragrant pearl to spice his breakfast and his greed whilst Pomposo wifed himself a butter-haired miller’s daughter, planting his seed in both France and her with a quickness. And thus was I left, Perpetua alone and loudly complaining, in the quiet dark of my father’s glassworks, with no one willing to buy from my delicate and feminine hand, no matter how fine the goblet on the end of that long iron punty.
The solution seemed to me obvious. Henceforward, quite simply, I should never be a girl again. This marvelous transformation would require neither a witch’s spell nor an alchemist’s potion. From birth I possessed certain talents that would come to circumscribe my destiny, though I cursed them mightily until their use came clear: a deep and commanding voice, a masterful height, and a virile hirsuteness, owing to a certain unmentionable rootstock of our ancient family. Served as a refreshingly exotic accompaniment to these, some few of us are also born with one eye as good as any wrought by God, and one withered, hardened to little more than a misshapen pearl notched within a smooth and featureless socket, an affliction which, even if all else could be made fair between us, my brothers did not inherit, so curse them forever, say I. No surprise that no one wanted to marry the glassblower’s giant hairy one-eyed daughter!
Yet now my defects would bring to me, not a husband, but the world entire. I had only to cut my hair with my father’s shears, bind my breasts with my mother’s bridal veil, clothe myself in my brothers’ coats and hose, blow a glass bubble into a false eye, and think nothing more of Perpetua forever. My womandectomy caused me neither trouble nor grief—I whole-heartedly recommend it to everyone! But, since such a heroic act of theatre could hardly be accomplished in the place of my birth, I also traded two windows for a cart and an elderly but good-humored plough-horse, packed up tools and bread and slabs of unworked glass, and departed that time and place forever. London, after all, does not care one whit who you were. Or who you are. Or who you will become. Frankly, she barely cares for herself, and certainly cannot be bothered with your tawdry backstage changes of costume and comedies of mistaken identity.
That was long ago. So long that to say the numbers aloud would be an act of pure nihilism. Oh, but I am old, good sir, old as ale and twice as bitter, though I do not look it and never shall, so far as I can tell. I was old when you were weaned, squalling and farting, and I shall be old when your grandchildren annoy you with their hideous fashions and worse manners. Kings and queens and armadas and plagues have come and gone in my sight, ridiculous wars flowered and pruned, my brothers died, the scales balanced at last, for having not the malformed and singular eye, neither did they have the longevity that is our better inheritance, fashions swung from opulence to piousness and back to the ornate flamboyance that is their favored resting state once more.
And thus come I, Master Cornelius Peek, Glassmaker to the Rich and Redolent, only slightly dented, to the age which was the mate to my soul as glove to glove or slipper to slipper. Such an age exists for every man, but only a lucky few chance to be born alongside theirs. For myself, no more perfect era can ever grace the hourglass than the one that began in the Year of Our Lord 1660, in the festering scrotum of London, at the commencement of the long and groaning orgy of Charles II’s pretty, witty reign.
If you would know me, know my house. She is a slim, graceful affair built in a fashion somewhat later than the latest, much of brick and marble and, naturally, glass, three stories high, with the top two being the quarters I share with my servants, the maid-of-all-work Mrs. Matterfact and my valet, Mr. Suchandsuch (German, I believe, but I do respect the privacy of all persons), and my wigs, my wardrobe, and my lady wife, when I am in possession of such a creature, an occurrence more common and without complaint than you might assume, (of which much more, much later). I designed the edifice myself, with an eye to every detail, from the silver door-knocker carved in the image of a single, kindly eye whose eyelid must be whacked vigorously against the iris to gain ingress, to the several concealed chambers and passageways for my sole and secret use, all of which open at the pulling of a sconce or the adjusting of an oil painting, that sort of thing, to the smallest of rose motifs stenciled upon the wallpaper.
The land whereupon my lady house sits, however, represents a happy accident of real estate investment, as I purchased it a small eternity before the Earl of Bedford seized upon the desire to make of Covent Garden a stylish district for stylish people, and the Earl was forced to make significant accommodations and gratifications on my account. I am always delighted by accommodations and gratifications, particularly when they are forced, and most especially when they are on my account.
The lower floor, which opens most attractively onto the newly-christened and newly-worthwhile Drury Lane, serves as my showroom, and in through my tasteful door flow all the nobly whelped and ignobly wealthed and blind (both from birth and from happenstance, I do not discriminate) and wounded and syphilitic of England, along with not a few who made the journey from France, Italy, Denmark, even the Rus, to receive my peculiar attentions. With the most exquisite consideration, I appointed the walls of my little salon with ultramarine watered silk and discreet, gold-framed portraits of my most distinguished customers. In the northwest corner, you will find what I humbly allege to be the single most comfortable chair in all of Christendom, reclined at an, at first glance, radical angle, that nevertheless offers an extraordinary serenity of ease, stuffed with Arabian horsehair and Spanish barley, sheathed in supple leather the color of a rose just as the last sunlight vanishes behind the mountains. In the northeast corner, you will find, should you but recognize it, my father’s pitted and pitiful iron punty, braced above the hearth with all the honor the gentry grant to their tawdry ancestral swords. The ceiling boasts a fine fresco depicting that drunken uncle of Greek Literature, the Cyclops, trudging through a field of poppies and wheat with a ram under each arm, and the floor bears up beneath a deep blanket of choice carpets woven by divinely inspired and contented Safavids, so thick no cheeky draught even imagines it might invade my realm, and all four walls, from baseboard to the height of a man, are outfitted with a series of splendid drawers, in alternating gold and silver designs, presenting to the hands of my supplicants faceted knobs of sapphire, emerald, onyx, amethyst, and jasper. These drawers contain my treasures, my masterpieces, the objects of power with which I line my pockets and sauce my goose. Open one, any one, every one, and all will be revealed on plush velvet cushions, for there rest hundreds upon hundreds of the most beautiful eyes ever to open or close upon this fallen earth.
No fingers as discerning as mine could ever be content with the glazier’s endless workaday drudge through plate windows and wine bottles, vases and spectacles and spyglasses, hoping against hope for the occasional excitement of a goblet or a string of beads that might, if you did not look too closely, resemble, in the dark, real pearls. No, no, a thousand, million times no! Not for me that life of scarred knuckles whipped by white-molten strands of stray glass, of unbearable heat and even more unbearable contempt oozing from those very ones who needed me to keep the rain out of their parlors and their spirits off the table linen.
I will tell you how I made this daring escape from a life of silicate squalor, and trust you, as I suppose I already have done, to keep my secrets—for what is the worth of a secret if you never spill it? My deliverance came courtesy of a pot of pepper, a disfigured milkmaid, and the Dogaressa of Venice.
It would seem that my brothers were not quite so malevolently egomaniacal as they seemed on that distant, never-to-be-forgotten day when our father drooled his last. One of them was not, at least. Having vanished neatly into London and established myself, albeit in an appallingly meager situation consisting of little more than a single kiln stashed in the best beloved piss-corner of the Arsegate, marvering paltry, poignant cups against the stone steps of a whorehouse, sleeping between two rather unpleasantly amorous cows in a cheesemaker’s barn, I was neither happy nor quite wretched, for at least I had made a start. At least I was in the arms of the reeking city. At least I had escaped the trap laid by pearls and hectares and absconding brothers.
And then, as these things happen, one day, not different in any quality or deed from any other day, I received a parcel from an exhausted-looking young man dressed in the Florentine style. I remember him as well as my supper Thursday last—the supper was pigeon pie and fried eels with claret; the lad, a terrifically handsome black-haired trifle who went by the rather lofty name of Plutarch—and after wiping the road from his eyes and washing it from his throat with ale that hardly deserved the name, he presented me with a most curious item: a fat silver pot, inlaid with a lapis lazuli ship at full sail.
Inside found I a treasure beyond the sweat-drenched dreams of upwardly mobile men, which is to say, a handful of peppercorns and beans of vanil, those exotic, black and fragrant jewels for which the gluttonous world crosses itself three times in thanks. Plutarch explained, at some length, that my brother Prospero now dwelt permanently in the East Indies where he had massed a fabulous fortune, and wished to assure himself that his sister, the sweet, homely maid he abandoned, could make herself a good marriage after all. I begged the poor boy not to use any of those treacherous words again in my or anyone’s hearing: not marriage, not maid, and most of all not sister. Please and thank you for the pepper, on your way, tell no one my name nor how you found me and how did you find me by God and the Devil himself—no, don’t tell me, I shall locate this lost relative and deliver the goods to her with haste, though I could perhaps be persuaded to pass the night reading a bit of Plutarch before rustling up the wastrel in question, but, hold fast, my darling, I must insist you submit to my peculiar tastes and maintain both our clothing and cover of darkness throughout; I find it sharpens the pleasure of the thing, this is my, shall we say, firm requirement, and no argument shall move me.
Thus did I find myself a reasonably rich and well-read man. And that might have made a pleasant and satisfying enough end of it, if not for the milkmaid.
For, as these things happen, one day not long after, not different in any hour or act than any other day, a second parcel appeared upon my, now much finer, though not nearly so fine as my present, doorstep. Her name was Perdita, she was in possession of a complexion as pure as that of a white calf on the day of its birth, hair as red as a fresh wound, an almost offensively pregnant belly, and to crown off her beauty, it must be mentioned, both her eyes had been gouged from her pretty skull by means of, I was shortly to learn, a pair of puritanical ravens.
It would seem that my other brother, Pomposo—you remember him, yes? Paying attention, are we?—was still in the habit of marrying unsuspecting girls off to trees and fish and stones, provided that the trees were his encircling arms, the fish his ardent tongue, and the stones those terribly personal, perceptive, and pendulous seed-vaults of his ardor, and poor, luckless Perdita had taken quite the turn round the park. Perhaps we are not so divided by our shared blood as all that, Pomposo! Hats off, my good man, and everything else, too. Well, the delectably lovely and lamentable maid in question found herself afflicted both by Little Lord Pomposo and by that peculiar misfortune which bonds all men as one and makes them brothers: she had a bad father.
Perdita told me of her predicament over my generous table. She spoke with more haste than precision, tearing out morsels of Mrs. Matterfact’s incomparable baked capon in almond sauce with her grubby fingers and fumbling it into that plump face whilst she rummaged amongst her French pockets for English words to close in her tale like a green and garnishing parsley. As far as I could gather, her cowherding father had, in his youth, contracted the disease of religion, a most severe and acute strain. He took the local clergyman’s daughter to wife, promptly locked her in his granary to keep her safe from both sin and any amusement at all, and removed a child from her every year or so until she perished from, presumably, the piercing shame of having tripped and fallen into one of the more tiresome fairy tales.
Perdita’s father occupied the time he might have spent not slowly murdering his wife upon his one and only hobby: the keeping of birds of prey. Now, one cannot fault the man for that! But he loved no falcons nor hawks nor eagles, only a matched pair of black-hearted ravens he called by the names of Praisegod and Feargod (there really can be no accounting for, or excusing of, the tastes of Papists) which he had trained from the egg to hunt down the smallest traces of wickedness upon his estate and among his children. For this unlikely genius had taught his birds, painstakingly, to detect the delicate and complex scents of sexual congress, and the corvids twain became so adept that they were known to arrive at many a village window only moments after the culmination of the act.
