#Yeah Lionheart becomes Lionstar
hyperdeath999 · 9 months
Heart, Mind, Body, Soul (1a)
Heart, Mind, Body, Soul is an AU I have literally just got a plot for after designing side plots and characters for a WHILE. The plot sorta follows the original books, it has a bit of the Cheeteh Z AU and the Mr. Fear AU while still having it's own thing. Here's the Into the Wild story for this AU underneath the keep reading.
Rusty is two-moons-old when the clan cats find him, essentially being Tiny in this world(Same relationship as Tiny and Socks and Ruby but he's good with Princess).
He is met by Tigerclaw and Spottedleaf instead of Graypaw, because Graypaw is still a kit. Tigerclaw has Dissociative identity disorder(remember this, it will be important, the personality that we all know him by will be called Tigerclaw and the other one be called Tigersong) and he notices that Rusty seems malnourished and decides to bring him with them back to Thunderclan. Spottedleaf(She/They, all medicine cats except for the first four are partly non-binary) is okay with this because they recognize that Rusty is the prophecy cat the two were looking for.
The clan seems hesitant at first but Spottedleaf explains the prophecy and Bluestar renames him to Firekit. Willowpelt takes him in alongside Graykit and Darkkit, who are the same age as Firekit. Icepaw runs away from the clan after seeing Tigerclaw kill Redtail and Oakheart, leaving Ravenpaw, his brother, somewhat depressed and more reclusive.
Firekit, Graykit, and Darkkit all become apprentices. Bluestar takes Firepaw, Lionheart takes Graypaw and Darkpaw is mentored by Tigersong/claw.
Firepaw finds Yellowfang and remembers that Graypaw told him that he was adopted by Willowpelt as well, and notes that Yellowfang and Graypaw both have a more snakelike appearance. This comes back during the fire in the fourth book. Yellowfang becomes Medicine Cat after Spottedleaf dies from poisoning
Ravenpaw meets Barley and tries to get Barley to leave, but it refuses. He, Firepaw, Graypaw, and Sandpaw spend some time with Barley before Ravenpaw can finally get Barley to stay at the Windclan barn for the time being. This side-story foreshadows Icepaw and Ravenpaw's latent abilities with the undead.
Windclan gets kicked out by Brokenstar's group, but the group that was sent to go live in their camp get's killed by these strange white meteors. Tigersong admits in secret to Firepaw his ability with inanimate objects and that he killed those warriors. Firepaw keeps it a secret until Forest of Secrets. he also tells Firepaw of the DID and tells him that he's got a plan to prevent Tigerclaw from ever becoming leader. The plan also takes place in Forest of Secrets.
Lionheart never actually dies until the end of Sunset in The New Prophecy.
The book ends with Firepaw, Graypaw, Sandpaw, Ravenpaw, Dustpaw, and Darkpaw and becoming warriors. Their names change to Firewish, Graystrike, Sandstorm, Raventalon, Dustwind, and Darkeye.
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