#a hint of robin x heather bc i love them
every-dayiwakeup · 2 years
For the beautiful @suspiciouslackofclowns 😘 (the world is a lot brighter when I get your asks 🥰)
The World's A Little Brighter (Modern! AU)
Tw: mentioned and implied abuse, body insecurities, two dumb boys in love, Neil Hargrove(mentioned), cheesy pick up lines, anxiety
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“It’s hot as a motherfucker,” Steve groans, stealing a glance at Billy, who still hasn’t taken off his Metallica hoodie, despite beads of sweat dripping from his damp tawny locks onto the black fabric. Only a mad man would wear that to the beach.
Come to think of it, Steve hasn’t seen him shirtless yet. Whether they’re making out in Steve’s bed or a broom closet, the lights are off and Billy’s clothes stay on. Some boyfriend Steve is. But are they boyfriends? They haven’t actually put a name on whatever they’re doing. All Steve knows is when he’s around Billy, the world’s a little brighter.
“S’ not so bad,” mutters Billy, putting down his makeshift fan.
“You’re gonna get a heatstroke,” Heather says, sounding very un-Heather-like.
Billy merely shrugs, and she bonks Steve over the head with her magazine before jogging over to try her newest pick-up line on a bemused Robin. He swears Heather and Billy were twins in another life. Or they co-wrote Notice Me, Bitch, a handbook for pulling your crushes pigtails until they’re aware of your existence.
Steve never needed the peacocking, though. He would rather eat rocks than admit it aloud, but Billy Hargrove stole his attention before that infamous mouth even uttered a word. Steve was a lucky bastard, getting to be the one to kiss those cherry lips. One taste would never satisfy Steve’s cravings. Billy was insatiable.
Right now, though, he was clearly in discomfort. Steve wasn’t all too good at the nonsexual aspects of relationships, but for Billy, it was worth a try.
“If I left a hickey in plain sight or… if it’s… Neil…”
Billy grinds his teeth. “He’s too smart to leave marks. Wasn’t you, either, Pretty Boy.”
At least he’s talking. Keep him talking. “Gnarly waves today, dude.”
A giggle escapes Billy before he claps a mortified hand over his mouth. Cute.
“That bad, huh?” Steve says, grinning.
“Was that your best, Harrington?”
“How dare you? I’m in my beginner’s stage!”
“Duolingo isn’t charging you for those lessons, I hope,” Billy jabs, loosening up a little.
“Ouch. You totally crushed my vibe. You’re harshing my mellow, dude. Not cool, man, not cool.”
Billy keels over laughing, slapping his thigh.
“A refund, then?” Steve jokes, poking his side.
Billy goes quiet, hugging his knees close.
Steve thinks he may know what’s going on. Still, it’s better to be sure. “Body Blues Day, Bills?”
Billy nods, sniffling. “I wanted to surf, but… I don’t look good.”
“Is this you or Neil talking?”
“I wish it was just him. The mirror tells me shitty things, and I know you said they’re lies, Stevie, I try to ignore them. W-when people stare at me, it makes it worse.”
“Did Neil say anything to you?”
“Doesn’t matter.”
“Yes, it does!”
Billy jumps at his tone, and Steve takes a deep breath, in through his nose, out through his mouth like his therapist told him.
“Jesus, if I’m shitting on your summer with my crap feelings, no one’s holding you hostage. I’d hate to harsh your mellow, Harrington,” Billy sneers, looking away.
“I don’t think your feelings are crap,” Steve says, keeping his volume on the down low so as to not startle Billy further into his shell.
“Oh, spare me. You needed a rebound for Wheeler, is all. It’s not like we’re in love or anything-”
“And if one of us was, would that change anything?” Steve blurts before he can stuff a fist into his mouth.
“W-well, yeah I guess, but-”
“Then I do.”
“I love you.”
Billy snorts loudly. “Maybe the heat’s getting to me. I’m hallucinating or some shit…”
“Bills. I. Love. You. Now please, let me take off your hoodie before the boy I love passes out.”
“You won’t like what you see, just a disclaimer,” Billy stubbornly insists.
“Can I be the one to make that determination?” Steve says, swallowing the extremely ill-timed I’ve jacked off thinking about this moment.
“Fine,” Billy spits, “Take it off.”
“Are you sure-”
“Today, Steve! Before I change my mind.”
Billy puts his arms up, stiff as a board as Steve slips the hoodie over his head, tossing it aside.
“Better? Why you wore black, babe, I’ll never-”
The sight before him is nothing short of heavenly; Billy’s hair a golden halo in the sunlight, thick tanned thighs that Steve knows are strong enough to crush a watermelon (and hopefully one day Steve’s head), a nice round tummy resting on those sinful thighs. Damn.
“Don’t ask me the color of anything,” Steve says, gaping shamelessly.
“My big, dumb belly kinda covers the outfit, I know,” Billy begins, starting to tremble. “‘S ugly, like I told you-”
“No, no, no, baby, your tummy’s not dumb or ugly!”
“You were staring. I look hideous, don’t I, Steve? Don’t-don’t lie!” Billy sobs, hugging himself tighter.
“Your swim trunks are red,” Steve says calmly. “They have surfboards on them.”
Billy nods, his breathing slowing a bit. He still won’t look at Steve, but it’s a start.
“They look really good on you, which isn’t a surprise because everything looks good on my boyfriend.”
Billy stops crying, oceanic eyes taking up his hopeful face.
“You-you called me your boyfriend.”
Oh no. Was this whole thing a mistake? Can he delete Billy’s memory of the last ten minutes?
“If you don’t want-”
“You’re an idiot, Steve,” Billy says fondly.
Steve smiles back, relieved.
“Yes, but I’m your idiot.”
“I really do like your swim trunks.”
“They look better on my floor, though.”
Billy swats Steve’s chest, snickering. “The worst thing you’ve ever said to date, Harrington.”
“Back to surnames? That’s low, Hargrove.”
When their hyena laughs die down, Billy takes Steve’s hand and places it on his tummy. “Are you sure this is what you want?” he asks, shy and uncertain.
Steve will just have to meet him halfway, then. “I’ve never wanted anything more.”
“Holloway!” Billy calls out, “Steve’s gonna be my ride, so you better find one of your own!”
“She’s riding with me, Blondie!” Robin hollers back.
“We just got here,” Steve whines. "What about surfing?"
Billy guides Steve's hand from his tummy to his crotch. “Your floor is real lonely, I hear.”
Steve’s never driven home faster.
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