Now you have taken up all the pieces of this none-too-sophisticated puzzle and can no doubt assume the rest. My brother conquered Perdita’s virtue with ease, for no such dour and draconian devoutness can raise much else but libertines, a fact which may yet save us from the vicious fate of a world redeemed, and put my niece (for indeed it proved to be a niece) in her with little enough care for anything but the trees and the fish and the stones of his own bucolic life. No sooner than he had rolled off of her but Praisegod and Feargod arrived, screeching to wake the glorious dead, the scent of coupling maddening their black brains, and devoured Perdita’s eyeballs in a hideous orgy of gore and terribly poor parenting. Pomposo, ever steadfast and humbly responsible for his own affairs, sent his distress directly to me and, I imagine, poured a brimming glass of wine with which to toast himself.
“My dear lady,” said I, gently prying a joint of Mrs. Matterfact’s brandied mutton from her fist, hoping to preserve at least something for myself, “I cannot imagine what you or my good brother mean me to do with a child. I am a bachelor, I wish devoutly to remain so, and my bachelorhood is only redoubled by my regrettable feelings toward children, which mirror the drunkard’s for a mug of clear water: well enough and wholesome for most, he supposes, but what can one do with one? But I am not pitiless. That, I am not, my dear. You may, of course, remain here until the child... occurs, and we shall endeavor to locate some suitable position in town for one of your talents.”
Ah, but I had played my hand and missed the trick! “You misunderstand, monsieur,” protested the comely Perdita. “Mister Pompy didn’t send me to you for your hospitalité. He said in London he had a brother who could make me eyes twice as pretty as they ever were and would only charge me the favor of not squeezing out my babe on his parlor floor.”
Even a thousand miles distant, my skinflint family could put the screws to me, turn them tight, and have themselves a nice giggle at my groans. But at least the old boy guessed my game of trousers and did not give me up, even to his paramour.
“They was green,” the milkmaid whispered, and the ruination of her eye sockets bled in place of weeping. “Like clover.”
Oh, very well! I am not a monster. In any event, I wasn’t then. At least the commission was an interesting enough challenge to my lately listless and undernourished intellect. So it came to pass that over the weeks remaining until the parturition of Perdita, I fashioned, out of crystal and ebony and chips of fine jade, twin organs of sight not the equal of mortal orbs but by far their superior, in clarity, in beauty, even in soulfulness. If you ask me how I accomplished it, I shall show you the door, for I am still a tradesman, however exalted, and tradesmen tell no tales. I sewed the spheres myself with thread of gold into her fair face, an operation which sounds elegant and difficult in the telling, but in the doing required rather more gin, profanity, and blows to the chin than any window did. When I had finished, she appeared, not healed, but more than healed—sublimated, rarefied, elevated above the ranks of human women with their filmy, vitreous eyes that could merely see.
I have heard good report that, under another name, and with her daughter quite grown and well-wed, Perdita now sits upon the throne of the Netherlands, her peerless eyes having captivated the heart of a certain prince before anyone could tie a rock round her feet and drop her into a canal. Well done, say all us graspers down here, reaching up toward Heaven’s sewers with a thousand million hands, well done.
Now, we arrive at the hairpin turn in the road of both my fortunes and my life, the skew of the thing, where the carriage of our tale may so easily overturn and send us flying into mud and thorns unknown. Brace your constitution and your credulity, for I am of a mind to whip the horses and take the bend at speed!
It is simply not possible to excel so surpassingly as I have done and remain anonymous. God in his perversity grants anonymity to the gifted and the industrious in equal and heartless measure, but never to the splendid. Word of the girl with the unearthly, alien, celestial eyes spread like a plague of delight in every direction, floating down the river, sweeping through the Continent, stowing away on ships at sea, until it arrived, much adorned with my Lady Rumor’s laurels, at the palazzo of the Doge in darling, dripping Venice.
Now, the Doge at that time had caused himself, God knows why or by dint of what wager, to be married to a woman by the name of Samaritiana. Do not allow yourselves to be duped by that name, you trusting fools! Samaritiana would not even stop along the side of the road to Hell to wrinkle her nose at the carcass of Our Lord Jesus Christ, though it save her immortal soul, unless He told her she was beautiful first. Oh, ’tis easy enough to hate a vain woman with warts and liver spots, to scorn her milk baths and philtres and exsanguinated Hungarian virgins, to mock her desperation to preserve a youth and beauty that was never much more enticing than the local sheep in the first place, but one had to look elsewhere for reasons to hate Samaritiana, for she truly was the singular beauty of her age. Black of hair, eye, and ambition was she, pale as a maiden drowned, buxom as Ceres (though she had yet no issue), intoxicating as the breath of Bacchus. Fortunately, my lady thoughtfully provided a bounty of other pantries in which to find that meat of hatred fit for the fires of any heart.
She was, quite simply, the worst person.
I do not mean by this to call the Dogaressa a murderess, nor an apostate, nor a despot, nor an embezzler, nor even a whore, for whores, at least, are kindly and useful, murderers must have some measure of cleverness if they mean to get away with it, apostates make for tremendous company at parties, despots have a positively devastating charisma, and, I am assured by the highest authority, which is to say, Lord Aphorism and his Merry Band of Proverbials, that there is some honor amongst thieves. No, Samaritiana was merely humorless, witless, provincial, petty, small of mind, parched of imagination, stingy of wallet and affection, morally conservative, and incapable, to the last drop of her ruby blood, of admitting that she did not know everything in all the starry spheres and wheeling orbits of existence, and this whilst believing herself to possess all of these that are virtues and eschew all that are sins. Can you envisage a more wretched and unloveable beast?
I married her, naturally.
The Dogaressa came to me in a black resin mask and emerald hooded cloak when the plague had only lately checked into its waterfront rooms, sent for a litter, and commenced seeing the sights of Venice with its traveling hat and trusted map.
Oh, no, no, you misapprehend my phraseology. Not that plague. Not that grave and gorgeous darkling shadow that falls over Europe once a century and reminds us that what dwells within our bodies is not a soul but a stinking ruin of fluid and marrow and bile. The other plague, the one that sneaks on nimbly putrefying feet from bedroom to bedroom, from dockside to dinner party, from brothel to marital bower, leaving chancres like kisses too long remembered. Yes, we would have to wait years yet before Baron von Bubœ mounted his much-anticipated revival on the stage, but never you fear, Dame Syphilis was dancing down the dawn, and in those days, her viols never stopped nor slowed.
That mysterious, morbid, nigh-monstrous and tangerine-scented creature called Samaritiana darkened my door one evening in April, bid me draw close all my curtains, light only a modest lantern upon a pretty lacquered table inlaid with mother of pearl which I still possess to this day, and stand some distance away while she removed her onyx mask to reveal a face of such surpassing radiance, such unparalleled winsomeness, that even the absence of the left eye, and the mass of scars and weals that had long since replaced it, could do no more than render her enchanting rather than perfect.
It would seem that the Dogaressa danced with the Dame some years past. Her husband, the Doge, brought her to the ball, she claimed, having learned the steps from his underaged Neapolitan mistress, though, as I became much acquainted with the lady in later years, I rather suspect she found her own way, arrived first, wore through three pairs of shoes, departed last, and ate all the cakes on the sideboard. But, as is far too often the case in this life ironical, that mean and miserly soul found itself in receipt of, not only the beauty of a better woman, but the good fortune of a better man. She contracted a high fever owing to her insistence upon hosting the Christmas feast out of doors that year, so that the gathered noblility could see how lovely she looked with a high winter’s blush on her cheeks, and this fever seemed to have driven, by some idiot insensate alchemy, the Dame from the halls of Samaritiana forever, leaving only her eye ravaged and boiled away by the waltz.
All was well in the world, then, save that she could not show herself in public without derision and her husband still rotted on his throne with a golden nose hung on his mouldering face like a door knocker, but she had not come for his sake, nor would she ever dream of fancying that it was possible to ask a boon of that oft-rumored wizard hiding in the sty of London for any single soul on earth other than herself.
“I have heard that you can make a new eye,” said she, in dulcet tones she did not deserve the ability to produce.
I could.
“Better than the old, brighter, of any color or shape?”
I could.
She licked her lily lips. “And install it so well none would suspect the exchange?”
Perhaps not quite, not entirely so well, but it never behooves one to admit weakness to a one-eyed queen.
“You have already done me this service,” said she to me, loftily, never asking once, only demanding, presuming, crushing all resistance, not to mention dignity, custom, the basest element of courtesy, beneath her silver-tooled heel. She waved her hand as though the motion of her fingers could destroy all protestation. The light of my lantern caught on a ring of peridot and tourmaline entwined into the shape of a rather maudlin-looking crocodile gnawing upon its own tail, for she claimed some murky Egyptian blood in the dregs of her familial cup, as though such little droplets could mark her as exceptional, when every dockside lady secretly fancies herself a Cleopatra of the Thames.
“Produce the results upon the morrow! I will pay you nothing, of course. A Dogaressa does not stoop to exchange currency for goods. But when two eyes look out from beneath my brow once more, I will present you with a gift, for no particular reason other than that I wish to bestow it.”
“And if I do not like your gift, Clarissima?”
Puzzlement contorted her exquisitely Cyclopean visage, causing a most unwelcome familial pang within my breast. “I do not take your meaning, Master Peek. How could such a thing possibly occur?”
There is, it seems, a glittering point beyond which egotism achieves such purity that it becomes innocence, and that was the country in which Samaritiana lived. In truth, had she revealed her gift to me then, or even promised payment in the usual manner, I might have refused her, just to experience the novel emotion of rejecting royalty—for I am interested in nothing so much as novelty, not love nor death nor glass nor gold. Something new! Something new! My kingdom for something new! But she caught me, the perfumed spider, wholly without knowing what she’d done. I did indeed take up her commission, and though you may conclude in advance that this recounting of the job will proceed according to the pattern of the last, I shall be disappointed if you do, for I have already told you most vividly that herein lies the skew of my tale.
For the sake of the beautiful Dogaressa, I took up my father’s battered old pipe and punty. I cannot now say why; for a certainty I owned better instruments by far, and had not touched the things in eons except to brush them daintily with a daily sneer. Perhaps a paroxysm of sentimentality seized me; perhaps I despised her too much even then to waste my finer appliances on her pox-punched face, in any event, I cannot even say positively that the result blossomed forth from the tools and not some other cause, and I fear to question it now. I sank into the rhythm of my father and grandfather and his before him: the dollop of liquid glass, the greatbreath of my own lungs expelled through the long, black pipe, the sweet pressure and rolling of the globule against the smooth marver stone, the uncommon light known only to workers of glass, that strange slick of marmalade-light afire within crystal that would soon ride a woman’s skull all the way through the days of her life and down into her tomb.
The work was done; I fashioned two, an exquisitely matched pair, in case the other organ required replacement in the unseen feverish future. Samaritiana, in, so far as I may know or tell, the sole creative decision of her existence, chose not one color for the iris but all of them, dozens of infinitesimal shards chipped from every jewel in my inventory: sapphire, jade, emerald, jasper, onyx, amethyst, ruby, topaz. The effect was a carnival wheel of deep, unsettling fascination, and when I sewed it into her flesh with my golden thread she did not wail or struggle but only sighed, as though lost in the act of love, and, though her faults were called Legion, they were as yet unknown to me, thus, as my needle entered her, so too did my fatal softening begin.
