#They spend all their time talking shit about their wives and saying “I'd rather be fishing” like they're robots
kthulhu42 · 19 days
My husband was refused time off by his work to attend a bunch of my medical appointments with me
Every time they'd say no, and praise him for being a "team player" and working so hard, and "That job coming up in May would be a real boost to your salary"
They fired him today.
They forced him to work the evening of our first wedding anniversary. They forced him to miss my medical appointments - not just when I needed emotional support, but when it was life-changing information. And they did it by dangling a job in front of him like a carrot on a stick, because they knew he couldn't afford to say no.
Fuck corporations. Fuck loyalty to those utter bastards. They're not human.
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theageofsims · 29 days
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The Age of Sims 2.7 - Part 20- “We'll See”
"Look who it is."
William didn't turn around, but knew the man behind him was only there to cause him trouble.
"Thought you were told not to come 'round here no more." He said, scolding him like a child. "Folks see you 'round here -- they're not gonna like it."
William did his best to ignore Brooklyn, but he kept at it until his words had settled right into William's mind, chest, and stomach. Before he knew it, he was putting Noah down onto the ground, telling him the play in the sand while he went to have a chat.
"Uncle Will's f-fri...end."
"He's no friend." He said before leaving Noah in the sand.
"Man that's cute -- you out here with your son, enjoying the day. His mom must be back at the mansion, laid out on some silk sheets. Short hair, blonde -- am I right? Gloria know about her, I mean, hell -- I know about her--"
"What do you want?"
Brooklyn shrugged, "Just making conversation. So what's it like? You gotta know the difference -- or are you one of those guys? 'They're all pink in the middle'. You can tell me -- man to man."
"Look -- I came here to spend the day with my nephew--"
"You came here to see Gloria."
"I came here to do both!" He shot back, "And to answer your question -- yes, Gloria knows about the blonde woman staying at my house. She's my nephew's mother."
"Wow, white folks be doing all sorts of freaky shit, but I can't say I'm surprised -- well, not about y'all, but about Gloria..."
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William couldn't stand seeing his smile across his face.
"You're a wizard aren't you? No wait, a scientist -- that's riiiiiight." Brooklyn applauded himself for remembering. "Been meaning to ask you what type of shit you must be giving Gloria time to time to have her doped up on your sister wives bullshit--"
"Fuck off."
"Excuse me?"
"FUCK... OFF." William repeated as loud and clear as he could without Noah hearing.
"I thought we had an understanding -- an agreement."
"You want to start shit with me? Do it when I haven't got my nephew with me."
"Hey man, no need to get defensive. I'm just trying to figure you out."
"No you're not." William cut right through the bullshit. "You've done nothing, but assume shit about me, my life, and the people in it. Who do you think you're fucking talking to and about who -- Gloria?" He blinked. "Really?"
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"Whoa man, hey man -- slow your roll. You know damn well you shouldn't be talking like that to anybody that looks like me 'round here -- 'round any damn place."
"Oh yeah?" William asked, challenging.
"You shouldn't be here. You've got a shit ton of parks where you live -- not to mention that whole suburban, gated community type of vibe they've created for white folks--"
"Look -- I've been coming here for years now--
"You should come somewhere else -- go come where you always were coming before you found out about this place and decided to unload onto the first Black woman you could find."
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William snapped at that point, his filthy comment rippled under his skin and he lost it in that second. So much so, Noah was startled and his focus turned to his Uncle rather than the sand he was told to play in.
"I'm not fucking going anywhere -- ya got that?" He blinked hard, "If you don't like it then tough shit. Tough fucking shit."
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"If I can get you jumpin' like this, imagine what more like me would do to you..." Brooklyn watched him closely, almost studying him. "When the pressure's on... oh it'll be on and just how are you gonna react when that happens?"
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"Leave... me... the fuck... alone." William said, wanting to end the conversation at that very moment. "You leave me the fuck alone otherwise you'll be sorry. I'm not gonna stand back and take this fucking shit any longer -- ya got that?!"
At this point William's had voice had rose to much higher levels, but he didn't care who heard him at this point or just how threatening he sounded.
