dindjarindiaries · 8 hours
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ash-and-starlight · 1 year
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so... you said your captain dysmorphia fic is gonna be messy... what kind of messy is it and how much should i mentally prepare myself? are you aiming for some emotionally damaging cry your heart out angst or is this messy in a kinky way or...????
and the camgirl au!!! will we see other guys like nigel mcguinness or homicide? i personally find homicide to be the naturally funniest out of all of them tbh hehe!
also tell me what saMEOWa joe's like in this au and if she gets along with ace since yanno... they both love the same punk
Aight aight sooo, going in order
I have suddenly discovered that there is much opportunity for fic abut CM Punk and his many self image issues so Yes and yes. There will be an emotionally messy one and one that's the other kind. You know. Like you personally. Might be a series, WHO fucking knows.
Girl Nigel is absoLUTELY happening, I cannot wait to talk about her oh my god, and D is slated to be Low Ki's crazy bitch ex. Like Ki goes around calling her Homicide and everyone's like "why do you call her Homicide?" and she explains "because she tried to fucking KILL me, I moved in so fast because I needed to skip town". She will be making an appearance.
And Joeeeeee, god, Joe... Everyone's character will go through a lot of changes throughout the fics but hers is one of my favorites. She's coming in as an already established talent (started on the west coast, did some work in Japan with Ki and all). She's a steadying force around the house but also the life of the party. And you know how prevalent Joe's daddy kink is? Yeah I didn't genderbend that, it's not a mommy kink. The girls call her daddy, it's pretty epic. So yeah, just imagine his actual transition from kitten to daddy. It's like that.
But about Ace, ooh. Ace scouted her and Ki from the same place, a dvd they did that a friend of hers showed to her. I based it off of their APW King of the Indies match. You'll see I do that a lot, basing sex scenes on matches I like. BUT ANYWAY, Ace has an appreciation for all her girls and she likes when they get along because that means better chemistry in videos (except for Joe and Ki because when they get at each other's throats...there are casualties man...it's HOT), so she never minds that Punk and Joe start getting very close. Punk may be Ace's favorite but she always lets her do what she wants.
And it's funny that you bring up her kitty cat-ness, she and Punk do a special one year for Halloween where Joe is a tiger and Punk is the bloody victim getting mauled but like...it's sex. They do a couple of these actually, one with Joe in a boiler suit and slasher mask and Punk as, once again, her bloody victim. Punk also plays the victim in one of Mox's sexual torture red room style mock snuff vids. Can you sense a theme here?
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sagemoderocklee · 2 years
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absolutely love to see that we managed to get GaaLee to the most popular Gaara and Rock Lee ship on AO3. We did it joeeeeee!
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