The Dogaressa departed with her stitching still fresh, leaving in her wake but three souvenirs of our intimate surgery: one gift she intended, one she did not, and her damnable scent, which neither Mrs. Matterfact nor Mr. Suchandsuch, no matter how they scrubbed and strove, could remove from the premises. I daresay, even this very night, should you venture to my old house on the High Street and press your nose to its sturdy bones, still yet you would snatch a whiff of tangerine and strangling ivy from the foundation stones.
The gift she intended to leave was a lock of her raven hair, the skinflint bitch. The other, I did not perceive until some weeks later, when I adjourned to my smoking room with a bottle of brandy, a packet of snuff, and a rare contemplative mood which I intended to spend upon a rich, unfiltered melancholy as sweet as any Madeira—for it is a fact globally acknowledged that idle melancholy, like good wine, is the exclusive purview of the wealthy. To aid in my melancholy, I fingered in one hand the mate to the Dogaressa’s harlequin eye, rubbing my thumb over that strange, motley iris, marveling at the milky sheen of the sclera, admiring, unrepentant Narcissus that I am, my own skill and artistry. I removed my own, ordinary, unguessable, nearly flawless glass eye and held up the other to my empty socket like a spyglass, and a most thoroughly stupendous metamorphosis transpired: I could seethrough the jeweled lens of that artificial eye! Truly see, without cloud or glare or halo—ah, but what I saw was not the walls of my own smoking room, so tastefully lined with matching books chosen to neither excite nor bore any guest to extremes, but the long peach-cream and gold hall of the palazzo of the Doge in far-distant Venice! The chequered black and white marble floors flowed forth in my vision like a houndstooth river; the full and unforgiving moon streamed glaucous through tall slim windows; painted ceilings soared overhead, inlaid with pearl and carnelian and ever-so-slightly greyed with the smoke of a hundred thousand candles burnt over peerless years in that grand corridor. Women and men swept slowly up and down the squares like boats upon some fairy canal, swathed in gowns of viridescent green cross-hatched with silver and rose, armored in bodices of whalebone and opal, be-sailed in lacy gauze spun by Clotho herself upon the wheel of destiny, cloaked and hooded in vermillion damask, in aquamarine, in citron and puce, their clothing each so splendid I could scarce tell the maids from the swains—and thus looked I upon a personal paradise heretofore undreamt of.
But there were worms in paradise, for each and every beauty in the Doge’s palace was rotting in their finery like the fruit of sun-spoiled melons within their shells. Their flesh putrefied and dripped from their bones and what remained turned hideous, sickening colors, choleric, livid, cyanic, hoary, a moldering patina of death whose effusions stained those bodices black. Some stumbled noseless, others having replaced that appendage with nostrils of gold and silver and crystal and porcelain, and others, all hope lost, sunk their visages into masks, though they could not hide their chancred hands, the bleeding sores of their bosoms, the undead tatters of their throats.
Yet still they laughed, and spoke animatedly, one to the other, and blushed in virtuous fashion beneath their putridity. Such is the dance of the Dame, who enters through the essential act of life, yet leaves you thinking, breathing, walking whilst the depredations of the grave transact upon your still-sensate flesh, making of this world a single noisy tomb.
My breath would not obey me; my heart ricocheted amongst my ribs like a cannon misfired. Was it truly Italy I saw bounded in the tiny planet of a glass eye? Had I stumbled into a drunken sleep or gone mad so swiftly no asylum could hope to catch me? I shot to my feet, mashing the eye deeper into my socket until stars spattered my sight—closer, look closer! Could I hear as well? Smell? Taste the tallowed air of that far-off moonlit court?
I could not. I could not hear their footsteps nor inhale their perfume nor feel the fuzzed reek of the mildewed canals on my tongue nor move of my own volition. I apprehended a new truth, that even the impossible possesses laws of its own, and those unbendable. I could only observe. Observe—while my vision lurched forward, advancing quickly, rocking gently as with a woman’s sinuous gait. Graceful, slender arms extended as though from my own body, opening with infinite elegance to embrace a man whose head was that of a Titan cast down brutally into the pit of Tartarus, so wracked with growths and intuberances and pulsating polyps that the plates of his skull had cracked beneath the intolerable weight and shifted into a new pate so monstrous it could no longer bear the Doge’s crown, which hung pitifully instead from a ribbon slung round his grotesque neck. Those matchless arms which were not my own enfolded this hapless creature and, encircling the middle finger of the hand belonging to the right arm, I saw with my altered vision the twisted peridot and tourmaline crocodile ring of the Dogaressa Samaritiana.
I cast the glass eye away from me, sickened, thrilled, inflamed, ensorcelled, the fire in my midnight hearth as nothing beside the conflagration of curiosity, horror, and the beginnings of power that crackled within my brain-pan. In that first moment, standing among my books and my brandy drenched in the sweat of a new universe, an instinct, a whisper of Truth Profound, permeated my spirit like smoke exhaled, and, I confess to you now, all these many years hence, still I enshrine it as an article of faith, for it was with breath that God animated the dumb mud of Adam, breath that woke Pandora from stone, breath that demarcates the living and the dead, breath with which we speak and cry out and divide ourselves from the idiot kingdom of animals, and breath, by all the blasted saints and angels, with which the glassblower shapes his glass! The living breath of Cornelius Peek yet permeates every insignificant atom of his works; each object broken from his punty, be it window or goblet or cask or eye, hides the sacred exhalations of his spirit co-mingled with the crystal, and it is this, it is this, I tell you, that connects the jeweled eye of the Dogaressa with the jeweled eye in my hand! I dwell in the glass, it cannot dispense with me any further than it can dispense with translucency or mass, and therefore it carries the shard of Cornelius whithersoever it wanders.
Let us dispense with a few obnoxious but inevitable inquiries into the practicality of the matter, so that we may move along past the skew. How could this mystic connection have escaped my notice till now? It is only sensical: Perdita vanished away to the Netherlands with both marvelous eyes, and no window nor goblet nor cask is, in its inborn nature, that organ of sight which opens onto the infinite pit of the human soul. Would any eye manufactured in the same fashion result in such remote visions? They would indeed, my credulous friend. Does every glassblower possess the ability to produce such objects, should he but retain one eye whilst selling the other at a fair price? Ah, here I must admit my deficiency as a philosopher, for which I apologize most obsequiously. It cannot be breath alone, for I made subtle overtures toward the gentleman of the glassmen’s guild and I can say with a solemn certainty that none but Master Peek can perform this alchemy of sclera and pupil. Why should it be so? Perhaps I am a wizard, perhaps a saint, perhaps a demiurge, perhaps the Messiah returned at last, perhaps it owes only to that peculiar rootstock of my family which grants me my height, my baritone, the hairiness of my body. Grandfather Polyphemus’s last gift, lobbed down the ancestral highway, bashing horses as it comes. I am a man of art, not science. I ask why Mrs. Matterfact has not yet laid out my supper oftener than I ask after the workings of the uncluttered cosmos.
Thus did I enter the business of optometry.
When you have placed a mad rainbow jewel in the skull of a Dogaressa as though she were nothing but a golden ring, a jewel which drove the rotting men of Venice insane with the desire to tie her to a bridge-post and stare transported into the motley swirling colors of the eye of God, lately fallen to earth, they began to say, somewhere in Sicily, advertisement serves little purpose. I opened my door and received the flood. It is positively trivial to lose an eye in this wicked world, did you know? I accepted them warmly, with a bow and a kerchief fluttered to the mouth in acute compassion, a permanently sympathetic expression penciled onto my lips in primrose paint—for that moth-eaten scab Cromwell was finally in the grave, where everything is just as colorless and abstemious and black as he always wished it to be, so full of piss and vitriol that it poisoned him to the gills, and Our Chuck, the Merry Monarch, was dancing on his bones.
Fashion, ever my God and my mother, took pity upon her poor supplicant and caused a great miracle to take place for my sake—the world donned a dandy wig whilst I doffed my own, sporting my secret womanly hair as long and curled as any lord, soaking my face in the most masculine of pale powders, rouges, lacquers, and creams, encasing my figure, such as it ever was, in lime and coral brocade trimmed in frosty silver, concealing my gait with an ivory cane and foxfurred slippers, and rejoicing in the knowledge that, of all the men in London, I suddenly possessed the lowest voice of them all. So hidden, so revealed, I took all the one-eyed world into my parlor: the cancerous, the war-wounded, the horse-kicked, the husband-beaten, the inquisitor-inquisited, the lightning-struck, the unfortunately-born, the pox-blighted, and yes, the Dame’s erstwhile lovers, for she had made her way to our shores and had begun her ancient gambols in sight of St. Paul’s. And for each of these unfortunate angels of the ocular, I fashioned a second eye in secret, unknown entirely to my custom, twin to the one that repaired their befouled faces, with which I adjourned night by night to a series of successive smoking rooms, growing grander and finer with each year, holding those orbs to the light and looking unseen upon every city in Christendom, along with several in the Orient and one in the New World, though it could hardly be called a city, if I am to be honest. And Venice, always Venice, the first eye and only, her eye, gazing out on the water, the moonlight, the dead.
In this fashion, I came to know that the Doge had died, succumbed to the unbearable weight of his own head, long before Samaritiana appeared on my night-bestrewn doorstep, the saffron gown she wore in the moonlight, and every other in her trunk, torn violently, soaked with bodily fluids, rent by the overgrown nails of the frenzied rotting horde who had chased her from the palazzo through every desperate alleyway and canal of the city, across Switzerland and France, in their anguished longing to touch the Eye of God, still sewn into the ex-Dogaressa’s skull, to touch it but once and be healed forever.
But of course I aided the friendless and abandoned Good Samaritiana as she wept beside her monstrous road. Oh, Clarissima, how dreadful, how unspeakable, how worthy of Mr. Pepys’ vigilant pen! I shall have to make introductions when you are quite well again. I sent at once for a fine dressmaker of my acquaintance to construct a suitable costume for the lady and save her from the immodesty of those ragged silken remnants of her former life with which, even then, she attempted to cover her body with little enough success that, before the dressmaker could so much as cross the river, I learned something quite unexpected concerning the biography of Samaritiana, former queen of Venice.
She was quite male. Undeniably, conspicuously, astonishingly, fascinatingly so.
I called up to Mrs. Matterfact for cold oxtongue, a saucer of pineapple, and oysters stewed in Armagnac, down to Mr. Suchandsuch for carafes of hot claret mulled via the latest methods, and listened to the wondrous chimera in my parlor tell of how that famous Egyptian blood was not in the least of the Nile but of the Tiber, on whose Ostian banks a penniless but beautiful boy had been born in secret to one of the Pope’s mistresses and left to perish among the reed-gatherers and the amber-collectors and the diggers of molluscs.