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"Hey man... loosen up. No need to be so uptight... just thought I'd say hi to my neighbor is all." Brooklyn said gently, making it so his approach was far less threatening and easy going to anyone near by, especially Noah. "You might wanna think about dialing back on your temper though... don't want that kid of yours to grow up some hateful white man 'cause in this world they're always suspect number one when some massive shit goes down -- but what am I saying -- do they really pay the price? Society usually feels sorry for them and gives them a pat on the back."
"How about you worry about your daughters." William suggested.
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That struck a nerve in Brooklyn that caused him to nearly see red. "The fuck is that supposed to mean?"
"It means what it means." William stated, "It means mind your fucking business."
"I worry about my daughters every damn minute of the day -- got to because there's a whole world out there full of people like you who don't give a fuck what happens to them!" He tossed his head to the sky and laughed coldly, "But look who I'm talking to. You don't give a fuck what happens to people like us -- you just use us for your own advantage."
"I haven't used anyone."
"Right. It was out of the kindness of your heart to find a place like this and open a clinic."
"I had every intention to supply the community with medical health with based on my scientific research and formulas."
"Guinea pigs."
"I haven't experimented on any human being or given them a diagnosis -- I am a scientist, not a medical doctor."
"Doesn't make you better than anybody else."
"I never said I was better than anybody else!" William snapped, "Jesus Christ, the clinic was burnt to the fucking ground not even a year after it was opened -- what in the literal fuck are you still complaining about? I got the message -- I didn't reopen because I finally got the fucking message!"
"Yet you can't get the other message."
It took William a minute or two to get what Brooklyn meant.
"They are two different things. My clinic was my work, Gloria isn't." He paused for a moment, "There's no chance I'm gonna 'get' the message about her."
"Is that right?"
"Yeah -- that's right." William confirmed.
"Yeah well -- we'll see about that." He shrugged before taking a few steps backwards, but keeping his focus on William. "We'll see about that."
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It was a lingering threat that made William want to address, but he was happier having Brooklyn finally leave him alone.
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resmarted · 5 months
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kind of missed doing readings but do not miss the wicked mother figures who can't handle hearing the truth about how their sons hate their wives and are just appeasing them through holidays before they escape with a clean break. this is most holiday readings but in general old ladies cannot possibly fathom their adult children being able to lie to them or pretend they would rather cut their dicks off than be around their bitch wives anymore. they're always so condescending and are like ha sorry but you're wrong no offense. i remember this one lady doing that and i was like is that your granddaughter that came right before you? her entire reading was about her parents getting a divorce. having an only child seems like the way to go bc they're all so nice and well behaved and they're so naive they never have a clue about the reality of what's actually going on w their parents. siblings are more savvy and can figure shit out together, overhear more and exchange info and gossip etc. only children are very innocent even during late stages of adulthood they're like my parents are my best friends! it's very sweet but also very awkward when they have no drama of their own and i'm the one that ends up telling them about the upcoming changes to their family dynamic which they can't fathom bc hiding shit from your only child is very easy like they all believe in santa at like 19 years old. anyway those experiences i do not miss but i do miss interacting one on one w people and feeling like i genuinely helped them. like i always thought i would hate this work bc i hated hearing my mom's crazy clients my whole life but it ended up being way more fulfilling than i anticipated and when people break down into tears or start gasping in shock by the accuracy over things i say that make no sense to me personally i'm always just like is this anything? does this make any sense at all?? and they're just like sobbing uncontrollably like yes!!! and helping them navigate their painful experiences like those are the really moving parts of the process. i don't miss being mistreated by employers or poor management skills from people who either don't care if the place burns to the ground or just inherited a business that they expect to run itself and can't respect the people helping operate it. nor do i miss the raging jealousy from other readers who either got the job as a farce or spend more time trying to look like they know what they're talking about than it would take to just learn the actual material and how they would shift into lord of the flies mode and target anyone that gets a half a compliment more than them and make this big loud production insisting how powerful they are etc. like the culture of spiritual groups and shops are so wack it is the most insecure people bragging about the most embarrassing things and i guess its like that in any profession but it is especially faggoty bc it's people trying to constantly prove who the most grand wizard of all is. and it's like girl calm down it's not that serious just be a normal person and talk about lrly anything else. i do miss the interaction with the actual people though and the way they would walk out and rave to their friends and the staff about how amazing the experience was. if i wasn't treated like a fucking dog by these people i'd still be there, but i digress. i really don't see myself doing this work forever i keep going back to it as a dayjob but it's not what my passion is or my life goal. talk about inheriting something that you take for granted am i right or am i right homies??
