#This isn’t ship art I just think Virgil and Patton would be besties actually
razzledazzle-pop · 5 months
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It’s been literal years but someone said they liked my old Virgil design and I felt compelled to do an updated take on how I would stylize him. Anyways. My design notes r like: “Hair highlights gotta look like little bat wings. Trust.”
Other personal headcanons/design things:
I think he’s the tallest of the sides, but has a slouching problem and loses like half a foot from it. Part of it is he also feels like he comes off as less intimidating sometimes if he makes himself smaller.
Has eight eyes but covers the smaller ones up with eyeshadow. The ones directly under his “main” eyes are too big/uncomfortable to hide. Despite having so many eyes, his eyesight is actually Quite Bad.
Has heterochromia (the other eyes are green but you can’t tell from this because his bangs are covering them 💀).
Back when he first started showing up in videos, it was because Janus and Remus sent him (their source being it couldn’t be them, bc with Roman and Remus it’s on sight, and the other sides don’t trust a word out of Janus’ mouth). Until then, Virgil had never really interacted with the other Sides. They knew Anxiety was lurking around but had no concept of what he looked like and Virgil Liked It That Way.
Janus and Remus are freaky in their own way but Virgil probably looks the most uncanny of the bunch.
He’s not used to holding a different shape for prolonged periods of time so his energy levels are always Ass.
Logan has noticed this and knows something is going on.
Roman, Post Accepting Anxiety: You know…You look surprisingly normal…I mean you have an extra set of eyes but that’s pretty tame.
Virgil, hiding his extra arms and eyes and mandibles and—: yeah. Haha I’m so normal :) It’s kind of crazy how normal I am actually.
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