But perish the lad did not, for even a grass-picker is thoroughly loused with the nits of compassion, and the women passed the babe one to the other and back again, like a cup of wine that drank, instead, from them. Now, it is well known to anyone with a single sopping slice of sense that the Pope’s enemies are rather like weevils, ever industrious, ever multiplying, ever rapacious, starving for the chaff of scandal with which to choke the Holy Father and watch him writhe. They roved over the city, overturning the very foundational stones of ancient Rome in search of the Infallible Bastards, in order, not to kill them like Herod, but to bring them before the Cardinals and etch their little faces upon the stained glass windows as evidence of sin. My little minx, having already long, lustrous hair and androgyne features more like to a seraph than a by-blow son, found it at first advantageous to effect the manners and dress of a girl, and then, when the danger had passed, more than that, agreeable, even preferable to her former existence. Having become a maid to save her life, she remained one in order to enjoy it. Owing to the meager diet of the Tiber’s tiniest fish, little Samaritiana never grew so tall nor so stout as other boys, she remained curiously hairless, and though she escaped the castrato’s fate, her voice never dipped beneath the pleasing alto with which she now spoke, nor did her organ of masculinity ever aspire to outdo the average Grecian statue, and so, when the Doge visited Ostia after the death of his first wife, he saw nothing unusual walking by the river except for the most beautiful woman in the Occident, balancing a basket of rushes on her hip with a few nuggets of amber rolling within the weave.
“But surely, Clarissima,” mused I, savoring the tart song of pineapple upon my tongue, “a bridegroom, however ardent, cannot be so easily duped as a vengeful Cardinal! Your deception cannot have survived the wedding bower!”
“It did not survive the engagement, my dear Master Peek,” Samaritiana replied without a wisp of blush upon her remarkable cheek. “Oh, mistake me not, I do so love to lie—I see no more purpose in pretending to be virtuous in your presence than I saw in pretending to be fertile in his. But there could be no delight in a deception so deep and vast. It would impair true marriage between us. I revealed myself at Pentecost, allowing him in the intensity of his ardor to unfasten my stays and loose my ribbons until I stood clad only in honesty before His Serenity and awaited what I presumed to be my doom and my death. But only kisses fell upon me in that moment, for the Doge had long suppressed his inborn nature, and suffered already to get upon his departed wife the heirs he owed to the canals, and though my masquerade, you will agree, outshines the impeccable, he would later say, on the night of which you so confidently speak, that some sinew of his heart must always have known, since first he beheld me with my basket of amber and sorrow.”
I did not exchange trust for trust that night among the oysters and the oxtongue. I have a viciously refined sense of theatre, after all. I made her wait, feigning religion, indigestion, the vicissitudes of work, gout, even virginity, until our wedding night, whereupon I allowed Samaritiana, in the intensity of her ardor, to unfasten my stays and loose my ribbons until at last all that stood between us was the tattered ruin of my mother’s ancient bridal veil, and then, not even that.
“Goodness, you don’t expect me to be surprised, do you?” laughed the ex-Dogaressa, the monster, the braying centaur, the miserly lamia who would not give me the satisfaction of scandalizing her! That eve, and only that eve, under the stars painted upon my ceiling, I applied all my cruellest and most unfair arts to compel my wife to admit, as a wedding present, that she had not known, she had never known, never even suspected, loved me as a man just as I loved her as a woman, and was besides a brutal little liar who deserved a lifetime of the most delectable punishment. We exchanged whispered, apocryphal, long-atrophied names beneath the coverlet: Perpetua. Proteo.
Samartiana treated me deplorably, broke my heart and my bank, laughed when she ought to have wept, drove Mrs. Matterfact to utter disintegration, kept lovers, schemed with minor nobles. We were just ferociously happy. Are you surprised? I, too, am humorless, witless, provincial, petty, small of mind, parched of imagination, stingy of wallet and affection, a liar and a cad. He was like me. I was like her. I had, after all, seen as she saw, from the very angle of her waking vision, which in some circles might be the definition of divine love. I have had wives before and will have again, far cleverer and braver and wilder than my Clarissima, but none I treasured half so well, nor came so near to telling the secret of my smoking room, of the chests full of eyes hidden beneath the floorboards. Samaritiana had her lovers; I had my eyes, the voyeur’s stealthy, soft and pregnant hours, a criminal sensorium I could not quit nor wished to.Yet still I would not share, I held it back from her, out of her reach, beyond her ken.
The plague took her in the spring. The Baron, not the Dame. The plague of long masks and onions and bodies stacked like fresh-laid bricks. I buried her in glass, in my incandescent fury at the kiln, for where else can a man lose his whole being but in a wife or in work? These are the twin barrels in which we drown ourselves forever.
It soon came to pass that wonderful eyes of Cornelius Peek were in such demand that the possession of one could catapult the owner into society, if only he could keep his head about him once he landed, and this was reason enough that, men being men and ambition being forever the most demanding of bedfellows, it became much the fashion in those years to sacrifice one eye to the teeth-grinding god of social mobility and replace it with something far more useful than depth perception. Natural colors fell by the wayside—they wanted an angel’s eye, now, a demon’s, a dryad’s, a goblin’s, more alien, more inhuman, less windows to the soul than windows to debauched and lawless Edens, and I, your servant, sir, a window-maker once more. I cannot say I approved of this self-deformation, but I certainly profited by the sudden proliferation of English Cyclopses, most especially by their dispersal through the halls of power, carrying the breath of Peek with them into every shadowy corner of the privileged and the perverse.
I strung their eyes on silver thread and lay in a torpor like unto the opium addict upon the lilac damask of my smoking room couch, draping them round and round my body like a strand of numberless pearls, lifting each crystal gem in turn to gaze upon Paris, Edinburgh, Madrid, Muscovy, Constantinople, Zurich—and Venice, always Venice, returning again and again, though I knew I would not find what I sought along those rippling canals traveled by the living dead. It became my obsession, this invasion of perspective, this theft of privacy, the luxurious passivity of the thing, watching without participating as the lives of others fluttered by like so many scarlet leaves, compelled to witness, but not to interfere, even if I wished to, even if I had liked the young Earl well enough when I installed his pigment-less diamond eye and longed to parry the assassin’s blade when I saw it flash in the Austrian sunset. I saw, with tremulous breath, as God saw, forced unwilling to allow the race of man to damn or redeem itself in a noxious fume of free will, forbidden by laws unwritten not to lift one hand, even if the baker’s boy had laughed when I offered him a big red eye or a cat-slit pupil or a shark’s unbroken onyx hue, any sort, free of charge, even the costliest, the most debonair, in honor of my late wife Samaritiana who in another lifetime paid me in hair, not because she would wish me to be generous but because she would mock me to the rafters and howl hazard down to Hell, begging the Devil to take me now rather than let one more pauper rob her purse, even if I saw, now, through his eye, saw the maidservant burning, burning in the bakery on Pudding Lane, burning and screaming in the midnight wind, and then the terrible, impossible leap of the flames to the adjoining houses, an orange tongue lasciviously working in the dark, not to lift one hand as what I saw in the glass eye and what I saw in the flesh became one, fusing and melding at last, reality and unreality, the sight I owned and the sight I stole, the conflagration devouring the city, the gardens, and my house around me, my lovely watered ultramarine silk, my supremely comfortable chair stuffed with Arabian horsehair, my darling gold and silver drawers, as I lay still and let it come for me and thee and all.
I did not die, for heaven’s sake. Perish the thought! Death is terrifically gauche, don’t you know, I should never be caught wearing it in public. I simply did not get up. Irony being the Lord of All Things, the smoking room survived the blaze and I inside it; though the rafters smoked and blackened and the walls swelled with heat like the head of a Doge, the secret chambers honeycombing the place contained the inferno, they did not stove in nor fall, save for one shelf of books, the bloody Romans, of all things, which, in toppling, quite snapped both my shinbones beneath a ponderous copy of Plutarch. Mrs. Matterfact and Mr. Suchandsuch fought valiantly and gave up only the better part of the roof, though we lost my lovely showroom, a tragedy from which I shall never fully recover, I assure you. And for a long while, I remained where the fire found me, on the long damask couch in my smoking room, wrapped in lengths of eyes like Odysseus lashed to the mast and listening to all the sirens’ mating bleats, still lifting each in turn and fixing it to my empty socket, one after the other after the other, and thus I stayed for years, years beyond years, beyond Matterfact and Suchandsuch and their replacements, beyond the intolerable plebians outside who wanted only humble, honest brown and blue eyes again, their own mortal eyes, having seen too much of wildness. And what, pray tell, did I do with my impossible sight, with my impossible span of time?
Why, I became the greatest spy the world has ever known. Would you have done otherwise?
Oh, I have sold crowns to kings and kings to executioners, positions to the enemy and ships to the storm, murderers to the avenging and perversities to the puritanical, I have caused ingenious devices to be built in England before the paint in Krakow finished drying, rescued aristocrats from the mob and mobs from the aristocracy by turns, bought and traded and brokered half of Europe to the other half and back again, dashed more sailors against the rocks than my promethean progenitor could have done in the throes of his most orgiastic fever-dream. I have smote the ground and summoned up wars from the deeps and I have called down the heavens to end them, all without moving one whisper from my house on Drury Lane, even as the laborers rebuilt it around me, even as the rains came, even as the lane around it became a writhing slum, a whore’s racetrack, a nursery rhyme.
Look around you and look well: this is the world I made. Isn’t it charming? Isn’t it terrible and exquisite and debased and tastefully appointed according to the very latest of styles? I have seen to every detail, every flourish—think nothing of it, it has been my great honor.
But the time has come to rouse myself, for my eyes have begun to grow dark, and of late I spy muchly upon the damp and wormy earth, for who would not beg to be buried with their precious Peek eye, bauble of a bygone—and better—age? No one, not even the baker’s boy. The workshop of Master Cornelius Peek will open doors once more, for I have centuries sprawled at my feet like Christmas tinsel, and I would not advance upon them blind. I have heard the strange mournful bovine lowing of what I am assured are called the proletariatoutside my window, the clack and clatter of progress to whose rhythm all men must waltz. There is much work to be done if I do not wish to have the next century decorated by some other, coarser, less splendid hand. I shall curl my hair and don the lime and coral coat, crack the ivory cane against the stones once more, and if the fashions have sped beyond me, so be it, I care nothing, I will stand for the best of us, for in the end, the world will always belong to dandies, who alone see the filigree upon the glass that is God’s signature upon his work.
After all, it is positively trivial to lose an eye in this midden of modernity, this precarious, perilous world, don’t you agree?
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jsenvs3000 · 3 years
10 Wild Nature Facts
*Bonus Post*
Interpretation is everywhere. According to Beck et al. (2018), a nature guide in every locality who, around his home or in the nearest park could show with fitting stories the wild places, birds, flowers, and animals, would add to the enjoyment of everyone who lives in the region or who visits it. In other words, every place in which interpretation could occur should include some element of interpretation.  
The most amazing thing about nature is that it continues to blow my mind. With effective interpretation, almost anything in the natural word can seem interesting. There is so much beauty and intrigue in the everyday aspects of nature. So, let’s take a look!  
(1) Acacia trees can warn each other of danger
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Acacia trees, which grow all over the African savannah, have a unique defense system. When animals like antelopes start to gobble up its leaves, the tree increases tannin production to levels that are toxic to animals (The Environmentor, 2021). But that's not all. The tree then emits a cloud of ethylene gas that travels through the air, reaching other trees so they too can begin producing more tannins (The Environmentor, 2021).