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@ligaratus asked me for Superman recommendations, which presents the rare opportunity that someone other than my girlfriend has provoked me to pull out my extensive knowledge of great Silver Age (1956 - 1969) Superman stories. Now, Superman has been in publication nonstop since 1938, but if we're being realistic, if you want the best of the best with the character, you're just going to be reading that decade of comics from beginning to end, but here are my highlights:
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Action Comics #162 (November 1951) - "It!": Superman fends off a seemingly incomprehensible fourth-dimensional entity. This one gives a solid basis for what Silver Age Superman is like, in that he lives in a world where hes already taken extensive measures in making it a better place, and so you really arent going to see him fending off the various forces of evil, but rather do increasingly weird and complex problem solving. Of course that sort of status quo gets us to now, where the only half-decent Superman villains are Lex Luthor, Brainiac, Bizarro...Mr. Mxyzptlk...Metallo...?...yeah.
Superman #76 (May 1952) - "The Mightiest Team in The World": This one is a pretty easy recommendation, as it's the very first team-up between Superman and Batman. Even though we had been getting Superman and Batman stories since World's Finest Comics started publishing in 1941, we had never gotten a story starring both of them until a decade later. This one is mainly interesting for historical reasons, but I'm not going to mention any more stories involving DC characters outside of the Superman mythos starting now.
Superman #101 (November 1955) - "The Rainbow Doom": Superman has a rainbow stuck around his body that causes whatever physical objects in his close proximity to turn to glass. This one is pretty solid because it's an early example of how engage in incredibly preposterous hoaxes to get the edge in an ongoing battle, which is to say that this is a story that involves Superman tricking everyone into thinking he's turned Lois Lane into glass i.e. killed her as one of the steps that allows him to win.
Adventure Comics #247 (April 1958) - "The Legion of Super-Heroes": This isnt a Superman story, rather a SuperBOY story. Which is to say that Superman started his heroic adventures as a child in Smallville. Anyhow, I motherfucking LOVE the Legion of Super-Heroes. This story is their first appearance, and essentially they're a club of children from the 30th century that love and adore Superboy, and go back in time to put him through arbitrary trials to see if he's cool enough to hang out with them, which they intentionally sabotage, because these are the shenanigans that elementary schoolers frequently engage in. I'm not going to bring up any other Legion appearances here because honestly I'd say read every Silver Age Legion story.
Action Comics #242 (July 1958) - "The Super-Duel in Space": This is the first appearance of Brainiac, and he's a great science fiction/horror concept of a super-intellegent computer that must learn everything and shrinks down organisms so as to extensively study them, that also just happens to fight Superman on a regular basis. This is also the first appearance of the Bottled City of Kandor, the last piece of Kryptonian civilization, and it presents one of the great dilemmas of the Silver Age, in that Superman cant figure out how to restore it in size.
Action Comics #252 (May 1959) - "The Supergirl of Krypton!": This is the first appearance of Supergirl, and she's going to occupy a similar niche as the Legion of Super-Heroes on account of the fact that I have an intense love for the character and am not going to mention any more stories involving the character because then I'd have to mention all of them.
Superman #129 (May 1959) - "The Girl in Superman's Past!": Clark reminisces about a girl he was in love with in college, Lori Lemaris, which makes the third ongoing love interest of his following Lois Lane and Lana Lang. The difference being that Lori is a mermaid from Atlantis.
Action Comics #254 (July 1959) - "The Battle With Bizarro!": This is the first appearance of Bizarro, there's not much more to it.
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Superman #141 (November 1960) - "Superman's Return to Krypton!": Superman travels through the time barrier and ends up being stuck on Krypton and struggling to find a way back before it explodes; basically one of the great tragic stories of this era.
Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #48 (November 1960) - "The Mystery of The Tiny Supermen!": Jimmy Olsen's solo series is ANOTHER case of me having to restrain myself from mentioning every issue, but this is a special case for introducing an important part of the mythos, the Superman Emergency Squad, which is where a group from Kandor all dress up like Superman and do his regular duties while he's incapacitated.
Superman #143 (February 1961) - “Bizarro Meets Frankenstein!”: Now THIS is a great Bizarro story.  Bizarro sees in a television broadcast that Frankenstein’s Monster is referred to as “The World’s Scariest Monster” and seeing as that title should belong to him, he decides to do something about it.  Which manifests in Superman having to protect the actor that plays the Monster from Bizarro.
Superman #147 (August 1961) - “The Legion of Super-Villains!”: I know I said I wouldn’t mention the Legion again but I’ll make an exception for here, where Lex Luthor travels to the future to get the assistance of their counterpart team.
Superman #149 (November 1961) - “The Death of Superman!”: This is the first Imaginary Story I’m bringing up i.e. one that isn’t “canon”.  As much as I’m not a giant fan of this incarnation of Lex Luthor, I can’t deny that this is the character at his very best.  Luthor pretends to have finally reformed so as to get an opportunity to get in close to Superman and kill him, which he actually does, leaving the rest of the world to pick up the pieces.
Superman #156 (October 1962) - “The Last Days of Superman!”: All the wacky shenanigans I’ve already written own aside, this is without any doubt the best single-issue Superman story ever written.  Superman is infected with Virus X from Krypton and given 30 days to live, and spends that time carrying out all the missions he planned to officially make the world a better place.  The moment where he carves his final words into the Moon?
Action Comics #300 (May 1963) - “Under The Red Sun!”: This is another great tragic story.  The Superman Revenge Squad (I’m not getting into them after talking at lenght about Comet) sends Superman into the year 1,000,000 A.D., with him being unable to return to the past on account of how the now red sun has stripped him of his powers.
Gets me every fucking time.
Action Comics #293 (October 1962) - “The Secret Origin of Supergirl’s Super-Horse!”: Yeah I just wanted to take this opportunity to talk about what is undoubtedly the strangest comic book character I have ever seen, Comet the Super-Horse.  He was first introduced as one of the Superpets, a legacy that got started with Krypto the Super-Dog, but here we, uh.  Learn that Comet was actually a centaur named Biron from ancient Greece who was accidently turned into a horse by Circe who tried to make up for it by giving him the powers of “ Jove, Mercury, Athena, and Neptune”, and then he’s sent into the distant future (our present) and outer space by an evil wizard.  Also sometimes a comet comes by the Earth that turns him into a complete human with amnesia that goes on to date Supergirl even though most of the time he’s a horse that she owns.  Yeah.  Any time someone tries to bring up how weird comics are without knowing who Comet is, they ain’t seen shit yet.
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Superman #162 (July 1963) - “The Amazing Story of Superman-Red and Superman-Blue!”: This is probably the most famous Imaginary Story, with Superman being fed up that he can’t solve all the world’s problems, so he uses a machine to increase his intelligence that ends up splitting him into two separate Supermen that are now capable of doing everything Superman wanted.  Also one marries Lois and one marries Lana.  It’s great.
Action Comics #304 (September 1963) - “The Interplanetary Olympics!”: This one is pretty simple, Superman is chosen as Earth’s representative in the Interplanetary Olympics where it seems everyone is stronger than he is.
Superman #164 (October 1963) - “The Showdown Between Luthor and Superman!”: Another simple one; Superman and Lex Luthor engage in a boxing match on a planet with a red sun.
Superman #167 (February 1964) - “The Team of Luthor and Brainiac!”: Says it in the title.
Superman’s Girlfriend Lois Lane #51 (August 1964) - “The Three Wives of Superman!”: Last Imaginary Story, and this one’s a doozy.  Superman marries and becomes widowed to Lois Lane, Lana Lang, and Lori Lemaris in a quick succession.
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