(2) Owls don't have eyeballs
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What they have instead are better described as eye tubes. Since they can't move these tubes back and forth, owls have developed incredible neck flexibility to be able to see the world around them. They can turn their heads a whopping 270 degrees, whereas humans can only manage about 180 (The Environmentor, 2021).
(3) Baby giraffes use their butts as pillows
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While adult giraffes usually sleep standing up, baby giraffes will get a bit more comfortable. They hunker down on the ground and take advantage of their extra-flexible necks, twisting around to plop their noggins on their own behinds (The Environmentor, 2021). It doesn't look especially comfortable, but it sure does look cute!
(4) Cows kill more people than sharks
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Turns out, Jaws really blew things out of proportion for sharks. According to the Center for Disease Control, sharks kill an average of four people per year, while cows kill an average of 22 annually. Though some are due to road accidents, 75 percent were premeditated attacks (McLendon, 2018). "What's really chilling is that, in five cases, people were killed by multiple cows in group attacks," one Gizmodo reporter wrote. "Group attacks can be surprisingly well-coordinated. When they're feeling defensive, cows will gather in a circle, all facing outwards, lowering their heads and stamping the ground. When they're feeling offensive, certain cows lead the charge."
(5) An extinct species of penguins was nearly 7-feet tall
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The biggest penguins around nowadays are emperor penguins, measuring a respectable 4 feet in height. However, 37 million years ago, a species known as Palaeeudyptes klekowskii, or colossus penguins, roamed Antarctica. They weighed about 250 pounds and stood about 6 feet, 6 inches tall, which is the height of the average NBA player (McLendon, 2018). Unfortunately, like modern penguins, these colossus penguins could neither fly nor, presumably, dunk.
(6) Goats have accents
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Researchers at Queen Mary University of London found that though goats don't have their own language, they do seem able to pick up accents from one another (The Environmentor, 2021). You can listen to some of them here.
(7) Sloths only poop once a week
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Everything about sloths is slow, including their metabolisms. The average adult sloth poops once every five to seven days, and when it does, it can expel one-third of its own body weight (The Environmentor, 2021). Unfortunately, these tree dwellers have to come down to the ground in order to defecate, which saps their energy and leaves them vulnerable to predators. About half of all sloth deaths occur during their once-a-week defecation (The Environmentor, 2021).
(8) Slow lorises are the only venomous primate
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Found only in Southeast Asia, the slow loris is a small, monkey-like creature that you might recognize for its big round eyes (McLendon, 2018). They also have the distinction of being the only primate in the animal kingdom with a venomous bite. They lick a toxin-producing gland under their arm before deterring predators with their teeth. In humans, this venom provokes an allergic reaction that usually results in a painful swelling, though there is at least one report of a human dying of anaphylaxis from a slow loris bite (McLendon, 2018).
(9) A tiger's skin also has stripes
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Beneath a tiger's fur, the animal's skin is striped as well. Although shaving a tiger is not recommended, if you were to do so, you would see dark and light stripes in the same pattern as its fur (McLendon, 2018). Just as some men have a very visible "five o'clock shadow" where their beards grow, the dark hair follicles of a tiger are easily distinguished from the light ones on its skin. Snow leopards and other big cats also have skin markings to match their fur (McLendon, 2018).
(10) Greenland sharks don't reach puberty until 150 
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The longest-living vertebrate animal on the planet is the Greenland shark. At 21 feet long and 2,200 pounds, it's also one of the world's largest predators (The Environmentor, 2021). In 2016, when scientists found a method of determining age by examining the proteins in the lens of the sharks' eyes, they realized their specimen lived to be between 300 and 500 years old. Perhaps because they live such a long time, Greenland sharks grow very slowly: only about a centimeter a year. On top of that, they don't reach sexual maturity until they're 150 years old (The Environmentor, 2021).
Want to read some more cool facts? Here are 116 more!
Beck, L., Cable, T. T., & Knudson, D. M. (2018). Interpreting cultural and natural heritage: For a better world. CHAMPAIGN: SAGAMORE Publishing.
The Environmentor. (2021, January 20). 10 strange and Mind-Blowing facts about nature. Retrieved March 15, 2021, from https://blog.tentree.com/10-strange-and-mind-blowing-facts-about-nature/
McLendon, R. (2018). 36 random Animal facts that may surprise you. Retrieved March 15, 2021, from https://www.treehugger.com/random-animal-facts-that-may-surprise-you-4868818
Image Credits:
Image #1: https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/385480049346960947/
Image #2: https://www.theatlantic.com/photo/2020/02/photos-superb-owl-sunday-iv/605854/
Image #3: https://www.boredpanda.com/giraffes-shortest-sleeping-animal/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=organic
Image #4: https://www.discovery.com/nature/cows-kill-more-people-than-sharks 
Image #5: https://www.discovermagazine.com/planet-earth/extinct-mega-penguin-was-as-tall-as-a-person
Image #6: https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/173599760609626862/
Image #7: https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/559749/facts-about-sloths
Image #8: https://animals.sandiegozoo.org/animals/pygmy-slow-loris
Image #9: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/study-reveals-loss-of-laoss-final-tigers/
Image #10: https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2016/08/greenland-shark-may-live-400-years-smashing-longevity-record
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rauthschild · 4 years
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Extraterrestrial Races: Andromedans (Swaruu - Galactic Extraterrestrial Pleiadian Communication)
Author: Cosmic Agency, Gosia 
Swaruu: A very old species or race with very few known variants. They are mainly one race and culture only, even though there are separate factions. They are not of Lyrian origin. They have more in common with the Arcturian - Dieslientiplex, Devonian and Korendian races. They are also related to the Blue Pleiadian race, Blue Pleiadian or Celestes. According to what they themselves explain, several millions years ago, during the primitive era of their spiritual evolution, they were in a similar position as the humans are in today. They ended up fighting among themselves, for lack of ethics and morals, and that resulted in the destruction of their own planet. They had the time to get out of it on board of ships of their own manufacturing. By the very definition of timelines, it necessarily has to exist, but the Andromedans of today have no connection or communication with that timeline. They have total temporal capacity, and they have even used it with the humans as Alex Collier testifies, as he was in contact with the Andromedans. Since the destruction of their planet, the Andromedans have no planet. It is a species and culture completely dependent on their space vessels. They are born, live and die in them, having their own cycles and dynamics of reincarnation onboard. Their ships are of three classes and shapes: • The grand sphere or biosphere base ships with several millions of inhabitants in them. They are of great size, an example of a ship of this class is the terrestrial moon that was one of their ships in the past, it is of their manufacturing. • The biosphere smaller triangular ships that they use because they are agile, and it is easy to move them from one place to another to assert their presence in some location. These ships too are self-contained, also named biospheres. They contain several thousand inhabitants onboard, and their regular size exceed 800 kilometers long. There is one in Earth orbit behind the moon at this moment. • Smaller agile vessels of various forms, predominantly of a disc shape. Their political structure is ancient and is called "Holographic Political System" due to its levels of councils (step councils), or also better known as "The Andromedan Holographic Political System" most often used by almost all the progressive advanced races, including Taygeta. The belief systems based on the concept of karma, as it is known in the East (of the Earth), comes from the Andromedans. In the same manner, the Sanskrit language is the humanized form of Andromedan. On Earth this is recognized in some circles in the area, as they have the legend that Sanskrit comes from the stars. The Andromedans have influenced the Earth for thousands of years, being that the most recognized Andromedan on Earth is the god Shiva. Their social system is one of total equity, even though one can observe a strong tendency towards patriarchy. The human representative who has had most contact with the Andromedans is Mr. Alex Collier. I recommend to study his works, as they relay the truth. The Andromedans have two genders, male and female, and the reproduction is sexual. When an Andromedan is born, it is always underwater, to minimize the trauma. And then the offspring is given all the resources of the entire civilization so that their development is the best possible, they don't spare anything for their young and they spend the major part of their lives dedicating themselves to studying and self-improvement. Physically they are very slim with a fragile appearance, between 2 and 3 meters tall with an average of 240 centimeters. A little less for the women. The men are very esthetic, and the women very beautiful. They do not have any kind of hair or body hair, neither males nor females alike. Their skin is sky or light blue, but there are variants. Longevity is said to be some 4 500 Earth years, but it is difficult to calculate because outside time is different and results impossible to make a true and credible calculation. When they die it is by their own decision, it is never by illnesses as they have already transcended this concept. It is not that they don't get sick, but that it is all solvable with the mind and with "Med-Pod" technology. They are very mental beings, logical. They are not temperamental nor are they emotional. They have a lot of curiosity about the reactions of the emotional races, because it is very difficult for the Andromedans to understand them. This has caused friction between races more than once, including differences with the Taygetan race - as the latter is a very emotional race, even more so than the humans. Robert: Don't they wish to establish themselves on a planet? Are they nomads? They have to be great constructors of spaceships. Swaruu: It is a nomad race, if you could describe them as such. They are great spaceship constructors. They construct them with the help of their closest friends, with whom they have had a cordial relationship for millenia: the three Arcturian races. The Andromedan ships are constructed on or near the planet "Pitoya" in the Bootes-region. It is under the control of the Dieslientiplex-Arcturians. They can recall their past lives without problems, and their children – if they so decide – can pick up where they left off in their former life, but with a new body. It does not present problems for the offspring. Nor are they classified as endangered. They do not want to settle on a planet because they would feel limited. They like to maintain their "mobile interests," by their own admission. They also insist that all planets that exists aren't theirs, and that settling on them causes karma - even if it is only inhabited by animals. The planet does not belong to them. With the high technology of the biosphere ships they don't need a planet. They have everything inside. They feel more secure, because inside the ships they have total control of everything that happens in them, and with them. The Andromedans are obsessive with perfection and control. They are members of the "Federation of the United Planets," of the Andromedan Council and the Sphere Alliance. Their technology is equal or on par with ours. However, the Andromedans tend to use solar portals, we don't. The sphere ships that can be seen coming and leaving through the solar portal are mainly Andromedan and Arcturian. Gosia: Since when are they there in the orbit, and what is their involvement in the liberation of the Earth? Swaruu: They now have been roaming around this area for about 12,500 years. But the large biosphere ship arrived to Earth orbit around 1952. Their involvement with Earth's liberation is mainly that of being advisors and of logistical support for the other races, thanks to their large ships. However, they also do observations and research work in the areas of terrestrial radiation, volcanology and seismology, which they then share with the other races. Gosia: How many ships do they have? And how many starseeds? Swaruu: The Andromedans have countless ships, countless large biosphere ships. They are among the races with most starseeds on Earth today.
0 notes
branchandblaze-blog · 6 years
The 10 Secrets That You Shouldn\’t Know About paving contractors.
These are rather tiny paving blocks which fit with each other in various methods to develop an overall pattern which fits your residence and also preference. An additional prominent technique for constructing a driveway is to make use of crushed rock, or shingle, in a loose way. When a person walks on it, this is additionally great for protection as you will listen to the unique noise of the crushed rock. You could additionally go for a concrete driveway, these will certainly be cheaper to build, as well as supply a durable, long lasting surface area, however I need to say, don’t look the best compared to a block led driveway. The following step would be go and also find a great business to build it for you as soon as you have actually made your choice concerning which type of driveway you want. Locating a reliable firm could be challenging, but do your checks and also I’m sure you’ll discover an excellent local business to execute the help you.
Initially, sealing pavers need to only be attempted when the surface is completely dry and must be used just after 24 hours of installation. One need to apply them with the brush and leave the paver to completely dry for a longer duration. Second coat is required; the time void in between the very first and also the second need to be more than 24 hrs if you believe. Typically recommended, relying on their state, sealing pavers should be tried every 2 to 3 years. So, if you think that you possess that ideal place with remarkable beauty, keep in mind that such appeal needs defense! To maintain that beauty, one does not have to look additionally compared to a paving sealant to supply tranquility of mind! Is the service provider licensed and adhered? What does it cost? liability insurance coverage does the paving service provider carry? If relevant, is the specialist’s crew licensed to do the work? Does the contractor have a reputable credit ranking? Does the proposal plainly define the work to be done and approximated price? Know your rights and also obligations as a customer before contracting the exercise. A reliable paving service provider will certainly function hard to satisfy every client by offering the very best and also most seasoned personnel.
Finally, you prepare to begin the real paving part of the task. This procedure is usually finished by a dump vehicle, which unloads the asphalt into the hopper of an asphalt paver. The asphalt paver will certainly screed the asphalt product to the preferred quality and thickness. After the asphalt has actually been laid, it will certainly should be compacted making use of a roller compactor. The roller compactor will compact the asphalt material into location, giving it much more sturdiness against day to day tear and use. Peyton Stallings is a lifetime Atlanta general and resident specialist.
They are flexible
What are the advantages of an asphalt driveway vs concrete or permeable/interlocking pavers
Make Sure The Company Understands Your Specifications & Measurements
Gravel Driveway – # 1 – Most Ongoing Maintenance
Stay clear of service providers that just offer to overlays
Tidy, tidy and after that clean some more
Make Certain that the Contractor is Experienced Enough
Total fulfillment with any type of and all job finished
House renovating contractors are available for jobs from the big to the tiny. Cooking area remodeling, cabinet substitutes, roof covering work from shingles to spots, and also every little thing between, a check out your city will certainly supply you with a myriad of house remodeling contractors just waiting to help you in your most recent venture. But ways to find them? One choice to consider in situating your following home redesigning specialists is a little bit on the old made side yet still generates some outcomes. Generally, I have had excellent luck with belows over the years with a few noteworthy exemptions. Problem: Not showing up on time. Not all subs are the greatest schedulers when there is a problem, you’re possibly not on top of their checklist. Also, they might run out community or bankrupt by the time you need them. Solution: Give them a direct a couple of days to a week prior to you will require them.
Here are some tips which will enable you to ask some intelligent questions as you talk to asphalt contractors: https://drycoconstruction.wordpress.com/2017/09/15/here-are-some-tips-which-will-enable-you-to-ask-some-intelligent-questions-as-you-talk-to-asphalt-contractors/ …
— DRYCO Construction (@DRYCO_Inc) September 15, 2017
https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.jsProbably you have an existing deck surface area that is cracking as well as cracking with mold and mildew and water drainage problems. When considering what item to pick for your remodel is exactly how it will hold up over time, the primary issue. Thin pavers are the only irreversible option on the market today. The factor pavers are taken into consideration a permanent service is due to the intrinsic longevity of the product and the reality that they are not really complied with the existing surface, but instead float over the deck. Inspect likewise whether your possible carrier is properly licensed. Keep in mind that licensing is essential in every endeavor. Make certain the individual is certified to operate in your state. You additionally should confirm the validity of their licenses before you comprise your mind. Prevent companies that are neither qualified nor licensed. Insurance policy cover is also crucial. It readies to function with somebody who is sufficiently covered. Note that your house may be damaged or the professional obtains wounded while undertaking your task. So, you require a well-covered person to ensure that any kind of damage to home or individual injuries will certainly be made up by the insurer. Find out more concerning Things To Consider When Choosing A Contractor For Paving Phoenix.
When you have your pavers setup full, the pavers need to be brushed up, then compressed and also clean, in order to settle them right into the bed linens training course. Do not worry, the compactor will not harm the stones. Contribute to all these an adequate water drainage. For this, the pavers need to slope far from any structure or the home close by, to enable water drain. It is extremely important to cleanse the rock pavers usually, this will certainly maintain the appearance of your paved area. Utilizing stone pavers in your yard could develop a original as well as one-of-a-kind setting for you, for your family members and also for your pursuits. Pavers will make any type of yard to look more attractive. You could utilize them for a walkway, a driveway or a course. They could likewise add worth to your home. However most of all this, just consider just how much Mother Nature provides us and exactly how little we provide it in return. This can be the least we can do – to secure it by ourselves and also to value all the presents it gives us.
When you choose your stone pavers, always bear in mind that they have to be solid and also durable. Prior to beginning this task, you have to make a decision if you desire your sidewalk to be a straight line or a curve one. When you chose where to place it, the shape and the dimension, it’s time to begin working with it. Initial point to do is to dig a trench to the essential depth, not greater than 20 cm. Currently, that you have the degree trench, area right into it a layer of gravel base (15 centimeters) and also a layer of sand (5 centimeters) for the bed linen. Try to portable these 2 layers just as good as feasible.
Ensure that they are degree with each various other and also push them to the sand bed linens. Take place similar to this with all your task. Do the very same with your rock medallion, reduced the stones in forms and place them similarly as the sidewalk stones. As soon as you have actually done this part, sweep sand around your laid stones, in order to load right into the joints. To enhance the aesthetic results, you could spread grass seeds right into the joints. Aim to pick the traffic area, to ensure that you, your family or your pursuits will walk exactly this way. Let the pavers do your work: directing the actions to those locations that you want to be seen. There are various kinds of paving materials that could be used in your yard. You can select from brick pavers, concrete pavers, all-natural stone pavers, wood pavers or turf pavers. Let’s claim you wantto use all-natural rock pavers for your pathway. They are optimal for their rustic, earthy appeal and ancient result. If you are a requiring person, you can place even a garden medallion, also made from all-natural rocks, simply to damage the sidewalk and also making it much more initial.
In order to maintain your rock pavers with each other, you have to install likewise bordering stones both for your walkway and for your medallion. When you dig your trench, eliminate just the topsoil and the turf. Use a flat ended shovel to keep the base flat and smooth. Fill up the area with the appropriate amount of granular material. citypaving The base preparation is the most essential point of the whole task. Suitable base product and compaction are important to make your installment lasting a life time. Edge restraints are likewise extremely important. They stop the pavers from moving and relocating over the time. Currently, that you have your pavers bed linen ready, place the stones one at a time. Initially, you need to discover the place to place it. It might be in the middle of your garden or near your barbeque area. This pathway will certainly lead people from one point to one more and also it will certainly keep the area tidy, if you don’t wish to ruin the grass and the flowers. For your medallion, you could select a style that fits the ambient (a floral one, for example, and even an abstract one).
If you loved this article and also you would like to acquire more info pertaining to City Paving – visit the next web site – please visit our site.
source https://constructioncompaniesweb.wordpress.com/2017/12/04/the-10-secrets-that-you-shouldnt-know-about-paving-contractors/
0 notes
brainflush · 6 years
The 10 Secrets That You Shouldn\’t Know About paving contractors.
These are rather tiny paving blocks which fit with each other in various methods to develop an overall pattern which fits your residence and also preference. An additional prominent technique for constructing a driveway is to make use of crushed rock, or shingle, in a loose way. When a person walks on it, this is additionally great for protection as you will listen to the unique noise of the crushed rock. You could additionally go for a concrete driveway, these will certainly be cheaper to build, as well as supply a durable, long lasting surface area, however I need to say, don’t look the best compared to a block led driveway. The following step would be go and also find a great business to build it for you as soon as you have actually made your choice concerning which type of driveway you want. Locating a reliable firm could be challenging, but do your checks and also I’m sure you’ll discover an excellent local business to execute the help you.
Initially, sealing pavers need to only be attempted when the surface is completely dry and must be used just after 24 hours of installation. One need to apply them with the brush and leave the paver to completely dry for a longer duration. Second coat is required; the time void in between the very first and also the second need to be more than 24 hrs if you believe. Typically recommended, relying on their state, sealing pavers should be tried every 2 to 3 years. So, if you think that you possess that ideal place with remarkable beauty, keep in mind that such appeal needs defense! To maintain that beauty, one does not have to look additionally compared to a paving sealant to supply tranquility of mind! Is the service provider licensed and adhered? What does it cost? liability insurance coverage does the paving service provider carry? If relevant, is the specialist’s crew licensed to do the work? Does the contractor have a reputable credit ranking? Does the proposal plainly define the work to be done and approximated price? Know your rights and also obligations as a customer before contracting the exercise. A reliable paving service provider will certainly function hard to satisfy every client by offering the very best and also most seasoned personnel.
Finally, you prepare to begin the real paving part of the task. This procedure is usually finished by a dump vehicle, which unloads the asphalt into the hopper of an asphalt paver. The asphalt paver will certainly screed the asphalt product to the preferred quality and thickness. After the asphalt has actually been laid, it will certainly should be compacted making use of a roller compactor. The roller compactor will compact the asphalt material into location, giving it much more sturdiness against day to day tear and use. Peyton Stallings is a lifetime Atlanta general and resident specialist.
They are flexible
What are the advantages of an asphalt driveway vs concrete or permeable/interlocking pavers
Make Sure The Company Understands Your Specifications & Measurements
Gravel Driveway – # 1 – Most Ongoing Maintenance
Stay clear of service providers that just offer to overlays
Tidy, tidy and after that clean some more
Make Certain that the Contractor is Experienced Enough
Total fulfillment with any type of and all job finished
House renovating contractors are available for jobs from the big to the tiny. Cooking area remodeling, cabinet substitutes, roof covering work from shingles to spots, and also every little thing between, a check out your city will certainly supply you with a myriad of house remodeling contractors just waiting to help you in your most recent venture. But ways to find them? One choice to consider in situating your following home redesigning specialists is a little bit on the old made side yet still generates some outcomes. Generally, I have had excellent luck with belows over the years with a few noteworthy exemptions. Problem: Not showing up on time. Not all subs are the greatest schedulers when there is a problem, you’re possibly not on top of their checklist. Also, they might run out community or bankrupt by the time you need them. Solution: Give them a direct a couple of days to a week prior to you will require them.
Here are some tips which will enable you to ask some intelligent questions as you talk to asphalt contractors: https://drycoconstruction.wordpress.com/2017/09/15/here-are-some-tips-which-will-enable-you-to-ask-some-intelligent-questions-as-you-talk-to-asphalt-contractors/ …
— DRYCO Construction (@DRYCO_Inc) September 15, 2017
https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.jsProbably you have an existing deck surface area that is cracking as well as cracking with mold and mildew and water drainage problems. When considering what item to pick for your remodel is exactly how it will hold up over time, the primary issue. Thin pavers are the only irreversible option on the market today. The factor pavers are taken into consideration a permanent service is due to the intrinsic longevity of the product and the reality that they are not really complied with the existing surface, but instead float over the deck. Inspect likewise whether your possible carrier is properly licensed. Keep in mind that licensing is essential in every endeavor. Make certain the individual is certified to operate in your state. You additionally should confirm the validity of their licenses before you comprise your mind. Prevent companies that are neither qualified nor licensed. Insurance policy cover is also crucial. It readies to function with somebody who is sufficiently covered. Note that your house may be damaged or the professional obtains wounded while undertaking your task. So, you require a well-covered person to ensure that any kind of damage to home or individual injuries will certainly be made up by the insurer. Find out more concerning Things To Consider When Choosing A Contractor For Paving Phoenix.
When you have your pavers setup full, the pavers need to be brushed up, then compressed and also clean, in order to settle them right into the bed linens training course. Do not worry, the compactor will not harm the stones. Contribute to all these an adequate water drainage. For this, the pavers need to slope far from any structure or the home close by, to enable water drain. It is extremely important to cleanse the rock pavers usually, this will certainly maintain the appearance of your paved area. Utilizing stone pavers in your yard could develop a original as well as one-of-a-kind setting for you, for your family members and also for your pursuits. Pavers will make any type of yard to look more attractive. You could utilize them for a walkway, a driveway or a course. They could likewise add worth to your home. However most of all this, just consider just how much Mother Nature provides us and exactly how little we provide it in return. This can be the least we can do – to secure it by ourselves and also to value all the presents it gives us.
When you choose your stone pavers, always bear in mind that they have to be solid and also durable. Prior to beginning this task, you have to make a decision if you desire your sidewalk to be a straight line or a curve one. When you chose where to place it, the shape and the dimension, it’s time to begin working with it. Initial point to do is to dig a trench to the essential depth, not greater than 20 cm. Currently, that you have the degree trench, area right into it a layer of gravel base (15 centimeters) and also a layer of sand (5 centimeters) for the bed linen. Try to portable these 2 layers just as good as feasible.
Ensure that they are degree with each various other and also push them to the sand bed linens. Take place similar to this with all your task. Do the very same with your rock medallion, reduced the stones in forms and place them similarly as the sidewalk stones. As soon as you have actually done this part, sweep sand around your laid stones, in order to load right into the joints. To enhance the aesthetic results, you could spread grass seeds right into the joints. Aim to pick the traffic area, to ensure that you, your family or your pursuits will walk exactly this way. Let the pavers do your work: directing the actions to those locations that you want to be seen. There are various kinds of paving materials that could be used in your yard. You can select from brick pavers, concrete pavers, all-natural stone pavers, wood pavers or turf pavers. Let’s claim you wantto use all-natural rock pavers for your pathway. They are optimal for their rustic, earthy appeal and ancient result. If you are a requiring person, you can place even a garden medallion, also made from all-natural rocks, simply to damage the sidewalk and also making it much more initial.
In order to maintain your rock pavers with each other, you have to install likewise bordering stones both for your walkway and for your medallion. When you dig your trench, eliminate just the topsoil and the turf. Use a flat ended shovel to keep the base flat and smooth. Fill up the area with the appropriate amount of granular material. citypaving The base preparation is the most essential point of the whole task. Suitable base product and compaction are important to make your installment lasting a life time. Edge restraints are likewise extremely important. They stop the pavers from moving and relocating over the time. Currently, that you have your pavers bed linen ready, place the stones one at a time. Initially, you need to discover the place to place it. It might be in the middle of your garden or near your barbeque area. This pathway will certainly lead people from one point to one more and also it will certainly keep the area tidy, if you don’t wish to ruin the grass and the flowers. For your medallion, you could select a style that fits the ambient (a floral one, for example, and even an abstract one).
If you loved this article and also you would like to acquire more info pertaining to City Paving – visit the next web site – please visit our site.
source https://constructioncompaniesweb.wordpress.com/2017/12/04/the-10-secrets-that-you-shouldnt-know-about-paving-contractors/
0 notes
elliott-alameda · 6 years
The 10 Secrets That You Shouldn\’t Know About paving contractors.
These are rather tiny paving blocks which fit with each other in various methods to develop an overall pattern which fits your residence and also preference. An additional prominent technique for constructing a driveway is to make use of crushed rock, or shingle, in a loose way. When a person walks on it, this is additionally great for protection as you will listen to the unique noise of the crushed rock. You could additionally go for a concrete driveway, these will certainly be cheaper to build, as well as supply a durable, long lasting surface area, however I need to say, don’t look the best compared to a block led driveway. The following step would be go and also find a great business to build it for you as soon as you have actually made your choice concerning which type of driveway you want. Locating a reliable firm could be challenging, but do your checks and also I’m sure you’ll discover an excellent local business to execute the help you.
Initially, sealing pavers need to only be attempted when the surface is completely dry and must be used just after 24 hours of installation. One need to apply them with the brush and leave the paver to completely dry for a longer duration. Second coat is required; the time void in between the very first and also the second need to be more than 24 hrs if you believe. Typically recommended, relying on their state, sealing pavers should be tried every 2 to 3 years. So, if you think that you possess that ideal place with remarkable beauty, keep in mind that such appeal needs defense! To maintain that beauty, one does not have to look additionally compared to a paving sealant to supply tranquility of mind! Is the service provider licensed and adhered? What does it cost? liability insurance coverage does the paving service provider carry? If relevant, is the specialist’s crew licensed to do the work? Does the contractor have a reputable credit ranking? Does the proposal plainly define the work to be done and approximated price? Know your rights and also obligations as a customer before contracting the exercise. A reliable paving service provider will certainly function hard to satisfy every client by offering the very best and also most seasoned personnel.
Finally, you prepare to begin the real paving part of the task. This procedure is usually finished by a dump vehicle, which unloads the asphalt into the hopper of an asphalt paver. The asphalt paver will certainly screed the asphalt product to the preferred quality and thickness. After the asphalt has actually been laid, it will certainly should be compacted making use of a roller compactor. The roller compactor will compact the asphalt material into location, giving it much more sturdiness against day to day tear and use. Peyton Stallings is a lifetime Atlanta general and resident specialist.
They are flexible
What are the advantages of an asphalt driveway vs concrete or permeable/interlocking pavers
Make Sure The Company Understands Your Specifications & Measurements
Gravel Driveway – # 1 – Most Ongoing Maintenance
Stay clear of service providers that just offer to overlays
Tidy, tidy and after that clean some more
Make Certain that the Contractor is Experienced Enough
Total fulfillment with any type of and all job finished
House renovating contractors are available for jobs from the big to the tiny. Cooking area remodeling, cabinet substitutes, roof covering work from shingles to spots, and also every little thing between, a check out your city will certainly supply you with a myriad of house remodeling contractors just waiting to help you in your most recent venture. But ways to find them? One choice to consider in situating your following home redesigning specialists is a little bit on the old made side yet still generates some outcomes. Generally, I have had excellent luck with belows over the years with a few noteworthy exemptions. Problem: Not showing up on time. Not all subs are the greatest schedulers when there is a problem, you’re possibly not on top of their checklist. Also, they might run out community or bankrupt by the time you need them. Solution: Give them a direct a couple of days to a week prior to you will require them.
Here are some tips which will enable you to ask some intelligent questions as you talk to asphalt contractors: https://drycoconstruction.wordpress.com/2017/09/15/here-are-some-tips-which-will-enable-you-to-ask-some-intelligent-questions-as-you-talk-to-asphalt-contractors/ …
— DRYCO Construction (@DRYCO_Inc) September 15, 2017
https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.jsProbably you have an existing deck surface area that is cracking as well as cracking with mold and mildew and water drainage problems. When considering what item to pick for your remodel is exactly how it will hold up over time, the primary issue. Thin pavers are the only irreversible option on the market today. The factor pavers are taken into consideration a permanent service is due to the intrinsic longevity of the product and the reality that they are not really complied with the existing surface, but instead float over the deck. Inspect likewise whether your possible carrier is properly licensed. Keep in mind that licensing is essential in every endeavor. Make certain the individual is certified to operate in your state. You additionally should confirm the validity of their licenses before you comprise your mind. Prevent companies that are neither qualified nor licensed. Insurance policy cover is also crucial. It readies to function with somebody who is sufficiently covered. Note that your house may be damaged or the professional obtains wounded while undertaking your task. So, you require a well-covered person to ensure that any kind of damage to home or individual injuries will certainly be made up by the insurer. Find out more concerning Things To Consider When Choosing A Contractor For Paving Phoenix.
When you have your pavers setup full, the pavers need to be brushed up, then compressed and also clean, in order to settle them right into the bed linens training course. Do not worry, the compactor will not harm the stones. Contribute to all these an adequate water drainage. For this, the pavers need to slope far from any structure or the home close by, to enable water drain. It is extremely important to cleanse the rock pavers usually, this will certainly maintain the appearance of your paved area. Utilizing stone pavers in your yard could develop a original as well as one-of-a-kind setting for you, for your family members and also for your pursuits. Pavers will make any type of yard to look more attractive. You could utilize them for a walkway, a driveway or a course. They could likewise add worth to your home. However most of all this, just consider just how much Mother Nature provides us and exactly how little we provide it in return. This can be the least we can do – to secure it by ourselves and also to value all the presents it gives us.
When you choose your stone pavers, always bear in mind that they have to be solid and also durable. Prior to beginning this task, you have to make a decision if you desire your sidewalk to be a straight line or a curve one. When you chose where to place it, the shape and the dimension, it’s time to begin working with it. Initial point to do is to dig a trench to the essential depth, not greater than 20 cm. Currently, that you have the degree trench, area right into it a layer of gravel base (15 centimeters) and also a layer of sand (5 centimeters) for the bed linen. Try to portable these 2 layers just as good as feasible.
Ensure that they are degree with each various other and also push them to the sand bed linens. Take place similar to this with all your task. Do the very same with your rock medallion, reduced the stones in forms and place them similarly as the sidewalk stones. As soon as you have actually done this part, sweep sand around your laid stones, in order to load right into the joints. To enhance the aesthetic results, you could spread grass seeds right into the joints. Aim to pick the traffic area, to ensure that you, your family or your pursuits will walk exactly this way. Let the pavers do your work: directing the actions to those locations that you want to be seen. There are various kinds of paving materials that could be used in your yard. You can select from brick pavers, concrete pavers, all-natural stone pavers, wood pavers or turf pavers. Let’s claim you wantto use all-natural rock pavers for your pathway. They are optimal for their rustic, earthy appeal and ancient result. If you are a requiring person, you can place even a garden medallion, also made from all-natural rocks, simply to damage the sidewalk and also making it much more initial.
In order to maintain your rock pavers with each other, you have to install likewise bordering stones both for your walkway and for your medallion. When you dig your trench, eliminate just the topsoil and the turf. Use a flat ended shovel to keep the base flat and smooth. Fill up the area with the appropriate amount of granular material. citypaving The base preparation is the most essential point of the whole task. Suitable base product and compaction are important to make your installment lasting a life time. Edge restraints are likewise extremely important. They stop the pavers from moving and relocating over the time. Currently, that you have your pavers bed linen ready, place the stones one at a time. Initially, you need to discover the place to place it. It might be in the middle of your garden or near your barbeque area. This pathway will certainly lead people from one point to one more and also it will certainly keep the area tidy, if you don’t wish to ruin the grass and the flowers. For your medallion, you could select a style that fits the ambient (a floral one, for example, and even an abstract one).
If you loved this article and also you would like to acquire more info pertaining to City Paving – visit the next web site – please visit our site.
source https://constructioncompaniesweb.wordpress.com/2017/12/04/the-10-secrets-that-you-shouldnt-know-about-paving-contractors/
0 notes
sbuxshareholder · 6 years
The 10 Secrets That You Shouldn\’t Know About paving contractors.
These are rather tiny paving blocks which fit with each other in various methods to develop an overall pattern which fits your residence and also preference. An additional prominent technique for constructing a driveway is to make use of crushed rock, or shingle, in a loose way. When a person walks on it, this is additionally great for protection as you will listen to the unique noise of the crushed rock. You could additionally go for a concrete driveway, these will certainly be cheaper to build, as well as supply a durable, long lasting surface area, however I need to say, don’t look the best compared to a block led driveway. The following step would be go and also find a great business to build it for you as soon as you have actually made your choice concerning which type of driveway you want. Locating a reliable firm could be challenging, but do your checks and also I’m sure you’ll discover an excellent local business to execute the help you.
Initially, sealing pavers need to only be attempted when the surface is completely dry and must be used just after 24 hours of installation. One need to apply them with the brush and leave the paver to completely dry for a longer duration. Second coat is required; the time void in between the very first and also the second need to be more than 24 hrs if you believe. Typically recommended, relying on their state, sealing pavers should be tried every 2 to 3 years. So, if you think that you possess that ideal place with remarkable beauty, keep in mind that such appeal needs defense! To maintain that beauty, one does not have to look additionally compared to a paving sealant to supply tranquility of mind! Is the service provider licensed and adhered? What does it cost? liability insurance coverage does the paving service provider carry? If relevant, is the specialist’s crew licensed to do the work? Does the contractor have a reputable credit ranking? Does the proposal plainly define the work to be done and approximated price? Know your rights and also obligations as a customer before contracting the exercise. A reliable paving service provider will certainly function hard to satisfy every client by offering the very best and also most seasoned personnel.
Finally, you prepare to begin the real paving part of the task. This procedure is usually finished by a dump vehicle, which unloads the asphalt into the hopper of an asphalt paver. The asphalt paver will certainly screed the asphalt product to the preferred quality and thickness. After the asphalt has actually been laid, it will certainly should be compacted making use of a roller compactor. The roller compactor will compact the asphalt material into location, giving it much more sturdiness against day to day tear and use. Peyton Stallings is a lifetime Atlanta general and resident specialist.
They are flexible
What are the advantages of an asphalt driveway vs concrete or permeable/interlocking pavers
Make Sure The Company Understands Your Specifications & Measurements
Gravel Driveway – # 1 – Most Ongoing Maintenance
Stay clear of service providers that just offer to overlays
Tidy, tidy and after that clean some more
Make Certain that the Contractor is Experienced Enough
Total fulfillment with any type of and all job finished
House renovating contractors are available for jobs from the big to the tiny. Cooking area remodeling, cabinet substitutes, roof covering work from shingles to spots, and also every little thing between, a check out your city will certainly supply you with a myriad of house remodeling contractors just waiting to help you in your most recent venture. But ways to find them? One choice to consider in situating your following home redesigning specialists is a little bit on the old made side yet still generates some outcomes. Generally, I have had excellent luck with belows over the years with a few noteworthy exemptions. Problem: Not showing up on time. Not all subs are the greatest schedulers when there is a problem, you’re possibly not on top of their checklist. Also, they might run out community or bankrupt by the time you need them. Solution: Give them a direct a couple of days to a week prior to you will require them.
Here are some tips which will enable you to ask some intelligent questions as you talk to asphalt contractors: https://drycoconstruction.wordpress.com/2017/09/15/here-are-some-tips-which-will-enable-you-to-ask-some-intelligent-questions-as-you-talk-to-asphalt-contractors/ …
— DRYCO Construction (@DRYCO_Inc) September 15, 2017
https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.jsProbably you have an existing deck surface area that is cracking as well as cracking with mold and mildew and water drainage problems. When considering what item to pick for your remodel is exactly how it will hold up over time, the primary issue. Thin pavers are the only irreversible option on the market today. The factor pavers are taken into consideration a permanent service is due to the intrinsic longevity of the product and the reality that they are not really complied with the existing surface, but instead float over the deck. Inspect likewise whether your possible carrier is properly licensed. Keep in mind that licensing is essential in every endeavor. Make certain the individual is certified to operate in your state. You additionally should confirm the validity of their licenses before you comprise your mind. Prevent companies that are neither qualified nor licensed. Insurance policy cover is also crucial. It readies to function with somebody who is sufficiently covered. Note that your house may be damaged or the professional obtains wounded while undertaking your task. So, you require a well-covered person to ensure that any kind of damage to home or individual injuries will certainly be made up by the insurer. Find out more concerning Things To Consider When Choosing A Contractor For Paving Phoenix.
When you have your pavers setup full, the pavers need to be brushed up, then compressed and also clean, in order to settle them right into the bed linens training course. Do not worry, the compactor will not harm the stones. Contribute to all these an adequate water drainage. For this, the pavers need to slope far from any structure or the home close by, to enable water drain. It is extremely important to cleanse the rock pavers usually, this will certainly maintain the appearance of your paved area. Utilizing stone pavers in your yard could develop a original as well as one-of-a-kind setting for you, for your family members and also for your pursuits. Pavers will make any type of yard to look more attractive. You could utilize them for a walkway, a driveway or a course. They could likewise add worth to your home. However most of all this, just consider just how much Mother Nature provides us and exactly how little we provide it in return. This can be the least we can do – to secure it by ourselves and also to value all the presents it gives us.
When you choose your stone pavers, always bear in mind that they have to be solid and also durable. Prior to beginning this task, you have to make a decision if you desire your sidewalk to be a straight line or a curve one. When you chose where to place it, the shape and the dimension, it’s time to begin working with it. Initial point to do is to dig a trench to the essential depth, not greater than 20 cm. Currently, that you have the degree trench, area right into it a layer of gravel base (15 centimeters) and also a layer of sand (5 centimeters) for the bed linen. Try to portable these 2 layers just as good as feasible.
Ensure that they are degree with each various other and also push them to the sand bed linens. Take place similar to this with all your task. Do the very same with your rock medallion, reduced the stones in forms and place them similarly as the sidewalk stones. As soon as you have actually done this part, sweep sand around your laid stones, in order to load right into the joints. To enhance the aesthetic results, you could spread grass seeds right into the joints. Aim to pick the traffic area, to ensure that you, your family or your pursuits will walk exactly this way. Let the pavers do your work: directing the actions to those locations that you want to be seen. There are various kinds of paving materials that could be used in your yard. You can select from brick pavers, concrete pavers, all-natural stone pavers, wood pavers or turf pavers. Let’s claim you wantto use all-natural rock pavers for your pathway. They are optimal for their rustic, earthy appeal and ancient result. If you are a requiring person, you can place even a garden medallion, also made from all-natural rocks, simply to damage the sidewalk and also making it much more initial.
In order to maintain your rock pavers with each other, you have to install likewise bordering stones both for your walkway and for your medallion. When you dig your trench, eliminate just the topsoil and the turf. Use a flat ended shovel to keep the base flat and smooth. Fill up the area with the appropriate amount of granular material. citypaving The base preparation is the most essential point of the whole task. Suitable base product and compaction are important to make your installment lasting a life time. Edge restraints are likewise extremely important. They stop the pavers from moving and relocating over the time. Currently, that you have your pavers bed linen ready, place the stones one at a time. Initially, you need to discover the place to place it. It might be in the middle of your garden or near your barbeque area. This pathway will certainly lead people from one point to one more and also it will certainly keep the area tidy, if you don’t wish to ruin the grass and the flowers. For your medallion, you could select a style that fits the ambient (a floral one, for example, and even an abstract one).
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Source: https://constructioncompaniesweb.wordpress.com/2017/12/04/the-10-secrets-that-you-shouldnt-know-about-paving-contractors/
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taafka-invisible · 7 years
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Please find a few to watch
1 — “Free Angela & All Political Prisoners” (2013) 2 — Another Shola Lynch film, “Chisholm ’72: Unbought & Unbossed” (2004) 3 — “Audre Lorde – The Berlin Years 1984 to 1992” (2012) 4 — “Taking Root: The Vision of Wangari Maathai” (2008) 5 — “Beah: A Black Woman Speaks” (2003) 6 — “Zora Neale Hurston: Jump at the Sun” (2008) 7 — “Alice Walker: Beauty in Truth” (2013) 8 — “Moms Mabley: I Got Somethin’ to Tell You” (2013) 9 — “Queen Nanny: Legendary Maroon Chieftainess” (2015) 10 — “Maya Angelou: And Still I Rise” (2016)
11 — “T-Rex” (2016)
12 — “A Ballerina’s Tale” (2015)
13 — “Iron Ladies of Liberia” (2007)
14 — “The Real Shirley Bassey” (2001)
15 — “Life’s Essentials with Ruby Dee” (2014)
See descriptions of each one here:  http://shadowandact.com/2017/03/28/15-documentaries-about-black-women-to-watch-as-womens-history-month-comes-to-an-end/
16-  Nina Simone:  "What Happened, Miss Simone?"  (Netflix) I had already put the "Strong Black Woman" stereotype away as far as being something I aspired to. But this really put the nails in Strong Black Woman's coffin for me. I highly recommend watching this one. 17-  Ruby McCollum: "You Belong To Me"  (Amazon Prime) Though this documentary is far from perfect. I might buy it to add to my black history collection.  
  McCollum's story takes place during a period not talked about too much in Black History books except for the Black Renaissance. But it would have been better if black women had total control of producing it. I stopped and started it a few times to make sure I had a full picture of what was happening during the police investigation.  However, you'll get the full picture of what happened after this black woman killed a white doctor in a southern town in the 1950s if you know your black history and can read between the lines. You'll also have a better understanding of what black women were/are going through between the end of slavery to the end of The Civil Rights Movement and beyond. McCollum's son speaks about his mother, in very sexist terms, at the very end of the documentary. But his attempt to defend (the white doctor or his father or men in general)  doesn't take away from the story that's told.  (Last seen on Amazon Prime) 18- Fannie Lou Hamer - "This Little Light Of Mine" (???) (I've seen a very short documentary on Hamer. I'm pretty sure this is not it. It looks like it's been praised quite a bit and is being sold to schools. If your kid says they're showing it at their school, make sure you go "visit" that day because it's expensive if it's not on Netflix or Hulu.) 19-  "All Jokes Aside: Black Women In Comedy"  (New From VH1)
This features a host of talented ladies—including Martin’s Tichina Arnold and Insecure‘s Yvonne Orji—discussing how they deal with racism, sexism and the lack of representation in the industry. -  http://people.com/tv/black-women-in-comedy-documentary-vh1/
20- "Venus and Serena"  (NETFLIX)
"Ever since Venus and Serena Williams started playing in tennis tournaments, they've provoked strong reactions - from awe and admiration to suspicion and resentment. They've been winning championships for over a decade, pushing the limits of longevity in such a demanding sport. How long can they last? In Venus & Serena, we gain unprecedented access into their lives during the most intimidating year of their career. Over the course of 2011, Venus grappled with an energy-sapping autoimmune disease while Serena battled back from a life-threatening pulmonary embolism. Neither Venus nor Serena let their adversities hold them back. They drew their greatest strength from each other."
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